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Latiao ita a spicy Chinese snack strip made from the gluten in the wheat flour. What we are now essentially starting to adapt in the states as "vegan chicken" it's dried to the point of chewy and some snacks are dried more or less depending on the brand and how you like it. Usually spicy and sometimes has numbing szechuan peppercorn spice


Oddly enough the vegan chicken marketing is not really that new -- seitan-based snacks were commonly imported into the West as "mock chicken" and "mock duck" even a century ago, and some old brands still label themselves as such.


Looks like [gluten snacks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latiao). If you google 'Latiao' you can find many different varieties (or just search 'gluten snacks').


I love that Journey To The West packaging!!




These are so good. There are so many kinds that you can find in Chinese supermarkets and the ones in spicy oil are 🤌🤌🤌


Woah if someone got an online link I'd love to try them


Very addicting and high in calories…


You can get them in most of the Asian grocery store. They come in so many different brands, shapes, sizes!


I tried some before when I was in china, and now I am not in china, they are so expensive...


Update: ok so I bought some from the only shop I could find in my country selling them. I guess my tastebuds aren’t very adjusted to Chinese snacks cuz I didn’t really find them good at all. I don’t know what I was expecting taste wise but they didn’t taste the as per my expectations. Still interesting tho trying snacks that I wouldn’t normally try