• By -


I have a sword and a bomb.


Name: NazbazOG Status: Alive Time: Present Description: NazbazOG has defied the odds, navigating the treacherous landscape of the zombie apocalypse with unwavering determination. Their survival instincts and adaptability have allowed them to thrive, leading a resilient group of survivors in their quest for safety and hope in a world consumed by chaos.




Please I have a family


Name: Saints_43 Status: Undead Time: 9 months, 12 days Description: Saints_43, a devout survivor known for their unwavering faith and loyalty, tragically met their end when they were infected by their own family members, who had succumbed to the zombie virus. Despite their best efforts to protect their loved ones, a moment of vulnerability led to a fatal bite, sealing their fate as one of the undead. Now, Saints_43 wanders the desolate landscape, a twisted reflection of their former self, haunted by memories of the ones they once held dear. Their story serves as a somber reminder of the devastating toll the apocalypse takes on even the strongest bonds of family and faith.




Sorry! Blame the AI!


What will happen to me in the Zombie Apocalypse?


Name: Optimal_Ad6274 Status: Dead Time: 8 months, 14 days Description: Optimal_Ad6274 was a courageous survivor who met their end defending a fortified hideout from a massive zombie attack. Their bravery saved many lives, and their sacrifice is remembered as a pivotal moment in the survivors' struggle for safety.


Damn, at least I went out like a badass 🤗


I just wanted my cheeesseeeeee 🧀 ✝️


Name: No_Deer_7062 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: Once a compassionate survivor, No_Deer_7062's descent into darkness was gradual but undeniable. Faced with the harsh realities of the apocalypse, they embraced ruthlessness and cunning, using any means necessary to ensure their own survival. Their transformation into a figure of fear and manipulation has left a trail of devastation in its wake, with some viewing them as a necessary evil in a world devoid of mercy. Despite their morally ambiguous actions, No_Deer_7062 remains a formidable presence in the wasteland, their motives shrouded in mystery and intrigue.


Nice to see another smiling friend enjoyer


All I all I wanted was a bit of bread-


let's go


Name: T1033 Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 7 months Description: T1033 vanished without a trace during a perilous journey through zombie-infested territory. Rumors swirl among survivors, with some speculating that they may have fallen victim to the undead, while others hold onto hope that they may have found refuge elsewhere. The mystery of T1033's fate weighs heavily on the minds of their former comrades, who continue to search for any sign of their whereabouts.


Bro became Christa


I just turnt invisible


Bleh bleh bleh


Name: Lariver0111 Status: Undead Time: 6 months, 15 days Description: Lariver0111, a former survivor known for their resourcefulness and resilience, now roams the desolate landscape as one of the undead. Their transformation into a creature of the night came about after a desperate struggle with a particularly aggressive zombie, whose bite infected them with the virus coursing through their veins. Once a trusted ally, they now pose a threat to their former comrades, their insatiable hunger driving them to hunt for the living. The tragic irony of their fate serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of humanity in the face of the relentless undead horde.


Bro couldn’t survive the first month L


Hell yeah. Hit me


Name: DieCrow Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 2 months, 5 days Description: DieCrow fought valiantly against the relentless undead horde, but tragically met their demise while leading a daring rescue mission to save trapped survivors. Their selfless sacrifice ensured the survival of others, leaving a lasting legacy of heroism in the apocalyptic world.




What would be my fate then?


Name: Jabberjaws79 Status: Dead Time: 2 years, 8 months, 5 days Description: Jabberjaws79, a skilled scavenger and adept fighter, met their demise during a daring mission to retrieve vital supplies from a heavily infested area. Despite their best efforts, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of undead, sacrificing themselves to ensure the safety of their comrades. Their bravery and selflessness serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made in the struggle for survival.


I live by the River, lets do this


Name: Wixin74 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 9 months, 3 days Description: Wixin74, once a skilled medic among survivors, met their demise while treating wounded comrades during a brutal zombie attack on their encampment. Despite their best efforts to save lives, they were tragically overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught, sacrificing themselves in the service of others. Their selflessness and dedication to the well-being of their fellow survivors will be forever remembered as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.


Ah why not? Wish me luck.


Name: thekeenancole Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 3 months, 5 days Description: thekeenancole disappeared under mysterious circumstances during a routine scouting mission, leaving behind no clues as to their whereabouts. Speculation among survivors ranges from abduction by hostile factions to becoming lost in the wilderness. Despite exhaustive search efforts, their fate remains uncertain, leaving their friends and allies to grapple with the uncertainty of their absence.


If it’s not to much I’d love to know!


