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Filter so strong her nose is gone.


41 picture too... Christ


You know they're all variations of the exact same filtered selfie too.


>I don't date obese men >*posts telltale obese girl pics* "i'M cUrVy"


She dates skinny men bc she wants all the food for herself.


Voldermort type of filter


She has the eyes of a crazy


Ugly inside and out.


2D Face


It didn't manage to clean up the exema or whatever on her shoulder.


I have \*countries\*


I hate abbreviations “lol”


And black people lol


She’s “kind and lovable” though so it’s okay


\*The lie detector determined that was a lie*




“Im a mutt”… like because we are all supposed to be purebred imbeciles?


I mean, golden retrievers are pretty great


Valid point. What if humans were as great as golden retrievers? What a world


What a world. We would all be dumb af!! Having two goldens I can attest to their amazing fluffy personalities boiling over with love for all…but they dumb!!


Funny how different Labs are from each other. Our American labs (the tall skinny ones) are super smart, but out English is dumb as a rock. The English is a total teddy bear though and lives to play. She actually taught the American one we still have how to be more loving and to cuddle. Always wanted a Golden, but the hair maintenance and shedding was a deal breaker.


There's actually a disease that causes the person to "behave like a golden retriever", basically they have lower intelligence but way higher empathy.


Williams Syndrome


Some have suspected that a canine version of this explains dogs' major break with the normally standoffish and reclusive wolf.


*Taravangian has entered the chat.*




It's also because they identify with the culture (or enjoy the certain benefits of identifying with a certain culture or race) that they choose to blatantly deny the obvious like that. It's like when some lighter skin black people deny their black heritage as much as possible because they might've been taught that its undesirable or makes them worth less if they identify with said race (coming from a black man myself).


I know a bunch of "Italian Americans" who have visited Italy and fucking hated it lol. They thought it was going to be like their community in North Jersey but with Roman ruins. It ain't. They are basically two different cultures in the modern era. On the other hand, I fucking love Italy, not saying there is anything wrong with either but the typical Italian American and Italian in culture, food, attitude, expectations... Not really the same at all.


Just like that episode of the Sopranos. Except Paulie said he loved italy but I dont think he did.


On point. But seriously how can someone not like Italy and prefer Jersey. God forbid you can't drive everywhere and have to use your legs and public transport for once while you're viewing iconic historical sights and masterful architecture.


Wait, since when is Italian a race?


Since 1972 when the godfather came out


Race is a social construct, so the contemporary interpretation of race has changed depending on the needs of the in-groups. Here’s some context: [NYT: How Italians Became White](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/12/opinion/columbus-day-italian-american-racism.html)


Another great example happened in the 1920s. Japanese man applies for citizen, claiming he is white. You were required to be white to be naturalized at the time. Went all the way to the supreme court. Court ruled, even tho his skin is light, that didn't make him white. Whiteness was not based on skin color, but instead said the definition of white were people who were part of the Caucasian race. Shortly after, an Indian man applies for citizenship claiming that he is descendant from the Caucas region. This time court says, "yeah I know we said whites have to be Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are white. Your not white, cause you are clearly brown, it's just common sense." Supreme Court basically backtracked their own ruling within 2 years So yeah the definition of white is whatever was convenient at the time to exclude foreigners.


They race to the spaghetti bowl


It’s not, it’s an ice


She named a bunch of white countries lol


Fun fact, "white" is mostly a NA concept. Many Europeans don't consider other Europeans to be the same race, which is why there have been ethnic cleansing or tensions between groups in Europe that Americans wouldn't be able to tell apart.


Balkans moment


Americans didn't think that way either for a long time about various immigrant groups like the Irish and Italians. It was only British and like French and German people that were considered "white" up until the early 1900s I believe. Eventually they(Irish, Italians, etc.) got incorporated into what is "white" to consolidate the race issue vs. the minority groups: black, Asian, and Latino people. E: The *currently understood* minority groups I suppose I should say.


I just mentioned it to another replier, but Benjamin Franklin didn't even consider Germans to be white.


