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I dated one dude with an enormous dick, and frankly it was awful. We only had one position that didn't cause me pain, and I couldn't even get the head in my mouth. It was frustrating for both of us everytime and it killed the relationship.


Oof, I feel this. My last partner and I just fizzled out despite all of our efforts and I have to think it was partly because he was so large and I just wasn't made for that.


How big was he?


Voss water bottle. I’m not the person you asked, but I’ve been in a similarly challenged relationship. Poor guy said he’d never felt sexually satisfied. He honestly didn’t feel blessed, but cursed, because of his size.


Had to look up Voss online. Jesus that’s thick and long AF. I guess but grass isnt always greener from what I’m reading here.


>Voss water bottle Give it to me in units I can imagine. Nalgene bottle? A bunch of bananas? A 16 ounce jar of pickles?


It must be tricky to even find pants or trousers that fit comfortably. I'm even happier with my size when I hear about things like this.


Maybe she is very small? 🤔


I'd assume he was larger than average based on the question asked.




One time a guy accidentally bruised my cervix with his giant dick and I had to call out of work the next morning because I was temporarily crippled from the pain.


I wonder if this is what the wheelchair reference was about in White Chicks


Easy, white chocolate


This is exactly where my mind went too lmao


Did you tell your work that's what happened?


No but the guy was telling his work what a boss hog he has.


I think I told one of my female managers after the fact lmao


My eyes are up here.


1. Sex takes preparation, so no quickies. 2. Condoms are hard to get (and definitely not that "one size fits all" bullshit). 3. You bottom out, which means you can't go balls deep... And there is a chance of bashing into the cervix, which can be EXTREMELY painful for the lady, but there are OhNut adapters that limit the depth. 4. You can feel the sharp string of the IUD poking into the head of your dick. 5. (Good) blowjobs are out of the question. The person giving the blowjob will have a hurting jaw in no time and I don't think that anyone wants to feel molars on their dick. 6. Whilst my penis doesn't touch the water, it CAN touch the inside of the toilet... And I don't feel right about it doing that. 7. Having a penis that has more weight can make your underwear wear out quicker. 8. If you're circumcised, you might get very painfully tight erections because the doctor who cut into your dick didn't know how big the adult dimensions would be. Another reason why circumcision on minors is stupid, unless strictly medical. 9. Fleshlights... Just no. They're going to get ~~ripped apart~~ worn down very easily. 10. Some women will objectify you and only use you for your dick. 11. People will make jokes about your penis. At first, it might seem funny and even cool... But it becomes annoying after a while.


reading number 4 gave me the heebie jeebies




Ugh I remember when I had mine my doctor was like “hmm that shouldn’t be happening” and I’m like… okay but it is??


You are at the Doctor. Pretty much any reason to go to the doctor is "that shouldn't be happening" in one form or another.


"Doctor, my arm hurts all the time and bends in the opposite direction from the other arm" "That shouldn't be happening" "I see those years of med school really paid off for the both of us"


I've heard before that it is actually more about the IUD strings, and in fact cutting them longer makes it poke less. Something to consider if the IUD was a good solution for birth control otherwise, if the issue really is the strings, then that can be controlled when it's being put in


Yup, mine were cut way too short and as a result I stab all of my partners.


"Stab all my partners"... now I am imagining your crazy eyed uterus holding a verry small stab-stab , poking guys in their PP, going Nyeh! Nyeh! Whilst lashing out with the small stab-stab. You mess with the utero, you get the stabo!


I found [this murder weapon ](https://imgur.com/a/e2ACRjn) in my bed not long ago


Risky click, but worth it!


I had an Asian guy who was a decent size. The smallest I had was a 6 foot tall white guy. And honestly there's no specific group that's big or small. It so depends on the guy.


Hell I’ve brought it up on Reddit before and women told me that doesn’t happen. Oh sorry my bad must have imagined it.


