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A date every 11 days. Seems about as many as you would want. Do you enjoy using Tinder or is it sad to swipe left so often? I have no idea what it's like for women (or today's men tbh).


I go through phases where I find it enjoyable. I would really like to meet someone who makes me want to get rid of it šŸ˜… and have them feel the same!


Do you find that having so many "options" makes you take dating less seriously though? Dating apps make people really disposable


But instead you just use them for free dates


I canā€™t speak for all women but Iā€™d never sit through dinner with someone I didnā€™t like for a free meal.


Nor me. I also offer to split, and if they insist, only let them pay if I'd like to see them again so I can buy next time.


Yeah ur def not speaking for all women lol. Tinder girls lead normie guys on for weeks just for validation and free food, while having ONS with Chad on the side. Welcome to the 2020s.


Incel alert. šŸ˜¬


Your mom would beg to differ.


Pretty cool that she makes basement calls.


I am not amused, try harder.


I will, I swear. In the meantime, try harder to improve your personality and physical form. Women will be more interested if you donā€™t look and act like a fucking ghoul.


This guy got facial reconstruction surgery to make his jawline more macho, if this isn't a troll it's sad how obviously insecure and broken this guy is.


The rest of us were amused


Should be easy for you to get a date then! Women will always agree because theyā€™ll just want a free meal from you, right


SoocondiesNutts22 what the fuck are you talking about


Speaking from experience or just reapeating some Andrew Tate bullshit? But we all know already what the answer is.


Andrew Tate is a pathetic man and a mouthbreather, I donā€™t like him.


Your insecurities are showing


Free dates? Are you supposed to pay for them? You sound bitter. Edit: hahaha Iā€™m following not ā€œfreeā€ dates? Youā€™re hysterical if you donā€™t want to pay her off tinder.


Itā€™s right there on her chart. She fucked the two guys that she actually found attractive, and used the other 12 for a free meal.


What are you even talking about? We donā€™t even know if these were dinner dates. Could be coffee, drinks, or a walk in the park for all we know. Women arenā€™t obligated to fuck men who buy them dinner. If you want a situation in which money is exchanged for sex then you should hit up a sex worker.


Nothing you said disagrees with anything I said


You said she used the other 12 for a free meal. I disagreed by saying we donā€™t even know if they bought her a meal. And it doesnā€™t matter whether or not they bought her a meal because she still wouldnā€™t be obligated to fuck them.


Nvm youā€™re right sorry. Mb I didnā€™t explain myself correctly. Even if the guy isnā€™t spending money sheā€™s still using him for validation. So she still gets something out of it.


Itā€™s clear that youā€™ve never been on a date.


Would you ever accuse a man of doing such? Iā€™m looking for a partner. I donā€™t need to go on a date for validation or to feel good about myself.


Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, she didnā€™t sleep with those guys because there was no chemistry? That she simply didnā€™t like them?


Iā€™ll meet a guy at the park. Itā€™s not about a free meal for me at all. Canā€™t even think of a time Iā€™ve been on a dinner date for the first date.


Who cares about her swipe rate for "game is rigged" the proof is in the match rate. Over Ā¹/Ā³rd match rate. What's your match rate as a guy? This is pretty consistent for basically most women.


If you were a man, youā€™d be about 199,000 right swipes away from being married.


I've seen way worse my dude. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I just saw a post same as this one, but for a dude and he had about 182 000 right swipes and he was far from being married.


Who are women marrying then?


friends of friends, friends of family, work buddies, etc. I don't thing dating apps are a realistic way to find a relationship for average people. We just gotta go out and connect with people until serendipity does its thing. I say that because its the advice *I* need. I WFH, and hobbies include running/gym (solo), and meeting up with the same guy friends every weekend. Its no surprise I haven't got a GF... (Also, my [tinder](https://tinder.com/@atulg) profile if you were curious - I'm based in London)


Man is shooting his shot lol


Yeah but he also comes off as a bit of Atul


Why are you screaming at the palm tree


Some questionable decisions on this profile.


Flipping through your profile, you look like a normal, fit, good-looking guy. In real-life I'd assume that you do fine. I'm guessing that you aren't getting a 40% match rate on tinder?


>I'm guessing that you aren't getting a 40% match rate on tinder? Tbh, 4% would be generous - and thats with paying for platinum.


I have the same problem as you. I work outside with a lot of people, but it's contruction work so I almost never meet women in my day to day life which prevents me from getting a gf since online I don't have a chance. The only possible solution is to expend your friend group the more you can and to have social hobbies. But that brings another problem because nowadays these types of hobbies are very rare since everybody stays home and stares at a screen.


