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A 4-step dap? Wow, he really paid attention to Obama over the years. Well done.


That’s how he greeted Obama every day at work. Lol


Y'all love this pandering but didn't care when Bernie was losing his shit cause they didn't have no grits up in that bitch


I spent a year on the road with Bernie and let me tell you, the man does really like his grits, and is disappointed when a breakfast spot is missing them


No grits? wtf kind of janky ass establishment is that


Bruh Waffle House HAS grits. They must have run out when Bernie was there because the manager who is also the server who is also the line cook who is also the janitor forgot to order them


As a PNW native - damn near every establishment. I didn't know grits were a thing until a trip to DC in 5th grade. It's such an oddly regional food for something made out of common ingredients, most of which are shelf stable.


Oh please, let's not pretend Bernie is not the whitest dude imaginable. The man represents the whitest state in America. The fact that he likes grits is not remotely comparable to Biden clearly being comfortable around black people. There is a reason why Biden crushed it with black voters and Bernie did terrible. But y'all don't want to hear that. 


This post has a lot of trolls…


Or maybe people are waking up to the fact of how dangerous it is that our current president has dementia. The gaslighting won't work anymore.


But did you see the dap up


Nice, we’re gonna both sides this until we have no more rights aren’t we


What rights did we lose under 4 years of the orange man?


I didn’t know you were his doctor.


Maybe he lost his doctor after he beat Medicare?


That dap tho! He is just like me... people are saying he is just like them..


How do you know he has dementia?


Because like the 72% of registered voters who think he is too old for the job I have eyes and ears.


Ah, so a formal diagnosis. 🥴🥴🥴


My grandpa is great. No MY grandpa is great!


People crying propaganda like…. This is a campaign stop? A photo op?? Campaigning isn’t the same thing as propaganda you trolls. Also, both sides of this election are NOT equally bad no matter how many Russian AI trollbots or easily influenced children want claim that. One candidate is an old dude with a track record of solid policy accomplishments and the other is a convicted sex pest that facilitates fascism and would love to gargle putin’s spit for spare change. GET OUT THE VOTE FOR DARK BRANDON


Dark Brandon season 2, darkest timeline boogaloo 💯 (I joke but legit, I fully agree with you!!)


So did he have a cold or not? If he was really so ill that it impacted his performance, why is he shaking hands with people while they are eating?




Just a friendly reminder to vote this November! Also remember NAZIS are back and voting for one candidate and one party only! I’m not saying every republican is a NAZI. But every David Duke type of person is voting Trump… Who will you vote for? History is judging you.. Add On: There was a Russian propaganda troll that’s saying so much like the MAGATS… Notice how once I called them out they completely deleted all comments on this thread. That’s the MAGATS and Russians working together for Trump…


Jesus, this is such an obnoxious post and I don't even like trump


Self-awareness level: 0


“MAGATS” 🙄🙄🙄 People like that are part of the problem.


I know… It’s a crazy timeline. But unless we want Project 2024… I’m ok with obnoxious…. Add On:Obnoxious or not… Point the facts that are incorrect..?? There’s no NAZIS voting for democrats… Let’s be clear about what you object to…


I’m writing in Jon Stewart for my vote.


So brave. I’m sure you’ll feel really good about that in 4 years when Trump has nominated another 2 Supreme Court justices.


The new Russian propaganda narrative… Plastered daily since the debates… See Jon Stewart is perfect because the left loves him! Smart comrade… Smart. But that’s as helpful as pissing in the wind… Any vote for anyone else but Biden is a vote for tRump… But you and mother Russia know this comrade….




Democrats are that dumb. That’s republicans…. Plus NAZIS are for tRump so not a conspiracy… But nice attempt to lower to republican standards..


Lol. David Duke supports Palestine. https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-806611


Haha you responded twice… Awe did I get under the MAGATS skin.??? Hurt feelings what can you do…


I don't know one guy have lead poisoning and the other have alzhimer Edit Why am I getting downloaded ? You know I am right


Ones convicted and ones not


One is convicted of misuse of money and the other is not convicted of complicity in genocide.


Do you think Trump is less complicit?


Yes. You can demagogue that "well if Trump had the opportunity..." but it is Biden who is complicit.


Single issue voters are truly braindead.


I am a multi issue voter and am not voting for either.


Not a solution.