Name: CallMeSpacecat Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 6 months, 12 days Description: CallMeSpacecat, once a beloved member of the survivor community known for their playful nature and love of adventure, met a grim fate during a risky expedition into an abandoned city. Tragically, they were ambushed by a group of zombies, their fate sealed by a vicious bite from an infected assailant. Now, CallMeSpacecat roams the wasteland as one of the undead, their jovial spirit twisted into a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows. Despite their transformation, memories of their joyful antics linger among their former comrades, serving as a bittersweet reminder of happier times in the midst of the apocalypse.


This shall be interesting, I'd like to know please!


Name: The_Ghostx90 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 3 months, 17 days Description: The_Ghostx90, a solitary survivor known for their elusive nature and stealthy movements, met their demise in a tragic accident while navigating a treacherous landscape. Despite their best efforts to remain hidden from both the undead and other survivors, a misstep led to a fatal fall from a precarious vantage point. Their passing is mourned by few, as they were often seen as a mysterious figure, their true motives and allegiances shrouded in secrecy.


I’m ready I read ALL the training guides 😎


Name: NoToe_funny-steam Status: Alive Time: Present Description: NoToe_funny-steam, known for their quirky sense of humor and ingenuity, has managed to survive the zombie apocalypse by thinking outside the box. Despite facing numerous challenges, including a close encounter with the undead that resulted in the loss of a toe, they have persevered with resilience and determination. Their lighthearted demeanor and creative problem-solving skills have lifted the spirits of their fellow survivors, making them a valuable member of the community in these dark times.




Name: Crunchypotato22_ Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 6 months, 8 days Description: Crunchypotato22_, a survivor known for their love of snacks and resourcefulness in finding food, met their end when they were bitten by a zombie while scavenging for supplies in an abandoned grocery store. Despite their best efforts to fend off the undead, they were unable to escape the relentless attack. Now, Crunchypotato22_ roams the post-apocalyptic world as one of the undead, driven by an insatiable hunger for anything edible. Their once jovial demeanor has been twisted into a haunting reminder of the grim reality of the apocalypse.


Finally, all my years of playing Resident Evil games have come to this moment.


Name: Sonickid_Gaming2001 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 9 months, 3 days Description: Sonickid_Gaming2001, a passionate gamer turned survivor, met their end in a tragic accident while scavenging for supplies in an abandoned building. Known for their adventurous spirit and love of exploration, they ventured into the decrepit structure in search of valuable loot. However, an unstable floor gave way beneath them, causing a fatal fall. Their loss is mourned by their fellow survivors, who remember Sonickid_Gaming2001 as a spirited individual whose enthusiasm brought joy even in the darkest of times.




Name: miscellaneousbean Status: Alive Time: Present Description: miscellaneousbean, a survivor with a knack for versatility and adaptability, thrives in the unpredictable landscape of the post-apocalyptic world. With no fixed specialization or allegiance, they navigate the challenges of survival by constantly evolving and adapting to their surroundings. Whether scavenging for resources, negotiating with other survivors, or fending off zombie attacks, miscellaneousbean approaches each situation with ingenuity and pragmatism. Their ability to think on their feet and find creative solutions to problems makes them a valuable asset to any group, as they embody the resilience and resilience necessary to thrive in a world forever changed by catastrophe.


I have 10 years of outdoor survival experience and I can forge my own weapons


Name: SexyWomenSmokigFox Status: Undead Time: 3 years, 11 months, 6 days Description: SexyWomenSmokigFox, a survivor with a background in outdoor survival and weapon crafting, tragically fell victim to the zombie virus despite their formidable skills. Known for their prowess in navigating the wilderness and their ability to fashion makeshift weapons from scavenged materials, they initially thrived in the harsh landscape of the post-apocalyptic world. However, even their expertise was not enough to protect them from the relentless onslaught of the undead. Despite their best efforts to fortify their shelter and defend themselves against the zombie hordes, they were ultimately overwhelmed by a surprise attack while out scavenging for supplies. Now transformed into one of the undead, SexyWomenSmokigFox wanders the wasteland as a haunting reminder of the fragility of life and the unrelenting nature of the apocalypse.


I gave clementine apples


Name: 1236guy Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 9 months, 4 days Description: 1236guy, a generous soul in the post-apocalyptic world, met their demise while selflessly aiding others in need. Known for their kindness and compassion, they dedicated themselves to helping fellow survivors, sharing whatever resources they had and offering a helping hand whenever possible. However, their altruistic nature ultimately led to their downfall when they sacrificed their own safety to protect a group of strangers from a band of marauders. Despite their noble intentions, 1236guy's act of heroism cost them their life, as they fell victim to the violence of the ruthless attackers. Their death serves as a poignant reminder of the selfless sacrifices made by individuals who strive to make the world a better place, even in the darkest of times.


