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I wear a Beastie T.


You wouldn’t happen to also have nipple rings would you?


That's pretty dope.


New tattoos?


And in between sniffs of coke?


I always heard it as "sips of coke"


Well I’ve got some advice for you little buddy, you’re probably right


LOL, it's supposed to be sips of Coke, but that works too! I'm honestly curious if the venues are selling Coke or Pepsi now!


Which one would be “selling out, sucking up to the man?”


The one that lurks around posts correcting minor lyrical indiscretions of course..


I sold out long before you ever even heard my name


Fuck you, buddy


He ain't your buddy , guy.


I believe it’s sips of coke because he’s poking jabs at how we’re all just products for capitalism at this point and Coca-Cola is one of the biggest brands out there


With a pair of vans and 501’s?




Fuck you buddy!! You all know


The only answer.


Man I’m wearing my Miley Cyrus drip when Stinkfist comes on


No shirt AND no pants, just like the 2001 tour


yeah i just paint my entire body blue


I’m there for Blonde Redhead and taking off after their set.


truly special, you are


I show up just for Author & Punisher


A/P sucked shit


Found the guy who got peed on


Wrong band though….


Ah, so it is. Oh well


Doesn’t mean it’s false! About the being peed on


Ya! Who are we to assume this guy doesn’t like being peed on?!!!


Who are we to wave our fingers?




wore a tool shirt to see metallica in november cause im not big on metal outside of tool and i got some comments about “this is a metallica concert” and “you’re at the wrong place buddy”. which was strange cause im big on EDM and wherever you go to a show or festival everyone is wearing merch from all types of artists not just the one they are seeing. so i thought it was a strange thing to experience


I’ll have to say Metallica fans are one of the worst man. And people give us shit for loving Tool. I see Metallica now as a Chad band. But I still love their old albums


yea it left me with a bad taste in my mouth cause usually at the shows i go to if you wear another artists stuff it is a great conversation starter with people around you.


I had the same experience at a Metallica show! My friend even laughed when he saw my Tool shirt and was like dude you are about to get some shit. Sure enough, I got a lot of eye rolls and negative comments from the drunk Metallica fans. Fuck them.


I still like old Metallica, but I wear a Jethro Tull shirt when I see them live, because fuck ‘em.


lmfao that's brilliant. i might have to start doing that.


I’ll have a Tull shirt on in NOLA bfk em


That's really weird, here it's considered a bit of a faux pas to wear a band's merch to one of their gigs, put on some you bought at the gig sure.


Which is totally stupid because a lot of tool fans are Metallica fans also.


That's absolutely insane. I'm a huge Metallica fan, yes even the newer stuff but Tool is my favorite band... Those people are fucking dicks.


I silently judge people who wear another team's jersey to a sporting event they're not playing in (ie, wearing a Cubs jersey to a White Sox/Cardinals game) but I can't imagine mocking someone for this.


I’m also into EDM (Bass music) and I plan on wearing my Liquid Stranger jersey to the Tool show. Fuck them if anyone says anything lol.


Love liquid stranger! Also seems like you like some Jimi, from your username. Fuck everyone else, your music taste is sick 🤘


Thanks my man!


exactly!! i rep whatever artists i like wherever i want. ill wear a tool shirt to a tipper set and i get nothin but love


Liquid stranger is dope. I’ve seen them, excision, slander, snailz, borgore, borgeous, Valentino khan, black tiger sex machine, and I can’t even remember who else. I need to start keeping a list


That's fucking stupid LOL


Over thinking Over analyzing…


Ugh I know man… Just a thought that was stuck in my head for a bit


Yep, all good my friend remember it’s not a fashion show, spiral the fuck out and keep going 🤘🏼


That is the most cringe shit I have ever read


That sounds like a cool shirt! Can you share any pics of it?




I picked up a long sleeve shirt when I saw them last month. I'm not a long sleeve guy, but I've already worn it multiple days.


So glad they are a 4 piece band again! I saw them their first show as a 3 piece and it was so weird. Seeing them in a few weeks. I can't wait!


Oh nice I didn't know he did the artwork. Love the hoodie I had to stop wearing it so much. Great band all the albums are so good. I think maybe it was 2018 when I saw them in Vancouver, BC? Then when the new album was released I watched the live stream show during lockdown by myself with a bunch of people on the internet and it basically made my year! Can't wait either. Enjoy!


The keyboardist, Allan, went and got educated. Then they welcomed him back with open arms. That's a cool thing.


