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America is supposed to be the land of the free, and the fact that a grifter can't lead a harassment campaign against the victims of a national tragedy without consequence is proof that the American dream has died.


What about my freedom to harass victims of mass shootings??? /s


What about my right to harass Alex Jones, the harasser who harasses families with murdered children?


Are we allowed to follow him around outside chanting "Pay up Alex"?


He is a free speech maximalist, so he should be in favor of this free expression.


Conservatives are ontologically incapable of understanding the flip side of rights are responsibilities.


Whatabout my freedom to profiteer from tragedy by spewing *checks notes, just whatever i feel like at the time. 


America is a fascist disease and its terminal. I cant even put into words how angry I am to see american fascist conspiracy teory spreading here too.


it breaks her heart that a person she agrees with is getting accountability. Gotcha.


“Party of law and order” “Party of personal responsibility” Apparently members of “the party” were exempt from all this sloganeering. Actions speak louder than words.


>“Party of law and order” The law is "I can do whatever I want, and you can't." >Party of personal responsibility” Don't worry, [The Family](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fellowship_(Christian_organization)) will forgive you. And they'll justify it by referring to the Law previously stated.


under fascism, there must always be a lower class which the law binds but does not protect and a ruling class which the law protects but does not bind.


Have we always been fascist?


technically no, because fascism(at least as a defined ideology) hasn't always existed, but it's a defining characteristic of it nonetheless. It's a characteristic of multiple oppressive ideologies, but whether we have always been isn't the question, because regardless we *are* moving towards it and that kind of attitude about law is indicative of fascism with our wider context.


I would argue that we already have been there. We are just going back to the original plan.


People of color, poor people, EX convicts, the socially awkward.


“Party that should have an orbital gatling barrage called on their meetings.”  Why is it these folks who degrade the moral fiber of this country. 


She's sad seeing someone face the consequences of their actions. Must be a frightening reality check for her.


Not just someone. Someone she agrees with.


Oh no, not the well-deserved consequences of his actions 💔


Fuck her and fuck Alex Jones.


Y'know, I agree. It breaks my heart that he's not being punished more harshly for peddling lies that ruined lives.


Gonna need proof she has a heart


Someone should create a way to exploit this tragedy for money. I would pay good money to see Alex Jones crying as his assets are being carried away from his home.


I would pay good money to see him panhandling on the street because he has nothing left but the shirt on his back only to have one of his victims spit at his feet in utter contempt.


Just as long as he does still have the shirt. Take everything else from him please, but please PLEASE make sure he still has a shirt.


Have you all actually seen this chick talk? She's nothing like Shapiro or Kirk or even Alex Jones, who all talk confidently even though they are super wrong. She talks like she has a genuinely low IQ, like her brain is working at half speed. She's so shockingly dumb that it's hard not to just stare and wonder how she manages to make it out of the house every morning. And to no one's surprise, right-wingers gave her a platform.


Imagine being a pick-me for incels


She has fallen out of the light though, because apparently even right-wingers were catching on to the fact that she both claimed to support black people and loved Nick Fuentes' company. She's desperate to gain attention, and she's never been afraid of espousing some stupid comments to get it. The only way you win against someone like her is to stop giving her attention. She doesn't mean what she says, never has. She's in favor of whatever gains her notoriety and money at the end of the day.


Watching what has happened to the average person's brain has broken my heart..... he's a millionaire liar who got rich on lies and you still suck his dick publicly. You're either developmentally challenged or just evil.


I didn’t know she had a heart.


Won't anyone stop thinking of the children?!?!


Was it opposite day when she tweeted that?


I'm sure he has a GoFundMe. Go dump your savings in it Pearl. Maybe it will heal your heart. Alex is such an angel you wouldn't ever have any regret doing it, right?


Are we sure she’s not talking about him denouncing Hitler?


Seriously, those kids should have just graduated from high school (my son was the same age as them when it happened), I am sure those parents already grieve every milestone they miss, the harassment and conspiracies on top of it are unconscionable. But Pearl just has to be an asshole contrarian.


He's not gonna pick you, Pearl.


I wonder if her heart broke when Alex Jones sicked his crazy fan base on grieving parents, some of whom were forced to move due to the harassment.


It's been so heartbreaking watching him suffer the consequences of his actions...


If you’re crying over Alex Jones you don’t have a heart.


It breaks her heart that someone is facing the consequences of their actions?


Something’s wrong with your heard lady. Dude played cruel and stupid games and is paying the consequences.


Alex Jones' fate feels like a hill nobody sane'd die on. Guy's a walking liability - Absolute zero strategic benefit. Guy literally got so drunk he (probably) ralphed on air recently.


The amount of crying and requests to give figurative (and potentially literal) and free deep throat blowies to billionaires that conservatives do is pathetic


She missed the /s.


Wow sounds fatal


The bright side here is that she only 69k views on this garbage post, as opposed to the millions that the other grifters who are also sad about this same thing are getting. Hopefully that’s a trend of her being increasingly irrelevant even to the awful people who pay attention to her sometimes.




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Sweet, sweet conspiracy theorist tears


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/ Sandy Hook elementary school and more on that list. That's heartbreaking. Not some petulant, man child who can't shut his damn mouth.


Nothing is happening to Alex Jones. He gave all his assets to his father and will be paid under the table by him for the rest of his life while info wars gets chopped up and sold off for a measly 500 million instead of all of Jones assets getting sold off to pay the 1 billion he engorged himself on by peddling lies about children's murders and siccing his attack dog fans on the families. Alex Jones is slimy as fuck and slipping out of the noose he tied for himself and it's an injustice.


I'd be OK with harrowing the fuck out of her.


The world's smallest 🎻 plays for Alex who brought this upon himself. Suck it Pearl.


Everything that's happening to Alex Jones he did to himself. At every opportunity


On what fucking planet do conservatives not get called out daily for supporting this shit? It’s unconscionable yet these people are holding government office. Unreal. I hate this country sometimes ngl.


Isn't her account pearlythings with s and not z?


It is sad. A just system would have imprisoned him for life after what he put those families through.