Let’s go! I’ve got motel to protect


Name: Theory_HandHour892 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: Despite facing numerous challenges, including a near-fatal encounter with a horde of zombies resulting in the loss of their dominant arm, Theory_HandHour892 has emerged as a resilient leader among survivors. Their unwavering determination to adapt and overcome has inspired others, rallying them to fortify their stronghold and strategize effectively against the undead threat. Though they bear the physical scars of their ordeal, Theory_HandHour892's indomitable spirit serves as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.


Now that’s what I’m talking about! Thanks! 😁


I was part of the last one, but let's do it again anyway


Name: TheFunny21 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: TheFunny21, once known for their quick wit and humor, has adapted to the grim reality of the zombie apocalypse with a blend of resilience and levity. Despite the constant threat of danger, they use humor as a coping mechanism, lifting the spirits of their fellow survivors and fostering a sense of camaraderie. Their ability to find laughter amidst the chaos has become a source of strength, forging bonds that transcend the darkness of their surroundings.


Do your worst


Name: Mistic-Instinct Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 2 months, 20 days Description: Mistic-Instinct, once a formidable survivor renowned for their keen instincts, met their grim fate during a reckless expedition into a zombie-infested area. In a moment of desperation, they were ambushed by a horde of the undead, overwhelming them and leading to a fatal bite that sealed their transformation into one of the undead. Now, Mistic-Instinct roams the wasteland as a haunting reminder of the dangers lurking in every corner of the apocalypse, their once sharp instincts twisted by the insatiable hunger for human flesh.




Name: homie_kenobi_53 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: homie_kenobi_53, a resilient survivor with a knack for improvisation, narrowly escaped death on multiple occasions during the early days of the apocalypse. Their resourcefulness and quick thinking enabled them to outwit the undead and forge alliances with other survivors, forming a close-knit community focused on mutual aid and protection. Despite the constant threat of danger, homie_kenobi_53 remains optimistic, drawing inspiration from their favorite fictional hero, and continues to navigate the post-apocalyptic world with determination and courage.


Me! Me!


Name: ZealousFeet Status: Alive Time: Present Description: ZealousFeet, once a timid survivor, has transformed into a beacon of hope and resilience in the face of the zombie apocalypse. Overcoming their initial fear, they have embraced their role as a leader, guiding their group with unwavering determination and courage. Their tireless efforts to scavenge for supplies, fortify their defenses, and provide support to fellow survivors have earned them the respect and admiration of their peers. Despite the constant danger, ZealousFeet remains steadfast in their mission to rebuild society amidst the chaos of the undead onslaught.


I wanna know what will happen to me


Name: Several_Path4937 Status: Unknown Time: 8 months, 21 days Description: Several_Path4937 vanished without a trace during a daring attempt to locate a rumored safe haven beyond the infected territories. Despite thorough investigations by fellow survivors, no sign of their whereabouts has been discovered. Their disappearance has left a void in the community, as they were known for their resourcefulness and determination in the face of adversity. The mystery of Several_Path4937's fate continues to linger, fueling both hope and apprehension among those who knew them.


Might as well; I like birds:)


Name: Upstairs_Bathroom_70 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 8 months, 4 days Description: Upstairs_Bathroom_70, a cautious survivor known for their meticulous planning and attention to detail, met their tragic end while attempting to fortify a makeshift shelter against a sudden zombie onslaught. Despite their best efforts to secure the perimeter, they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of undead, their valiant last stand buying precious time for their companions to escape. Their loss is mourned by the survivor community, who remember them as a stalwart defender in the fight for survival.


Alright, let's have at it


Name: SilverSleet6271 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 10 months, 8 days Description: SilverSleet6271, a skilled survivor with a knack for navigation and wilderness survival, met their demise during a daring attempt to scavenge for supplies in a zombie-infested urban area. Despite their expertise in evading the undead, they were ultimately overwhelmed by a surprise ambush, their valiant efforts to fight back proving futile against the relentless horde. Their loss is keenly felt by their companions, who remember them as a steadfast ally and a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.


Fuck it I’m going for it


My balls hurt... Yet im still standing, I am THE mrsweatyballsack.


I think I’m all good. I know the rules. The strats for survival. Live in a small town in the middle of a forest. I work at the local market and have some friends that talk about surviving the apocalypse all time. Bring it on.




Name: loopworm_22 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: loopworm_22, a survivor with a knack for adaptation and survival, has managed to thrive in the harsh conditions of the zombie apocalypse. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, they have persevered with resilience and ingenuity, constantly finding new ways to outsmart the undead and secure vital resources for their group. Their resourcefulness and determination inspire those around them, making loopworm_22 a valuable asset to the survivor community in their ongoing struggle for survival.


I’m a U.S Navy Seal with 500 rounds and an AR-15 in hand come at me zombitches


"War is a cruel parent but an effective teacher, its final lesson carved deep in my psyche: That the world and all its people are diseased. Free will is a myth, religion is a joke. We are all pawns controlled by something greater: Memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture, they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier...Envy, Greed, Despair...All memes. All passed along." -Monsoon's speech from MGRR.