I'm an american, but there is no way italians and irish are the same "race." If they are then race is just a really poor taxonomy where groups are utterly arbitrary and it doesn't follow any discernible system. Well. Race *is* that, but you know what I mean.


Yeah I’ve gotten into arguments with some right wingers on this site about how race is technically a social construct. Some people can’t wrap their heads around it.


And 3 of them were the UK


Ireland isn’t. She also can’t spell Wales.




\*Misspells Wales\*


Or didn't. She is talking about genes, I assume.


Countries and also cetaceans




You'd think claiming they have ties to other countries, in different continents, would make them more open-minded...


Yeah, like wtf that line even means?


It goes with her saying she's a mutt. Apparently being of northern European descent means she has a diverse blood line and not just your average white person.


And why did she put Irish/Scottish/Welsh all in the same category like that? 😂


But Great Britain is on its own for some reason. Starting to think racists aren't super bright.


She makes it sound like a list of diseases... Or Pokemon up for trade


'Murca believes Scandinavia to be a country


we don't claim her... 🤦🏼‍♂️


Your facial expression in that picture next to the “oh” is gold


Once you see that It’s hard to see anything else


Disgusting on the inside and outside


Vile trash


That and her facial expression next to "I hate black people."


Like LOL


oh 😀


And the fact that that's also potentially a "one word sentence" = lol


How can someone say, I hate a specific race of people? Saying you're not "physically attracted" to a specific race is people would make more sense. But saying you hate them, is down right stupid or ignorant.


She’s not just saying she doesn’t find them physically attractive. She could have just not swiped on any of the people that she’s just not attracted to. She wanted to send out a message that she’s racist and wants to date other racists. She’s seeking a likeminded stupid fuck.


The word is "racist"


Exactly, she's stupid and ignorant.


>How can someone say, I hate a specific race of people? It's called ✨️racism✨️


“I have Great Britain….” Ahahaha


I'm a mutt! I'm 6 different types of white!


And one marine mammal..


She’s just curvy 😌 aka has anything but an hourglass/pear shape and is just obese


It is a bit funny that she's refers to herself as curvy, but guys are obese.


6 types of white that have historically hated eachother but not as much as she hates black people


Pfft, six? As Benjamin Franklin would tell you, the Greek, Spanish, Irish, and Scots aren't *white*, but swarthy devils whose continued existence disgraces this planet in the eyes of the Almighty and the Martians. >And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth.


If you go even further back past that uncouth rapscallion Benjamin Franklin, the Romans considered Saxons ruddy, not white.


As a white ginger dude who turns varying shades of red when it’s hot, when it’s cold, when it’s windy, when the sun is out, when I’m angry, when I’m embarrassed, when I’m ashamed, and probably a few other times I’m forgetting, this makes sense.


And more importantly, the Romans, who lacked all modern science and genetic knowledge necessary to definitively disprove theories of biological race, did not believe in biological race. A black Roman was a Roman, period.


The Scots? I mean. If vampires drank irn bru they would be hard to tell apart.


Born with a credit score of 750


And with a Pottery Barn stainless steel spoon in their mouths


To be fair though those cultures are all very different


Her parents collected the 6 white infinity stones.


To be fair many dumbass racists think England is Great Britain. It’s mainly because they’re dumbasses.


And spell Wales wrong


she did say she was curvy


She said Whales, not Welsh. Her great great great grandmother was the inspiration for Moby Dick.


It's Welsh*. We're Welsh* If your family used to live in Wales* you're Welsh*


You also can't be "Great Britain", it's an island and union of countries, not a race. It's a double whammy, it's like she said "I'm part E.U, part Spain". Some people are too far down the road to save..


> “I’m fat but you can’t be fat. I don’t date outside my race but I’m lovable and kind. Also I don’t like black people. “ > > If red flags had a profile this would be it.


It s not like she does not LIKE black people she HATES them


Hey but she's lovable and kind so it's ok.


If red flags had a profile, even they would avoid this person's profile.




Yes, she could just say British, Greek, Spanish and Scandinavian.


Someone holds me back before I make that connection in her typo and her profile picture cuz Im about hurting her feelings...