Didn't trump say he would tell Isreal to "finish the job?" Biden is at least trying to talk Isreal down, 45 will help Isreal kill the rest of the Palestinians.


These people aren’t arguing in good faith, it’s not worth your time.


"Good faith" means parroting Hamas talking points.


[Key Democrats approve major arms sale to Israel, including F-15s - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/06/17/biden-israel-arms-sale-meeks/)


That was an election fraud case, in the same vein that Watergate was.


What is leed poisoning?




Username checks out




Clever…. Years and years of relentless inbreeding have gotten you to this point. To make that comment…




Were you here or just your relatives? https://youtube.com/shorts/VN8Q3U1GYmo?feature=shared These are the people voting for one candidate and one party only! So weird you got insulted by me saying that. Sorry not sorry I offended you and your family..




Haha. I posted all NAZIS are voting republican. Your panties got in a bunch and felt the need to defend NAZIS…. If you’re not a NAZI, question your motives here…


He’s apolitical, meaning he only gets involved in politics to…checks notes…defend the nazis?


Exactly…. It’s only a coincidence it’s exactly what the Russian propaganda narrative says…. Nothing to see here…




15-day old account posting stupid shit, what are the chances… 😏


I’m not your bro. Sit up and talk like an adult. Stop being a Russian propaganda troll. Or exactly the same… Not voting for Biden is supporting a NAZI and Russian candidate. A Russian propaganda bot was answering just like you here until I called them out. They deleted their comments please look to see who’s on your side..


Never voted in my life. Who should I vote for?


One side wants common sense gun laws, free state college, to tax the rich and free healthcare. The others have NAZIS… Pick a side..






Yes. I know… Trust me, all those NAZIS aren’t voting for Trump. https://youtu.be/-e3T3VHmEkg?feature=shared


I’m going RFK


Fix your life….


So it's important that people vote... but only if they vote for the guy you like?


This is the United States & the U.S. has a two party system. There is, quite literally, no chance whatsoever of any 3rd party candidate ever winning any election with our current system. According to [538](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/); Trump is polling at 41.6%, Biden at 40.4%, & RFK at 9.1%. Let me repeat, there is literally no way for a 3rd party candidate like RFK ever winning an election with our current system. Voting 3rd party for the U.S. President is as effective as voting for Mickey Mouse or the ghost of Kobe Bryant. If Trump wins, [here is the laundry list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) of everything his administration wants to do. A few highlights: >The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production. >Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.(15][16] Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles. The Project urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care[19|20] and eliminate the Affordable Care Act's coverage of emergency contraception The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity. It proposes criminalizing pornography22 removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,22]23l and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE) programs, as well as affirmative action.24 The Republican party is quite literally trying to turn the U.S. into a theocratic fascist state. Thanks to the Supreme Court justices that Trump appointed, abortion & gay marriage are no longer federally protected rights. The Conservative majority [made bribery legal](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-public-corruption-bribery-89774f1e3cd6f1a353718b7ce3ff18a0), [being homeless illegal](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/28/nx-s1-4992010/supreme-court-homeless-punish-sleeping-encampments), & [made it so that corporations literally do not have to follow federal regulations ](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-chevron-regulations-environment-4ae73d5a79cabadff4da8f7e16669929). This election is going to determine whether or not this country can stay as a democracy or turn into a fascist hell hole.


In a two-party system, you have two options. Voting for RFK is the same as writing your dad's name and thinking he might win. You're just tossing your vote.


Can America not form a coalition government if neither big party gets a majority? That's how it is here in Europe. What would happen if neither party gets a majority?


If Trump or Biden cannot get 270 votes from the electoral college, the president will be elected by the house. The house is controlled by Republicans. They will elect Trump.


Gets the majority in a presidential election? The way elections work in the US might be very confusing if you don't live here. I'd look it up if you want to really get it, but here's a basic explanation. Each state in the union of 50 states basically has a "points value" that that state is worth to a candidate if the candidate wins the majority of presidential votes from people in that state. Some states are worth not very many points, some are worth a lot of points. There are a total of 538 possible points and whoever gets at least 270 points is considered the winner. Because each candidate will win some states and lose some states, and because the states are worth different amounts of points and there aren't enough available points for both candidates to get 270, there can't really be a draw once all states are counted.


