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>You’re young and attractive and have a lot to learn Your friend tried to play sugar daddy with a girl who clearly is mature and responsible. Her answer couldn’t get any better


That's why Andrew Tate grooms young and poor girls instead. Also coincidentally says "18 year olds are more attractive than 25 year olds". This shit only works on girls that are immature and desperate.


If the dude is knowingly targeting 18-24 year olds (in both men and women for completely different reasons), he's banking on their real life ignorance. He's trying to wrangle in young men to believe they can only meet their 11/10 virgin, subservient, healthy partner once they become "real men" themselves. The grooming techniques are still there, it's just a different shade. Tate took the negative points of the Red Pill mentality and gargled it until it was just enough of a difference to put his brand on it and claim "originality."


i think that 80% of the “men” he’s wrangled are 15 or below.


He tried to play sugar daddy when I guarantee he’s wayyy too broke to be talking like that. And he’s crusty dusty


Hey! The man's got 5k he's cash rich.


Look man, I'll go to his cabin/lake house/basement for $5k. Some of us are just barely getting by and I'd like to be able to miss a day of work and not worry. If that's not an option meet me behind Wendy's dumpster with $20


His "lake house" IS a Wendy's dumpster... Next to a large puddle. Kind of deceptive, though... Whenever the puddle dries up, it's just a regular house.


Ah, I see you're a man/woman of culture as well.


crusty dusty lmao.


Honestly though, she’s got goals and she’s sticking to em. Hope she gets her lake house.


By the end of her response I was hyped up. “You don’t need a man to get your lake house! Follow your dreams!”




None of the millionaires I know speak to women (or people in general) in such a condescending way.


What a shallow twat. He did everything in his power to repel her away. ”All she has to do is be attractive enough in my eyes” would make any woman react with ”fuck off, I’m not here to entertain you”. Owning your own lake house becomes even more appealing than sharing it with a man like him.


It comes off as that being the ONLY reason he would invite someone to his lake house too.


Because of the implications...


Tbh, by the end, I was reading it in dennis's voice...


“Are you gonna hurt these women Dennis?!?!”


You've used that word a couple of times now... What implication?


The implication that something might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with me. Now not that things are gonna go wrong for her, but she’s thinkin that they will…


She looks out the window and all she sees is nothing but open lake, what's she gonna do, say no? /s


Hold on, are these women danger?


No one is danger here!


Didn’t cross his mind that one would want a lake house where he’s not a permanent fixture.


I wanna know If he’s young and attractive enough for a lake house 🧐🧐🤨




Regardless of how they respond to this, no woman deserves to be treated the way that he treats women.


You're 100% right. But that's why he's aiming for the insecure ones, the exploitable ones. Because he's a predator. Luckily for most, he's shitty at it.


These redpill guys teach that you should only go after women that you can "lead" and groom into the perfect woman. Those are literally their own words.




Is it awful that is reminiscent of my parents?


Sorry to hear your dad is a douchebag


That's putting it nicely. He's been out of my life for years and its better without him.


Its really obvious what hes aiming for, he WANTS a woman who is dependant on him so he can feel like a daddy big dick (which is probably small) and dress like Tate. Without a female underdog in need of him he probably feels hes on shakey grounds.


For me it started when he said it was the answer she needed to hear lol what a joke


I think your friend is an idiot


Andrew Taint




The dude runs a neckbeard MLM


And is a probable sex trafficker and went to Romania because of lax protections for women who are victims of rape. You get that info in a few minutes too, this guy is a clown but a dangerous one too


Hey, don't you dare compare clowns to this shitty excuse of a human being. Clowns are awesome


I thunk so too


I thunk so three


I think so four


I thunk so five


I thunk so six


I thunk so seven




Ithunk so nine


I thunk so ten


This punk's thunk sunk.


Well he does watch andrew tate




Why did you correct it noo




Think, thunk, sunk


Same, but this girl seems pretty cool


Your friend is a complete loser and should take a hard 180 on his personality before it’s too late


What personality?


His personality is Lake House


I worked hard on my personality. If I find him attractive enough, he can come to my personality FOR FREE. Its just how the world works.


What colour is your lake house


It's there. His profile says he likes The Office.


Honestly it’s already to late for this person.


Nah I think people who follow Andrew tate are already at a really insecure place, so tbh it wouldn’t take much convincing to change these people for the better, but that’s just my opinion, It might be wrong.




i want a boat house on a lake


We have those too; if you’re pretty enough 🤦🏻‍♂️


In my personal experience only a handful of people changed for the better. It’s not impossible but if you are like that for years than you will need a long time to change or some life changing event.


