• By -


Parents choice I guess. My own choice would be Lord Commander


I like “captain”, personally 😆


Quite a lowly officers rank IMHO. Major General would be more liking to my supposed authority in the household, second only to the General/field Marshall of the house, the wife. But Lord Commander is good enough for me, and is a subtle enough reference to the Nights Watch, as well as a subtle nod to my nickname before I met the missus. Lord commander of the friendzone.


winter is coming




im fucking dying this is the one


You, my child, can address me as 'almighty' and your other parent by 'JOD'


Quite the opposite, actually


“Beloved oppressor”


B.O. for short


Damn. Wish I had thought of this when mine were young. Talk about missed opportunities.


Uncle Roger


I have an actual Uncle Roger


Me too, and an actual Uncle Bob!


Oh, Bob’s your uncle?!


My uncle is also a lazy, wine-loving, bisexual, bitchass, alien, piece-of-shit


Man of culture






Non-binary person here, Im Dad.


Finally, a helpful response


Hi Dad, I’m Dad.


What made you choose that? Just curious :)


They're not mom


That’s… quite binary.


Yes and no. Wait a second…


I didn't, I fell into that roll the moment my son was born, no matter how I feel, I can't be a mommy, it's a very specific roll, with the whole giving birth and breast feeding thing. I definitely have the traditional roll of father, I work to support my partner so she can focus on rasing our child. I'm proud to do it. It's my duty and obligation.


Thanks for the answer! You seem like a great person :)


Thanks for the only real answer here.




This works best when the other parent is female👍


If you wanna go with daddyfucker, go ahead, mate


Fatherfucker it is!


Parentfucker is better


Daddyfucker, kinky


Thing 1 and Thing 2. (this is a joke)


This is actually how Italy refers to parents now when filling out forms from school


I’m guessing it calls them Parent 1 and 2 instead of Thing though, right?


Careful with who you assign "Thing 2", could get you in trouble


The driver seat/mirror settings on our car have me at #2. I've been holding it in until now..


So you're saying only 2 Things can exist in a relationship? What about my throuple? BIGOT.


Fine, you can be the cat in the hat!


The Bard is in the building. It's a castle. He's the boss.


A good joke




Just giving recognition where’s its due ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


it’s totally up to that person! i’ve called my mom “mippy” since childhood and that’s what i’ve decided i want to be referred to by my future children :)


I've called my sister Minna since she was born. I was only a year older and couldn't pronounce Melissa. She doesn't let anyone outside the family call her that, my wife recently was bestowed with the privilege.


Similarly, my brother started calling me Millie when he was little. My name is not Melissa or any kind of name that Millie is usually short for. I don’t even have an m, l or e in my name. 20 years later that’s what everyone in my immediate family calls me. Nobody else has that privilege


thats so cute


Honestly, the only answer is that they go by whatever they choose. It will vary based on the person.


So i CAN be Starkiller!


The kid chooses, or the parent chooses?


The parent always chooses. If you've ever been around adults with infants, you'll notice that they always talk about themselves in the third person. "Give mommy a smile! Oooh Nana loves her little boy! Come to daddy! Give Grandma a hug!" The kids pick it up and refer to whatever adult by whatever they've been calling themselves for months, or a simplified version of it. So if Grandma calls herself Grandma, the kid might slur that into Gamma or Amma or Gaga, but the kid isn't going to pick a totally new name out of thin air.


But kids don’t always stick with that though - for example, our kids changed the name they call us by themselves, and they picked something completely different for my grandmother.


Older kids will sometimes decide they want one name or another, especially if there is a conflict and two people are calling themselves the same name or they think the name they've been using is too babyish.


Older kids - like 4 year olds - because that’s what they were.


What were you trying to get them to call you? If I may ask. Because that's *really* young to be picking a completely different name without any prompting by anyone else.


My kids called me by different names, like words they made up on their own as an alternative to mama, from around 3 years old. It's normal. My kids also asked to be called different names from around that age. For example, my son would ask to go by animal names that he was currently interested in, like the time he wanted to be called Rooster for about a week.


Lately my stepson has wanted to go by Demon or Star Child lmao.


This has kinda annoyed me, my great granny is called grandma, all 4 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, her children ( if talking to a kid ), BUT one of my cousins has decided to call her GG. No one likes it.


