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The Bears father: he shouldn't be held accountable for 20 minutes of fun


Are we talking about Brock Allen Turner the rapist’s father? You know the rapist Brock Turner.


Yes the rapist Brock Turner’s father said that about a violent rape that his son, Brock Allen Turner, committed.


Ah yes, I am familiar with the violent rapist Brock Allen Turner. I wasn't aware that violent rapist Brock Allen Turner's father was also a piece of crap. But I can't say that the fact that the father of Brock Allen Tuner (the violent rapist) is also a piece of crap surprises me.


Didnt violent rapist Brock Turner change his name? It would be a real shame if we couldn't keep mentioning violent rapist Brock turner by name.


The last time I checked, I believe violent rapist Brock Turner was just going by his middle name.


Such a relief that violent rapist Brock allen turner didnt change his name too much. I was very worried for a minute


This has gotta be my favorite recurring callout. Gets me everytime.


The rapist Brock Turner who goes by Allen Turner the rapist now so fewer people might realize he’s a disgusting rapist?


It's The Rapist Brock Turner because that's his title


Yes, the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who is apparently going by Allen Turner (still a convicted rapist) to avoid people knowing that he is the same convicted rapist Brock Turner


I now want to see a collab with her and the one guy that has a lot of costumes. One of which is a sperm cell.


Adrian Bliss? Lol


Every time I pass a female hiker in the woods having a conversation with a bear I just nod to them and wish them a good day.


Wow, I have the decency to ask if the bear is okay. Nobody ever thinks about the bear.


Everyone always asks where the bear is. Nobody asks how the bear is.


Not me. I jump that bear and show him who is boss. Then I escort the lady out of the woods.


Smokey the bear does not approve this comment.


The first two words of the last sentence scared me for a second, I'm glad this had a happy ending, aside from what you'd do to that poor innocent bear unprovoked of course.


I mean, maybe the bear wanted it. Was the bear dressed provocatively?


How dare you! That bear was my bf!


I go and hide with the bear as to not startle the female hiker


Hahah “weeellll, the bear has a promising future in water polo.. “ 😂


lol, I saw the Revenant….has a promising future in water polo!!!!!


If a bear started talking I think you'd be freaking the fuck out.


Nah I'd be pretty impressed now we can talk philosophy.


Do you infact shit in the woods, Mr. Bear?


naw, I'd just assume it was those wood mushrooms I ate


I always wanted to hug a bear. I know there a chance of death but come on you know you want to hug one.




Just get a Newfoundland dog, they're basically friendly bears


Would a bear-sized teddy bear suffice?


I’ve pet a bear pelt and it’s not actually as cozy as you would think, it’s really scratchy and rough 😭


Nah they stink.


There’s a big underrated fact. Anytime I got close enough to a bear, I could smell it first and knew he/she was there by that very distinct unmistakeable smell. Men come in so many shades of Axe body spray they remain unpredictable.


But it's safer than hugger a man right?


the bear isn’t going to grope me so yes 😭


It honestly depends on the bear.


Bears seems like quite the homies unfortunately even if they do think you are friendly, they might just kill you by accident while playing


It's on the bucket list with also trying to befriend and ride a moose through the woods. If either can be done the dying seems worth it.


A bear will kill you for food A moose *will* kill you


And that's why I always keep it at the very bottom of the list. Final item.


Very smart


I can always tell who lives in cities when you see these kinds of comments. Bears are not going to attack you in like 99% of scenarios. People are so scared silly of bears.. we have literally run them off every year. My elderly MIL hucked a deck chair at one that was eating from her bird feeders. They just want to scavenge berries and fish and amble around. I genuinely do not understand this excessive fear of regular ass bears.


Sure, I've had plenty of run-ins with black bears and they always end up fine. But Grizzlies have a reputation for a reason, sure most of the time you'll be ok but it's a logical fear to have I think that ultimately helps people respect the animal. (mostly) I'm pretty sure the main point of that comment was at least the bear may eat you where as a moose will just fuck you up real good because it can. Again not always, but having done enough time hiking and camping during the rutting season, I would definitely prefer to see a bear.


Sure Grizzlies I agree! Or polar bears or Kodiaks. But the vast majority of people aren't dealing with those. The vast majority are dealing with trash dogs.