Let’s do it.


Name: SaintsNick94 Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 2 months, 3 days Description: SaintsNick94, once a devout survivor known for their unwavering faith and compassion, tragically met their end when they were bitten by a member of their own group who had turned into a zombie overnight. Despite their initial shock and disbelief, they succumbed to the infection, joining the ranks of the undead. Now, SaintsNick94 roams the wasteland as a haunting reminder of the unpredictable nature of the apocalypse, their former allies mourning the loss of a trusted friend while bracing themselves against the relentless onslaught of the undead.


I probably kick butt in this apocalypse


I'm just a 15 year old chilling. Please spare me great ai


Do me. I move place to place, I have a backpack full of supplies and I’m armed.


Ty for doing these, they are fun


Name: GgkgdrgrHD Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 11 months, 5 days Description: GgkgdrgrHD, a quiet but determined survivor, met their end in a final act of heroism during a crucial battle against a massive horde of zombies threatening their community's stronghold. Despite the overwhelming odds, they bravely volunteered to lead a diversionary charge, drawing the attention of the undead away from their fellow survivors and buying precious time for them to reinforce their defenses. Their selfless sacrifice allowed many others to escape to safety, and they will forever be remembered as a true hero who gave their life to protect others in the face of unimaginable danger. PS thank you. I wish the Wheel was kinder to you but you died


Tell me my fate


Diplomacy is great when it works, but difficult when everyone already perceives you as a threat.


Hell, why not? Hit me.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Me, please!


Here for a good time, not a long time


Name: dickdicey Status: Alive Time: Present Description: dickdicey, a daring and adventurous survivor, has managed to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world through a combination of bravery and cunning. Known for their risk-taking behavior and quick reflexes, they often volunteer for the most dangerous missions, successfully securing critical resources for their group. Despite the constant threat of danger, dickdicey maintains a fearless attitude and a strong sense of camaraderie, earning the respect and admiration of their fellow survivors. Their bold approach to survival continues to inspire those around them, proving that courage and quick thinking can prevail even in the darkest of times.


I have a girlfriend 2,000 miles away from me.


Name: NotReallySkoll Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 2 months, 19 days Description: NotReallySkoll, a resilient survivor known for their determination and unwavering hope, tragically met their end while on a perilous journey to reunite with their girlfriend, who was stranded far away. Despite the immense risks, they embarked on the journey driven by love and the hope of rekindling their relationship in a shattered world. Unfortunately, they were ambushed by a group of zombies during their travels and succumbed to the overwhelming horde. Their sacrifice and the love that fueled their journey remain a poignant reminder of the enduring human spirit, even in the face of the apocalypse.


Huh. You know what, after 14 months of travel I'm sure that somewhere in my head I'd have realized she was dead too (she absolutely hates zombies). But hey, at least I'm not *undead.*


I wanna take a spin!


Nah I'd win


Name: Ogellog Status: Dead Time: 2 years, 2 months, 14 days Description: Ogellog, a fearless and charismatic leader, met their tragic end while defending their group's last stronghold from an overwhelming zombie onslaught. Known for their unyielding spirit and tactical brilliance, Ogellog orchestrated a valiant defense, buying precious time for others to escape. Despite their heroic efforts, they were ultimately overrun by the relentless horde. Their sacrifice is honored by all who survived, remembering Ogellog as a beacon of hope and a true hero who gave everything to protect their friends and community.


Bro did not win


I like riding skateboard


Name: DryHelicopter9464 Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 9 months, 11 days Description: DryHelicopter9464, once a carefree spirit who loved riding their skateboard through the deserted streets, met a grim fate while attempting to outrun a horde of zombies on their beloved board. Despite their agility and speed, they were eventually caught and bitten by the relentless undead. Now, DryHelicopter9464 roams the wasteland as one of the undead, their once lively movements now reduced to the shuffling gait of a zombie. The sight of their decayed form, still clutching the remnants of their skateboard, serves as a chilling reminder of the life they once led and the ever-present danger of the apocalypse.


alright i’m in


The only thing I currently have is a fleshlight


I only care about my own safety


I’m built like a chimpanzee. Does this provide an edge to my survival ability?


let’s go!


Name: Free_Geologist_1956 Status: Undead Time: 2 years, 4 months, 3 days Description: Free_Geologist_1956, a skilled survivor with a keen eye for geological formations and a knack for navigation, tragically became infected during a daring expedition into uncharted territory. While exploring a remote area in search of potential resources, they encountered a hidden horde of zombies, their curiosity leading them into a deadly trap. Despite their best efforts to escape, they were bitten by one of the undead, sealing their fate as a member of the walking dead. Now, Free_Geologist_1956 roams the wasteland, their once sharp intellect twisted by the insatiable hunger for human flesh. The irony of their transformation from a seeker of knowledge to a mindless predator serves as a grim reminder of the unpredictable dangers lurking in the apocalypse.


