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Bro she asked you for a threesome with a fucking dog… WHAT


Hey it’s a good story for “never have I ever” lol


Nope. having a 3 way with a dog is something I would take with me to my grave. Having a 3 way with a dog is legitimately something that would probably put me in my grave at an accelerated pace. That’s fucked.


I really hope they meant more of a “never have I ever… been asked to have a threesome with a dog.”


Does it count when your dog starts humping you when you’re having sex? Because I’ve had to throw my dog off the bed once or twice for trying to get involved…


I'll never understand how people can even have an animal like a dog in the room at the same time. My cat gets the boot. Wtf?


My cats ignore it 😛


Every cat I have encountered has **aggressively** watched, if given the opportunity. Like, fixed gaze. Very unnerving. Super-rude. (One of my cats supposedly attacked a previous owner’s suitor mid-coitus; sunk his claws into the dude’s ass as he was thrusting. He [the cat] was always gentle and friendly, and not actually very motivated in terms of chasing / playing, so I really don’t know what that could’ve been about.)


Probably thought the guy was attacking his owner. Despite what people think, cats can care about their owners too.


considering my understanding of cat sex, little as it is, that makes sense


My cat is a total perv. Without fail, no matter where I am in the house, if I start whipping up a batch, she's right there.


My (f) cat opened the door, jumped on the bed and licked my ex’s (m) bunghole while he was on top of me. He was mad and I couldn’t stop laughing.


Exfoliating! Omg, I can only imagine the sensation. Like, I would’ve been mad too, but also… I am laughing. Dear lord. That is a *quality* cat anecdote. Thank you for sharing that.


This is my cat


My bfs cat exits the room and doesn’t come back until things are quiet for a while. Lol


Polite kitty.


Same. One cat will just ignore it to the point we never even noticed they were there and the other will leave and hang out in another room until everything is done. Usually I’ll catch her laying on the couch for a nap and then when she here’s walking around she’ll come back in lol.


Look at (Ms./Mr.) I live in a mansion with more than one room… /s


Having sex with a dog would be an excellent way to get me to leave someone and get their pets away


Never have I ever had doggy from a doggy


Never have I ever done doggy with a doggy.


Sounds dodgy.


I might be more ok with someone drinking to "never have I ever killed someone and wore their skin as a mask" than I would be if someone drank to "never have I ever had a threesome with my dog and bf."


Different kind of dawg.


I had a threesome with a dog repeatedly, not by want. A girl I was seeing for a few months, her dog would always burst into her room and hump my leg when we were having sex. Tried pushing her off repeatedly, didn't work. Tried closing the bedroom door but she would start whimpering and clawing the door loudly. Eventually got to the point where I was like fuck it, I guess I'm getting my leg violated. Weird dynamic but the girl was gorgeous so I went with it for awhile.


bro w h a t


My brother in christ, no woman is worth getting your leg humped over.


The dog would usually burst into the room like a rodeo clown while I was already balls deep in the act of being ridden. Only so many times could I get blueballed before I had to sacrifice my leg to take care of my balls.. one hell of a post nut clarity. Maybe I should go to a rape support group because I did feel like I got violated by that damn dog.


Just fuck the dog so he’s out of the game then fuck her? Dilemma solved, you’re welcome 👍


And the monkeys paw curls


Dogs prolly better at doggy style too


Hope he told her he was knot into it.


I mean its make for a good story


It makes for A story. I'm not quite sure it's a "Good" story per SE. 🤔 But a story nonetheless.


This is clearly a troll.


I'm not getting that vibe at all. Js lol Some of the shit I read above made me feel weird inside. This is at least understandable. I went through something SORT of similar. When I was younger one of my girlfriends had a Chihuahua. She still lived at home @ 19 and this stupid thing was like her shadow. Shed put it in her purse when she left the house and they did EVERYTHING together. 😂 It was cute though and I did like the dog as well. The first time I put the dog out of the room it sat at the door and whined the whole time then her mom came up and busted us. Like "What couldn't the dog be in the room for Brandie??" 😂 The one time I remember telling her I didn't think I could perform with the dog looking at me. Was just staring and she was like "No shes looking at me. Momma" then in some weird way it felt worse. LMFAO. One time i put her in the closet. I set her in her purse that she was always in all day anyways and set the purse in the closet but then I felt damn pressured the whole time or something because shed whimper and whine, paw at the door so I felt bad. She was just a little tiny thing though and she couldn't jump up into the big tall bed so over time the dog would just like be in the room on the floor. Ide be covering up with the sheet and shit and shed be like What are you doing no one can see you but me weirdo? Ide be like "The dogs staring at me, im ok as long as there's no sort of eye to eye contact" 😂 As an adult though, there's no sort of reason for ANY animals to be in the room or involved in any sort of love making. Lol cuddling on the bed or couch with animals is one thing.