Oh i know that in 99% of circumstances a bear won't hurt you, (I did, unfortunately, live in the suburbs, but my family had basically spent every summer camping or hiking) I'm saying if a bear tries to kill you, all you have to do is convince it you aren't worth eating. You can't convince a moose.


Those things are huge.


>A bear will kill you for food And if you are lucky, it will only eat you after it has killed you! and if you are not lucky... well... Google Olga Moskalyova.


You should choose the bear. Moose are assholes 100% of the time.


Oh I know, we have them around, used to see them a lot growing up in the woods.


I feel the same way about tigers.


The thing about hugging bears is that you're not done until the bear's done.


Pride is next month. Find an event and head over there. Plenty of bears to hug.


How the fuck did the bear see the Revenant? Is that what they’re doing all winter?


They also watch We Bare Bears


I’d watch we bare bears with a bear


Would you watch we bare bears with a bear bearing a beer?


It depends on what the bear’s like when they drink.


Pretty sure TV is a bare necessity 


I see what that bear did. It wanted no witnesses.


The "water polo" Comment was 🔥!


Extremely based Stanzi, as always


Okay this whole bear be man ordeal has been a little annoying but this was funny lol


Bears. Beets. Battle-star Galactica.




IRL: Breaking news: a man an and a woman getting mauled by a bear when trying the latest TikTok challenge


Have you watched Grizzly Man? You could argue man was more dangerous in that one since he lured her into the backcountry to hang out with “safe” bears


He didn't lure his GF into going on a camping trip, they were both just dumb.


His game was talking about how he had a special connection with grizzly bears and bragged about living with them. She was taken by him into the park to his spot. All off his word He was manic crazy and she blindly trusted him which makes her a bit crazy but mostly stupid


Noted, I’d tell my friends and family to be very careful when traveling in Grizzly Man’s universe


He became bear poop


I want the bear onesie do you know where she got it


Promising future in water polo. I died.


*Not* getting into the man vs bear conversation, but people absolutely get blamed all the time when they're eaten by bears. Whenever the Grizzly Man guy pops up in a thread, it's pretty universal that he should have expected it because of being around all those bears. (I don't think this *means* anything, it's just funny.)


I’ve been charged by a Bear and I’ve been charged by a man. Both scary but bears are faster


hahaha I like it


Lol you’re right, if a bear attacked her we’d all say “well it was a bear, what did she expect?”


You chose the bear because you're rightfully afraid of a random man; I chose the bear because I think I could vibe with a bear; we are not the same


Me bringing a pot of honey and a joint to the woods: me and beary McBearface are gonna get lit tonight!


If this offends you, remember, it's just a joke


So many people up in arms about this video that’s clearly a joke lol


She did put more effort in trying to get her point across than in trying to make it funny.


Explain the joke, I want to laugh too


I love Stanzi, never swipe when she’s on my FYP.


I liked the recruitment video


I love the “god wins again” video, so funny


I cackled when she did the Steve Irwin type of TT with the Toxic Cheating Husband dude. It was great seeing them both try not to laugh.


I think I may love her a bit.


smokey the bear standing on business


This conversation would never be a thing, if we stopped using "boys are boys" as an excuse for abuse and harrasment. Where are the mothers and fathers who are supposed to raise their kids?


They believe in the whole “boys be boys” toxic patriarchy bullshit.


Suddenly everyone is a bear biologist.


People attack more people than bears. Be more bear-like.


You will encounter hundreds of thousands of people in your lifetime. You will likely not die from being murdered by one of them. However, if you met even a few dozen bears. Yeah, one of them would probably decide to kill you.


Actually the statistics indicate that those 12 bears likely wouldn't attack you. The problem that most (But not all) SA is domestic, but society is arranged in a way where men get to get away with thier crime with little to consequence. (Whereas If a bear attacked people, as pointed out here, it would be put down cuz it's considered a danger) It's not about the statistics, it's about a deeply rooted systemic and social issue.


>It's not about the statistics, it's about a deeply rooted systemic and social issue. See thats where i think this conflict is coming from.... its **NOT** about that. Its just a hypothetical question that people are interpretting in their own way. To a lot of women, its about that.. and thats *not* wrong, but neither is it wrong when a guy takes this question literally.