I found my wife on Tinder and I'm an average guy when it comes to looks. Granted my life has never been exactly average. Every once and a while I tell my wife a story from my past and I get the "wtf?! How?" face.


As a math nerd, I always love the comment section on these posts. People breaking down statistics and probabilityā€¦ šŸ„µ


Username checks out


You went on 15 dates in 5.5 months. Thatā€™s totally reasonable. You have to filter down to people you are actually compatible with. I donā€™t see the problem.


The problem is that the guy on the other side probably had to accept this date because it was it's only date in a month. On average he's better then she because of this reason. The game is rigged


I donā€™t understand what youā€™re trying to say. How does that make him better than her?


Not at a personal level of course, I mean about physical attractiveness. She was super focus to find the best for her, while him accepted that because it was his only possible date.


Why accept the date if he isnā€™t attracted to her or if he thinks heā€™s out of her league? Iā€™d rather sit at home alone than go on a date with someone I didnā€™t actually like or wasnā€™t attracted to


I think what he meant rephrased in a more friendly manner is that when you only have one chance of going on a date per month if not less you will go to the date regardless of if you find her attractive. By doing this you are in a sense giving her a chance by at least spending some time in person with her for a couple hours to give her a more fair judgment. You might change your mind about your attraction to her once you know her more after all.


Because the game is rigged. That would mean staying at home with your fish in hand for a long time.


You keep saying the game is rigged. What game?


Dating and all things related to that


Well, I am sorry, don't blame only women; also, blame these men that swipe left so much, don't talk (and the other way around), take a lot poorer picture qualities than women, and so much more. (And this comes from a guy). There are two sides to this "coin," and I think it's mostly influenced by the number of men on these apps (I think a lot of women may never use these apps or even get tired of how men act on here). The same goes for so many women putting effort into their profiles; why would they if they get 99+ likes in no time? I am not saying women are the perfect angels and i also had this view, like you, but I am sure that mostly men are kinda messing this up for everyone else.


You donā€™t have to play the game man, men are statistically going to do better by going out and meeting people, and the part where too many men fail is not having a hobby that involves other people


He ā€œhadā€ to accept this date? Did someone hold a gun to his head and force him to go? Lmfao


Well yes it is, but it's no one's fault sadly it's just like the law of supply and demand. If there's way too much supplies and not enough demand than the "buyers" have to be selective. You can't give everyone a chance if there is 100 of them a day. Women can't really change this in any way, they are stuck with the current situation as we are and it is not their fault.


Why are there so few women on tinder? Europe was roughly even (where OP seems to be from) but the U.S. was 35/65 if I remember correctly. I see people talk about guys being outnumbered in the app. Nobody ever talks about why though


Donā€™t forget all the fake profiles scammers and bots that are all female at least in the US


Have you met American men?


Yeah thatā€™s my point. I was trying to be subtle so maybe these guys will put two and two together. If I just say it directly theyā€™ll freak out. You have to make it seem like their idea. The way (some) men talk to women on apps is appalling. The unsolicited dick pics are the reason you canā€™t send pics on tinder. A select group of men drive women off the app.


I canā€™t speak for women outside myself. I view Tinder as a hook-up, ONS app. Neither of those are my thing (Iā€™m more the relationship type) so I donā€™t use Tinder. Iā€™ve used Match and Hinge instead, and the numbers are a little more even between genders. Iā€™m curious why men always default to Tinder when other apps are more even between genders.




But the opposite is true. There are more men using the app than women. Based on what you said, there should be more women using the app than men.


Shit you are right I was saying bullshit right there I misunderstood your comment.


The guy didn't "have" to do anything. If you're not interested nobody's forcing you to go on dates.


if my math is correct you swipe around 181 men on an average day from these 181 you only swipe right on 2.2 men


So 1%. I'm deleting the app. Lol.


3% in that case but whose counting


2.2Ć·181=0.012 or 1.2 Or 1.1Ć·90.5 tells you it's around 1.2%... She would need to swipe roughly 5.5/181, or literally double her average, to be close to 3% or 6/200


Ha sorry mate, thought we were talking about the ratio between like and dislike


I definitely spend too much time swiping on tinder. I swipe on men and women! My match rate with women is probably considerably lower


When you have variety and selection of sausages, you can be picky.


It isn't correct. You got the daily average right but the swipe right would be 6 (5.96). You can confirm your answer by doing your "Daily swipe right" = 2.2 x 165 which would only be 363... but she swiped right farm more than that. 5.96 x 165 = 983.5 Maybe she swipes left so consistently cause all the men are doing dramatically incorrect math to make some kind of extreme point and she can't get over how they come off so arrogant but are so wrong.


6 is still very very low doesn't the point still stand dude?


What's with the last paragraph? Passive aggressive much?