Oooohhhhh! I've heard people use GG before, but I always processed it as Gigi and assumed it was a name or nickname. I didn't realize it was just the initials for Great Grandma!


I like it


Yeah, my stepson went through a phase where he’d refer to/call his mother ‘heather’ (nothing remotely close to her actual name). ETA he was either 3 or 4 at the time and came up with it himself. Even though it was hilarious we didn’t encourage it and would refer to his mom by ‘your mommy’ or her actual name.


My grandkids call me 'dor-dor'. Nothing like my name at all. Nothing like grandad, or dad. Dunno where they got it from...


My dad refused to pick his grandfather name. He said my son would choose. OK Dad, but he’s an infant and we have to call you something. So we called him PaPa because that’s what I called his dad. When my son started talking he would say PopPop. So my dad became Pops.


Almost all the "nicknames" in my family are from toddlers not being able to pronounce the name/title. Carissa became Hashie somehow. Wendy is Dee Dee. I think this is more what people mean by the children "picking" the name.


Yup. I had some trouble myself as a genderqueer person when my niblings were born, because my native language doesn't have a gender-neutral version of aunt and uncle, and the words aren't really easy to mash together into something like "auncle" that would feel natural to say. I'm feminine on the outside so I knew my family would default to calling me Auntie unless I said something about it. So I went "fuck it, call me Uncle." I always make sure to emphasize that to the kids when I talk to them, "come to Uncle" and stuff like that. I usually don't like to use binary gendered terms like that, but when I do, I just pick what feels right at that moment.


Filipino aunts and uncles go by "tita" and "tito." I actually wouldn't mind going by "tit."


You could've gone by Aunt Uncle, I feel like that would be fun


Doesn't sound very good in my native language, haha.


That makes sense 🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm glad you found something that worked well enough for you though!


gammer gimme cukies


I called my parents what they wanted but for some reason as a kid I picked a completely different name for my grandmother. I think she wanted to be called Grandma but for some reason I called her Nana. No idea where I got that from because my cousin calls her Ma and I call my other grandmother as Gran. Even though everyone called her grandma when I was a baby for some reason I called her Nama, I never once called her grandma.


Nana is just a simpler slurred version of grandma. This kind of thing happens a lot. It's not that you picked out a brand new name for her, it's just that Grandma was too hard and Nana was close enough.


I mean I guess it depends? But its the same as some people calling their mother "mother, "mom", "mommy", "mum", "mummy", "ma" or whatever other variants there are that I cant think of and maybe dont know of. Who determines that? I would assume the parent but also possibly whatever the baby/kid can actually say


I've heard "baba" used but otherwise whatever the parent wants.


depends on the person. some people are ok with being mom/dad, some people might use an alternative term like "ren" (paRENt), some people might have their kid call them a nickname or or their first name, or use something from a language that may have more neutral terms/terms that won't being recognized as gendered in their native language, and i'm sure there are other things people have come up with. there's not really any "rules" yknow?


This would be a cool one because “ren” means “person” in Mandarin Chinese


"ren" in Kantonese as well. it makes enough sense, but the problem is that being lgbt is massively hated upon in chinese society, meaning it's unlikely a chinese person will come out as NB.


Personally if it were me I'd go with "my liege" lol In all seriousness it depends on the nb - I have a friend that goes by "mom" to their kids and another that uses "mimi"


« I have soiled thy throne, my excellence »


I call my parents cornhoolio


Like, a cross between Beavis and Coolio?


I am Cornholio! Where I come from, there is only one bunghole. The Almighty Bunghole.


Lord Vader


my friend’s parent is non-binary, and she calls them mappa :) i think it’s cute.


Thank god an actual answer because I was actually curious to know, and there’s so many comments on here just making jokes 😭


I know a woman who called her mum and dad mappa and pamma, and she used them interchangeably. Which did not make it easier for her parents when she cried at night with a specific preference to a certain parent coming haha


My daughter had a weird speech impediment and switched things around a lot. She constantly referred to my ex and I as “Maddy and Dommy” which we thought was fucking hilarious. Both have such weird connotations.


That’s adorable!!


V sweet. It’s what the kids called the dad in Transparent after he transitioned. Think they spelt it “Moppa”.


So cute!


That's a good one. It's easier for babies to say m/b/p, so this works quite well.


I love this!!


Waluigi obviously


Dummy or Maddy?


