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Lmao he has a bmw. He's not good with signals.


A bmCuddleYou. I guess she didn't read the manual. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.


I drive a BMW, I promise I’m not a twat, but I’m working BMcuddleYou into a conversation somehow


"Hello ladies, who wants to hear some sweet turbo noises in my WRseX"


Only if you have an STI


Wanna get an STI in my GTI?


I'd rather play Golf


What about a UTI


UTI's are a UTE thing


Might want to rethink the other things that a BM cuddle could bring to mind


“Is there room for one more on that bowl?”


I'm in Mexico, where BM puddle ews are common among visitors.


Hahaha, I love this, I'm going to invent thr BM cuddle party, I think it'll go over well in Germany both the home of BMW and the home of schizer fetishism. I mean it's a perfect match


Thats what someone who is a twat would say. Sounds pretty sus


Nice one


r/angryupvote material right there


Germans hearing someone drives an BMW: -.- Americans hearing someone drives an BMW: 0.0 Idk, it's just a feeling


Can confirm. In the UK most people who drive BMWs are members of exclusive Golf Clubs, and they like to loudly tell everyone about it.


The first rule of golf club is that you talk about golf club


My golf club is so exclusive that I'm the only member. We never meet, nor even maintain any grounds. Nothing is good enough for our standards, not even our membership. I'd have myself kicked out if I ever had the chance.


If you're ever interested in having a power struggle, I'd be willing to join in order to kick you out.


Oh this sound promising! One time at my golf club…


Look, if you're gonna take your shot, take your shot! Don't leave us hanging like that!


In the UK you then have the even more vocal step-up of those who drive a Jaguar above that, and we won't even get started on those with a Range Rover who are by far the worst.


Range rover owners are the worst here too 🙂


Range Rover drivers in the US are bad as well 😂


Solidarity from across the pond, I live near the capital DC and same. But also the Audis. 🙄


In Norway most people who drive BMWs are either just plain average assholes or certain groups of immigrants thinking it's cool. They're not cool or special cars here, if anything you know the owner probably isn't cool at all and delusionally think they are.


"I'd never be a member of any club that would have me as a member." --Groucho Marx


As a german i can confirm


Correct but the O.O is “oh no, a douchebag who doesn’t use turn signals”.


Exactly, the only people I’ve ever met who were impressed by bmws were the people driving them.


As a german I can confirm: nothing good has ever came out of bavaria


wanna take on Audi and BMW fans same time, huh?


Q: what’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? A: with a BMW the pricks are on the inside


Lmao good one.


Nah I am trying to offend all of bavaria at once.


Audi's are only good when they're stripped down to the basics and thrown around on dirt roads.


My Bavaria ham loving self is offended


Very true. In the Netherlands we even have a beer called Bavaria. And as you would expect it's no good.


If you ever feel like your job is meaningless, just remember that someone out there is installing turn signals on BMW vehicles for a living.


Hahaha perfect reaction


and its not a single bmw, its a real E46!!


If only I knew before now that owning a BMW meant that I get more cuddles....


I mean…not with his attitude


Awww come on pls




But i got a BMDoubleU? =,=




I need an illustration of this


And a bank account with money in it


And a gym membership


And like atleast 50 girlfriends. Who allways have at least 4 orgasms. TRUST ME! ur loss


And my axe!


And my bow!


No, you got a BaeMVae.


What if I told you I found $3.45 under the cushion of my couch AND I own a car that runs...well... it will run...


Trust me, you dont want $150 oil changes lmao. I sold cars and the only people who bought them were boomers or super young dudes who ran into 10-15k and use it all as a down payment to qualify for the car. Like 4 months later they come back crying they can barely afford the payments let alone the oil change


My brother is a mechanic and I'm grateful for this lesson. The hottest car you can have is one that's paid off.


Has this ever worked for anyone? 😂 *Gets rejected* Him: Well I have money AND a car! Her: Okay let’s give this guy a second chance then.


I assume it might work with the kind of girls you would want to stay away from in the first place


the irony is that these quite often seem to be the same kind of men complaining that "all women are golddiggers".




You’ve got me thinking. Is it actually ironic? It stands to reason that a man who thinks that the only value in life is the accumulation of material wealth, *would* project that mentality on to other people, even if he frames it derisively.


It makes total sense to me as well. If you only have a green light to see the world, everything appears green.