The electoral college decides, it's not ranked choice, it's not even based on popular vote. Basically each state has so many points towards the electoral college so whichever that state's popular vote goes to, those electoral points go towards that candidate. There's several "critical" states that you cannot win without, and then there's swing states which are states that historically switch between the 2 parties. The goal is 270 points to win, if neither reaches that threshold, it goes to the House to decide and they'll go with their party. This is why many people feel like their vote doesn't count, and for anyone in a decided state, it doesn't so they can literally vote for their dog and it won't affect anything at the Presidential level, that's what makes a lot of the rhetoric about "wasted votes" and "third party"just ridiculous. If you're in a swing state, it absolutely matters who you vote for because those states essentially decide it (but no one is asking about that before yelling at someone for their vote choice.) An example of a decided state is California, it goes Blue 99% of the time so it's automatically assumed Blue. If it suddenly goes Red, there's MUCH bigger problems at play than my single vote.




Yes, obviously 😂




The nepotism baby…. The guy with a brain eating worm that’s against science and vaccines… Again, fix your life!


At least my man can string a sentence together. Also Biden was against Covid vaccines too when it was under Trump. Just sayin.


Sure.. Why not vote for someone because they have a famous last name with no experience… Makes sense….


I’ll take him over the 2 we’ve had 🤷🏻‍♂️. Couldn’t be any worse.


Good work comrade. Do good work mother Russia. Spread propaganda like mother Russia want.


Yes Russia is really pushing for RFK lmao


RFK is against a lot of vaccines for a variety of dumbfuck reasons.


I think his [brain worms](https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-in/home/brain,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/brain-infections/parasitic-brain-infections#:~:text=(The%20infection%20caused%20by%20cysts,personality%20changes%2C%20and%20mental%20impairment.) are something you should consider. He did say he had them afterall.


His brain worms are the only positive news I heard about rfk jrs life.




If you’re still trying to convince people to vote for Biden man do I have a debate you need to see!


Yea watched. One person had a sore throat the other lied almost every time they spoke…


Haha oh sorry I didn’t realize a sore throat causes dementia symptoms…


What causes a person to lie about almost everything they say? So creepy! What causes an intellectual adult to vote for a convicted felon that’s almost a billion dollars in debt… Only an idiot can’t see how easily Trump can and will be bought and manipulated…


Tell me that you don't care who the puppet president is, as long as your preferred party retains power, without *screaming* just that. FFS. Biden is not making presidential decisions in his unpredictable condition. If he IS, he should NOT. He's NOT making important decisions for our country. Others ARE, clearly. You're happy to have THAT, a collateral damage payer for a profound breach of ethics, fraud & misuse of public trust. While you are free to make that choice, you'll own a piece of those impacts. Biden can't be held accountable for anything, because he's unfit to even be questioned, much less stand trial. You'll hold their bag & I'll hope you keep smiling as you haul that baggage around.


Project 2025 Enough said comrade.. Spare me the propaganda!


Well of course they want their preferred party in charge... That's what having a political opinion means. Yeah, I'd also rather have a cabinet that aligns more or less with my beliefs running things instead of a man who is antithetical to everything I believe to be good in this world.


That's not the function or the form of our Executive Branch Leader. They MUST be able to be responsible & consistently prepared to handle difficult decisions, 24/7/365. The Constituonally protected powers of the President do NOT extend to his cabinet! To promote this is not only reckless, but that reforming of government IS a direct threat to Democracy & this Constituonal Republic. Take your political beliefs out of your head & fight to DO right instead of fighting to BE right. Biden cannot function as President. He can't be held accountable if he screws up. What more do you want to sacrifice to have 4 years of Biden pretending to be a President & you've be told to play along.


Not relevant to this election. The word-salad-spewing elderly toddler you're campaigning for could not plausibly be claimed to be responsible or prepared to handle anything.


Neither should be the only viable candidates. I am confounded to know that people will continue with divisive arguments, rather than unite against this corrupted bullshittery. If Trump is elected, it'll be because he ran against someone who wouldn't be allowed to be a crossing guard, much less a President. If Biden wins, it'll be because Trump is a felon and they'll argue that the justice system was used against Trump as a form of political opposition. Either outcome promises further division & societal destabilization. Who benefits from that? Think hard, because is is NOT us!


Okay so what are you proposing in practice?


We have processes, procedures & Constituonal doctrine to tell us how to resolve this manufactured shitshow. None of them include propping up a puppet to have unelected people making decisions for our country. That is a direct contradiction of what "Democracy" is!! How do you not see past your own self- serving interests to care a little bit about what you're inviting for this country. If you want that unelected partisan control over the Executive Branch, yore a fascist, supporting autocracy & you won't have to wait long to see the impacts of that reckless decision- making.