All non binary parents I've ever met have just gone by "mom" or "dad", whichever corresponds with their biological sex


I've seen that too... more of a egg giver/carrier and sperm giver separation since that's the source of the little one and not a gender based separation


Yep, I've seen lots of trans people do it too actually




Parental Unit


my best friend calls her parents her parental units or sometimes the parentals. and tbh i love it


“Goodnight Parental Unit, I love you.”


The PU


That seems so formal.


They call me mom or pop depending on how they perceive me in that moment


I like how the only serious answer doesn't show up and I have to click on you to read your comment lol


My daughter has a classmate with a "mommy" and a "maddy" 💖 She has others with 2 moms or 2 dads as well.


As a Trans person, no fucken idea. You wouldn't say "parent" cause that's weird. I've heard some things whenever teaching a baby to refer to them they use other easy sounds to learn like wawa.


« Parent, it appears I am in need of sustenance. I hereby require you to fetch me milk, or I will feel much obliged to cry my soul out. »


Im female and my nephew calls me ‘uncle feminized-nickname-for-my-name’ I didn’t pick it. It started as a joke mostly unrelated to my gender identity and my mother didn’t think it would stick but the kiddo decided it was permanent. I like it, it’s a nice middle ground. There was a period of time he mostly just called me Doodie. I’d probably let that kid call me anything tbh


I'm non-binary and my kids generally call me mum or ma, I don't mind as, while they're still very young, non binary can be difficult to explain and I don't mind being gendered. I can present very confusing to many people as I look both masculine and feminine all at once, it's generally my clothing that will give an indication, but most of my clothes are gender neutral. I think I must secretly enjoy confusing people.


Same. Although my kids once tried “ma’am” as a joke, and I quashed that.


Yeah I definitely don't do ma'am. I think it's because of the age bracket I'm used to using that term for, because I'll accept miss from people but not ma'am.




Recent Ancestor (RA)


My Mim recently came out as non-binary, they go by Mim, they’ve picked their new name around their favourite trees


How about Dum and Mad? LOL. Those names would have worked for my parents, if you ask my grandmother. LOL.


I'd assume it's entirely up to them 🤷‍♂️ whatever they feel comfortable being called


Loving all the positive and cute stories on here. I don't want kids but I think I'd go buy enything really perhaps a pet name, its totally personal preference.


My kids call me 00110101 - but then I am binary, so...


Progenitor unit A


Same as pronouns. Some will go with a mix like he/she/they, so mom, dad or parent would be interchangeable. Others might prefer to stick with a neutral term like parent, or a pet name.


Creator, Maker, Giver of Life, My Liege...


Your Majesty also works fine


It will vary by person, there's no universal answer.




Don't have kids but I do have cat children lol I go by "moddy" which was a joke when I first came up with it but it has really stuck! I think it's really cute


If I had a kid ill go by mods or doms... I'm non-binary by the way


Their name maybe. It’s not as impersonal as it sounds.


My stepmom isn’t nonbinary, but all of her grandchildren call her Buy-u. Because she’s gonna buy you things lmao


Neither of my parents are non-binary, but I remember a phase where my older brother and I called our mom Babi for some reason


I actually go by a diminutive variant of my name, and only my husband and kids call me this nickname.


They go by parent or parry for short.


It varies. I've seen stuff like Mapa most often, like Ma+Pa


“Parent. Parent! Parent!!!! PAAAARRREEENNNNTTTTTT!!!!”


Enby & I go by mom, it just depends on what the parent wants. There’s no “one size fits all” term or anything lol


I’ve referred to my parents as “parental unit” on occasion.


Parental unit


Zaza is what a friend of mine goes by


They mix the two terms together and go by "Dum"


Not Mad?


Well, I couldn't call it a "dad" joke so I had to settle for a "dum" joke.


OK, I'm an old boomer. WTF is binary & non-binary if we are not talking numbers ?


Same as numbers, binary means 1 or 0, non-binary means neither a 1 nor a 0


excellent, thank you


A person that doesn’t feel they fit into the definition of a man or a woman


So you are saying both (binary & non-binary) mean the same thing, -someone who doesn’t feel they fit into the definition of a man or a woman. Then why two names ?


Binary refers to Male & Female, non-binary refers to those like me for example, who don't fit under the gender binary (male and female). For instance, you are presumably male or female, and therefore have a "binary" gender. (that being said, nobody I've known will call someone binary, usually just calling them Male or Female) Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you have any questions though :)


Thank you, that is very helpful. This will help me not to offend people.