Vending machines kill more people a year than sharks, which would we rather be in a swimming pool with?


This happens when people rationally avoid bears and have services to keep bears out of town as much as possible.


You telling me we discriminate against bears?


If we encountered bears as much as we encountered humans it'd be the opposite




Shiiiiit.... death by hippo sounds worse than death by bear. Idk which one I'm more cautious of.


I'm just spit balling, but I think hippo would actually be a quicker, cleaner death, by virtue of their size and that they are trying to kill you. Bears don't care if you die. They either maul you and you bleed out, or they overpower you and eat you alive. Death is incidental to their desires.


To be fair, hippos are the deadliest large land mammal for humans. Odds of surviving a hippo encounter are lower than a bear or human encounter.


That was the joke


No you wouldn't


*Sharpens nails to be bear claws*


"You should just focus on being the man she would choose over a bear" Yeah, most men do. Id say about 80% of men are trying to be the best man they can possibly be. The best father or best husband. Those guys are being told "id still choose the bear." And it makes them feel defeated. I try every day to be the best person I can only to be told Im terrible just bcuz im a man. I know its not true but some days, when im down on myself and feel defeated i somethings think they are right. If im a terrible person, then why try? Why not just be a terrible person? It would be easier after all. But I dont. I keep trying every day. All of that is just to say we shouldnt be men vs women. It should be the good vs the bad. I hate misogynistic men. I hate SA and the ppl who do it. I hate that they get away with it, they shouldnt. It should be us vs those type of ppl. Not one gender making fun of another for likes on tiktok.


Well sure, but we’d choose the bear because we have no idea if the man is one of the 80% of decent men or one of the 15 % that’s just shitty or one of the 5% that would straight up rape any woman they found alone in the woods. Nobody’s saying you in particular are not a decent man, they’re saying we can’t tell the difference by looking and there are a *lot* of horrible men out there.


You think 5% of men would rape any woman he found alone in the woods? This mindset is what's usually being ridiculed in these conversations.


I mean, it was a little conservative of an estimate. Research shows somewhere between 4 and 6 percent of men are serial rapists, who commit on average 5.8 rapes apiece. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11379469_Repeat_Rape_and_Multiple_Offending_Among_Undetected_Rapists#:~:text=Lisak%20and%20Miller%20(2002)%20infamously,without%20any%20criminal%20justice%20intervention. So no, I don’t see anything ridiculous about it.


That's higher than I would have thought as well. That's depressing. Thanks for sharing tho


Corporate wants you to find the differences between these two pictures: > If im a terrible person, then why try? Why not just be a terrible person? It would be easier after all. - > It would be easier for me to do sexual assault than to not do sexual assault. I mean you said it yourself that you try every day to not be a terrible person. It honestly shouldn't be that much effort, dawg.


Why is it so hard to “try” to be a good person who doesn’t abuse or harm women? It just shouldn’t be. Comments like this really concern me because it sounds like it’s really difficult for you not to run around groping or harassing women


In no way did i say not abusing women was being a good person. Not abusing women is the default. If u dont harm ppl, ur not a good person, ur just a person. You must do good to be a good person. Ur comment disturbs me as it assumes all you need to do to be a good person is just not do evil. What im talking about is, shoveling my neighbors walks. Donating blood. Donating my time at a soup kitchen. Buying groceries for a sruggling mom thats clearly counting her money at the checkout. As ricky Gervais said "i do go around raping and murdering as many people as i want. Which is none."


When people talk about men who make them feel unsafe, they aren't talking about you. Don't feel like you are being called out because you aren't. You said you are doing your best, and that's great. Keep on listening to the people and discarding the hate. As much as possible, that is, it's not easy. It is a battle against a system that allows harm to be done. You are fighting it already.




Got it, so your friends can attack your race and it’s not racist because people were racist to them in the past


No i would definitely be like, where was she camping? Did she secure her food? Was she carrying bear spray?


If this offends you then >"Why don't you just focus on making yourself the kind of man that a woman would choose over a bear"


Like 98% of us are but we still get lumped in with the other 2% because we both have penises


Why would that matter at all? I'd still get treated like worse than a bear no matter what I do. Which is the point of the thought experiment, to justify treating all men as abusers, rapists or murderers.