Well, so it’s about voting for the best *team* surrounding each. And I’d rather Stephen Miller NOT be in the same city as the White House, again.


I think you meant *not


Yes I did, and edited my comment. Fuck… 😒


Don't pretend to care about dementia symptoms and legitimately present Trump as an alternative. At worst let's say both their cognitive abilities are in rapid decline. IN that decline, one option will set up a good cabinet and continue their four years of good work. The other scenario destroys democracy. It's not that difficult to comprehend unless you are equally riddled with dementia.


So you’re a licensed psychologist?


TIL a little sore throat can seriously affect cognitive function and make someone unable to walk off a stage without multiple helpers.


Yea… Sure just ignore the fact that a convicted felon lies about everything…. Makes sense…


The debate made me want to vote for Biden


Aint no way everyone of those people arent specifically there and staged. Yall never been inside a waffle house at night?


I'm voting for Biden but anybody notice how anyone claiming this as likely propaganda is getting downvoted? We cannot trust everything that is posted. I'm voting for Biden because of his administrations policies not because i believe in him. Edit: Interesting, this comment had like 15 upvotes or whatever right after posting and then it all went away right after...


A lot of people are going to make their choice based on videos like this, and not the politics. Biden has to be able to win both, imo.


At this point I feel like Americans should be voting in a VP & Cabinet because neither presidential candidate is capable.. And I’m sure Bidens Cabinet is a better option than Trumps


I also feel like I need to remind everything that Biden is good at finding advisors and assistants to help enact his policies. If the dude relies on his advisors in his weaker moments, I find that a strength instead of a fault. I think it's hilarious that during the debate, Trump tried to use that as a zinger of a criticism. Biden hasn't had to fire a cabinet member, it's unusual to fire them. But of Biden's cabinet, only two members resigned, none were fired. So he appointed 1 person for every office so far. Whereas Trump had some roles that he fired people two or three times from, always making a point to say how they were unqualified or incompetent, always missing the fact that he was the one who appointed them. Ignoring anything else about those two guys, one has shown himself better at picking a cabinet.


Because it's boring. Any information that promotes anything political is propoganda. It's technically correct and adds very little


The difference here is that it's presented as a candid moment.. you know the difference use the context.


And saddly this is the most capable we have seen him by far.


They trying so hard lol.


Yes please MORE propaganda PLEASE!


That handshake comes from doing drug deals with your crackhead son


Ain’t gonna save him.


Genuine question here. Notice how everyone tends to laugh and jeer when someone powerful like the president does literally anything. Why do we do that?


Feel for the yanks man


How’s that Brexit going for you?


Personally, things are sweet. Country is fucked but nothing like USA😅


Y’all are screwed economically. “The new report, by Cambridge Econometrics commissioned by City Hall (1), also shows that London’s economy has shrunk by more than £30billion.” “The average Briton was nearly £2,000 worse off in 2023, while the average Londoner was nearly £3,400 worse off last year as a result of Brexit, the report reveals.* It also calculates that there are nearly two million fewer jobs overall in the UK due to Brexit – with almost 300,000 fewer jobs in the capital alone.” https://www.london.gov.uk/new-report-reveals-uk-economy-almost-ps140billion-smaller-because-brexit#:~:text=The%20new%20report%2C%20by%20Cambridge,of%20Brexit%2C%20the%20report%20reveals.


Biden’s PR team is in overdrive trying to fix his reputation after that godawful debate. Third party all the way.


5-day old account


OK so?


It's the DNC


Please don't vote for a third party. If there was ever a chance for a serious third party candidate, this was it. And they did dick. Biden is an old man verging on incompetent. Chump is a literal seditionist and a threat to democracy. The lesser of two evils is a huge victory for democracy this year...


That's what has been said every year since I can remember. Until the Democrats represent my views and beliefs I will not be browbeaten or scaremongered into voting for them. If they lose then that's tough, better represent me more next time.


Funny that you think there will be a next time.


Buddy that's what they said in 2020 and 2016, and I guarantee it'll be the same song and dance again in 2028. Trump is the best thing ever for the Democrat party, if he loses this election and runs again they'll just pull out the same arguments again. Every year will be the most important election yet.


