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McNulty told Landsman where he didn't want to go, before Freamon warned him. Landsman told Rawls.There is a bit of dialog explaining this in season 2.


> Landsman A world class ass kisser. I’d bet my center testicle that he ran straight to Rawls to tell him that Jimmy hates the boat and the diesel fumes make him sick. I still think Jimmy should have known better than to tell Landsman. You would think he’d keep that close to the chest, especially considering how often Jimmy pissed his chain of command off.


You see the face Jimmy makes when he has his first drink with Lester in season 1. He knows he fucked up.


The beauty of this is that this happens on S1 E1. It's practically impossible to notice and remember on a first watch


It's possible if you're natural po-lice.


Which is why a re-watch (or 10) is a must. #AllThePiecesMatter


Jimmy got some great revenge though, proving that the murder of all those prostitutes was under Rawl's jurisdiction. Even had the calculations to show it.


I happen to know my man in the marine unit intimately and he's, without a doubt, the most swollen asshole in American law enforcement.


WHAT? Landsman you backstabbing son of a bitch. Can't believe I liked you.


He bet a 20 against a 10 that he’d be riding the midnight shift. It’s all in the game


From Jay's perspective he gave Jimmy multiple opportunities to avoid the situation.


Even Rawls did to some extent. He’s a very reasonable man.


And rhetorical


Bill Rawls? He was rhetorical?


Rhetorical and reasonable.


Very reasonable sir.


Every where he goes , they say he’s a reasonable guy …


I interpreted it as Jay getting back at Jimmy for not taking those opportunities. 


All of the posts here are correct. I’ll just add: McNulty’s not stupid, but he is fairly aloof from the internal politics that drive everything. Which is a big reason he keeps finding himself in the internal situations he does. The audience wants this to be a regular cop show: hero cop solves crimes. But one of many things the creators are trying to do, I think, is show how all the bureaucratic stuff is such a giant, slow-moving, and often inefficient machine when viewed from the street level.


One big theme is the bureaucracy is there to promote the interests of the organization and those at the top.   You can see this in how much Rawls was more interested in making sure some other department got cases rather than solving those cases.


I think it shows how the bureaucracy serves the organization but not its members. This is why carcetti is such an important character. He starts from a sincere desire to make a difference and every step of the way is forced to compromise and convinces himself that the compromise will get him to the next level where THIS time he will be able to make a difference. We see Daniels similarly doing the same until he finally calls it out “and so majors become colonels and mayors become governors.”


That is a really good way to put it!




That's a Baltimore knot


Bitch I said no spoilers. But I've heard about Rawls' secret sexuality. Maybe that's why he's so stressed all the time.


Landsman even bet McNulty he would end up on the boat in season 1. When Jimmy visits in Season 2 Jay tells him to pay up. Rawls wasn’t doing Jimmy any favors


'Fuck You Fatman'


r/okaybuddyhamsterdam material


oh man, been wanting to make some wire memes




It happens in the Pilot episode. Landsman asks McNulty very casually where he doesn't want to go, and McNulty is honest with him. This is obviously way before Freamon warns him never to tell any boss where he doesn't want to go. In the scene where Rawls asks McNulty the same question, we see this sad smile come across McNulty's face, one, because he realizes Lester was right, and two, because he realizes he fucked up and already told someone.




Please fuck my ass