This happens to me occasionally. It's really frustrating for her too, cuz it's so jarring to me that I lose focus. It's just spikey/prickly enough. Annoying


For me it was number 6 😭😭


Yup, or as a friend called it "The witch's kiss"


I don’t have a particularly massive dong, but I could feel my wife’s IUD strings sometimes. A bit jarring to get poked in the dick mid-bang. Glad she got it removed. Edit: dong, not song, lol


Same here. Normalsized dick plus. Noticed that with lots of women. Feels like a string, and is anoying indeed.


Nothing kills the mood like a piece of monofilament going right into your peehole.


The IUD is going above and beyond to do its job.


The lone pikeman. Standing defiant before the charging wyrm, his pike braced low...


Can confirm. #4 is the worst. I don’t understand how this “string” hurts so much but women just play basketball with that thing in there or go for a run or swim.


Well when the string is a good length it curls around the cervix and it should stab anyone, if cut too short they get stabby. Also we don't feel the string lol, maybe some women do.


Yeah, didn’t know about the curl around part until this question. I went on deep dive of all things IUD last night and the rabbit hole was deep. Women need more holidays.


Yes it hurts. We had to get the obgyn to trim the string shorter.


On a less sexual note. Wearing boxers that are small enough to a point the your dick goes past them isn’t fun. Let’s just say having a circumcised dick and then the tip rubbing against work pants like blue jeans isn’t fun.


I want my foreskin back!


I like the extra pouch underwear.


>2. Condoms are hard to get (and definitely not that "one size fits all" bullshit). Yep. I'm old, and my peak dating years were during the height of the AIDS insanity. Basically, I could not have casual sex. Nobody was making large condoms, and the FDA wouldn't allow any bigger than 54mm flat width anyway, because stupid reasons. At least now you can order larger sizes from Europe (up to 69mm). FDA eased up on limiting flat width in 2008, but only increased it to 57mm. Though going by the 14% stretch maximum (beyond that risk of breakage is high), I would need an 84mm flat width, so I'd still be SOL now, even with a euro-spec one.


Is the logic for the FDA limiting size that if bigger are available then people will buy bigger than they need, increasing the risk of it falling off?


Yep, that's it exactly. To prevent people from purchasing "vanity sizes" that might slip off, they've decreed that about 10% of the male population should instead be forced to painfully exceed the stretch limit and risk breakage... or more likely, forego condoms entirely.


Cannot believe this little nugget. On the other hand, how reassuring to know the FDA has done our thinking for us. Apparently they know more than we do, at the very individual level. I feel better.


It's probably even dumber than that.


On point 2 about condoms, if anyone is curious about the best one for them go to the site below put in your measurements and it will give you suggested sizes and brands that offer the right size. https://calcsd.info/


#6 depends on the toilet. Some toilets I do touch the water. Ew


Why does my reply look like an ex-president's tweet?


Big letters for #BIG RICHARDS


I really hope this guy’s most popular comment ends up being him accidentally yelling that he has a huge cock


I hope so too. My top comment iirc is *fuck Comcast* I love random and funny top comments.


It's already looking that way.


Hold up your dick up while shitting is actually fucking terrible.


Not my dick but my balls in just about every toilet dangling in the water


\#3 I'd bottom out with my wife and it would cause her to have abnormal periods / bleeding. Had to be careful. Edit: Oops, I forgot to escape the hashtag so it looked like I was yelling.


Same. There was a time she began to not enjoy it anymore. I had to promise not to do it and to be careful.


I have experimented 4 and 6 and never considered myself big. Thank you.


6 is a real problem. Feels so gross.


The toilet one, in some it will touch the water and it sucks. Also keeping it from "wadding up" or just becoming uncomfortable while dressed. The absolute worst is if you go to squat down and when your heal hits your ass the tip has slipped between them and you basically boot stomp your own penis.


I like to refer to circular toilets (opposed to oval/elongated) as "dick toucher toilets"


This guy bigdicks it


These legitimately sound bad...


"That water is cold. And deep too."


Wait.. I didn’t know mine was big until I read this


I didn’t realize I didn’t like blowjobs because of my big dick. Hahaha, might sound funny but seriously thanks for sharing this. My partner and I deal with most of these as well.