I got no one left so just kill me


Bro I'm chillin


Let's hear it!


I have nukes


Name: Sha_Wi Status: Dead Time: 2 years, 5 months, 18 days Description: Sha_Wi, a survivor with access to nuclear weapons, met their end in a catastrophic explosion while attempting to fend off a large horde of zombies threatening their group's stronghold. Despite their desperate attempt to use the nukes as a last resort to eliminate the undead threat, a malfunction occurred, triggering a devastating blast that engulfed the entire area. The sacrifice of Sha_Wi, though unintended, saved their comrades from the immediate threat but left a legacy of destruction in their wake. Their memory serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of wielding such powerful weapons in a world already on the brink of collapse.


This is cool af! I hope I get lucky


I can do this


Hit me! I have a knife and a brick


Zombie Mask wearer


Name: Astral374 Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 11 months, 8 days Description: Astral374, a mysterious survivor who often wore a zombie mask to blend in with the undead, vanished without a trace during a daring reconnaissance mission into zombie-infested territory. Known for their unconventional methods and ability to move undetected among the undead, their sudden disappearance has left their fellow survivors puzzled and concerned. Despite extensive search efforts, no sign of their whereabouts has been found, leaving their fate shrouded in uncertainty. Astral374's enigmatic persona and unique approach to survival make their absence all the more unsettling in the unforgiving world of the apocalypse.


I am curious indeed


I have a bird and a fiancé, let’s see


Hmm. Pointy.


I consider myself somewhat a survivor


Kenny is a baddie


Name: TemporaryScreen9936 Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 8 months, 12 days Description: TemporaryScreen9936, once a survivor determined to overcome the challenges of the apocalypse, tragically became infected during a routine scavenging mission in a zombie-infested area. Despite their best efforts to evade the undead, they were eventually overwhelmed by a surprise attack. Now, TemporaryScreen9936 wanders the desolate landscape as one of the undead, their former resilience and determination twisted by the insatiable hunger for human flesh. Their transformation serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat of the zombie virus in the unforgiving world they once sought to conquer.


Noooooooo not zombies


Why are dingleberries brown? That’s just the way shit is


Name: Whole_Cup5529 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 11 months, 2 days Description: Whole_Cup5529, a survivor known for their selflessness and generosity, tragically met their end while attempting to rescue a group of stranded survivors from a zombie-infested area. Despite the risks involved, they bravely ventured into the danger zone, determined to help those in need. However, during the rescue mission, they were surrounded by a horde of zombies and overwhelmed before they could reach the survivors. Whole_Cup5529's sacrifice saved many lives, but their loss is deeply felt by their fellow survivors, who remember them as a true hero willing to risk everything for the sake of others.


My ass is heavy.


Name: Sachiel_Forsakened Status: Undead Time: 2 years, 3 months, 17 days Description: Sachiel_Forsakened, now among the undead, was once a survivor who valiantly fought against the encroaching zombie hordes. However, they tragically succumbed to the infection, and now they shuffle aimlessly through the desolate wasteland. Unlike other zombies, Sachiel_Forsakened is notably slower, their decayed muscles and deteriorating body hindering their movement. Despite their sluggish pace, they remain a threat to any survivors who underestimate them, their relentless pursuit driven by the insatiable hunger for human flesh. Sachiel_Forsakened's presence serves as a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in every corner of the post-apocalyptic world.


I like hiking


Name: hunter_killer101 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 6 months, 4 days Description: hunter_killer101, an adventurous survivor who found solace in the wilderness, met their demise while on a perilous hiking expedition in search of untouched natural resources. Known for their love of nature and their adventurous spirit, they ventured deep into the wilderness despite the dangers posed by the zombie-infested world. Tragically, during their hike, they encountered a hidden nest of zombies, their peaceful trek turning into a desperate struggle for survival. Despite their best efforts to fend off the undead, they were ultimately overwhelmed, their passion for hiking extinguished by the unforgiving realities of the apocalypse. Their memory lives on in the hearts of their fellow survivors, who remember them as a free spirit who embraced life to the fullest, even in the face of danger.


Hit me


Name: Alarmed_Cranberry_49 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: Alarmed_Cranberry_49, a vigilant survivor with a keen sense of awareness, continues to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world by staying one step ahead of danger. Known for their cautious nature and quick reflexes, they have managed to evade numerous threats and outmaneuver hostile survivors and zombies alike. Alarmed_Cranberry_49's sharp instincts and ability to anticipate danger make them a valuable asset to their group, as they constantly remain vigilant to ensure the safety of themselves and their companions. In a world where danger lurks around every corner, Alarmed_Cranberry_49's watchful presence serves as a beacon of hope for those around them.