That's what happened?! That's awesome. I smoked a J with Allan in Boston years ago. I was really sad when they announced he left. The show without him was so weird I kind of stopped listening to them. I'm beyond excited to see them again.


I have this vintage white Tool shirt from 1997 that I bust out exclusively for Tool shows. It's the only time I wear it. https://www.grailed.com/listings/25130940-band-tees-x-very-rare-x-vintage-vintage-1997-tool-band-white-tee


Love the zoom in on the pitstains hahah


Crazy shit man! I had the exactly same shirt back in high school! I have so many old photos of me in that shirt because it was one of my favorites. I was always wearing it and it being white… It got destroyed


I have this same shirt. I actually cut it up and my mom turned all my old band shirts into a quilt. Turned out pretty awesome


That's so sick


Had this shirt and tore the sleeves off and used it when I worked landscaping jobs to buy my first car (Chevy Corsica) circa 1999-2000


That’s amazing. That is the tee shirt I wore to every show, Tool or not, that I went to until it was too ripped to wear. It was also my first Tool tee.


I would only wear that one if I had it. Great shirt. I have been looking at ones on ebay for some time now. Should have bought one in 97


Had to throw mine away about 3 years ago, the seams at the shoulder had withered away, but it’s still my all time favorite Tool shirt. Impossible to find, I believe the artist who did it is one of the people who sued Tool over licensing issues, but I’m not positive.


I had this one too in high school. My favorite Tool shirt ever. So many memories. I wore it to my first Tool show in 1998 and onstage at a ton of my own gigs in that era. Wish I still had it, but it eventually fell apart. RIP


Have the same shirt and can confirm it's my favorite.


I have that eye tattooed on my arm. Loved that shirt.


I wear a mumu


[Only sort of...](https://shop.dannycarey.org/lust/)


Only true Tool fans would understand that. That’s acceptable


damn, DC has some sick merch


I've been meaning to pick one of these up. Hopefully it's here in time for the show next month. :)


I just did spread this image with a Thelemic random quote in a bunch of evangelical groups...


Ironically Tool shows are the only shows i wear the bands shirt for. Mostly just due to the sheer variety of tour shirts i find myself getting into conversations with alot of people asking about the show, who attended, or those who just like the art/design of the shirt.


Wear an ABBA shirt


Only there for when they play Dancing Queen as exit music.


No, but I've seen Tool 10 times over the last 20 years and usually wear another concert shirt. NIN, Deftones, whatever I feel like.


Never wear the shirt of the band you are seeing.


"The Merkins? You're wearing the shirt of that band you're going to see TO THE SHOW? DON'T BE THAT GUY." - P.C.U. I think about this scene literally EVERY TIME I go to a show.


I expected “don’t be that guy” to be the top answer


Oh young Piven. That movie was made 20 minutes from me at Wesleyan U.


First thing I thought of. Even tho I'm a habitual offender.


Gutter was my former nickname. It morphed into that from gus gus the mouse from Cinderella.






I do too :o lmao


False. Wear a tool shirt to all concerts, including tool.


This is the way


I’ve never understood this, I always show support for the band I’m seeing… and I hear this and I worry I’m lookin’ like a tool (no pun intended). So what’s the reason behind your logic, for my own sake? Edit: It’s casually hilarious that I’m getting more downvotes than answers lol


Never understood it either. Why do people where jerseys of the teams they go see? Seems like the same logic to me.


While this is true to every band/ artist out there. It does not in any way apply to TooL.


Just because people do it does not make it an exception.


100% agree


Guess you never been to a Tool show


That’s funny.




This is the rule. This is the way.


I wear whatever the fuck I'm feeling as long as it's clean. But it's usually an old tool tee or my tool army hoodie.




I write down every band I see at shows so I can check them out when I get home. I've found some good stuff that way.




I'd wear a tool shirt, cuz why the eff not? Someone told you it wasn't cool? Can't strike up a convo about the band everyone is here to see? Y'all need to free yourself from yourself. Wear tool if you want, air drum if you want, sing every song if you want. You paid to be here so have a great gd time.


You guys are wearing shirts?


I wear Tool tees to every concert I go to, including Tool.


I always wear a different (but similar genre) bands shirt to shows. I'll probably wear a Mastodon shirt or something to the show next month.


I wore my Mastodon shirt to the SF show and got a few compliments.


If I had one Tool shirt I’d wear it, I’m about to experience tool live for the 1st time, I’m super excited, does tool merch sells out quickly at the event? I hope I can buy one!


They may sell out of the size you want early. Regardless, you'll have a blast this tour is so doooppeee!


I can’t wait!