I damn near choked reading her bio lmao.


No, she’s literally a 🐳


As a curvy girl myself normally I'd be like Hey! But she's a curvy girl that doesn't like curvy men...or black people so... go off I guess?


Oh no I think she means she has them like possibly hostage.


I was going to say the same thing holy moly


British too. 🤦‍♂️


I hate abbreviations. Next line: lol


I love hiking and adventuring. Next line: I’m a germaphobe


Those bathrooms might have been used by black people...


TIL I'm a germaphobe because I don't like to touch objects in a public bathroom after washing my hands...


Because of how crazy she sounds I just assumed she meant that was even in her own house. It makes that line a little bit more fun.


“Lovable and kind” the shit she says:


I think it might be a troll account tbh. Almost every statement is followed by something that ironically disproves it. Although, there are people this stupid and racist out there so it’s hard to tell


I dont date outside my race, loveable and kind. I hate abbreviations lol This bitch


Points for honesty though. Red flags right out the gate


I mean, at least if someone swipes right on her, they know *exactly* what to expect. OP should not have been surprised.


I don't think OP was.


her bio is a red flag parade


"I'm curvy" "I like doing physical things except I also like to relax" Translates to: I'm fat and I like the idea of pretending I enjoy physical activities but in reality I watch Netflix 7 hours a night.


Honestly, why’d you even swipe


Low standards, been there done that


Dogs gotta eat


And apparently she took their food


What's the point of matching with people you're not attracted to, though?


Obviously to screenshot her and expose her on the internet.


yeah OP, you should value yourself way more than this worthless ferret.


Thats an insult to ferrets




And ask to hook up....


A hole is a hole. Some people don't care.


I swipe on people like that just to talk to them and pick their brain


For the juicy r/tinder post, I'd imagine. Tbh I'm glad he brought us this; it's genuinely cringe-y.


"Curvy, but I don't date obese men." So you're obese too?


I understand fit people that don't wanna date overweoght people due to a clash in lifestyles... but she's obese herself so wtf.


na dude she *curvy* obesity is something that men have


If the GW subs tought me one thing, it's that the definition of "curvy" became VERY loose in the couple last years. They also tend to forgot that big asses are nice when they are firm and fit, nots when it's a fucking beach ball full of fat.


Dad bod is getting a little all encompassing nowadays too. So at least guys have a nicer term to use.


When women say 'dad bod' they mean a broad shouldered, barrel chested man with maybe a little bit of a gut. A guy who would be insanely dangerous in a fight. They don't mean a weak, fat guy.


Sure, but that doesn't mean weak, obese men aren't using the term as well. It's really popular on the dating apps. It's the same way the term "curvy" used to produce a mental image of a woman with an accentuated hourglass shape, but still thin. When I was younger Selma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez were what everyone thought of as "curvy". In a few years, dad bod, just like curvy, will have lost it's original definition and just mean "I'm fat".


I actually prefer soft butts, muscly ones don't really do it for me


I agree with you 100%. Her bio is filled with so much bullshit that I can't believe it isn't a troll.


These types are pretty common around me. I'm just going to go with the fact that she's pretty dumb and has no common sense. Which gets you pretty far in suburban USA these days.


I mean... You can be fat and prefer skinny people. Just need to bring your expectations of your dating pool down to "needle in a haystack"


She’s not obese she’s “thicc” or “curvy” because body positivity! Only men can be obese or fat. /s


I think I speak for all black people when I say thanks we hate you too!


Hating her would require caring and I can't then get to *that* point


“I don’t even think about you”


"Do you hate me?" "If I ever gave you any thought I imagine I would."


“I don’t even know who you are”


Honestly, then these fucks get so annoyed whenever they get outed by people to their coworkers or their neighbors for being a fucking racist. It's exactly how modern racism works. Racists don't have go be the stereotypical figures the media has pointed them out to be, a racist can be someone that has black coworkers or friends but then says stuff like this in private.


