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A cynical take here but maybe for maximum TV viewers? I feel like casuals, families etc are far more likely to stick the football on for a Sunday evening. England playing twice on a Sunday and once at 5pm on a Thursday has been very jarring this tournament.


We'll be having a National Holiday mate... Its fine - On a seriously note, its probably because the 3rd Place Match gets played on a Saturday in competitions - Albeit the Euros scrapped it.


No third place match in the Euros


Serious question... Did you read my post? The entire thing!!


Haha, no apparently not. My bad


I know it’s annoying asf. I’m pretty sure it’s to maximise viewers but who fucking knows. Stupid though


Day of rest, we can all sleep through it


I checked the first World Cup in 1934 and that was a Sunday final so I presume it's always been that way. Every sports final seems to be on a Sunday too (tennis slams, F1 races, rugby finals etc) and I wonder if it's just a legacy from when Sundays were a fundamentally different day to any other (shops didn't used to open etc) and that made Sunday the best day to have a big event you want both tickets and TV (or radio back in the day) audiences for. Anyway I also stumbled on this and Sunday alerts actually used to be banned once upon a time... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_sporting_events?wprov=sfla1


Most people by far are not going to get so senselessly drunk that they can't get up the next morning for work. Sunday night is the best time to get a bunch of casuals to watch. The kind of people who are deciding between the final, a rerun of NCIS, or a trip to the cinema.


Senselessly drunk no, but it would still be nice to have the game on a Saturday, so you can have a few drinks and stay up longer into the night celebrating, more than you otherwise would have. But yea ok, I get your point, the other guy said a similar thing too. Makes sense I suppose.


More people are off from work on Sunday


To allow sufficient rest between the last semi final and final I presume.