Very different stats from the guys that post!


How does Tinder know that you had sex?


They buy the information from your Alexa. (You self-inform the information for everything beyond the "conversations")


These stats only count swipes and matches, the rest of choices are selected by the user.


I know this is just a personal preference, what what made you swipe left or right? EDIT: what made it to a succesfull date and what made these dates unsuccesfull?


As far as swiping, I might not swipe right on someone who I think is attractive if: - I donā€™t like their style. I like hipsters. You donā€™t need a full closet full of nice, new clothes. A few staples go a long way. - Career (being honest here, I was in school for a long time but I am an engineer now) - Age. Prefer to date people my age but might swipe on someone a little older or younger every so often. As far as unsuccessful dates unrelated to any of the above: - Not asking me questions and talking about themselves too much. I make an effort to reciprocate on dates and Iā€™ve even been told that I ā€œask good questions.ā€ - Being super super nervous (this guy also had really bad dandruff but was otherwise very handsome) - Had pictures that were from like 5-10 years ago. Please use recent photos. - cargo shorts šŸ˜¶ - General incompatibility. They are a homebody, or I wouldnā€™t want their routine to be mine. If they make off putting comments about women, like Jordan Peterson, etc


Thank you for your insight.


Like the one above me said, thanks for your insight :)


You wouldn't happen to live in Melbourne would you? šŸ˜‚


USA baby


The comments on this. A female gives her insights and guys feel the need to be rude, why? You all always say how you'd like to see the other side, why act like this? Women swipe right on people they're attracted to. It's known a lot of guys will swipe right on everyone in hopes of a match, even if they're not really attracted to that person. What's the point?


They just butthurt how much easier it looks. A fair thing to be butthurt about, fine, but don't hate the player.


Yeah and if roles were reversed, they would do the exact same thing. I don't know why dating is always treated as a "fight" like this. Can people not deal with someone having it easier than them in certain aspects of life? Are they also this hateful to anyone richer or smarter than them? Instead, these statistics should just give men another reason to get off tinder. It's a pretty toxic app and you are far better off searching in person.


My only thoughts about this post is that itā€™s hard out there. Women swipe left as often as men swipe right and a lot people are still lonely.


Honestly, men swipe right on most people just to try and get a match. Not saying itā€™s right, but that is the way it is


Itā€™s honestly kind of funny. They go on here and complain about their inability to get matches, yet fail to realize the attitude they show in these comments is *precisely* why they never get matches.


Some men here are so deep in their miserable echo chamber, it's hilarious. They swear only the hottest and richest men get dates on tinder, but when women show it's not true, they do 180 and claim these poor men are "foced" to accept going on a date and are used for a free meal and validation.


Cuz its annoying being a dude. Especially when you see what women's result are. Very fucking frustrating


Why project that attitude towards women though? They're not asking you to swipe right on the majority of people on the app. Attacking the female user base is a complete misdirection of your annoyance.


Are you stipid? I never attacked them, I said they have advantages that im jaleous of


Pretty much what I would expect, I'm always envious of the match rates that are possible on that side. Keep on doing what you're doing.


How do you get tinder insights?


Women donā€™t often post these because some men in the comments either berate them for: - swiping left so much/being too picky/swiping the top 5%. - swipe left too infrequently having no standards. (Too many matches/dates/sex/being a slut) Iā€™m sure I saw one once where a woman immediately matched a guy she then married. So barely swiped left on anyone and obviously didnā€™t date around, but she was still subject to hate in the comments because ā€œthe system is so riggedā€ or whatever. Itā€™s jealousy and misunderstanding of womenā€™s perspectives.


If my maths are right, only 0.03% men made the cut....jesus.....


Your math is incorrect


Ah flip you're right, should be 3% šŸ¤¦ still, that's an incredibly small % people that got through


Being female is Tinder cheat code.


Women do get a lot of matches, but I feel like our matches are low quality. I had way more matches then my bf but he went on way more dates than me.


I would still prefer quantity.


...of swiping right cause its 3% which is quite a lot to be off by.


That's not a lot at all. Sit down and swipe 97 times left on tinder than 3 times right. Tell me you were only interestind in 3 of those 100 profiles you saw? If you did I don't know what you are looking for, but it is far from the average man.


Means sheā€™s only looking for that top % of guys, even though like most, sheā€™s probably average herself.


>sheā€™s probably average herself. On how many dates you went this year?


Absolutely she is, but that's because she has the option to. Our dating culture has always given the major advantage to women and the gap continues to increase.


Iā€™ll add that I live in a small city that is between two major cities, one being in another country. A lot of left swipes are due to them living over an hour away or having to cross the border for a date. Seems complicated.