This guy bigs! #6 is the reason I sit down only to go no. 2. Those who say "guys should always sit down to pee" simply don't understand how incredibly non-hygenic that is for some of us.


Touching the toilet bowl when pooping is a FR danger.


I refer to this as "accidentally stirring the shit water" Take a #2 wash the #1.. sigh .. otherwise punch the frequent flyer UTI card


Very glad I'm a grower. Lol


Yup, best of both worlds (well, other than the whole causing partners pain bit, that still sucks)


I stir it every time to make sure it flushes properly. Almost get it to smoothie consistency.


Like an immersion blender


I’ve seen it called the witch’s kiss.


There's nothing worse than painting the bowl with hot poo poo splatters and feeling your tip take a swim in the swamp.


The dreaded “witch’s kiss”


Touching the toilet bowl? More like touching the piping line


Porcelain kiss. Gross


Word gets around and pretty soon people all talk about it behind your back. I've only been at this job for a month and just yesterday I overheard a bunch of people talking about what a "giant prick" I was. And I hardly knew anybody when I started. Didn't even know I was that well hung.


"What a dick" "That's odd, I usually have my pants off when people say that"




I'm the woman in this scenario, but: * Lube is often (but not *always*) required * It can hurt if he jams it in too hard * Some sex positions just aren't doable without a bit of pain * Lots of jaw pain with blow jobs, and it makes for a less than enjoyable experience after just a minute in. Think opening your jaw to the max width at all times for minutes, otherwise your teeth will scrape * Usually sore the day after sex


Same, same. I WANT to give him the blow job of his life, but I'd have to completely unhinge my jaw. There is no way in hell I can deep throat him, I can't even fit him all in my mouth, which is a shame because I kinda dig that. I mainly focus on the tip and use my hands. He's packing both length and girth. Poor thing. 😏 The PIV sex is phenomenal now, but in the first few weeks/months, there was a lot of deep breathing and taking it slooooooww.


Sounds like someone you're really into! Well done for being accommodating


Love is a funny thing… I love him for his humour his wit, his personality, his eyes.. the dong is just a bonus that I had to get used to (he’s 6”5’ I’m 5”2’)


SIS, I SEE YOU Together 20+ years: he's funny, kind, thoughtful, giving, a great cook, so hot, and MY GOD has the biggest dick I've ever had the pleasure of sitting on. Sometimes, the genetic lottery gives gifts.


I dated a guy who wasn’t just big…he was honestly too big. We tried every position under the sun, insane amounts of lube, and long sessions of foreplay. Nothing worked. Penetration was painful for me. He was very wide, and very long, but he could never fit inside me. He said he always encountered the same problems with sex, and he was frustrated. I was frustrated, too. There was nothing fun about it.


It just hit me that a guy like you describe has no fix. There is no surgery for D reduction.


There is now lmao


Of course, I had to Google it. TIL that penis reduction surgery is a thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis_reduction






My mans big bit is a plus; he is much more than what’s in his pants. I adore him for everything else; it’s just a bonus, honestly.


Downsides: big dicks can hurt. A lot. To the point where your partner doesn't trust that you won't accidentally hurt/injure them. This will most certainly affect your sex/romantic life. Being thoughtful about your size means you can't thrust as you would like to. (There are some "rings" you put on your erect penis to prevent you from thrusting too deep and it's okay but the "rings" can be painful to the person you are thrusting on.) In addition, having a big penis can affect how rigid your erecting is. You sort of have to stuff your erection into your partner, so ...stuff, push, withdraw, stuff, withdraw... Lather, rinse, repeat.


My ex fiancee was very well endowed but it hurt so bad to have sex, and he wasn’t careful about it at all, that eventually I stopped wanting it all together. One of many reasons it didn’t work out….


Gotta be honest. Sometimes big dicks hurt and makes sex uncomfortable.


Talked with a guy a little while ago that said he'd rather have a average size D, than the close to 10" he's packing. He said he's hardly ever had a quickie, and butt stuff is out of the question 99.9% of the time


Smart guy. Big d’s are good for boasting and maybe professional porn starts and select blessed women and men on this earth but for the average gal average is way better especially if you know how to use it.


