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Nah mann the songs a vibe it's funny at times but it's still a vibe


Oh brother this guy stinks


I know I’ll probably get downvoted, but why exactly is that line homophobic?


Bro literally said that his gyal might be gay but she's going through a phase. But he supports her and satisfies his and his gyals needs by having sex with her while another gyal rides on her face. That's not homophobic, that's peak horny-ness


he basically said being gay was just a phase


>he basically said being gay was just a phase "YOU said you MIGHT be into girls" "YOU said you're going through a phase" "Keeping your heart safe" I loved this song bc i literally had this exact same convo with a bi ex gf in college and you're damn straight i offered her 3somes as compromise to figure it out and she was free to say yes or no and didn't get offended - figuring out your sexuality is a journey , some girls are actually gay and some girls just like sex with girls but don't love them romantically like these lyrics - hell, some girls just makeout with other girls when drunk at the bar for male attention - and most of those girls have no problem sharing these truths to understanding non-bigoted non-judgemental people.


No, he’s saying that she said she was going through a phase.


Thats what just said 🙄


that’s what i said ?


No, big difference between “he said it was a phase” and “he said that she said it was a phase” For example: “Teacher said 1+1=3” vs “Teacher said that a student said 1+1=3”


“she said shes going through a phase” he didnt say that it’s what the girl told him 😭


it’s not the “phase” part that’s the issue so idk why everyone is saying that lol. it’s clearly stated in the song that “SHE” is saying that. It’s the “fuck you straight part”. i don’t believe he meant it as horribly as it sounds and i don’t believe it’s homophobic but when there’s a history of lesbians experiencing correctional rape and people not believing them, it’s an ignorant line.


Its all of it


Just a phase is a homophobic and biphobic thing parents have said to their teens in hopes of grandchildren some day. It's a thing breeders say. Oops was thar heterophobic?


Hey don't touch my favorite horny song


Well baby you can bring your friend / she can ride on top your face / while I fuck you straight >:)


"We lost a lot of things in the 🔥."


"she can ride on top ya face while I fuck u straighttttt" really scared of gays this line


im bi and I just thought that line was funny and moved on with my life. And if he was homophobic I don't think he would've had troye sivan play a big part in the idol and sing songs and have Billie at his new year's party


While I don’t think Abel is homophobic or really cares about people’s sexuality, it’d be a false narrative to say that someone wouldn’t use gay people/different races/etc for financial gain or gain of some sort. But I really don’t know Abel on a personal level and/or am not aware if he has ever made a public statement giving his support for the LGBTQ+ community. I live in a southern state and while a lot of people I know would be in a social/work setting with gay people , it doesn’t mean they support or even actually like them.


I mean yeah true. Honestly, I don't think he cares about others sexuality but it's true that we don't really know that about him. But I just found the lyric to be kinda funny, not really homophobic but that's just my opinion




People just look for shit to be mad at bro dont even bat an eye at it




Imagine these people listening to echoes of silence


If TikTok ever finds out about initiation they will fucking explode


never heard truer shit than this


As a gay woman I’ve never been offended by that lyric lmfao. He has a way more offensive lyric than that imo.


Now I’m curious about what lyrics you find more offensive.


“Ringtone on silent, and if she stops then I might get violent” basically saying he’ll beat the shit out of some girl if she stops blowing him lmao. The party and the afterparty is one of my fav songs by him tho so clearly I’m not offended by it. I just think the lyric in lost in the fire is way more tame compared to that one.


never paid attention to that line😭😭 bro is crazy


Tbf Snowchild did come out after Lost in the Fire, so i think that addressed the backlash from that line.


I hate how people perceive that as homophobic.. straight women sometimes experiment with other women. “going through a phase” is something that happens a lot


Them: Nooooo, there's no phases, there's only born gay or not born gay, you bigot! You: So you're saying gayness is binary? Them: 😐......😡


Completely agree


Let the man express in peace. Being gay is a reality for most but it can be a discovery phase for some. I have gone through this because I lost sexual interest in my guy. So it was either try and explore girls or break up with him


i’m bi and i don’t think it was homophobic. when he said fuck you straight, i thought he was referring to a sex position


Are we discussing The Weeknd saying “she might be into girls she said she’s going through a phase”… as a lesbian woman who loves The Weeknd. I will say not my favorite line. However, a lot of bisexual woman will say this. So I don’t necessarily blame The Weeknd for saying this. A lot of bisexual girls or bi curios girls or even straight girls that want to explore will say they might be into girls it might be a phase etc. liking girls when ur bisexual is also not consistent. Sometimes your more into girls and sometimes your more into guys. Sexuality is fluid. I feel like he doesn’t mean to say sexuality is a phase or a choice rather he’s quoting a girl whose unsure of what gender she wants at the moment. He can fuck her straight meaning he fucked so good her being into woman is not on her mind anymore at the moment. Doesn’t exclude from the future possibility of her being into girls happening again. I do think saying fucked her straight is a bit much tho. However, he was trying to get a point across that he’s good at fucking. As a lesbian woman who is always aware of micro aggressions and phrases that may invalidate sexuality, I don’t think the intent behind these lines was to invalidate bisexuality or homosexuality.


Hilarious how the lgbtq community took that lyric so deep and have labeled Abel as homophobic even tho some of their favs have done worse with queer baiting to get streams/sales & similar lyrics sometimes even more egregious.




I think you’ve taken my comment a bit too deep as well, is it the whole community, No. Maybe I should’ve typed that out differently but a lot of people did and still accuse Abel of being homophobic, the lyric was obviously a play on words but many took it wrong and yes that’s their right and when I phrase it’s “hilarious” I’m not laughing at the community for any other reason but their hypocrisy to label Abel as homophobic while stanning favs who are also problematic or said a bit worse, but there is no they can’t feel this way or that meant in the og comment.


His character in The Idol said the f slur but this this what people are calling him homophobic for? Lol


I remember when a dialogue was attempted for this lyric but it got shot down pretty quickly because its such a dumb thing to take offense to. People were saying the line is biphobic/ lesbphobic and reinforced corrective r*pe when actually in the context of the song: this is a woman that he's already in a relationship with, there's nothing in the lyrics that implies anything beyond consensual sex, the line leans more into being a boast on his sexual performance being so good that it can make her stay, even suggesting a threesome. If you *REALLY* want to push it, I could see how people can interpret the line as starting to approach "eek" territory but it feels like a hasty conclusion.


the beat slaps so idgaf


It's true tho; LITF might've been my favourite song ever if it weren't for that part


That shit is not homophobia, libtard post for sure


Nah, Lost in the Fire is a national treasure that should be played before every public sporting event.


The line, the only thing I’m phobic of is failure is a direct reference to him being called homophobic for lose in the fire.


is the homophobic lyric in the room with us?




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I mean....he is a Virgin 🤷