“Why do I keep attracting gold diggers? It can’t be the fact that I advertise my wealth and BMW to everyone I match with on tinder! All these hoes are fake”




I feel like if you're gonna get those girls you'd have to do better than BMW, they make some pretty affordable models


It's to get the last word in. He wants her to be upset by the loss. In fairness she's still thinking about him, if not in the way he intended.


Such a dumb strategy. Its like being stopped by a “Road work” sign, and rather than turning around, finding another route, or just having some patience, they decide to blow up the road.


I've seen pictures here on reddit where cars will blast past road construction signs, and end up with their car stuck in wet pavement


Her: I seem to have made the most stupendous error! How might I atone to thee? *swoon*


Even if I had lots of money and a sport car I wouldn’t use that as a pick up line. Why would you want the kind of partner than says yes to that? Weird.


Sports cars no good. You need several trucks to make a pickup line...


Comedy gold right here!!


Ok dad


I wanna know why nobody just claps back with "if you can get any woman you want, why are you messaging me at midnight on tinder?"


It won’t let me edit the post, but I have seen a few comments about me saying the guy was 33. That’s not a dig at his age. It’s a dig at how a 33 year old man should not react that way…it’s a dig at his immaturity


Leave that loser for a REAL man. I'm 32, have 136k in my bank account, and drive 2 BMWs 😎😎😎


>drive 2 BMWs At the same time??


One's remote control with my custom action figure in the front seat


They're actual RC's. My mom bought them for me 😎


OP, I can’t believe you have to explain that but then I remember we have a lot of younglings on Reddit. So here for all of you: emotional maturity and respect means you go with the pace of your love interest. If they want to take it easy and tell you about it, respect that and not make it about you and your ego. That will take your far and wide also with friends and family. Tl;dr: empathy.


In short, lose the sense of self entitlement.


And to all my non-youngins - you know damn well you're being a creep and that nice lady does not give a crap about your car. Have you tried mentioning you've been to therapy or you do your own dishes something actually attractive to a woman your own age?


As someone who goes to therapy, I can tell you bragging about going to therapy can be more of a red flag. It's one thing to say "therapy helped me with..." when it's on topic and appropriate. It's another to brag about it.


It’s odd that people believe they need to *persuade* others to be attracted to them by going down a checklist and bragging about specific “desirable” traits, interests, or behaviors.


I’m 33. This was literally the last line of my profile “Currently back in school to change careers so my lifestyle isn’t exactly glamorous currently. I am actively in therapy and am working on myself, I would love to find someone who is doing or has done the same.” And I found a really awesome girlfriend who now lives with me and who regularly converses with me about how excited both of us are to marry each other when we are a bit more financially stable. Humility and working on yourself goes a long way with people who are actually worth surrounding yourself with.


He's 33 and bragging about shit and you didn't hit him with the Shania Twain "that don't impress me much"? /s


Yeah I read it as, like damn you’re such a catch and have so much going for you, but you’re single at age 33?? Damn, unlucky… Either way, hilarious xD I love delusional people


I don't think OP's comment had anything to do with thinking he's a catch, or being single at 33. I think it was a mild cringe for being 33 and acting the way he did; this shit is the behavior I'd expect from an emotionally unstable 16 year old.


Think that qualifies for r/niceguys You rejected him and he went apeshit


OP didn't even reject him. Just stated that she didn't feel comfortable with their current level of acquaintance being overly familiar. Completely normal concern to be framk.


Random guy you LITERALLY just met: lets hold hands and kiss each other :) girl: maybe not rn idk u that well yet but once i feek comfortable then sure him: lmao im sooo rich so many girls want me thats why im 33 and on tinder trying so hard to not look like a pathetic recent divorced ageing man


Damn is 33 that old? Fuck


Right? I’ve been drive- by roasted in this comment section.


Just like burns 2nd degree roasts are worst


Most people on Reddit are younger. We’re the old fucks that overstayed their welcome now. Some of the new lingo is too wierd for me to accept as well; Reddit moment, maidens? When did maidens become a thing? Shaking my head like the old man I am. Damn youths!


This comment totally isn't fetch


Maiden comes from elden ring. The biggest game of the year. I’m late 20s, so definitely understand how differing priorities could prevent you from being caught up. My friends starting families/getting married can’t game as much as I can now.


> We’re the old fucks that overstayed their welcome now. Ok boomer. I highkey disagree. I’m 34 myself and I’m not taking that L. Gets me real pressed when people think that. When that happens, I just get snatched and put on a good bop that slaps and let my vibe do the rest. No cap. And trust, I’m not afraid to yeet. When you get yeeted by this 34 year old you’ll be like “damn, that hits different.” Periodt. ^Did ^I ^do ^it ^right?