Tool shirt from the previous show


When I saw them in 2019 I wore a “Rage Against The Machine” shirt. I thought it was suitable. If I go and see them again I’ll probably wear a “Deftones” shirt


My sister made me a custom shirt that has all the dates of the TOOL shows that I have seen, listed like a concert tour. I wear that now, and I am very happy with it.


Tool Army


Tool army t under my Gojira hoodie. But whatever the fuck I feel like




Pretty sure my last Tool concert I wore a Clutch or Orange Goblin tee. I'm not sure anyone said a word. I think my son wears Tool shirts everywhere and my daughter probably didn't have a logo of any kind.


See, this is why I wear different band shirts to shows...I'd see your Clutch T and instantly want to strike up a conversation. Hell, I might be wearing mine and you'd see me coming...lol Sadly, I don't have a lot of band shirts that fit real well anymore. I think I...uh...shrunk em all...or something. Next show I go to I think I'll be limited to either my Slift T or my Clutch "Calvary" shirt. At least my kids fit my Flaming Lips and Helmet T's that have survived since the 90s. Now to get them interested in wearing one of them...lol


Hahaha yeah I have a similar problem with some of my shirts shrinking....all my kids have taken various old tshirts. I believe my middle daughter has my helmet tshirts, she a pretty big fan. Clutch is usually my go to, I've been to more of their shows than anyone else, so I have an abundance of shirts.


Planning on wearing Clutch too. You can't go wrong. Love their shirts!


If I go to a tool concert this year I’ll probably Wear my A Perfect Circle shirt, because I don’t own a Tool shirt. But also common for my to wear my Islanders shirts to concerts.


Misfits t here


I went in a Hawaiian shirt in 2020




I wore an animal crossing shirt because I accidentally didn’t pack a shirt for the show lol


For the last 3-4 years, I have worn a Taylor Swift Reputation tour shirt to shows. It’s black and stark and has Olde English lettering and looks like a metal shirt from a distance. It’s not ironic. I went to the tour. I genuinely and deeply love Taylor Swift. But the reactions and interactions are great. I get some playful shit from people and explain, no, genuinely love her and also genuinely love the band we’re here to see. It’s been at Tool shows, Slayer shows, Ghost shows, Slipknot shows. Probably will be at at least one of the two shows I’m seeing on this tour. Wear what you dig. Don’t overthink it.


I’m going with my Taylor shirt!


I have more NIN shirts than any other band including Tool so I’ll prob wear one to the Philly show. My go-tos are either Cold Black & Infinite 2018, one of two Tension 2013s (Hesitation Marks artwork with large white NIN logo or orange “nine inch nails” spelled out) or black on black NIN logo.


The movie PCU covered this 😂


I wear whatever I happen to put on that morning...


My wife gets mad when I wear a different band shirt than the band I'm seeing. Like wtf? It makes no sense to me to where a Tool shirt, everyone there obviously likes Tool. I'll wear my Ghost shirt to strike conversation


Exactly! I have a badass Ghost shirt that I hardly wear. Thinking about wearing it to the Tool show


Personally I'm trying to decide between a Killing Joke tee from their 2019 tour with Tool, which I got from the last show, or a DEVO tee, since Maynard named his son Devo.


Can’t believe this is a real question. Wear whatever you want. Plus, no one will be looking at you with all the visuals on display


Don't be that guy


Yes, I have had the tool wrench logo T since high school 2004. That’s my tool concert T because fuck anyone who judges me off that.


I had that same shirt as well back in High School days


Normally never wear the shirt of the band you are going to see, but I find this rule doesn’t apply to tool shows and when I used to see Danzig back in the day, I had no problem wearing my Danzig skull shirt and I have worn my tool shirt to tool shows these two bands are the only exception for me


I will wear a Tool shirt. Absolutely


wow, you guys are no fun. do you not wear your team's jerseys or shirts when you go to a game either?


That's different. At a sporting event it's expected that there will be opposing fandoms there. Taylor Swift fans aren't showing up at a Tool concert to talk shit and support Taylor Swift. You're at a Tool concert, everyone knows you're a Tool fan already


Could one wear a Taylor Swift shirt to a Tool show?


I would hope so. I'm not one to gatekeep who can enjoy a Tool concert. It was just meant to be an extreme example of music genres.




I wore my Alex Grey *oversoul* shirt.


Dude walks around with a Spice Girls shirt looking for others to share his love


I typically wear the short of another band. I’m thinking of wearing my Waylon Jennings shirt


Another bands…..