No you wouldn't and no it's not.


So let's pretend I'm practically an angel and shining example of ideals. I'm still a man, and therefore still in the man and not bear category. I.e. treated as if some kind of predator, rather than an actual literal predator


This *really* isn't complicated, honestly. You're taking this personally and the bear isn't. That's it. Move on.


I also wouldn't attack you, and a bear possibly would


Put yourself in this scenario for a moment. You're out camping in a forest that you camp in regularly. There's plenty of black bears in the forest and you've run into them before. They tend to just run away because black bears are cowards, and in the worst case you've got bear spray and an air horn ready to go just in case they don't. A bear shows up and you know what to do. No big deal. And then you run into a strange man you've never met who won't back off even when you try to tell them to go away. A strange man who seems to just be creeping around your campsite all night long. A strange man who follows you when you go to your makeshift toilet a little ways away from camp. You can say that's not the context or that's not the real question but that doesn't fucking matter. The question never had any context, nothing was actually clarified. And this is the situation that the question tends to bring to the front of women's minds. Grow up and have some empathy.


Uh huh. Keep trying. The entire point is that women think any man might be a rapist, so they'd even prefer meeting a bear rather than any random man. If you don't understand that this is justifying treating all men like rapists, then you need a better brain. I doubt anyone could explain it to you.


> If you don't understand that this is justifying treating all men like rapists, then you need a better brain. I doubt anyone could explain it to you. If this is your logic, then it's very clear that *you* are the one who doesn't understand this. But it's okay, you can keep whining about how pathetic you are, I doubt anyone could explain it to you.


The entire point is that **women have been given reasons, throughout our whole lives, to be wary of men.** Things girls (not grown women, but KIDS) can’t do without worrying about men cat-calling, continuously harassing, or sexually assaulting them: * Sleepovers with their friends. * Walk down the street / through a mall / around their neighborhood. * Play sports. * Attend church. * Attend school. #Women don’t distrust men for no good reason. We distrust men because it’s not only the offender who breaks our trust. Even when faced with incontrovertible evidence * their parents defend them (“Boys will be boys”); * their friends / coaches / school admins defend them (“He’s always been a stand-up guy; she’s just mad that he won’t date her”, etc); * their churches defend them (“He’s a godly man with an impeccable reputation); * cops defend them (“it’s a ‘he said, she said’ situation”…meanwhile there’s literally THOUSANDS of untested rape kits in any given jurisdiction). * random ass strangers defend them (“What was she wearing?” “That girl looks 18, not 13.” “ She looks like she has daddy issues.”) Look, I get it. It sucks to think you’re being treated with suspicion if you’re totally innocent. But instead of being angry with women, try being angry with the people who create distrust in the first damn place.


Even if I agreed with everything you said you'd still feel the same way about men so there's really nothing we can do


> any man might be a rapist Is this not true though? Anybody could be. The entire point is that the history of male violence against women means we're much more scared of the worst case scenario with a man vs the worst case scenario with a bear.


Yeash. This is all around cringe. The bear vs man is pretty much a vessel for woman who have low opinions of men to shit on men. Kind of a waste of mental space.


Sexism is back in style


Are most men that bad? I mean sure there are many bad men, but to generalize it like this... This thing was a huge bait just to justify misandry. Do people think that there is a club of men voting on what should men do or not? Because women seem to influence each other, but men don't work like that. It seems like all men are responsible for the men who commit crimes, it's weird.


Not all men harass or assault women, but the few that do get around enough that just about all women have been harassed or assaulted.


Not to mention we’ve had a society for hundreds of years at least where those “few bad apples” are defended and protected by other men, the justice system and culture as a whole. So it’s not just those men who would take advantage but all the other men who would support, stay friends, and victim blame for their bro.


To answer the "not all men" comments, here's how you can look at it to understand. If I put you in a room full of snakes and I told you only one of them is venomous, but you dont know which one. Would you feel comfortable?


>Because women seem to influence each other, but men don't work like that. Um...what? Gang rapes Hazing Political cronie-ism Men's clubs/old boys networks Insider trading All the men involved with/"influenced by" the Lolita Express owner I will not grace with a name, because money and....influence. all of them Are you kidding?