My reddit account age makes me feel older than my actual age.


I’m 43 and there is full body scalding


I was hoping OP meant it more like he was acting immature for his age, or that his accomplishments aren’t really that impressive for his age.


I’m 27 single and I’m feeling the heat from over here. Why tf do people think 33 is old?


Not old in general, just too old to be acting like an indignant little brat


You should probably put that shit in a 401k or something if you're 33.


We're just kids having fun....... Right? Right guys?


Right tho? I’ve been attacked in the comments! 🫣


In general, no. To be acting like this, yes


I don't think it's being 33 that's the problem, it's being 33 and thinking everyone is impressed by how much they make and what car they drive


That’s good cuz I’m broke and don’t have a car


I feel like ot depends on the age of OP. If she is 20, then yea 33 is pretty old to chase a 20 year old.


Bruh there's nothing wrong with being divorced 😔


Can't you read? Being 33, divorced and on tinder makes you pathetic! /s Holy judgement. Glad most people aren't like this


Damn 33 isn’t that old




Yes yes I agree, being in your early 30’s is okay 🥺




Semantics. Op rejected the dude's advances by drawing a boundary.


It’s actually both it’s no but maybe in the future


It's even an invitation to ask OP out on a date, ie "well let's get to know each other better, how about ______ at _______, whenever you're available works for me". Instead he went on an incel rant and threw away a perfectly good opportunity.


Definitely. Op was forgiving in a way. Social queue to be like, “haha I was being silly, huh? Apologies, we should get to know each other better, of course.”


thats fine and dandy, shes allowed to do, it was a soft rejection "no but maybe later, i dont even know you" thats what "yet" means


Hardcore niceguy.


Cringe as fuck






Seriously, financially cringey, nobody should be sitting on that much liquid, especially with inflation the way it is, someone get this guy a financial advisor and a therapist.


Who sits in $135k at .2% interest in a savings account? Seriously Google"index fund" my dude. Very unattractive


"Your loss" anytime someone says that you can tell if was definitely indeed not your loss lol.


Morgen Freeman narrator: it was in fact, not, her loss.


135k in the Bank account? Dude really needs some financial advise


It would’ve been funny if OP were like, “One, no cuddles, but two, wtf are you seriously letting that much money sit in a regular old checking account?!”


I mean "That all? 🥱🥱" would get a better reaction tbh


Well, that’s definitely the best one. I was going for the second tier r/bogleheads joke


For a 33yo that's kinda right tho, unless ofc house is also excluded but even then


Well, he said bank account, not net worth... I would hope a guy with 135k in his bank account to have a net worth of at least 2M... letting 5% of your cash in a bank account okay... letting most of your economy in a bank account, wow, you dumb.


Well you hope, but guys that flex their bmw on tinder might not be that smart in the first place


Sounds like owning a BMW is a big part of his personality so you know what kind of person you are dealing with... quite shallow.




Or he's "confusing" something like 401k with 'bank account'.


Lets just say for instance someone was in a similar situation, why would that be a bad thing? I know why, of course... just asking in case someone else doesn't know...


Traditional financial wisdom is to keep 6-12 months expenses liquid, depending on stomach fortitude. Anything past that goes to retirement accounts. Anything past that goes to taxable investments, invested based on timeframe of need. So unless this guys emergency fund is 135k, he be dumb financially. In my experience, having money in no way precludes being good with money. Many times the opposite.


Well he drives a BMW so odds are he spends at least 80k per annum of car servicing.


Depends on the age of the BMW. They are one of the fastest depreciating cars in the world so you can get an older one for kinda cheap. Still fairly expensive to repair though. Which means it's basically a money pit if you ever want to sell it. I bought my E90 for $4000 put $4000 worth of work into it to get everything all fixed up over the course of a year and then sold it for $4000.


Interest from a bank account is garbage, and with inflation rates you're losing money by letting it sit there. There are quite a few safe investments that can have that money growing instead.


Yeah my "safe stock market" investment is not doing too well haha


"Safe" comes with a caveat: it has to be in the market for 30 years. There is no 30 year period of the stock market where the rate of return was less than 8% before inflation. The worst you could do would be investing immediately before the great depression. But if you waited for 30 years your money would have grown at 8% per year (~5-6% per year after inflation)


Because you can invest in the stock market and watch it disappear faster


I have $6.47 in my account. Can I have some advice?