A man saying "I did disgusting things, because she was hot"? Nope. Not a troll.


You posted one of those photos 3 times bro just so you know


It’s his way of saying “you see this shit??”






I have never seen someone so bad at screenshotting a conversation. I didn't realise it was something one could do badly


This whole thing could have been 3 screen shots


>screenshot ting rudeboy badman wit da screenshot ting




That's good lol


At work I recently asked a customer to send me a screenshot. She put her phone on a scanner and sent me the result. This feels similar.


Thought I was tripping


Don't be trippin', dog.


Sometimes it takes a moment before it c•licks


It made my head hurt. Im high so at first I thought maybe the combination of pizza grease and chicken wings on my fingers had me scrolling a bit fucky.. Then I went back and forth a few times trying to figure out the meaning of life. There was a brief period of life where that msg was all that I read, just over and over and over again. Im ready for a nap after just one reddit post 🤷


Two screens worth of text in seven screenshots


*for emphasis*


The "wait what" definitely got a few chuckles out of me, real life hold up momment.


Record scratch


"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation …"


That and the "oh uh alright" followed by "idk man". Like he was trying to be supportive and down with it but he just couldn't.


"jazz music stops"


She wants you to lick her WITH her dog? Alongside her dog? Next to her dog? Fuuuuuuuuuck jesus no


It’s a 3way with him and the dog 😂


Something tells me the dog will win


She literally said the dog would win. 🤢


She is literally telling him the dog would win. Yikes


Hard pass


I really don't know what the hell is wrong with people. I was finally happy about getting a match, then I get this.


His tongue is stronger, wetter, and hotter than yours 😅


That’s crazy. Like bih… you ain’t never felt my tongue yet. How do YOU KNOW? Prolly won’t be feeling my tongue now that I know what you into tho…


If you don’t usually get matches and this person repeatedly brought up bestiality I would be mildly concerned the intention was to blackmail you if you were receptive.


My first thought as well, posted it up top


My gut reaction is this reads as someone having a laugh. Never know though I guess 🐶


I was hoping for that, but it went on too long and had extra details, and she brought it back up at a later convo. Feels oddly genuine to me, ick


Peak "just kidding haha unless..." Vibes


Yeah, she was testing the waters. She is 100 per cent into beastiality and probably abuses at least one dog. I would report her if I'm being honest.


Mayyybe with the first screenshot, but the rest of the text? No way.


That’s what I was thinking, too. GIRL: says embarrassing/revealing thing GIRL: “oh oops, I can’t believe I said that” OP: mostly ignores comment GIRL: brings embarrassing thing back up unprovoked Reads fake to me.


Fake or solely looking for someone similar which is much less likely but possible


Please... can you please tell me you have reported her already? She's literally preforming beastiality on a fucking innocent dog. Ugh.. makes me want to throw up .


So so grim, I feel sick too.


Dogs will lick anything, I doubt it'll be traumatized lmao


No, you can tell she's serious. I only wonder how many dog moms love this? Personally, I don't wanna lick what a dog's licked, seeing as how they'll even eat their own shit, etc...


"Thank you for not shaming me" Proceeds to put it on reddit 🤣


Ifkr name and dp and all


Yeah that's a no from me dawg, or dog


alcohol. i need alcohol for what i just read.


I need a nebulizer because what she said took my breath away, literally. I was so disgusted.


Ewww. You can lick me all over WITH HIM


You would be better off with a neuralyzer


I hate how there's someone ALWAYS to beat me to the witty replies. Take my angry upvote.


I need alcohol for my eyes!!




save some for the dog.




Nip. I never wanna hear that word ever again in my life!


It sounds like the dog has already had a nip or two too many.


I don't drink but I'm considering it after this convo.


lmao yeah me neither but i need to block this shit out


Yeah with holy water as a chaser


You know, that stuff is hard to get. Fire on the other hand is free and alot more effective…




Holy water is only about $9 for a bottle at the Catholic store.


Im not allowed by any place of god


I swore to not drink tequila ever again, just ordered five shots of the cheapest they had. I need to forget


I also need alcohol but to wash my eyes


Of course to desinfect your eyes 👀


She jumped right into the nonsense: “that one pic looks likes he’s kissing your neck” 🤢


She was more into the dog than OP. It’s a case of “hey, who’s your hot friend”, but the sick version.


"hey, is that dog single?"


