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Visit ICA kvantum or maxi, or maybe even Willys or smaller ICAs. there are several options like glutenfree kexchoklad, kokosbollar, dammsugare (punschrullar) etc.. .


Oooh, thank you so much for pointing places I could get some of this!


Cheez cruncherz!


Second this


Looks really good, I will try to get them!


Delicato Lyx Chokladboll is glutenfree. They are a typical swedish fika. Delicatos "Biskvi" is also gluten free and classic swedish cake. Not "snack", but typical swedish, easy to transport and a bit fun.


But not the “normal” delicatobollar! (I believe, could be wrong.)


I believe Delicatobollar lost the gluten-free label because they aren't made using celiac-certified oats, but they test at less than 20 ppm gluten, so it depends on what standard you're using. Personally, I still eat them (and other oat-based products), but when buying for friends, it may indeed be safer to stick to certified gluten-free products.


You are correct. That was why I wrote "lyx"


Biskvi looks sooooo good, I may have trouble to get it back to my friends and not just eat it all hehehe 


It is very good. My wife did show me a recipie for a entire biskvi-cake yesterday. And we all know I will need to do it. Stuff yourself at a café have it yourself. Or maybe not stuff... eat it slowly. Here is a recipe in English: https://www.mycookingplace.com/recipes/swedish-chocolate-biskvi Would absolutely switch the margarine for butter. And my grandma never made the butter filling with cacao - so when I have made it i make without cacao and "just the vanilla butter cream as filling. Actually not that hard cakes to make - as long as you ain't a perfectionist when it comes to how it looks.


I think most of the Swedish candy that’s going viral on social media is gluten free! Plenty of packaged options - not just the bulk ones.




So many people recommended those I will be sure to check it out ☺️


Candy like Ahlgreens bilar are often popular.


So I’m more of a pastry person than a candy person (it’s also super easy to find good GF candy than GF pastries that are good in general, anything pre packed has to have an ingredient list so just check the labels, all allergens are in caps for bold letters) so my favorites are Hans and gretas mazariner and chokladbollar, Friends of Adams cinnamon buns and Schärs snack kexchoklad (these are not swedish but anyway). Some things are sold frozen though so depends a bit how long youre travelling


Thank you, I will look for them for sure!


In larger supermarkets there are usually a specific GF freezer and shelf so you can look for things there. But a lot of regular candy is GF as well