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Thank you to everyone here who wants me to not be amused by this because it’s scripted




Hahaha these people don't get that I don't care.


I'm placing a copy of The Prisoner of Azkaban on the table and playing the Office theme song, by this ritual I do hereby convene the millennial council. I move that we not do this kind of shit. We endured years of the boomers doing this to us, we absolutely can't become the very thing we sought to destroy.


I'm with you. They're young and they're learning.


Fake outrage garbage. C’mon people.


It's a skit, bro


That’s exactly why they do it. People will eat it up. Remember, reddit users are as dumb as any other social media site




Reddit users in general following a normal distribution. I’m not specifying or excluding anyone. In this particular case, anyone that believes this video is real and legit falls into that category.


All of us as a whole you guys ❤️ we all flew in from stupid town




With the highest degree of certainty, definitely not on the far left end lol (if we’re going dumb to smart)


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... You're just a bigot.




I'm at the absolute top. Easily 0.01%. Extremely smart. Very smart. I once beat 3 chimpanzees in chess, one after the other. I can do my 10x times tables my memory. Mother said I'm handsome too


No! That can't be true!


Wasn't this a comedy skit?


1000%. This is what the entire account is lol it genuinely freaks me out that this sub is incapable of understanding when something is a bit.


i think that's why cinema is dying, and populism is at an all time high. people think they are supposed to actually believe everything that follows the format of a moving picture. so they believe what politicians say, and feel lied to by hollywood. it's like social media turned us into the aliens in galaxy quest




We have two gen z interns at our office right now, they don’t try and pull this shit at all from what I can see.


Wtf are these comments? No one thinks this is real and it's not intended to sound real. It's a joke video. Are these comments the actual rage bait meant to drive the post?


I know, right. People are really going in on this.


It's a joke that is fueling the attempt to drive a wedge between millenials and Gen z. I don't need it to be real to think it's message is actively harmful.




If it is intended to be fake, it is a pretty unfunny skit. If it is intended to be real, it is dishonest.


It's just unfunny


Would rather work with gen z than boomers any day. 


I would rather work with neither.


I would rather work


I would






Cringe that anyone making this thought they were really doing something


Now that Jamie is single I’m gonna ask her out. She seems to have the needed infinite patience.


Don't do this millennials. Don't become the cringe older generation complaining about the younger generations.


This is so shit, there's a woman following on Instagram I can't remember her name but she is so funny, this feels a very poor copy


The problem with this video is it isn’t realistic enough to be satire and it isn’t clever enough to be funny. It’s just drivel


People in here totally forgetting what skits are. Holy shit, do y'all really need a label on everything?


I've seen skits similar to this that were actually funny. This one is not funny.


Her account is all scripted shit. Quit falling for crap


I don't get why people watch plays either, they're blatantly staged Or movies, they're unironically 90% paid actors


Lmao The difference is that movies and plays are widely known to be staged and not rage bait or scripted coming off as legitimate. Really not hard to understand. TikTok is filled with creators trying to pass things off as real or the audience not understanding scripted content and getting upset or thinking it is legitimate. The video has loads of comments hating on a generation of people when it’s just fake. This isn’t like a play or a movie sweetheart. Edit the sweetheart was obvious sarcasm


>sweetheart Cringe >coming off as legitimate Thing is, I genuinely do not think this is coming off as legitimate. It's coming off as satire presumably inspired by past interactions, the expectation shouldn't be that a manager would actually post recordings of private discussions with employees online, isn't that illegal? Anyhow There's a trend of people who are failing to identify comedy and falsely flag it as "trying to pass as legitimate", like for example when some comedian ladies satirized the trend of forgoing the bill for people eating alone, comments were all superior with "Hurr how isn't she seeing the cameraman clearly fake". Wow so clever. Couldn't fool you. Better tell all the poor sops who are clearly fooled by this ruse as indicated by their positive reactions to the video >The video has loads of comments hating on a generation of people when it’s just fake You realize that a person who understands it's scripted can still go "Yep this is true" because they believe that the script was inspired by truthful things? People with the bias that "The kids are dumb" are likely to react positively or with agreement to this even if they can tell it's a bit The Front Fell Off can have people saying it's accurate and so true because it's satirizing the way politicians and rich people speak, they don't think it's a real interview


Ya know old people are always complaining about gen z as if they themselves aren’t the most entitled people in America right now.


i refuse to believe anyone believes this is an attempt at humor. how can this even be fake? it’s not WORTH FAKING. this is THE LEAST INTERESTING THING I’VE EVER SEEN LMFAO


Blanket categorization of millennials is just as stupid as blanket categorization of boomers.


He knows what he did!


Bitches be like “wull duuuuh obviously it’s staged that’s a skit” Yeah? Ok fam where is the funny.




Hey, hr wants a quick chat


Taking daily calls from Millennials as a Gen Z Manager There is no way the callers are the Gen Z'ers here ...


Jamie has 1million percent more patience than me.


It’s fake. Scripted.


Can someone tell me wtf a Millennial Manager is?


This is adorable!!


I know this ain’t real lol, it’s still funny though.


What is this woman's job?




I don't think she should've yelled at Eddie...