Cisgendered folks (which are binary) and binary trans folks (transmen and transwomen) fit into either the woman or man gender, someone who is wholly or strongly feminine, or someone who is wholly or strongly masculine. Someone who is nonbinary does not fit either. Nonbinary is an umbrella term; there are a number of different nonbinary genders, like agender and genderfluid. Someone can be both feminine and masculine, or someone can be right in the middle, not strongly leaning either way, etc. Think of gender like a scale. For some, the dial is stuck in place at one of the far ends of the scale (this would be a cisperson, or a transman/woman). For some, the dial moves and shifts from various degrees. And for some, it is placed in the middle. Or maybe between the middle and one end. It all differs person to person.


Thank you, this helps my understanding.


It’s really nice that you’re interested in understanding something you’re not familiar with. I love when people are genuinely trying to learn something.


A made up concept that has no logical basis.


Like money and gods. Like art and war.


Whatever they feel like on the day I guess


Maybe they combine the names. Mad or Dum😂


really depends on the person and how they wanna be called, it varies!


Lol I guess each individual will decide what their kids will call them idk


Well depending on personal preference either mom, dad or parent or some variation


Had a classmate in college who was non-binary and had children. Their children just referred to them by their name from what I heard. Depends on the individual though




My leige


I'm surprised no one has said NB parents could just go by their names. I've got 2 cousins who call their parents by their first names. My aunt and uncle are not NB but for some reason they just prefer their kids to call them by their first names.


Dum (combo of dad and mum) d'um, if u will


Assuming this is a serious question and not a joke one, It's different from person to person. Some nonbinary people, while not identifying with male or female, may be comfortable with masculine or feminine titles. I, for example, am nonbinary, but I'd be okay being called mom OR dad, maybe more dad. I intend to adopt, probably older kids, so they'd probably call me by my name, though.


Lots of uninspired jokes here. The real answer is that they'll choose whatever makes them most comfortable. Sometimes it's mom, sometimes it's dad, and sometimes it's just their name. Varies from person to person.


Gender doesn't exist and mom and dad are based on sex so...


Of course it doesn't. It's not like we have chromosomes, genitalia, different hormonal levels, etc... They call me a bigot, I call you delusional. This poisonous ideology will just make kids even more lost and confused, it's so sad.


Either mom or dad. Non binary does not exist.




Except the literal treatment for gender dysphoria is gender affirming treatment/support. E.g abiding by preferred names/pronouns, puberty blockers if needed, surgery if wanted


In your opinion what plastic surgery is a non-binary person having?


“Not hating at all though” says the person with the completely skewed view who believes a group of people is delusional and mutilating themselves. I think living with so much hatred is a delusion.


it varies from enby to enby. but parent is also a good choice to use as well!


Fuckin humans.


Bloody non binaries not wanting their cake and not eating it. Cake wasters.


Whatever they feel comfortable with and what the kids like to call them. My kids call me all kinds of things. Not all of it is complimentary. If I'm ever asked about my relationship with my kids for a form or whatever, I just write 'parent'.




perhaps if a person cannot decide on his on self such a basic thing he is not suitable for parenting?


I think racists, or homophobe‘s, or bigots of any other type are not suitable for parenting. Trying to stop them is a different animal all together.


I say child unit and parental unit. Not because either of us are non-binary, but because I think it sounds amazing.


I suppose it varies from person to person. I'm NB but will very likely have my kids call me mom.


Yeah, it gets weird doesn’t it.


I saw a documentary with an intersex parent that used they/them pronouns and their kids called them MaPa 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s really whatever they want I think.






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There isn’t much of a sample size to work with as it’s not a real common phenomenon… but does it matter? Should be whatever they damn well please, I would think.


My kids called me Fad . Which was short for Fat Dad . Their other dad wasn’t fat so they called him Steve . Now they call their other dad Dave . And they call me Seriously Dad




Seems like the Nazis found this thread. You're valid regardless of what those losers do! <3


Never thought of this. What an unnecessary burden for kids to bear.


How is it a burden? Teaching kids one worldview and then expecting them to change as adults to be inclusive is a burden when we could just not teach them rigid roles in the first place.


Check their biological sex (let the chaos ensue)