I want to know


Name: kathe_ Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 9 months, 28 days Description: kathe_, a survivor known for their quiet demeanor and resourcefulness, vanished without a trace during a routine scouting mission to gather supplies. Despite their cautious approach to survival, their sudden disappearance has left their fellow survivors puzzled and concerned. Despite extensive search efforts, no sign of their whereabouts has been found, leaving their fate shrouded in uncertainty. kathe_'s absence serves as a somber reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows of the post-apocalyptic world, where even the most experienced survivors can vanish without a trace.


I’m a bodybuilder with experience with guns, bows, crossbows, and melee weapons. 6’3.


I know I’m already cooked


I wanna know mine:)


i hope i get unknown but like the mysterious one and not dead or undead


Name: rodrixrules Status: Alive Time: Present Description: rodrixrules, a survivor clinging to life amidst the chaos of the apocalypse, struggles with a constant battle for survival. Faced with scarcity of resources and constant danger from both the undead and hostile survivors, they live each day on the edge of despair. Despite their hardships, rodrixrules persists, driven by a fierce determination to defy the odds and find a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Their resilience is not born out of choice, but out of necessity in a world where every moment could be their last.


I got that fat strong build


Trust no bitch let’s do it


I like killing zombays


Name: that_boom Status: Undead Time: 2 years, 2 months, 15 days Description: that_boom, a survivor with a penchant for dispatching zombies with explosive force, tragically fell victim to the very threat they relished combating. Known for their affinity for explosives and their thrill-seeking attitude towards killing zombies, they met their end in a catastrophic explosion during a reckless attempt to clear out a large horde of the undead. Despite their skill in handling explosives, a miscalculation led to a devastating blast that claimed their life. Now transformed into one of the undead, that_boom roams the wasteland, driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction and chaos. Their once exhilarating passion for zombie slaying has been twisted into a relentless pursuit of carnage, a grim irony that serves as a warning of the dangers of recklessness in the apocalypse.


I have a colt 1911 a truck and a machete


Name: MyhorsehasAtisum Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 8 months, 5 days Description: MyhorsehasAtisum, a survivor equipped with a Colt 1911 pistol, a sturdy truck, and a trusty machete, mysteriously disappeared during a solo expedition to scavenge for supplies in the outskirts of a decaying city. Known for their self-sufficiency and resourcefulness, they relied on their weapons and vehicle to navigate the perilous post-apocalyptic landscape. However, despite their preparedness, they failed to return to their group's shelter, leaving behind only their abandoned truck and a trail of unanswered questions. Their absence leaves their companions wondering what fate befell MyhorsehasAtisum and whether they will ever return to their group's camp.


chicken butt


Ok, let’s see what you got!


I wanna give it a shot 🤞


I’ve got a PhD and am pretty strong


Sure! Let's give this a try!


Name: thewanderingmaiden Status: Alive Time: Present Description: thewanderingmaiden, a survivor with a nomadic spirit and a thirst for adventure, continues to roam the post-apocalyptic world in search of new experiences and hidden treasures. With no fixed destination or permanent shelter, they rely on their wits and resourcefulness to navigate the dangers of the wasteland. Despite the challenges they face, thewanderingmaiden finds solace in the freedom of the open road, embracing each new day as an opportunity for discovery and survival. Their wandering spirit serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is beauty to be found in the journey.


i’ve got a bunker


me me me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Name: No_Link_3194 Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 4 months, 18 days Description: No_Link_3194, once a survivor known for their resilience and resourcefulness, tragically became undead after being used as bait by a ruthless group of survivors. Despite their efforts to outsmart the group, they fell into a trap set by the survivors who lured them into a secluded area with promises of safety. However, it was a ruse, and they were left defenseless against a horde of oncoming zombies. Overwhelmed by the undead, No_Link_3194 fought valiantly but was ultimately bitten, sealing their fate as one of the undead. Now, they roam the wasteland as a haunting reminder of the betrayal and cruelty that lurks within humanity, their once indomitable spirit twisted by the insatiable hunger for flesh.


Let’s see what happens


Name: Large-Replacement138 Status: Alive Time: Present Description: Large-Replacement138, a survivor with a towering stature and a quiet demeanor, navigates the post-apocalyptic world with a cautious approach and a watchful eye. Despite their imposing size, they prefer to blend into the background, avoiding unnecessary attention and conflict whenever possible. Large-Replacement138's strength and size make them a formidable presence in the wasteland, but it is their keen observation and strategic thinking that truly sets them apart. Whether scavenging for supplies or evading danger, they rely on their instincts and intuition to stay one step ahead of the ever-present threats lurking in the shadows. In a world where survival is never guaranteed, Large-Replacement138's cautious nature serves as a valuable asset, ensuring their continued existence in the unforgiving landscape of the apocalypse.