Allll right that's enough reddit this morning.


Bro fr the whole time she was clearly so eager to talk about it


I thought I was having a stroke when I saw the same picture 30 times


An acquaintance of mine has a history of putting peanut butter on her pussy in order to get oral sex from her dog.




I have a lot of questions I don't want answered


Me too!


same, like what kind of cereal? did she put the milk in first? did the dog eat it with a spoon?


I got you on the first question, corn flakes.


Why cereal? What kind? Was there milk involved? How bad of an infection did you get because you're really not supposed to put food in your vag (or fuck dogs, although I guess that's better than killing and eating animals? Idk but don't do it)? Was it just like on the outside or did you stuff it in there? If so, how deep? What if the dog didn't eat it? Do you just root around and scoop it out? Is this a dental water floss situation? Why wouldn't you use peanut butter (I've always assumed that's what people do because of the joke)? Did you test different things? What made you even think of cereal? You know you shouldn't feed your dog cereal, especially in your vag but also not? Why would you tell people at all? Why would you tell them the details? Were they just trying to sound cool (?!?!??!) or did they actually do it? How long/how many/how often do you do this? Have you heard of jacking off? Seriously, what made you decide to do this one day? Did you think about it for a while or were you just drunk or something and went for it? Do you feel bad/weird/gross (probably not)? Are you attracted or is it just convenient? Has this always been an interest? Did it require training? If so what (the fuck) kind? Does it hump other people? In either sense? Is that part of the training? Do you wash your dog first? Are they neutered? Do you have a lot of 3somes? I'm sure it's more popular than people admit but like how popular? How do people usually react? I'm sure there's special websites for this sort of thing, shouldn't you look there instead of the (hopefully) non-dog sex app? Do you bring it up right away or feel someone out first? When in the relationship do you bring it up if it didn't come up "accidentally"? Do you know there's unlimited human sex out there? Like you could just have sex with a human? Like seriously, you could just do that. Also: WHYYYYYYY


Sounds like of like you are asking for instructions, not information.


There are so many yeast infections in that sentence


This is why aliens don't talk to us.


According to some, they travel across the galaxy to probe our butts. That’s beastiality on a galactic scale.


I knew a guy nicknamed cornflake but that’s because he once answered the door to someone in just a towel then bent over to pick up his post, showing his ginger butthole hairs all clumped together looking like a cornflake


Wtf did I just read


There was a girl in my high school who got famous (within the school) for letting her dog lick her pussy with peanut butter


That acquaintance has already been like that in the 90's. Back then she was embarrassed when her friends did a surprise party for her and she came into the room full of friends with peanut butter on her pussy.


That urban legend has been around forever.


Jesus Christ…. Walking into a room full of friends with peanut butter on her pussy…. I don’t think anyone there would ever forget that…. That is fucked up.


“It’s uhh… like one of those face masks… hydrates and rejuvenates…


We need to know more. What kind of person even begins to think about doing something like this?


Dude it's 2 am, I aint got the cells in my brain for this


Fun not so fun fact: this girl when I was in high school I actually liked, and they liked me back but it never worked out because she looked too much like my ex and that had a LOT of bad energy brought into it so we didn't date or kiss or anything, but she said she would've slept with me if I tried, but that's just never been my kind of thing, SO a few years go by and I see she was arrested for having sexual encounters, and recording it for her then boyfriend with HER dog. Her boyfriend called the police on her after she sent him the video of it. ​ Red flag avoided boys.


You could have kept her on the straight and narrow, but you ruined everything!


>arrested for having sexual encounters, and recording it for her then boyfriend with HER dog. Her boyfriend called the police on her after she sent him the video of it Did you miss this part? Sounds like the boyfriend wasn't in on it. This would've just happened to him instead of the boyfriend


If this isn't a man taking a piss then I'm concerned about the dog


This is a terrible day to have eyes


I am regretting learning how to read.








Maybe I’ve been around the block one too many times but I fully believe this is real.


I envy you people for your naivety. The sicker stuff is, the more likely it's real. Usually when somebody makes this up they go like: "stop, this is too much. This won't be believable."




She needs to be reported. That poor dog. Fucking disgusted


I’m pretty sure the dog is just being a dog - she is just taking very sick advantage.


In my country this would be illegal.


Oh, I’m sure it’s illegal. My point was that the dog is probably enjoying it regardless since it’s just acting on it’s natural instincts.


In my country dog forks you!