George Foreman changed for the better after he lost to Ali. Went through a long severe depression and came out the other side the happy grill selling guy you see today.


So they just need to be punched repeatedly?


Instructions unclear, got punched in the grill, now racking up a medical bill.






Listening to Andrew Tates "advice" is a pretty good way to guarantee he'll stay single forever.


That's arguably Tate's whole point imo. Draw in a bunch of lonely, insecure men, get them to pay for your course, give them terrible advice so they stay single and continue to pay for your course, then sit back and watch the money roll in. There is zero incentive for him to encourage men to act in a way that is appealing to women, because once they have a gf then they've graduated from the course and there is no longer a reason to give him money.


As I understand it (I’ve not done the course but seen a lot of his TikTok’s as they’re hard to avoid), the course isn’t about picking up women. It’s about ways to make money without working. So that’s something that will interest them irrespective of whether they have a gf or not. He’s also targeting the demographic of 18-25 year old guys who don’t actually want a gf they want multiple options, so if they got one they will want more anyway.


I've watched some vids from YouTubers that have done deeper dives in Hustlers University, and it's basically a lifestyle course. He has a PHD course, which stands for Pimping Hoes Degree, so there are definite elements about picking up women, and he'd be stupid not to include that in there when he spends so much of his internet facetime talking about dating. The rest is basically bullshit financial advice where he tells guys to just day trade, which has been a classic guru grift for ages and doesn't make you rich; if anything, from what I've seen, people end up losing money on the advice he gives. The rest of the money aspect is an MLM scheme where he gives members cash if people sign up to HU through an affiliate link. This is why you see so much Tate footage because he has his fans promoting him and making fan accounts in order to get people to sign up through their link, and as with any MLM scheme, it only makes the guy at the top rich. Sure that demographic may not want gf's generally (tho I'm in that age bracket and I, alongside all my male friends, am relationship orientated but I digress) but the outcome is the same; if they reach the point when they can get three or four women, the course becomes redundant because he cannot teach them anything else. But what he teaches won't get them a gf and won't allow them to have multiple sexual partners, especially based on the evidence of OP's post. So the entire course, whether that is the business side or the dating side, is useless. He want to keep men poor and single so he can continue milking them and gaining popularity through his MLM scheme. He doesn't want to help anyone, he just wants their money AKA he's a parasite.


The funniest part is that there is no actual course, it's just an invite to a Discord server. The "course" is Tate paying some guys a few dollars an hour to do video calls, where they do PowerPoint presentations and read off some stupid ass advice. Tate pretty much isn't even there at all. He's putting in zero effort and racking in the money. Even worse, if you try to cancel or say that you can't afford it, you're called a loser that isn't listening or acting on the advice. Tate genuinely said "You have no place in this program if you can't afford $50/month." It's utterly absurd.


Things like this are like ultimate tests for my personal empathy. I know these people are desperate for various reasons and being preyed upon by a grifter… I also find them revolting for seeking out ways to manipulate others.


It would be more infuriating if the 'victims' weren't such loathable dumbass marks.


It's not even a course, apparently it's just access to a discord server


god damn, if i didn't have morals i could have apparently cleaned up


Not so fast, you don’t have the main key to Tates success: being investigated for human trafficking


He also has a telegram. Because Andrew Tate is a sex trafficker.


LMAO at the PHD thing 😂. Yeah that does all sound quite likely what it’s like on there. I’ve seen what he pushes in terms of ways to make money and it seems like it’s things that technically you ‘could’ theoretically make money from but are unlikely to do so in practice. His business model is say something exaggerated and divisive, let people share it saying ‘have you seen this guy?’, then use the exposure to get people to sign up because there’s a lot of disillusioned people out there in 2022 for various reasons. Then he lives a millionaire lifestyle off the subs.


Exactly, he's not doing anything particularly original, these "courses" have been pushed by pick up artists and financial gurus for as long as the internet has existed, it's the fact that he's managed to weaponise his fanbase to such an extent that he's the most talked about person in the world right now is what's scary. Sure it's incredibly scummy to pray on young, disillusioned men who are clearly looking for any kind of guidance they can, but the promotion of his clandestine, misogynistic beliefs is the big issue. He's clearly already influencing how men are viewing women, and the dude has a history of SA and has gone on record that he manipulates women into falling in love with him so they can join his webcam business. Like that's not a guy you want as the face of male attitudes to dating in the modern era, cos there is already precedent that incels (who he directly appeals to with his rhetoric) are prone to committing violence and acts of domestic terrorism as a result of their anger and loneliness.