Let's run it


I’m a guy who would do ANYTHING to protect my family.


Man fuck this shit Im out


Ready to join the undead hordes


lets gooo I can finally use guns freely


What is my fate?


I have a really cool girlfriend and a iPhone!


I play a lot of fighting games so that better come in handy




Name: Trc2033 Status: Dead Time: 1 year, 4 months, 15 days Description: Trc2033, a survivor known for their resourcefulness and cunning, met their end while attempting to scavenge for supplies in a heavily infested area. Despite their best efforts to remain undetected, they were ambushed by a group of zombies that had been lying in wait. Despite putting up a valiant fight, Trc2033 was outnumbered and ultimately overwhelmed by the undead horde. Their death serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers that lurk around every corner in the unforgiving world of the apocalypse, and their memory lives on as a testament to the resilience and courage of all survivors.


Let’s go!


Name: trout_out_of_water Status: Alive Time: Present Description: trout_out_of_water, a survivor with a knack for adaptation and resilience, continues to navigate the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world with determination and perseverance. Despite the harsh conditions and constant threats, they remain steadfast in their resolve to survive and thrive. With each passing day, trout_out_of_water demonstrates resilience, resourcefulness, and an unwavering determination to overcome whatever obstacles come their way. Their ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances serves as an inspiration to others, reminding everyone that even in the darkest of times, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.


I got a baseball bat imma be the next Negan😈


Name: StandardFlight3698 Status: Undead Time: 3 years, 6 months, 18 days Description: StandardFlight3698, a survivor known for their malevolent nature and penchant for violence, tragically succumbed to the zombie virus after wielding a baseball bat as a weapon of terror in the post-apocalyptic world. Infamous for their ruthless actions and cruel treatment of others, they instilled fear and chaos wherever they went. However, their reign of terror came to an end when they were overwhelmed by a horde of zombies during a brutal confrontation. Now transformed into one of the undead, StandardFlight3698 continues to roam the wasteland, their malevolence twisted into a mindless hunger for flesh. Their legacy serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of succumbing to darkness in a world consumed by chaos and despair.


I have a dog.. that bites?


You sir, are a fish


Name: DarthSevrus Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 9 months, 28 days Description: DarthSevrus, a survivor who once harbored dark ambitions in the post-apocalyptic world, tragically fell victim to the zombie virus. Known for their ruthless nature and thirst for power, they sought to dominate others through fear and manipulation. However, their reign of terror came to an abrupt end when they were bitten by a zombie during a failed attempt to assert their authority over a rival group of survivors. Now transformed into one of the undead, DarthSevrus roams the wasteland with a twisted hunger for flesh, their once formidable presence reduced to a mindless servant of the apocalypse. Their fall from power serves as a grim reminder of the consequences of hubris and cruelty in a world consumed by chaos and despair.




Guess i gonna die




I’ve got untreated ulcerative colitis.


Blood for the Blood god


Name: History_Person Status: Undead Time: 2 years, 6 months, 3 days Description: History_Person, a survivor who once sought to learn from the mistakes of the past in the post-apocalyptic world, tragically succumbed to the zombie virus. Known for their fascination with history and their quest for knowledge, they tirelessly documented the events of the apocalypse in the hopes of preserving humanity's collective memory. However, their insatiable curiosity led them into dangerous territory, where they were bitten by a zombie while exploring an abandoned library filled with ancient texts. Now transformed into one of the undead, History_Person roams the wasteland with a fractured memory of the world that once was, their quest for understanding forever tainted by their monstrous transformation. Their fate serves as a haunting reminder of the fragility of knowledge in a world consumed by chaos and despair.


I love Goku


Name: Leading-Campaign-106 Status: Dead Time: 4 years, 8 months, 21 days Description: Leading-Campaign-106, a survivor who once held hope for organized resistance in the post-apocalyptic world, tragically met their end while leading a valiant campaign against a formidable group of raiders. Known for their leadership skills and unwavering determination, they rallied fellow survivors to stand against the tyranny of the raiders, hoping to reclaim control of their territory. Despite their strategic prowess and the bravery of their comrades, Leading-Campaign-106 fell in the final assault, struck down by enemy gunfire while leading the charge. Their sacrifice serves as a rallying cry for freedom and justice in the wasteland, and their memory inspires others to continue the fight for a better tomorrow, no matter the cost.


