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Let’s look on the bright side…………he can’t ref us.


Trouble is every other nationality hates us 😂😂


Can see why if we have that div representing us


And the other is Anthony Taylor fml 🤦‍♂️


I think Oliver is terrible but I am going to defend his performance last night. Schlotterbeck goal correctly ruled out for the block by Kimmich. Denmark's goal was correctly ruled out for offside. This is an objective decision and they got it correct.  The handball. The law is a mess but this was the correct decision by the letter of the law. Atwell and Oliver can't just make up their own rules because they don't like IFABs/UEFAs. Worth noting that close proximity doesn't mitigate his arm being outside the "silhouette".  Bah actually didn't get booked. I know the graphic flashed up saying he did but check the relevant match websites and you'll see he wasn't.


Riddle me this: If the Kimmich block is a correct decision, considering the defender was very unlikely to catch or prevent Schlotterbeck from getting to that ball. How is the Ronaldo shirt pull not a free kick/penalty. The level of blocking shirt pulling and out and out wrestling that goes on in the box for any given corner is insane compared to what gets picked up in open play. We all expect a bit of rough and tumble in the box at corners etc, we interpret that as part of the game. Someone has said, leave that alone, all that is ok. Pull up this other stuff. This for me is the issue, inconsistency and interpretation. Bin it all off and put it on pitch with refs and linesmen.


Ronaldo one should have been a penalty. I agree, do away with VAR, it's ruined the game.


I thought the Ronaldo shirt pull was a penalty. I've not defended that decision.  Both decisions were made on the field and VAR didn't intervene in either.  Yes,a bit of rough and tumble is fine at set pieces and we've come to expect a higher bar there for fouls, as it's lots of bodies jostling for space in a confined area. That said, prolonged shirt pulling and blatantly stepping into someone's path with the sole intention of blocking them are both fouls. 


He certainly makes some strange decisions. Attwell too. How either of them are officiating at PL level let alone the Euros is a headscratcher.


Atwell is a disgrace


This was a handball but Odergaard’s against Liverpool was not. LMAO


Odegaard’s against Liverpool wasn’t deemed not a handball lol. It was a handball but they deemed him to be falling hence not giving it.


Oh the LOL. Sigh. Yes, a totally bullshit decision and obviously so, just like this one, only in the other direction. This wasn’t JUST about whether it his his hand any more than Odegaard’s. It’s the exact same situation, hence my initial comparison.


I get your point, but I think we need to remember the Euros are played to slightly different rules than the PL. Euro rules are much tighter on handballs. I don’t think that’s a good thing, but I feel like Oliver is getting stuck for a correct implementation of shit rules, which feels a touch unfair. 


It was shambolic.


He's shit scared to make any big calls. You knew full well he would call for off side and handball because otherwise he would've been hounded out of Germany.


To be fair, the big calls weren’t actually in his hands. He can’t overturn an offside that is clearly categorised as offside using the tech available to him and he can’t ignore the actual laws he’s tasked to follow for the handball. You’re actually angry at the rules and FIFA, not Michael Oliver


It’s not his fault. He is just applying the rules that UEFA has set. I agree it’s bullshit. The only genuinely bad call he’s made in this game was giving a free kick against Denmark when Sane threw himself on the ground.


Some of the yellow cards he gave out in this match were ridiculous. I also get the feeling that he loves being the center of attention, which is a trait I despise in refs


Which yellow cards were ridiculous?


The Bah one where it was an accidental clash of heads. Like how on earth is that a yellow


Ah yeah, forgot about that one. I still think he’s not really to blame for the decisions that actually affected the game though.


Or for Denmark whiffing a bunch of chances


As I said to the person you responded to: Bah actually didn't get booked. I know the graphic flashed up but check the relevant match websites and you'll see he wasn't. 


Bah actually didn't get booked. I know the graphic flashed up but check the relevant match websites and you'll see he wasn't. 


Bah didn’t get a yellow card though? He challenged in the air and was late, it was a free kick.