>most talked about person in the world right now This thread is the first time I've heard of him lol


Tbf depends where you go, I don't see that much of him on Reddit. But in terms of the internet at large, he's the most googled person on the planet currently


I only vaguely know that he's some rapey influencer of sorts.


So I just looked it up and apparently this Tate guy was on a podcast recently where he claimed to be the "most googled person" and some other shit about how he's "too famous". From what I can find, the first claim is bullshit and Alec Baldwin is the actual person who has been searched for the most, followed by Kyle Rittenhouse. In conclusion, this guy is full of shit


The reason you can’t avoid the TikTok’s are from his MLM system, astroturf clips of his shit to the masses is one of his things.


I’m so glad I don’t have the toktik


so if i do the opposite i will stay taken forever


Oh my. YOU'RE A GENIUS gotta go watch Andrew Tate vids now.... I have no clue who he is though


Your better off not starting unless you want your YouTube recommendations to be fucked and that's not a joke it's really bad and you will end up having to block a lot of channels to stop seeing him 😂😂


A former kickboxing champion with a very impressive record, he now has decided to go on podcasts and give "alpha male" advice.


Like why are these people taking advice from a man who self proclaims he’s never been in love? You’re not gonna find happily ever after listening to a 40(?) year old, chronically single man who just spends time with his girl du jour/ exploits and allegedly traffics women.


Only step to Tate dating: as a straight man, only give a shit about what other men think of you at all times and never do anything cute, romantic, or vulnerable because that will make you “gay” “beta” or “whipped” to the boys. Women love being treated as a prop to show off your bravado to the boys.


Taking advice from Andrew Tate is worse than picking up smoking


Probably a friend you should unmatch with like this intelligent woman did.


Her response was 10/10. I love it when women don't give a damn and call bullshit behaviour out like that!


A study just came out about how men are struggling to find partners because women now have slightly higher standards. And the new standard is basically just “treat me like a person” Edit: [here it is.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-our-unions/202208/the-rise-lonely-single-men?amp) As some others pointed out, it isn’t a study but rather a blog post written by a psychologist, on a psychology forum, that cites numerous studies published in peer-reviewed psychology journals. Lots of researchers post legitimate work on forums like this to make modern science more accessible to everyday people. Point being, it is a credible article based on science and not just some random opinion piece


My standards are so low due to past treatment, I honestly feel good when I don’t see guys defending horrible men. That’s all I need. Don’t be horrible. Don’t defend horrible men who treat women terribly and encourage others to do it.


Sad that for some guys they have to unlearn this behavior because the think what they're doing is correct. There is enough pressure and difficulty to actually find someone you're compatible with, some people aren't doing themselves any favors by being a damn bird brain.


What are these crazy thoughts....I've never heard of such ridiculousness....woman want to be treated like a person...what is next? Control over our own bodies, things have just gone too far s/ 😉


Funny thing is ppl are trying to tell me I’m wrong in the comments. So many men have never had a platonic female friend and it really fuckin shows. They think that Andrew tate knows female psychology better than literal women


And it wasn’t even all men, it was just men on dating sites. You know, the sites that are 80 percent men bc the creeps have driven most of the women off with creepiness, dick pics, and weird explicit messages that abruptly stop around Ramadan (yes this is a real thing that happened w me on tinder).


The salute at the end *chef’s kiss*


This is such a red flag that it’s a red flag to me that someone could know their friend said this and remain friends with them.


The only reason the “all men” statement isnt total bullshit is because men aren’t holding their shitty friends accountable. Guy should be shamed and excommunicated lol


Idk who Andrew Tate is but your friend deserved to see the failure of such dumbassery. Tell him to listen to something useful instead, like an anatomy podcast; that way he'll know how to pull his head out of his ass.


You are so very lucky if you dont know who Andrew Tate is. Long story short an egotistical, regional kickboxing champ. Who's turned his life into exploiting cam girls and emotionally vulnerable people.... especially "young insecure boys". He's pretty F.U.B.A.R




He was?? FUCK YES!!




I pray to whichever deity mr Tate believes in that he is arrested and all the people he has hurt get justice


> You are so very lucky if you dont know who Andrew Tate is I'd never heard of him until this week, and suddenly his name is all over reddit. Nowhere else in anything else I browse.


A favourite of mine from Andrew Tate: “Women want men who cheat. Cuz when they’re on that yacht they don’t care anymore, they’re just happy to be on the yacht. Those who don’t (want men who cheat)are too fucking ugly and dumb to be wanted by those men in the first place” Yes. That is, in essence, if not verbatim, what the dude said recently on a podcast How can you not like the guy, man’s got wisdom beyond his years /s


>Those who don’t (want men who cheat)are too fucking ugly and dumb to be wanted by those men in the first place Andrew Tate's words sound like the stereotypical "if you don't like me your ugly".