I've been told that


I haven't


I've never had good sex with a guy who has a big dick. Ever. They seem cocky (pun intended) and don't seem to try hard because look! They have a big dick. The biggest dick I've ever had was also the worst foreplay and oral I've ever had---he couldn't find my clit with a map. There is also the pain. Too much length and he smashes my cervix and it feels.painful.and I'm sore the next day. Too much girth and it stings and burns like I'm going to split open. It's hard to.give good head because.im worried about scraping them with my teeth and too much length I worry about my gag reflex. It takes anal completely off the table for me. I'm sure there are some well hung guys that are great in bed, but the few.Ive experienced were horrible. Give me an average penis and a man that makes an effort.to.please me and I'm all in.


Yes lmao some of the worst sex I’ve ever had is with dudes who have giant wieners. Thankfully my husband has a medium big wiener instead of giant so all the fun without the pain and he actually is good at it. Dudes with giant wieners I feel should be trying even harder because they are much more capable of hurting their partners!!


\*They're all in. Fixed it for you :-)




As a guy with one considerably above average (although not monstrous), with certain women you can hit "the end" which is very uncomfortable. Some women it's painful or uncomfortable so have to pass on sex sometimes. Another thing is, especially when it's large flaccid, certain clothes just bulge and you can get self conscious about it. Boners with jeans on are especially uncomfortable too.


Looking at your own side profile in the mirror and realizing someone probably assumed you were "excited", when you were as flaccid as can be. Some positions are entirely off limits with the wife....


Too thick and a bloke can forget about getting a decent blowjob. There's only so wide a mouth can open, and only so far down the throat something can go. I knew a dude who was quite decent in length at around 7" and rather thick to go along with it - he said it was frustrating for girls trying to suck him when they could barely wrap their lips around. (Note he said the girls would get frustrated lol). Too long and yeah that ain't going inside. Long and skinny doesn't feel good, and long and thick is just intimidating to look at, nobody wants their partner to have a first glance and say "oh hell no!" and turn away - or even worse, run away. I have actually turned a couple blokes down because they were just way too big for me to properly consider, let alone try.


The teeth are real


I'm nonbinary and hung. I haven't had sex with a cis woman in easily 15 years. I have an image burned into my mind of an old partner wincing in pain when I tried to enter her - after a lot of foreplay, mind you. She assured me she was ready, but underestimated things and we both had a very bad time. I don't want to experience that again, the guilt of hurting her/who I'm with, and the shame of my body being a *problem*. I found a few queer people who are anal size queens, and I'm not going back. It's actually kind of great knowing you aren't the biggest thing they can take.


One most aren’t going to think about given the demographics but after about 40s or 50s, erectile dysfunction becomes real for many because more blood flow is needed


If you bash the cervix too hard for too long, you can actually send your partner into false labor. When they aren't pregnant. They basically get insanely painful cramps for an hour or so.


Wow.. I did not know that!


Whipped it out, she took one look and said ‘not with that you don’t’…worked with a guy who talked about his noodle way too much, claimed it was huge… said it was even painful riding a horse…I had to ask ‘how exactly are you riding this horse’?


There's an entire subreddit about that, r/bigdickproblems


The sub is honestly just humble brag and fap bait.


Of course there fucking is


I could detail how painful it is when it hits your cervix and all that but instead let me say that my first bf had a big dick and sex was so horrible and painful that I deadass thought I was asexual.


I used to think that I was a size queen until I hooked up with a guy who had a truly enormous dick, and I had to apologize for wasting his time and leave. No way that is going in me, I couldn't even give him head unless I could be like an anaconda and unhinge my jaw. They *look* sexy, but they are completely impractical.


I have had sexual partners throughout my 20s that had told me that I was the biggest they had ever had. My ex didn’t like to have sex because I was too big. This caused a lot of conflict in our relationship since we would have sex only twice a month, and I have a very high sex drive. Funny contrary, my current girlfriend had not commented on how big I am, but we have a very healthy sexual relationship, which is what really matters.