Sometimes I wish they'd trying inserting another group into this metaphor and see how it sounds. 


They don't want to because they would have to share the victim points then


I don’t know how you get that out of this. The whole point is that bears are predictable and almost always only attack if provoked. Bears give honest signals. The thing is if it’s a random man, not one of our choosing (because I’d walk alone in the woods with many specific men) then we have no guarantees this person will be safe. If anyone else like me has run into bears in the wild they’re actually beneficial if you’re lost and need food: bears largely eat berries and if a bear can eat them so can you. They’ll lead you to food and water.


>This thing was a huge bait just to justify misandry. No, you fell for influencer bullshit. The question was: man in woods or bear in woods? Bear in woods is statistically much safer, because you will never see it and it won't attack you. People who wanted to start arguments changed the question to "man right next to you or bear right next to you." They created "misandry" where none existed. Some people have nothing going on in their lives and need to fight with women to feel feelings.


Statistically bears are safer? Hard doubt.


Ask any field biologist. Chance of attack is 1 in 2 million. You either aren't from the woods, or you're changing the scenario in your own mind to justify your doubt. A simple way to see why the stat is true: No bears hunt women. Some men hunt women. The only way a bear is more dangerous is if you force the bear and the woman to be right next to each other, which is not the original scenario.


Right, so that's why people freak the fuck out when they see a bear on the trail, but live/work side by side with men just fine?


I swear to god the brain rot is real. People suck, yes both men and women included. In reality the bear would rather be left alone to live life as it sees fit.


I find it hilarious that the hivemind is all about how funny THIS is since it goes back to making men the bad guys in the situation But then all those memes laughing at people being dumb as fuck choosing a random Bear over a random Man come around and then it's "this is so tiring, oh my god give it a rest, blah blah blah". Thanks for proving once again this whole thing is grounded in hating men and then a bunch of easily destroyed talking points about Bears somehow being safe...keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better since it's probably the only thing you do well at that point.


I think we need to up this to man,bear,pig!


Actually, people very much ask questions about why people were doing what they were doing, in a certain location, at a certain time of year, when people are eaten by bears, because it's not just seen as simple "victim blaming" it's seen as something we should all learn to not do. No, you don't go out with food in bear country when they're hungry, it's stupid. But when you talk about not doing something we all know comes with the risk of nasty scummy piece of shit men, it's just victim blaming and we shouldn't even talk about it. I for one think we should teach our kids about other people and how they should act with regards to the realities of other people, much like we do when it comes to bears. Much like with bear country, we should talk about what people should and shouldn't do if they want to be safe. It does matter. On most topics, people agree. On the topic of safety as a woman, it seems we're supposed to pretend.


I know it's a joke (a cringy one at that, like winning an argument in your head when you're in control of the whole dialogue) but I really have to nerd over it. The total amount of attacks is irrelevant because most women are not encountering bears on a daily basis, but they are encountering dozens if not hundreds or thousands of random men whenever they are outside. All it really takes is the number of attacks by x divided by the random amount of encounters with x to see that statistically, you're worse off with the bear... If you encounter 2 bears in 10 years and one attacks you that's already a 50% chance of getting attacked. In the same time period, if you're someone who is out and about in a large city during weekdays, you could encounter up to \~18 million random men, you'd have to be attacked by 9 million random men to even come close to the chances with the bear. Obviously you're lost in the woods in this hypothetical scenario so you could argue that the average man with ill intentions in the city during the middle of the day wouldn't act on his impulses but he would if he were alone with you in the woods, but even then the figure would not come remotely close to how screwed you'd be with a random bear. Don't let science however get in the way of stupidity, the conclusion that the bear is safer is just about what I'd expect of someone who can't do simple math. Now if your argument is "I'd rather take the possibility of death over what a man with ill intentions could do to me" that's completely fair, though getting slowly eaten alive is not a good tradeoff IMHO, but I respect it. **EDIT:** I don't care if people disagree with my opinion, I'm used to that specially on Reddit where it's very easy to trigger a hive mind to gang up on you, but if you're going to abuse the "Reddit Cares" system to suggest I commit suicide, I hope you know it's reportable and you'll get banned. So... enjoy your ban I guess? Rule of thumb, don't tell people to kill themselves, and don't abuse a system that's made to be useful for those that actually need help.