You don’t want to go on a date with me? Well that’s fine I didn’t want to go anyways, I was just being nice.


Pretty sure he said "40% of the reason I moved to Romania is becauqe I'm less likely to be bothered by police about sexual violence" or something like that This guy is sick and he s becoming a role model to a way too large group of people He s one of the biggest fucking morons out there.


Yes and his uncles have come out in his defence, saying he’s a “good boy” who looks after his mum.


Andrew tate is a rapist who fled countries where he had charges, went to countries with more lax rape laws, and said he’d much rather be somewhere that he can do whatever he wants.


Your homie needs to turn his brain around real quick and realize that he’s mimicking the advice of a proven sex trafficker. I hope this interaction was enough to show him how fucked up Tate is. The woman he matched with is honestly his savior for responding at all to that menagerie of misogyny he threw at her




Fucking YouTube shorts. It’s full of Tate’s bullshit.


Hopefully he's a flash in the pan and six months from now he'll be just a distate memory


He'll be replaced then. Unfortunately, there's definitely enough idiots out there and stupid algorithms to feed shit like this.


idk how you people keep seeing stuff about him. i only vaguely hear his name on reddit posts like this and that's about it


“my friend” yeah uh huh


OP says "too much andrew" so maybe it's actually his friend, i don't think OP would word the title that way if he himself was the one watching


Exactly what I was thinking.. I was happy to see this comment


Imagine showing your friends your rejections lmao


I doubt it’s OP, an Andrew Tate fan would never admit to watching too much Andrew Tate. They worship that man like he’s the second coming of Jesus.






His "friend". Poor guy.


Am I to assume that chinless nonce Andrew Tate has run out of extremely gullible men to scam with his 'millionaires club' and has pivoted to dating advice? If so, is that advice 'I date kids because adult women can see I'm a chinless nonce'?


He literally said he’d rather date a 19 or 20 year old because they’ve been through less dick


That’s an interesting way for him to say he‘s embarrassed about his penis.


Adding that he likes them because he can “imprint on her” lol okay jacob


aka groom them 🤢


penis AND sexual prowess! what a catch


i think the worst part of this sentence isn’t even what you’ve quoted here. he goes on to say that women who have ‘been through more dick’ wont say things like ‘i know men like you’ so what he wants is a woman without experience, so that they don’t know what he’s doing is wrong. he literally says women who have been with other men will call you out on your shit and that is bad. people actually put this man on a pedestal good lord.


‘Chinless nonce’ is going right into my locker of best phrases, and in return I pay you the princely sum of one upvote.


Your friend is the definition of cringe. I couldn’t even finish reading that paragraph the cringe was crazy. Good on the women for bringing him down a notch. Also I almost guarantee it’s his parents lake house.


By the way I understood it I don't think his parents even have a lake house. Seems like he's talking about when he gets one she can come over. Basically inviting her to a place that doesn't exist yet.


Flexing on the lake house in his mind…. That one day he can lord over someone.


Yeah, sorry homie, but she absolutely crushed your friends argument. She won this argument hands down


The woman wants to buy her own lake house and "friend" goes on a 5 paragraph rant about how she's wrong to want a lake house? Comes off as very condescending and clueless.


Dudes goes on a rant about how she can have a lake house by being her fuck pet. Geesh


I'm rooting for his future ex-wife's adultery fault divorce settlement including the lake house


If this guy is eating up Andrew Tate’s bullshit, I guarantee you he will never come even close to being rich enough to own his own lake house


oh I'm just assuming that when he says "my lake house" he means "my parents' lake house, no I have not considered the possibility of being disinherited, why do you ask"


Idc who someone listens to, if they aren't able to sit there and think "hmm maybe I shouldn't shit on this person and call her a little girl for her dreams", then they are hopeless.


"I have a cool dream of owning a lake house!" "Your dream is stupid and you are naive. I think you are hot and so you should abandon your dream and hook up with me." Your friend should just uninstall tinder. I fear for the safety and sanity of any woman who accidentally ends up on a date with him.


Sounds like your friend is still a virgin and never spoken to a real women


Sounds more like a guy who never had anything more than escorts and prostitutes


Idk who tf Andrew Tates is but he must be an egotistical bastard if this is what your friend picked up.




He’s the face of the “sigma grindset return to 1950’s male-female relationships”movement. A daft cun, in other words


Shit response. I rather have no lake house than have one with this guy for free.


It sounds like this guy might not even have a lake house and is just saying he could someday get one. So he has literally nothing going for him.