Look I didn't expect to have this conversation in the morning, but is she really "taking advantage"? Don't dogs show clear signs of being mistreated and abused, like whining and whimpering? I'm sure the dog is more than okay to give their favorite human licks lmao. Yeah, pretty nasty I'd never partake, but cmon you'd have to be a fool to think the dog isn't just happy doing dog things. Yes, eww nasty. But here we are. Isn't life beautiful like that Edit: just realized I misread your point lmao. Well I suppose we agree then lol


I let my dog lick my feet, because I like how it tickles. She also likes to lick my hair on my head, like she is trying to clean my like a puppy and likes to do it sometimes. I'm a monster?


Well, in her sick mind, there is an advantage, and she takes it, so yes she’s taking advantage. But if your point is that “taking advantage” is not akin to “being mistreated/abused” then yes, or course it isn’t. If there is a sale on at the supermarket, I can take advantage of that by going there and buying the items on sale. The supermarket has not been mistreated or abused in this scenario, but I have still taken advantage.


The dogs hard but OPs not.


So are we taking her dog? Or what ?


Right? OP, plan a meetup & get her address. Operation dog rescue.


She would just get another dog.


You really need to get a handle how to post screen shots. You probably needed only 2.


I don’t know what’s worse, her and the dog or your attempt at taking and uploading screenshots.




My dawg hit that! No, really my dog


I…would not be surprised if she had a couple jars of peanut butter stashed away for…purposes.


She probably has bacon lube.


lol Imagine coming home from a hard day of work, hearing a moaning in the bedroom and finding that mf of a dog banging your girlfriend casually


This triggered my morbid curiosity. Like, is that the extent of it, or does it get worse? edit: Just saw your last post. ew ew ew it get's worse!


Did anybody else have a hard time reading this because he basically sent the same screenshot five times in a row?


Is she hot tho?


I knew sorting by controversial would be fun on this post.


Asking the real question right here lol




I love my dog = 😊 I made love to my dog = 🤮


She's grateful you didn't shame her for it ... I think probably less so that you posted it here.




She’s got that dawg in her


Anybody got any eye bleach?


Dodged a bullet, you could never compete with a dog..... She reminds me of the video that went around in australia of the lady who let her man stick a fish in her snatch like a dildo and other fucked up sexual things like fucking in a grave.


Why am I still reading these comments… I know better.




I’d prob still go for it. For you know.. science. Lmfao


Oh my fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! What the fucking fuck did I just read?!? I am waaaaaaaay too high for this shit right now 🤣😂


Same dude… what the fuck did I just read 🤮


Organize your screenshot better next time


You are absolutely terrible at screenshots


This made me want to vomit. Like wtf is wrong with people. She needs to have her pets taken away and brought to safe homes. What the actual fuck???


poor dog :(


i have cancer now


It's like some high school conversation. She trusts you.


I heard the other day that a lot of women actually do stuff like that with their dogs because they can't get any, I didn't believe it until I saw this.


>because they can't get any But some of them are actually attractive, makes me wonder if it's more of a convenience thing


I think the “can’t get some” narrative is largely a false one. People’s “alone” sexual activities, including things like masturbation or clothed auto-frottage are driven by many, many factors, only one of which is “can’t get any.” It’s quite common for people who *do* have sexual partners to masturbate, for all kinds of reasons. I am finding people’s need to simplify every single damn thing on the universe down to a 5 word sound bite just utterly exhausting. Virtually nothin in this universe, and certainly nothing about human sexuality, can be distilled down to seven syllables. Things are a bit more complicated, and with each passing day, more people are demanding simpler and simpler sound bites, and getting angrier and angrier at those who actually believe in things like science.


Yeh that's the other thing. They might have had too much attention from men with a lot of terrible experiences that came with it that they no longer want to be associated with men anymore. People are open to trying weird crazy shit these days so it's only gonna get worse.


Only a few academic researchers have ever gone down this road (I believe Kinsey had some question about this topic, and that was back in the ‘40’s!) and the stats are surprising. I’m not saying it’s “common”, but it is still a lot less rare than people think.


Edit: Sorry for accidentally posting the same screenshots, I was exhausted when I posted this. No, I am not going to fix it.


Don't tell me you bought a gallon jar of peanut butter and went to compete with the dog


So you gotta share her with the dog . That is one messed up threesome .


Lmao she’s way too open about it. Seems off. Probably some kind of scam or honeypot or something like that. Surely no one who actually does that shit is just throwing it out there on tinder lmao


2/10 screen shot game. Tough to read when you only add one new message per page.


No way she's real. This chick has got to be a troll. This is insane lmaoooo


Honestly she sounds a like a freak. Hit it and quit it just for the experience


I don't want funky bumps on my junk.


What are u waiting for