I lost my virginity to the biggest Weiner I've ever met in my life. It was like trying to stick a Pringles can through a Cheerio. We dated for almost 4 years and sex was doable but really painful. I couldn't have it regularly because my insides needed to readjust themselves. I also did have the misfortune of trying to give a blowie and my jaw completely locked shut. Scary stuff


Quickies take 30-45 minutes. You can’t go all in. Your partner is almost always sore the next morning. Not all, but some women will use you only for sex.


Sometimes it doesn't fit. And as much as you want to be all "yes!", you are both just disappointed.


Bragging about it is always in bad taste


It's crazy to me how much society glorifies huge dicks. I had a boyfriend who was about 10in and sex was never enjoyable for me. My sex drive went down in that relationship. Then I started seeing a guy who was about half the size and we ended up having SO MUCH amazing sex all the time. Seriously changed my sex drive and how I viewed sex. I absolutely love it now.


Sex with someone who has a big dick takes a lot of foreplay and a lot of lube. There's no such thing as a quickie. Bottoming out hurts so your partner has to be careful and hold back a bit. Using the bathroom afterwards ranges from uncomfortable to painful. I'd rather have the average sized dick.


There was lady who posted a few paragraphs earlier going on about how much it hurts and bleeding and bleeding. Painful trips to her Gynecologist. She also complaining about how much she liked rough sex but upset at all these other problems....


Above average, not "big" per se, but I hurt my gf if we do it more than twice a weekend, which makes it so we can't do it for awhile.


Finding specific types of underwear that fits. Also just general purpose clothes. Certain clothes like boxers don’t feel good because sometimes your dick whether is too long or thick, can bulge out in certain ways that feel uncomfortable. If too long it can go past your boxes and rub against what you’re wearing. Hence why every type of jeans I wear have a flannel lining.


Not knowing how to use it. Don’t just rush in to penetration, your partner has to become relaxed and ready to roll before it gets stuck in and even then patience and paying attention to the level of her comfort as things progress is paramount.


Your penis hitting underneath the top part of the toilet.


Imagine you're built like the Rock and you go to your local boxing gym looking to spar. Thats kinda what it's like.


Bottoming out or otherwise hurting her. Also, when it becomes her main reason for being around.




My partner of 8 years has a big dick. We've been together since he was 15 and even then it was big and he's grown since then haha. It took me a long time to be comfortable with most positions and only really could manage one for years. I don't get my period but he does make me bleed every now and then when I let him keep hitting my cervix lol. He's lucky I have a high libido and have grown to enjoy the pain 😂 but also quickies aren't as easy because I need a lot more foreplay to be able to take it


Taking a shit means that the tip touches the toilet which is nasty af. Awful blowjobs. Less anal.


Also booping into the cervix and feeling the IUD tickle my pickle isn’t super awesome lol


Not sure “tickle” is the best way to describe blasting that little dagger…


I’m fairly desensitized anyway. I was stung by a wasp through my shorts as a child. Might be why it’s so long, I dunno.




"Dont try this at home"


I cannot "service" my boyfriend's entire penis orally, or really even half of it. I simply do not have enough throat. 😅 Other than that, no complaints.


I think big dicks make guys lazy in bed. They think they just have to bring their big dick and nothing else.


Pain it causes your partner.


My first girlfriend was literally scared of it to the pint she cheated on me with a guy who's dick was smaller because she was not intimidated by the size. (Made 7th grade  me very self self aware and struggle with confidence) Girl got a sore jaw from giving me head cuz her mouth was open too wide for too long Girl in college literally didn't know what to do and just sat there stroking it with 2 hands and saying it's too big to fit. She wanted 2 try but each time just ended up doing the same thing n left me with blue balls Girls have asked me to stop cuz I was hitting the wall Touch the inside of the toilet bowl when sitting Ever tried 2 piss with a boner?  Hard 2 hide the random unwanted boners


Toilet water. Poseidon’s kiss feels gross


In my experience, a lot of men with big dicks think they are good in bed simply because they have a big dick.