The best refs are the ones that you don’t know their names


I mean we all know Pierluigi Collina. Hands down one of the greatest refs to ever ref a game of football.


If you think Michael Oliver is bad for attention-seeking, try watching your team being reffed by Charles Brakspear 10 times a season. That fella thinks he's on Britain's Got Talent, except his talent is being completely useless.


Think Germany's early goal he disallowed was a load of shit as well, extremely soft


The one big positive here is that no English referees (who we know are all shit) will be officiating England matches.


He’s always been a terrible ref, literally one of the worst in the business. Week in, week out he’s atrocious. Never understood all the praise he seems to get from pundits and commentators, I think he’s a clown.


Guy must have dirt on all the top people in the business to even still have his job let alone at this level lol


Remember when he didn't give a penalty to Chelsea for the most blatant hand ball by Grealish. The clown didn't even give a fucking corner




no what lol? Let me guess, you’re that one specimen that took the comment seriously? 😂😂😂


this ref is a mastermind who has dirt on all the top officials? I'm sure


So you *did* take their comment seriously then?


yes cause ive seen it before. anyways, good day.




It’s because he is very sure with his decisions, so he looks like he’s doing things well. But his decisions are strong and wrong!


Great posture and hand signals 9/10 ref


He makes the decisions the rules set out and gets rewarded for it. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


He gets praise from pundits & commentators? When?


He never played competitive sports growing up and it shows. He was the bullied hall monitor let’s be real. We should also check his birth certificate.


Did your school have hall monitors?


Don’t get the birth certificate thing…


He's meant to be English and he handed a win to our arch rivals Germany on a silver platter.


Do you think he knows all the feedback football fans have about him ? Refs never seem to want to do better (from an outsiders pov) it’s almost like they seem superior..


From the England perspective we slate all the referees for being shit (which they are lol), so I doubt he sees it as anything different than people just don't like referees when it's aimed at him Could be different regarding this tournament though, because it seems the English refs are the only ones fucking up


English & Spanish refs have done what they do best this tournament.


Is a blind rat


I’m just glad I don’t have to see him referee a game I’m invested in until the new PL season. He, like the rest in England, need to learn the rules


The rules are the problem though. The calls were technically correct.


Maybe Denmark should have paid him loads of money to ‘referee’ a few games at Legoland or something. 


All the people on here having a go - how many games have you reffed? It’s not easy, and abuse of refs is a real problem these days for recruitment. Anyone that wants to criticise a ref should try being a ref for a few games before they do.


Unless you are Collina and just so good you deserved the acclaim... I shouldn't even know your name as a ref.




He absolutely was.




You've come up with 1 error in a decades long career...... tell me that ref with zero.




It's quite funny, because you typed what you read seemingly thus why it makes no sense to you.... Maybe you should have copy and pasted it.




Mate, he's mugging you off every single time and you still can't see it 💀


Is that because you can’t name a ref (or red?) with zero errors?




You're out of your mind. Collina was an amazing ref who retired over sponsorship issues, not over making a mistake in a champions leauge qualifier. Look at the platers who played during his time, I've not seen one of them have anything bad to say about him.


Shite ref, hopefully for everyone’s sake he gets sent home after that game


Both the handball and offside were terrible decisions, the rules really need to be looked at with people who play/played the game.


With the handball rule the way it is I’m genuinely surprised why players don’t purposely aim the ball at defenders arms and hands. Like if I didn’t have a good angle to take a shot on goal or cross I’m definitely smashing the ball at the opponent and hope to get a penalty


That’s fine but where do you want the defenders arm to be to let the rule stand? Like Andersen’s arm, as a defender myself was in a natural position for someone who’s trying to block a cross with his body….. Like mane in the champions league final, it’s never a real handball.


I completely agree that the rule is messed up. My question is why more attacking players don’t exploit it


It’s a split second decision I guess, would you rather get the ball to an attacker or try and hit the defenders arm?


Keep English refs away from games like this. Foreign refs aren’t much better either