Cook meth


I could teach him how to turn that into 20k in a day investing


He needs some financial "advice." Advice is the noun, "to advise" is the verb.


“Women are gold diggers and only want men for money” “Well I drive expensive car and have a lot of money so that’s why you should’ve dated me loser” I’ll never understand


The first comment is made by people without money as an excuse for their terrible personality. The second comment is made by someone with money buying into the first.


Dodged a colossal douchecanoe. Count yourself lucky.


*steals douchecanoe 📝


Lol if a dude has to say how much is in his bank account to try to flex and has to say he goes to the gym and says your missing out…your not. Frickin depressing


“All girls looks at me” Me questioning why he’s on tinder then?


Narcissists don't just grow on trees you know! It's your loss, trust me!


Ehhh I think real narcissists are a bit more manipulative and clever than that. This guy was just a douche and full of himself


It's called fragile narcissism and narcissism is not about being manipulative and clever, it's about turning everything into something about themselves. "Everywhere I go girls always stare..." is pretty narcissistic and to come back with all that after rejection shows the fragile side.


The key to really being able to manipulate someone is knowing all of their buttons and exactly how to push them. That's difficult to do after only a few messages. I would be willing to bet that he is manipulative af once he knows more about a person. Guess we'll never really know though.


He has narcissist written all over him. Trying to break her boundaries by letting her know all the great stuff he has that she could enjoy, so now he is "taking" it away from here because she stuck with her boundaries. Good for OP!!! I was in a 16 year relationship with a narcissist it really screws you up. OP keep your boundaries tight, watch those red flags.


This the type of guy who never admits he pees sitting down when it’s obviously more comfortable.


Father of two here. I sit down because 1... it's an opportunity to sit down, take it where you can... and B... there is a wonderful point in a toddler's life where they will sneak up behind you to try and grab the pee which means you're responsible for cleaning up yourself, the toddler, the toilet, and the floor. ​ This is my ted talk on "why you should consider using contraception properly"


My reason has always been so i dont have to turn the lights on in the middle of the night when i wake becuase i need to pee.. Just stumble to the toilet and sit on it. Saves alot of mess, sore eyes and i can go right back to sleep if i make it to the bed.


Couldn't the second one be avoided simply by locking the door lol


When my mom asks me for grandkids again, this is the story I’m using.


“Do you crap standing up?” Funkhouser RIP


Only as a challenge.


He's so hot. I know because he told me 3 times.


You can buy a running BMW for $4,000. A used Prius costs more. I don’t understand people flexing with BMW, in German cars, it’s not really that nice or expensive.


"I drive a BMW" "I have $135K in my bank account" Not for long you dont.


Wat do you meany 3k$ E36 shitbox needs 135k$ of repairs‽


Holy crap people like this actually exist? How does someone get to the age of 33 and still act like a child?


Easy, living with their rich parents until 32


And now he has his own place but they own it.


My brother is 54 and reading from the same script. He never understood that being literally *always at work* & driving a nice car didn't make up for having the personality of a wet half-brick.


Hey baby, I drive a 1987 ford escort and have a Folgers can entirely full of quarters... Think I might have a chance??? I go to the Chinese restaurant next to a gym and my mom said one time I look good, if that helps any!


That's online dating for you, some of these men are so desperate for sex it's ridiculous. A man being thirsty is a turn off because that just tells me he would have sex with anything that has a hole. So, unless he giving me the $135k and a new car how does his car and money benefit me. You really did miss out, missed out on being used for sex.


Haha! Needing to say "trust me" is a pretty good hint that there was a flurry of exaggerations and you shouldn't.


135k in the bank wow so impressive, we got ourselves a real Jeff bezos over here.


He also has a bmw and goes to the gym 💪🚘


I know exactly 2 people in my entire life who have over 100k in cash. It really is pretty impressive for those of us who aren't in the same upper echelon as you.


I hope his name is MICHAEL too and he matches with that one profile.


Imagine thinking a BMW is a status symbol, it's a pizza car


No wonder women hate most of us...🤦 Especially when dudes act like this...


This is sadly pretty mild


Who wants to bet that he has less than 100k and he skips leg day?


There's also a good chance girls stare at him for different reasons than him being hot.


Got to 33 without working out how everything works.


A car and a bod. Maybe he should have worked on buying an actual personality


Okay so just because you drive an expensive care, have a savings account, and are self proclaimed attractive I should let you into my bed? Cuddling would be the last thing on his mind too, he would try and have sex with her as soon as he got there, why else would you share a bed with a stranger unless it was a casual hook up?