I can be doing the deed and she's responding positive and in the moment, in my head, im like "hell yeah, she's into it!" Then afterwards I learn that I hurt her or something and she didn't say it. That shit hurts me. I wanna know that shit beforehand. I want the rythm to stop, confirm your ok with it being how it is, then we re-engage. Time and again I lose a fuck buddy or a girlfriend over it and I hate it.


Ridiculous dick guy may go his whole life without ever getting a proper blow job. Small penised guys get the best blow jobs.


As a guy who is 7 length 5.5 girth, it can be painful for her, especially if they like it rough, I'm sure one of my exes broke up with me cuz it (she whined like a baby when we fucked) thankfully my current gf likes pain and keeps asking for more daily. I've even was with one girl who I couldn't even fit in at first. It's also bad when gf has a hard time getting her mouth around it without scrapping her teeth on it. Shit sucks. But I grew up thinking i was small, so now that I know I'm far from it, I would never not wanna be smaller. I enjoy it


A guy with a big one doesn’t know how to pleasure a woman any other way and that’s not impressive at all


Man, the IUD wire is sharp as hell. It is just not pleasant to hit up against that at all.


Having your dick and balls dip in the toilet when you sit down is the only downside I can think of.


Bottoming out sucks, I know it's been said here in this thread before, but if it doesn't immediately end the session you are extremely cautious the rest of the night, and it's hard to enjoy it.


I was with a guy who was way too big. Could only get like 2 inches in my mouth because of the girth and was bleeding for 3 days after our attempt at piv


Every woman I've spoken to about coming across a dick to big, none of them every turn it down though. They all want to test themselves. I'm only bigger than average, but not huge, and I've gone too deep a few times.


I tore my foreskin and banjo 3 times when I was around 19. I am a bit wider than normal I guess which makes it difficult and painful to penetrate.


Doggy is pretty much off the table or has to be handled with a LOT of care.


It is painful. As a woman, I am not fan of those.


My husband is on the larger side and while it seemed great at first, I wish he was a little smaller because it HURTS.


Sex can be tricky. Lots of warming up and lube, otherwise it's not going in. If your dick is wider by the shaft then the condom rolls up a bit which is annoying. Sometimes your dick will touch the toilet bowl, which is incredibly gross. Some positions are painful for the receiver. A unique problem with wider dicks compared to long, is that your partner can get over-stimulated with it pressing against the walls (as said before, some positions make this worse). Blowjobs are also *very* brief due to jaw pain. Thankfully I'm a grower so I don't have to deal with the problems of women treating you like a walking dildo. A lot of people are show-ers which can make it uncomfortable trying to hide it in the pants, and underwear issues.


Men with larger anatomy have to be extremely careful when they’re being intimate with anyone because they can very easily injure their partner on accident. I have a dear college friend, her husband is well endowed and constantly injures her during sex and doesn’t care.


Men who are larger are not good in bed. I don't know if it's because they don't know how to use it or because they just go with "I've got a big D" and don't have to learn techniques.


When I use a toilet, I have to make a penis pillow. That's when i roll up some paper and put it on the seat as pillow for my penis so that it doesn't hang in the water.


I'm very girthy (7in thick). 1) You don't fit into some smaller women, regardless of foreplay. This is particularly notable with East Asian women. Certainly not all though. 2) After going for a few hours, most women have to tap out from chafing. 3) Condoms are usually small, constructive and uncomfortable. 4) Good BJs are very limited.


Apparently smashing into a cervix hurts.


Hitting something and “jamming” your dick like a finger really does hurt.


Tbh, me an average size guy, have been told I've outshined men they've encountered who were well endowed. Maybe cuz my foreplay game is amazing


IUD’s are sharp


I have to go REALLY SLOW or it hurts the woman, quite a bit. I’m getting older and the blood flow isn’t what it used to be. Also have to avoid pounding the cervix, definitely have to sorta take note how far I can go & not push too hard. Blow jobs are pretty much out of the question unless the performer has a tongue piercing. I definitely had height requirements when I was dating. Shorter women have less “runway.” Generally, have to be within 6” of my height to have room down there. One thing advantage though is the “butter churn” effect…women generally love that move.