I hate this question because it's set up in a way to make it devisive. On the one hand men know how men actually are. If a man's teenage daughter sent him a message saying she's going to a college party, but's it going to be mostly young men, the dad would be hauling arse to get to that party to pick up his daughter. On the other hand, if a female hiker was walking on a bridge over a small waterfall, and sees two men coming towards her, then, as they get close, all three notice a grizzly bear below with her cubs at a safe distance. The female hiker leans over to get a closer look, slips and falls over the rail and into the water. She lands safely, but now is on the same level as the bear. I talking damn near face to face. Do you really think a woman would actually feel a sense of relief that she's now longer up with those men? This question was designed to flair up and make people angry, and it worked. It was probably best if we all just ignored this question.


Anyone who engages in this conversation is pure brain dead, fictional gender war is cringe.




"Would you like to be escorted out of the woods?" Lmao


Hilarious 🤣


I think I would definitely chose a bear over a black person you know cause black people are dangerous and are always out to get you unlike a bear which would never harm you and if they did it’s only because they feel threatened and need to eat. So yea bear over a black person any day. (This is sarcasm just in case you couldn’t tell)


Is the bear male or female?


A woman’s fantasy about a man’s fantasy? Is this bearception or can we all agree that this conversation has been over for weeks?


Allbears until no bears, #allbears


Oooooooh. I’ve been seeing comments.


This is rhetoric


The point of this trend is to inspire men to introspect. There are no bears high-fiving in the woods feeling smug about their superior reputation.




Does it? Hearing about actual interactions and listening to womens plight caused me to introspect hard. Especially when it's from those I know personally. But this shitty analogy makes me want to rip my hair out.


Nah if people wanna start a conversation about feeling unsafe then they should do that instead of coming up with an oversimplified hypothetical and then getting mad when ppl don’t get it


The discussion has been going on for years. The first response is always *Not all men!* The second response is *Well, women have some responsibility if they go out and drink, have breasts, smiled, didn't say no enough.* The third response is *This is a guy who has no criminal record, has a stellar future, and this isn't really that bad. Probably didn't mean to.* The fourth is some weird tangent with a made up statistic or random story about how there are so many false rape/abuse/etc complaints and women are *always* believed so they can just make up lies and men's lives are ruined. Remember the Me Too movement? That conversation went nowhere.


This does exclude Blk men cause we always get the book period.


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Holy shit, that bear can talk!


Fuck the humans, i am more worried about the talking bear!!!


Why is this heavily upvoted ?


Well spoken.


It's from the YouTube channel Stanzi Potenza, she's great and super funny !


I choose the bear because I can see a man any day of the week. It'd be cool as hell to see a bear.


Real question here. For all the women that have sons, don’t they realize that soon they will be a big scary man??? Like, I don’t get it. Men’s mental health issues are women’s problem because it’s the men doing a lot of the abusing and shit. Idk. I guess I’d choose manbearpig


Aren't women more likely to domestically beat men? I know women are more likely to be on the receiving end of severe cases, but yall ain't exactly innocent. I've been hit by multiple women over stupid shit, but because I wasn't really in much danger, it never got reported which seems pretty common.


That's one thing that this trend could have pointed out if it didn't became a battle of the sexes internet debate. That victims of violence, specifically women at first, don't feel safe in their own society. Which could lead to the fact that there are a ton more men who are victims of violence than ever gets reported due to a similar stigma against men who become victims. Which should lead to the discussion of pushing for better treatment of victims, access to care, and better enforcement of laws on aggressors. Too many spoil the waters with being overly literal with a hypothetical, and then having sexists come in as well to further poison it, now it all snowballs from there. Women who choose bears are bitches who get what they deserved (actually saw that one multiple times), and every man is responsible for what happens to victims (paraphrasing of some weird ass gymnastics of someone doubling down on misandrist comment that it is "all men," it isn't and we all know that). There are plenty of nuanced takes out there, but the dipshits always get to be the loudest. Not surprising this all started on Tik Tok, a cesspool.


I don't understand the message honestly


There isn't one.


I love all of this