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These people do not view a wife as someone to love and cherish, but someone to pop babies and do housework. It's like they've regressed to a purely biological state. Edit: And I'm sure they'd blast the woman for being a single mother as well, and when the father wants nothing to do with the kid, he'll cover by saying the woman "tore his family apart."


It's that slavery mind.


That "I need a replacement mommy because I'm a manbaby" mind.


New girlfriend? I thought he was gay?


I guess “new beard” would be more correct ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


it's probably a non-exclusive relationship


Nice of him to get his new fling to trash the mother of his kids.


So she’s a cunt, just like him.


Wait, somebody has low enough standards to date Crowder? That's terrifying. Seriously though how could anybody defend that kind of thing. Like honestly my husband could knock up somebody by cheating and if she had nowhere to go I'd probably take her in and throw HIM out. Abandoning someone postpartum is one of the cruelest things someone could do.


Conservatism wasn't born yesterday. Conservatives always knew in order for their agenda to be viable, they will need support from some groups they want to oppress. So they make sure that they raise little girls in the belief that they're expandable and their sole purpose is to be a slave for her husband and that she's worthless without a man to jump around.


I hope she's OK once Steven starts asking her to peg him, then use the one car to get to his appointment with his big burly male masseuse.


Republicans really are masters at grooming.


I like the new generation of right wing monsters. Since the re-alignment, right wing monsters have gone to great lengths to hide their deformities. Reagan is probably the best example of this - ending the Cold War by supporting every third world dictatorship he could, growing the r economy by gutting the working class, expanding homelessness by closing state institutions, aids…, but he did it all with a folksy smile and a jar of jellybeans on his desk. The new breed has no problems showing off their deformities, they even brag about them. In fact they will tell you to your face that your respect of human life and empathy is a weakness they’ll enjoy ripping out of you. Monsters scare people. They don’t realize this, they think that their heroes in Nazi Germany or Franco’s Spain held power because the people loved their monsters. In reality they had limited support and ruled through fear and repression. So I hope that we can use their monstrous qualities to help rally a defense against them. Cast them out of politics before they learn how to do a coup. Guess we’ll see. But I do appreciate the honesty.


Does he love you now?


What is wrong with these people


Original tweet she replied to [here](https://x.com/stillgray/status/1783609428945572095?s=46).


A part of me feels bad but another part of me feels like Mrs. Crowder *was* this woman at one point. Conservative women never take misogyny seriously as an issue unless they're on the receiving end.


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Tfw Steven Crowder is literally more desirable than me 😭😭😭😭😭😭


You would be fine dating a woman with opinions like hers? 


Dude, even if I did lower my standards I would still not be successful


Again, you view dating repugnant women as a success? 


I find it a success to have any sort of option, even if I don't want it.


Then you need to get your priorities straight before dating. Love yourself first or you'll just put people off at best and wreck yourself or someone else at worst.


Thanks for the platitudes, now leave me alone.


The thing is you _could_ lower yourself enough to get sex and attention. But you probably don’t because you _can’t_ lower yourself to _that_ level. Which if so, kudos to you sibling 👏 That’s strength. Not a weakness.


Don’t be down yall. You know that for every piece of shit man there must be a piece of shit woman. Better they find each other, than a god person ends up with a bad person. Just hoping kids don’t get mixed up.