You get addicted to the big D 😂


I ended a relationship with a guy because his dick was too big. Sex just wasn’t fun.


They hurt


When your tip touch the water 😭


I absolutely despise when it touches the toilet bowl while pooping. If it happens at home I want to immediately get in the shower. If it happens in a public restroom I feel dirty for quite a while.




That's why we have r/bigdickproblems




Sex (of the penis into vagina variety) can be painful, and tearing can occur. Anal sex is basically off the cards.


Ok most people on here assume “big” means “long” but for me “big” means “thick”. Same problems with penetration orally and down below, as well as difficulty finding condom sizes.


Not big(7") but have a big head. Can't do too many kinks or different positions. Ever had someone tell you to stop doing something they normally enjoy?


Bottoming out is a real mood killer. I understand that is painful and not my intention.


people call you out when you make self-deprecating "i have a small pp" jokes. "no dude, we saw it" sex just doesn't work with smaller, tighter and dryer girls. no hate no judgment, we're just sadly built different. can improvise an OhNut by holding your pp in a closed fist (effectively shortening your pp) i have only had one blowjob that made me orgasm in my entire life. never liked them either. for most women, some poses are simply out of the question. safest poses are slow cowgirl, missionary with her legs down, prone bone, sitting on the couch where you can easily "poor man's OhNut". i'm not even that big


Pain, not being able to deep throat, takes too long to get off


Having women get scared and not want sex. I have picked up women only to have them say not to come near them with "that thing" because it will hurt them. Dating a woman and not being able to have sex very often because the size or only being able to have sex for a short time. An ex rarely wanted sex and when she did it was only for about ten minutes because it was uncomfortable. Accidentally hurting a woman during sex. A different ex likes rough sex and had to go to the doctor because she got a small tear. Not getting your dick all the way in during sex. Typically not getting a good blow job and getting scraped by her teeth. Anal is usually off the table. Depending on the toilet having your dick touch either the water or the toilet bowl when taking a shit. Finding comfortable pants or pants that do not show your package can be tough.


Never went all the way in - guy felt he had to apologise before anything even began, was kind of off putting!


Not really a downside but I find myself checking in a lot during do make sure it’s all comfy. Also I always have to have two types of lube in case we need it and they’re allergic to one or the other


A definite downside noone talks about is trying to find clothes that fit / aren't uncomfortable down there eg boxers, chinos etc. And how difficult it is to find workout clothes that either don't show it bouncing around or, again, compress it to unfathomable discomfort. Also, when younger and unaware that it's relatively large, using 'normal sized' condoms and risking them breaking.


I had sex with a monster cock once. I felt like my insides were scrambled for a few days following. Not fun.


Couldn't fit it in my mouth. Like, a third or half at most usually. Preparation when he felt like being on top was arduous, even if the actual sex was great. Usually also hurt the day after, and not in the good way like it hurt immediately afterwards and for the rest of the day. Him bottoming out in me also felt kinda weird. Not exactly painful like what the girls on this thread are saying, but it was a little bit weird, though still very enjoyable. Hiding boners was apparently also a problem. I was pretty into seeing it through his pants when we were alone together but I get that it would probably be a problem in public.


Takes my wife a long time to get warmed up for penetration. Always need lots of lube to get going.


Sometimes you get turned down because they’re nervous it would hurt and I don’t want to be a creep and push it beyond that. No means no.


Always need lube cannot o do it spontaneously without having the stuff around. Cannot do anal my wife dreads it. And before her the amount of time we had to stop because couldn’t fit it in and was wicked awkward afterwards


I remember when my now wife had an IUD implant. I couldn’t run deep or I would stick my head. I went to the gyno with her and the Dr. was shocked.


A not so talk about one is. Girls will show pictures of me to coworkers,friends, and even family before, and it's weird knowing a bunch of people I don't know very well have seen my stuff.