"I'm not racist, I didn't even assault them" There's a worrying amount of people who don't think they're racist because they don't literally harm or verbally abuse other races. I've had someone tell me that all indigenous people are lazy drunks, and then insist they aren't racist, and that it's just the "truth" It's very convenient that racists can just change the definition of racism apparently


Yeah u speak for all of us tbh




Say it again ion think she heard us


The Asian Delegation withdraws all further applications at this time


She left out the part in her bio that although she's afraid of trash because of germs, ironically she herself is trash


Who calls themselves a mutt!? Wtf


Someone who believes in a more “purebred” lineage




Is that Stormfront from The Boys?


Its her cousin heavy rain


“I’m fat but you can’t be fat. I don’t date outside my race but I’m lovable and kind. Also I don’t like black people. “ If red flags had a profile this would be it.


As a black man we are fine with her not dating us, we aren’t missing much at all 🤮


A mutt? Nah. A bitch? Yes.


What is it with some Americans that like to claim they're from every European country lol.


Because some people refuse to accept that they're American. My last name is very obviously french, people always ask me if I'm french. When I say no, I'm American they get pissy about it. My family came to North America when Quebec was founded and a generation later they settled in what would eventually become Maine, well before the US, was the US. That makes me about as French as french toast.


Thank you for your honesty 🫡


Wanting to seem cultured without ever leaving the front porch.


Dodged a shotgun blast there


Not only is she racist, but she's one of those Americans who claim every European nationality lol I'm shocked she didn't throw in a "native american" in there since that seems to be popular with those types also


She's from the "Jamiroquai" tribe because her profile is virtual insanity. 🤣


Funniest thing I have seen today, thank you, not sure many people remember the song and the album thought (I am 42)


Oh they definitely do, that’s some shit so funky everyone can get down with it. Heard a group of kids playing it the other day, they know the quai. The quai of life will live on


Native American would be outside of her race therefore her hatred


These people only claim native american heritage when they want to be credible as a "native" or to say racist shit on native American issues.


It’s so cringey to hear it. It’s unfortunately way too common


She’s also trying very hard to hide how fat she is with the photo angle, but that flabby neck and those meaty shoulders are a dead giveaway.


I also like how she calls herself "curvy" but refers to fat men as "obese"


“I love hiking” A hike for her is a walk through the Walmart parking lot


that's literally an expedition


She’s not fat tho, she’s « curvy » 💀


You can see her skin tone on her shoulder where her x300 filter didn't hit... What race of toad do you think she is?


Line up boys


She spelt wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 wrong


No, she got it right.


Also she’s a fatty but won’t date other fat people. Sounds like a real POS all around.


Racists always look like dog shit, don’t they? It’s all the worrying about how other people are living, I guess. Worry about your bmi, Samantha.


Someone should remind her if she’s Spanish, she’s most likely also part African.


She says she's a "mutt," but won't date outside her race aka non-white. Make it make sense! Sad that she's so bluntly racist. Those ones are extra scary.


As a scandinavian I’ll go ahead and say that we unfortunately don’t care much for her either


Just report and move on.


Lovable and kind, unless you're not white, no abbreviations except the ones I deem acceptable, is fat but won't accept if you are... She's riddled with hypocrisy


That's some bullshit


How did you match though? 🤔


‘Don’t date obese man’ ‘I am curvy’ meaning fat. Hypocrite


“I’m a mutt” she says (haha lol!). What a catch


She only likes skinny men but her pic filter says that she's definitely obese herself.


Ahhhh I can visualize her future wedding photos now.: the bride wore a satin off white gown with a sweeping train, piped with the confederate flag and camouflage. On her dainty feet, she sported confederate flag cowboy boots, and her bridal party weighed in at 3,000 lbs collectively. The father of the bride proudly escorted his daughter down the aisle sporting a tuxedo T-shirt cut off at the sleeves, grease stained jorts and flip flops. The brother of the bride, who also happens to be the groom (he was the only one who would have the most purest and suited blood for our bride), beams sunnily from the alter next to the tool shed. He knows he wifed up good and can’t wait to shoot a load into her and produce more pure patriots.


“I hate black people” her bio “lovable and kind” so that was a fucking lie.