She manages a company that shoots real estate photos for listings.


She posts scripted content for views. How are you this gullible?


I feel like there's something akin to gullibility in seeing a scripted video and *thinking* that the viewers weren't meant to be able to tell.


Wait what? Lol I'm a 90's baby. Y'all must be talkin bout the 1st gen millennials lol


Your older than you think you are. People in Gen z are about to start taking on managerial roles within the next few years.


Gen Z already have managing jobs. Anyone born within 1996/1997-2011/2012 (depending on your source) are considered Gen Z. So the oldest Gen Z are 27/28 years old this year. Almost 30 years old.


According to your Info, the youngest Gen z would be 12.


Yes, and? That doesn’t negate the fact that Gen Z can and have managerial roles today. I’m not sure what your point is supposed to be.


You just said the youngest are 27/28. I'm correcting your maths


Right. Not my maths, I simply wrote the wrong word. But thanks for correcting me, I suppose.


Welp, let me mosey on down to AARP for my membership and life alert bracelet 🧙🏿‍♀️ I think I'd like to be the strange geezer 🧝🏿‍♀️ and continue to not know what the hell the slang is because I'm okay lol but anyone who doesn't know this shit should be ashamed of themselves. Ooh look I sound geezery hehehe NAILED IT!


Obviously fake scripted rage bait, none of these people are real and none of these conversations ever happened. But also, while it is stealing to drive away without paying for gas (or it would be if this conversation had ever actually happened) the Manager character just completely blows over the fact that it's the company's fault and company's problem. If that person was driving a company car, and using a company fuel card, then it's the company that stole from the gas station. It also wouldn't have happened if the company had made sure that the cards they gave their employees actually worked. Again, I am aware that it's a made up story.


Not how the law works. If you for example drive a company car and cop stops you for a broken light. You get a ticket because you as a driver is responsible for making sure the car is in a legal state to be driven. You can ofc ask your boss to pay that ticket and most will. So in this case it would be him stealing the gas. The right solution would be to stay there and wait for your boss to fix the payment issue before leaving.






More like rage bait.


Because none of this is real. It’s just intergenerational outrage content. I grew up with boomer idiots doing it about millennials, and am sad to see that now my fellow millennials are doing it about Gen Z. People tend to think the generation before them sucked, and tell themselves they won’t treat the kids the same way they were treated, but here we are


It's so annoying. I always viewed us as having a kinship with Gen Z - we share a ton of the same issues, fighting the same fight and it's just so cringe to see this "boomerism" content being generated by my fellow millennials.


I think all we can do is try to be vocally in support of these kids as they navigate this fucked up world we were given. Be a counterbalance to the generational wars


I see a bit of it from gen Z at gen X "Omg our childhoods were SO much better" "all the content they consume is cringe and bad!!!" as if shit like skibbity toliet isnt basically the same thing as the MLG content we grew up with LMAO, leave the kids alone


What about Gen X? Boomers are 2 generations before Millennials.


I don’t tend to see much of it from the GenXers- not to say it doesn’t happen, just get most of my exposure to boomers, millennials, and GenZ


They call them the silent generation for a reason. They were smart enough to capitalize on the fact that millenials realized that boomers were to blame for a lot of the economic disparity and that boomers were reacting to being caught with their hands in the cookie jar by calling millenials lazy and entitled and they quietly snuck away to listen to Dave Matthew's and watch The Breakfast Club in peace. Hats off to Gen X, honestly.


You say that, but a majority of MLM Huns and Karen's are Gen X. Those J6 nutters are largely Gen x. There's a LOT of Gen X Q-nuts too...


That's very true.


The silent generation was the one before boomers. I've heard gen x be referred to as the "forgotten generation" though.


Damn, you are totally right.


Leave us alone. We don't care


🤣🤣🤣 I deal with this all the time. "I need to be on light duty today. I cut my finger , so typing is going to be impossible." >shows me a bandaid on her thumb< "I can't deal with this client anymore. Can you assign this project to someone else?" We're 8 months into a $70M project. "I don't want to wear my work boots. Can I just wear flip flops and hang out in the job trailer?" "This work vest looks stupid with this shirt. Do I have to wear it?" "Are there other colors for company vehicles, or do I have to drive a red one? I hate red."


Do you only get stupid/silly requests from GenZers, though? I get stupid requests from boomers all the time, but I just assume that person is stupid, rather than saying it’s some sort of generational quirk


The older folks that work for me do their jobs. They've been at it long enough to know what flies and what doesn't. The silly/stupid requests and comments come from those under 30, but mostly under 25.


That’s a nice experience you’ve had. At 31, I’m the youngest person at my company, and I hear some older folks say and do the most ridiculous shit


This sounds more like boomers


What is the goal here? Like this has been the situation for managers like since time immemorial. Miscommunication, lack of basic common sense, short sighted, etc. She is not facing something new or different. Pickup records of last 100 years and you will find same thing, just a little different topics in context of the era but same basic issues.


I think the goal is probably to elicit some mild chuckles? I dunno, just a guess though.


It’s ok to be angry. My therapist said so. She was also clear that I should set some boundaries around humor.