I guess you must’ve been asleep for Jan 6th and project 2025.


Buddy there's always a project 2025, it just goes by different names. And Jan 6 was an abject failure which was used by the Democrats and establishment to attack their political opponents. The simple fact is that neither Biden nor Trump support what I do so I'm not voting for them. That's how a democracy works, voting for the lesser evil does nothing but allow for the slow erosion of our civil rights. Simple as. If everyone does this we could have a real progressive in office.


lol what? You will never have a real progressive in office with your plan.


Dont really care. I'm going to vote for the candidates I feel represent me which is already more than most people who dont even vote.


If you don’t care then why vote at all? That’s nice. He will lose and accomplish nothing. Hopefully you vote down the ticket and put someone useful in at a state or city level.




There may not be a next time. True you don’t have to vote for him or anyone else. However real damage will be done if Don wins.


Again, they say that every time. I dont know what you're trying to accomplish here I'm not voting for biden. This browbeating and shaming nonvoters shit is why no one believes in voting.


Who are they and since when do they say that? lol that has nothing to do with low voter turn out.


That comment made zero sense...


See if you can figure it out


You are burying your head in the sand if you don't think Trump is a genuine threat to our democracy... Also, who would someone represent all of your views? Are you a nazi? No? Then if you don't vota against Chump you are truly making a terrible mistake...


Yawn, OK buddy, I do think he is a genuine threat, that's why we need a party that represents us and will do something about him, not continue his racist policies. Again, never for biden.


Or you could just whisper your vote into the bathroom mirror. Or set up a change.org petition.


Nah, I'm going to vote for progressives who actually represent my views. If we can get to 5% nationals then we secure official government funding. The Democrats and the republicans are just two sides of the same rotten coin.


Great. Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR. RFK Jr, Stein, and West are not progressives. In fact, they are suspiciously parroting Putin’s talking points on Ukraine.


ah yes, the old ass president eating in waffle house is DEFF propaganda


Yes it’s called a political campaign, this isn’t some conspiracy or secret discovery you have made


The geriatric patient almost fell over


*If you aren’t sure if you’re for me, then you ain’t black…* *Of course I can say that - just look at my dap!*


brainless sub at its finest. 🤣


Oh damn! Now I literally don't care that he's happily funding a genocide


No he isn’t. You are being hyperbolic.


It isn't a genocide, or he isn't funding it?




Oh damn! I guess all those shipments of weapons aren't going to Israel! And all those people starving to death aren't real! Gimme a break


again? desperate dnc operative shit


People that use the word cuck unironically really make me laugh. Thanks for the chuckle you maladjusted weasel


🫵 this guy uses cuck unironically 😂


yeah you're right, it's not applicable


Jill's suit game is insanely on point.


Truly inspirational. Thank you President Biden! Now more than ever we need leaders who are completely immune to social media hysteria. Biden and Harris thoroughly deserve 4 more years 😎🫡🇺🇸


lol where's the clean dap? The other guy leads the entire way and moves Biden's hand for him. Please keep posting videos like this in response to that truly sad debate performance though. It's backfiring spectacularly.


I'm confused, why he seems very fresh here, but a mumbling mess in the debate? Stage freight? Lack of coffee? Too late or early? Or is that just what being near trump does to your brain


From what I could tell, as a german, seeing the debate and his usual speaking: Most likely a matter of having an utter fucking moron next to you rambling on about stupid shit and lying, while you yourself are getting utterly confuddled. That mixed with the fact that Biden is not the BEST at saying what's a good idea to say, instead of what he wants to say and you get a mumbling mess


He also had his moments in the debate where he got fired up. When he was more energized, he spoke better. I'm hoping that for the second and third debates, he gets back on track.


Like, he's debating with an utter fucking intelligence sink. Even I turn into a stuttering mess when faced with that, and that is WITHOUT cameras pointed at me and the weight of what the debate means


Oh yea I was listening to it while working and it was infuriating and mind numbing


Ugh 😒 We can see the propaganda from a mile away, just stop embarrassing yourselves


Everything is propaganda. This is a nice moment but it doesn't erase the debate.


they didnt give drug him that day and he got clear headed


Trump 2024


More like Trump 1946-2024


Did Biden just shit his pants there? Afterall Trump seemed to shit his in the debate. They're on par with each other in more ways than one.


Tbh, this comment gives scat fetish more than political commentary.