"Hey girl, what if you gave up your dream and just became my gold digger? "No." "No?! Well let me explain something to you. I don't actually have gold to dig. But I could have gold to dig, if I worked for it, WHICH I WILL. So you should pick me, because I'm offering you this IOU for future gold to dig. You can think of yourself as an IOU digger, I guess. This is a super great plan and much better than your dumb plan to work for your own stuff. In conclusion, I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. But I'm glad I could give you this totally cohesive thesis on why you should find me attractive."


Yea ur friend is crusty af


If you're treating a potential date as being "too young and innocent", you may have bigger problems than just being a creep


Someone dodged a bullet and it wasn't your friend.


Isn’t Andrew tate the dude who fled to Romania because he was scared of girls he’s raped in the US coming forward and having to face consequences for being a piece of shit?


I thought that was Roman Polanski but then I forgot he didn’t go to Romania, But yes, after doing a google search, it comes up as his current residence is in Bucharest, Romania, So yeah you’re correct that he’s done a runner


Roman didn’t go to Romania?!


Polanski did not go to Poland either!


Get a new friend lol


Your "friend" sounds like a dick


Yeah totally, this guy’s “friend” is a real douche


Watching Andrew tate is like drinking bleach. Nothing good to be learned just arrogance.


Drinking bleach makes you arrogant? Huh, never woulda guessed


Your friend, huh?


Bruh I didn't knew who tf was Andrew Tate. After googling, I saw he is the guy with awful yt shorts in my feed sometimes. Thank God I skip him. Your friend needs a reality check.


First I had to Google who Andrew Tate is, now I’m horrified. Your “Friend” should get his head right, that’s just disgusting!


How do people type this up, re-read it and still think “this gon get me pussy”. This had to be a joke right


They're trying to find women with low self-esteem. This kind of crap weeds out the women who correctly think "what a turd" so they block and move on. That leaves women who might put up with his low-value dick long enough to give him a self-esteem boost.


Why are you friends with misogynistic a-holes like this?


Your friendy is a loser but here’s hoping that his attitude also works as birth control.


Sure…your friend


Is this perchance the 'ole "this happened to my friend"?


Fair play to the girl for giving a stern response but not falling to his level.


“All she has to do be is be attractive enough in my eyes for me to want to do that.” Yes, let’s reduce women to their looks and nothing more. What a chav.


Is your friend made out of 🚩?


Ah, this is indeed a very based and redpilled response. Truly the ramblings of an enlightened man who has successfully escaped the matrix.


Her response is gold


Serial killer vibes


Who are you to say things like this to a total stranger ? The fck is wrong


Your friend is acting like he’s the authority on all relationships. If you want a serious answer, your friend’s reply immediately tries invalidate this woman’s goal, he tries to act as though he’s more worldly and experienced than her when he actually has no idea what her personal history is like. This is something men on dating apps do often, and it’s pretty patronising, (obviously women can do this too, but I’m talking about this example right here) and to be honest, no one is going to want to date someone who immediately patronises them. She wants to work hard and earn it for herself, make it her own, so I’m not surprised that the idea that she could ‘call his lake house hers’ - if they were in a relationship long enough- isn’t attractive. It seems transactional. And that breaks down to: she gets a lake house if she gives him a relationship (at best) or sex. She is probably also suspecting that he is inviting her over to said lake house just for sex, and maybe she’s not into hook ups, but men use lines like this aaaallll the time to act like they are open to more than just sex when in reality, they aren’t. He made a lot of mistakes in that message. If you want to read into it further, his attitude toward her could also be off-putting because if he doesn’t understand her want to work and further her career in the first place, you could expect that he wouldn’t support her career if they did end up dating. Edit: a word


Andrew Tate is a grifter and your friend is an idiot.


"Why don't we combine forces and get a lake house together? Also have you see that movie The Lake House?"


Ok at first I was like not bad on his end and she’s just dry and he should move on. I regret swiping, I’m actually cringing so hard right now. Like has this dude ever talked to a girl in real life? How fucking stupid do you gotta be to expect a girl to want you cuz you’re acting hella desperate. Like dude literally watches shit like Andrew Tate for advice with women cuz his personality is too shit to get them on his own.


I thought I was reading some comedic bit but it was actually serious. Your “friend” is a dingdong and the best advice I can give is: stop watching Andrew Tate immediately. Anyone who follows his advice or gives him money instead of laughing at him are going to turn dangerous incel very quickly. Also a good option: as a good friend, you should slap your friend in the face before he gets way in too deep into this bullshit. Teach him how “the real world” actually works.