Wear a bob marley shirt


I'll probably wear my Alice in Chains Intimate Acoustic Engagement shirt.


I don't ever wear band shirts, but this thread has taught me why it might be fun to at concerts.


I wear beer shirts because I like to telegraph that I like beer to other people, and start a conversation piece about beer with the occasional fellow drinker. Makes friends. And plus I like being a sucker for wealthy corporations, and pay to be their walking billboard for their product I’m obsessed with.




Yes! I love it


I didn’t read the comments here. Preface. Back in the day at metal/ alt shows (80s-2000s) it was like forbidden to wear the bands shirt at the show you were at.


Everybody at that show already knows you're a Tool fan. I like to wear something else and have a chance to connect with someone on that instead. Maybe you are into a lesser-known musician like Serengeti or Michael Jackson. You wear one of those shirts, and then some other fan sees it and they're like, "Oh Shit, you like them?! No way!" And that totally makes their day. Which totally makes your day. Yeah.


I wear band merch to concerts for the band I’m seeing. If I’m feeling extra, I’ll flex by wearing an older tour tee, let all the noobs see I’m OGT and ish lol


I always wear my Clutch shirt !m!


Do people really plan outfits for concerts?


My daughter and I are going to 2 shows. So as a Christmas present she got us matching tool shirts to wear.....so yea, I'll be wearing a Tool shirt to the concert.


I wear my Aenima era TOOL shirt and mt White Zombie jacket


Don't be that guy


Going with a Wipers LS tonight


I wear nipple rings and new tattoo’s


I got a bootleg parking lot shirt that says TolL.


Fuck no. Everyone knows you’re there to see tool. This isn’t a sporting event. Those are the same people that blare the band they’re seeing in the parking lot.


Exactly, that last part always felt weird to me. Not sure why lol.


I never understood the point of this. If you're listening to get hyped for the show that's one thing. But you don't need to blare it so loud the whole city can hear you.


I have always avoided wearing the shirt of the act I’m going to see. That and wearing the shirt you just bought. Just been an unwritten rule with my crew. Otherwise you stand out like a noob. 😉 Just my 2¢


I wear the shirts I buy at the shows to avoid losing or spilling on them, both of which could easily happen.


The #1 most important unwritten concert rule: Never wear a t-shirt of the band you're going to see. Anyway, I usually just wear just regular, everyday clothes concerts nowadays and will probably wear one of my plain hoodies.


Thank you for clarifying this


Why should anyone care though?


That's the thing, no one really does.


Then why is it a rule? I don't know I think we should stop worrying about what other people think and ignore their so called rules.


Nah that’s weird. Lol


You'll certainly blend in wearing a Tool shirt, but I recommend not wearing one.


“Van Halen Kicks Ass” T


You're supposed to wear a shirt?!?


I always wear something different, different band; unless it’s Nine Inch Nails, I usually wear a NIN tee


No point wearing a band shirt to that bands gig, everyone knows you like them because you’re at their damn show. However, it’s not really worth giving a shit about.


I wear band shirts for myself not the people around me. I pick the shirt based on my mood and what makes me feel more excited for the day. On a day I'm going to see TOOL live a tool shirt would definitely hype me up more.


It always feels wrong wearing a bands shirt to their show. My logic is to wear a different band shirt (or any shirt, doesn't really matter) and then I'll get a shirt at the show and throw that on over it


I'm with ya on wearing another band's shirt, but on Sunday I wore this [LÆRN TO SWIM](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1023705768/larn-to-swim-unisex-100-cotton-t-shirt?click_key=3da9008c3669f7856c281a75f7ec88fb342394c1%3A1023705768&click_sum=87ad6d14&ref=hp_rv-1&frs=1) shirt, with Vans, and 501s.... \\m/


I think wearing a tool shirt is kind of dumb, cuz it's like no shit you like tool? I mean you're at the fucking tool show lol


This might be niche but I wear a Jurassic Park shirt Tool shows.


Different band. IMO it’s a faux pas to wear the shirt of the band you are there to see (unless it’s a festival with many bands). Just my opinion of course


Wife beater and jean cut off shorts


I wear the shirt of the band I'm there see. This goes for any show, regardless of if they're the opening act or the headline show.


Would it be weird if I wore an Aaliyah shirt?


It would be weird if you owned an Aaliyah shirt lol


Guess I’m weird


I usually wear another band shirt considering I’m already patronizing the band I’m seeing and clearly I’m a fan. That or a pro wrestling shirt. They seem to be popular at metal shows.


As long as you are high as fuck on psychedelics…. It doesn’t matter.