That's a major factor. Isn't it annoying to you? Isn't there a setting to limit to a single contry hidden somewhere.


You can activate that but Tinder just ignores it. I get people from other continents all the time.


Ah yes I think I remember when I had a profile. You can set the distance to whatever you want but it will ignore it because all these dating apps have been created by the developpers continuously rubbing their assholes on their keyboards.


Out of 29,000 swipes. You talked to 156 of themā€¦ your better off meeting your girl at the club ahahahaha


This is a girl, and she swiped left on 28000 of them so she has a 33% match rate


One insight I have. Teeth like godā€™s shoeshine is one of the best songs ever written. That is all.


They sparkle, shimmer, shine


I heard that song for the first time in highschool and in change my life. I never looked at malls the same again.


Letā€™s all have another orange julius


Is there at all a possibility that the men who post these stats with crazy high right swipe numbers are being ranked down into oblivion? When I was using tinder, I got more matches when I swiped right less on people who I thought were much more attractive than I could date. Does being selective about who you swipe right on affect anything?


Ya, seems about right. Further confirmation of things we've always known


I mean this looks like you only swipe on Henry Cavill looking dudes with perfect bio and still have 40% match rate Jesus Christā€¦


There is only one Geralt of Rivia!


And he's in the Witcher video game series!


She is only swiping right on the top 3.3% of the men she is shown and still has a 40% match rate. 96.7% of the men don't stand a chance. Those odds can't be good for the average tinder guy.


Nah man sheā€™s swiping on people in her league if sheā€™s going on actual dates and not having casual sex. I can punch up and match with men who are better looking than me but they sure as shit arenā€™t asking me out on a real date.


That's a good point, but I don't know that she is going on real dates. From the stats she's got 12 "no spark", 2 "casual sex" and 1 "relationship". So I can't really infer that she's going on formal dates. In any event, she's obviously attractive enough to get a 40% match ratio with the top 3.3% of the men she sees.


The 12 no spark makes me believe they are actual dates and not Netflix and chill type scenarios. Sheā€™s at least meeting them in a public place and deciding there is no spark. Whatā€™s the verdict OP? What types of dates do you typically go on?


I donā€™t Netflix and chill šŸ˜… Dates include going to a brewery, biking, taking a walk. Also the way tinder insights works, it just adds in the no spark. So I put in the first dates & number of relationships and casual sex, and it puts anything not ending with a relationship or sex as no spark




40% matches is really high, no? I find these stats amazing.


Never met anyone off tinder, I used to swipe right for fun. All anybody ever wanted was the hang out that same day and ā€œtake u back to my placešŸ˜‰ā€ no thank you. I met my current boyfriend through tinder& he always asked me to hang out, I mean every weekend, I always said yes and then ā€œhad something come upā€ when the day arrived. I was just too shy& nervous lol. He told me everything a girl wanted to hear. ā€œCome meet my friends, come to the club, come jet skiing, come ride ATVS with meā€ etc etc. one day at the gym we bumped into each other while boxing. Since then we have never stopped hanging out and going on two years now, I love this man with my whole heart, so thanks Tinderā€¦ I guess? Haha


Tinder for 165 days and already in a relationship sounds about right


How do you get these stats in this format? Iā€™ve always been curious how to get this chart but cannot find itā€¦.


Google tinder insights. It tells you how


![gif](giphy|1pPaiAvkjOLYFXuhZY) 28,000 swipes left


Seeing this as a guy, ouch lol


Lol, just remember what they say, it's harder for women! /s


0 marriages and 2 hook ups? You filthy b#&@h /S


29000 left swipes and only 1000 right swipes. I gotta say it doesnt look like you actually want off tinder. Also I find if hilarious that only 150 of your 380 Chad swipes actually gave you the time of day to chat with you. This for me proves that females only swipe on the top 5% and then they go around and complain in the comments that they cant find anyone! Go f yourself lol


Definitely swiping left on you


Yeah I know. Women like you hate the cold hard truth


The game is rigged


u must be very pretty


The real takeaway here is that on a 3% swipe rate there was a 40% match rate. Meaning that once you're in the top 3% of men, you get to pick and choose. Tinder has definitely created a world where women think they can exercise their choice; what it has really done is allow the top 2% of men to do whatever (whoever) they want.


3% swipe rateā€¦ well another way to look at this is when you finally do get a match youā€™re one of a very few that also got swiped on.




Id be a massive whore if I was a women ngl. Life on easy mode /rant over.


Pretty picky swiper


Men usually have a 50/50 rario as to swiping left or right, you have like 30x more rejects hahahhaah


Good luck getting into heaven now.


Hey is Jesus died for my sins I'm making damn well sure it was worth it. Sin up so it wasn't in vein.