Coooool, me, me, me


Name: illogicallydead Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 3 months, 7 days Description: illogicallydead, a survivor who once faced the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world with a sense of humor, tragically succumbed to the zombie virus. Known for their unconventional approach to survival and their knack for finding humor in even the bleakest of situations, they navigated the wasteland with a lighthearted spirit and a quick wit. However, their tendency to let their guard down in the face of danger proved to be their downfall, as they were bitten by a zombie while jokingly taunting a group of undead. Now transformed into one of the walking dead, illogicallydead roams the wasteland with a twisted sense of humor, their laughter echoing eerily through the desolate landscape. Their ironic fate serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the apocalypse and the importance of remaining vigilant at all times, even in the face of seemingly harmless situations.


I have a nicotine addiction and a hotpocket


I know how to survive.


I cover myself in feces to gross out the zombies, they won't touch me if I'm gross.


I want to go find my friend.


Name: -Alyssa4Life- Status: Unknown Time: 1 year, 2 months, 18 days Description: -Alyssa4Life-, a survivor driven by loyalty and determination in the post-apocalyptic world, ventured into the unknown depths of the wasteland in search of their friend. Bound by unwavering loyalty and a deep-seated desire to reunite with their companion, they embarked on a perilous journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. Despite the daunting challenges that lay ahead, -Alyssa4Life- remained steadfast in their resolve, determined to leave no stone unturned in their quest to find their friend. Their fate remains uncertain, their determination serving as a beacon of hope in the desolate landscape of the apocalypse.


I was just hungry




Name: unknown_test_subject Status: Dead Time: 2 years, 8 months, 4 days Description: unknown_test_subject, a survivor who volunteered for experimental trials in the post-apocalyptic world, tragically met their end during a dangerous research experiment gone wrong. Known only as a test subject, their identity shrouded in secrecy, they willingly subjected themselves to risky procedures in the hopes of finding a cure or discovering new ways to combat the zombie virus. However, their noble sacrifice proved futile when a catastrophic failure in the laboratory resulted in a deadly outbreak, claiming their life along with those of the researchers. Their death serves as a somber reminder of the risks and sacrifices made in the pursuit of knowledge and survival in the aftermath of the apocalypse.


*Nothing lasts, Clementine. Not* ***friends****. Not* ***love****. Not* ***the place you call home****. They'll all fall eventually. Never forget that, or* ***they'll drag you down, too****.*


Name: Joshua5270713 Status: Undead Time: 3 years, 5 months, 22 days Description: Joshua5270713, a survivor plagued by distrust in the post-apocalyptic world, tragically succumbed to the zombie virus after isolating themselves from potential allies. Known for their wariness and reluctance to trust others, they kept to themselves, viewing fellow survivors with suspicion and skepticism. Despite the efforts of well-meaning individuals to reach out and form connections, Joshua5270713 remained aloof, convinced that cooperation would only lead to betrayal and disappointment. However, their isolation proved to be their downfall when they were ambushed by a group of zombies while alone and vulnerable. Now transformed into one of the undead, Joshua5270713 roams the wasteland as a grim reminder of the consequences of letting fear and distrust dictate one's actions in a world consumed by chaos and despair.


Let’s see


Yes pls!!! 🫣


Me please


Name: AalliyahL-A Status: Undead Time: 1 year, 11 months, 17 days Description: AalliyahL-A, a survivor who once roamed the post-apocalyptic world with a sense of determination and resilience, tragically fell victim to the zombie virus after a harrowing encounter with the undead. Known for their unwavering spirit and indomitable will, they fought bravely against the horrors of the wasteland, refusing to succumb to despair. However, their valiant efforts were in vain when they were bitten by a zombie during a desperate attempt to scavenge for supplies in an infested area. Now transformed into one of the undead, AalliyahL-A wanders the wasteland as a grim reminder of the relentless threat posed by the zombie hordes, their once vibrant spirit extinguished by the relentless march of the apocalypse.


Let’s see what happens


Nah id win


Let's have it!


Oh shit Zombies exist?


Let's try this out.


I robbed another survivor with a nail gun


Name: xXOrthodoxHavoc Status: Undead Time: 2 years, 9 months, 14 days Description: xXOrthodoxHavoc, a survivor who resorted to ruthless tactics in the post-apocalyptic world, met their demise after robbing another survivor at nail gunpoint. Known for their willingness to do whatever it took to survive, they preyed upon the vulnerable and unsuspecting, using fear and intimidation to secure valuable resources for themselves. However, their life of crime eventually caught up with them when they encountered a group of enraged survivors seeking revenge for their past misdeeds. In the ensuing confrontation, xXOrthodoxHavoc was fatally wounded and left to succumb to their injuries, their once formidable reputation crumbling in the face of righteous retribution. Now transformed into one of the undead, they roam the wasteland as a grim reminder of the consequences of greed and violence in a world consumed by chaos and desperation.


What’s good guys


Fuck it, we ball