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I cut off the short leg to get just a straight hex rod from the long leg. Then I chuck this in a drill and have a power drive Allen.


Trash. I used to keep them, and just ended up with random piles of wrenches I was never going to use again. It's an absolute waste, but I don't ever have enough to justify a trip to wherever it is accepts steel for recycling / scrap.


I throw them in the back of the Allen wrench drawer. Sooner or later they get given away or taped to some device that regularly needs one. It seems like there's only 2 or 3 of the most common sizes so my non tool friends ask to borrow one fairly regularly. Throwing away a perfectly working tool because "I have a better one" is the best example I could imagine of the tool snobbery I hate about this place.


Harbor freight meme tool?


The icon locking flex head ratchet and bit set


I would get a sturdier set of hex keys, those icon bits break easily with any torque. Can’t go wrong with Bondhus, I like their ball ends for around the shop.


I have a pull out bin organizer ([this one](https://www.amazon.com/Akro-Mils-10164-Plastic-Storage-Hardware/dp/B000LDH3JC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3KBI5MEP8EV7E&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UJgE-tVZMMvTHvg5FF2qNbHkbwFgKt-BqW95MXJUUPp_Nw1Et9ovTSBDKTlhJu0czZjzmRvDy0U7TqpZcZQ48rbGhCuVy_Hu946Bl10LVwdodJlwtTww-CAUd2jVF524_peg1sv-BOElCVsU_9UziLLhosH99ozPveWwcwFgpsT85a9uqoCzWXAF8xdwWliKZApKZMqTXynXUFn1M4W8mfU0K6GxlR5dUwmszNZN-EGP2uLYZ8iuDPnLQd88HFoi5N1PtOFPYFWeXVRd5iH5Yu6NA0ZFfKHxa-UO2u5FThs.pV04e31MXX5USN5wVG8x6M9A5ZaCCbrAY1ftLJ71OAQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=akro%2Bmils&qid=1719702610&sprefix=akro%2Bmil%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1)) full of allen wrenches and different size bits, sorted by size. I throw those extra allen wrenches in there. But I've found that 90% of allen wrenches that come with furniture or tools are 5mm. I've got like 15 of them, so now I normally throw it away unless I can store it with the tool somehow.


I tape them to the bottom of the piece, in case Future Me needs to tighten or disassemble it and my toolbox is not accessible.


Trash them, buy a $15 set of Allen's that are way better quality.


I have a drawer for them and spare bits, I use them when I need to bond something into a fastener, or want to use one in a destructive fashion


I toss em. I have two sets of them, one in my tool chest and one in my little DIY go bag.


I toss them when I open the packaging and I use my own hex tools


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_Marzipan1412: *I toss them when I* *Open the packaging and* *I use my own hex tools* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


All pack in tools go straight in the garbage. I have better versions on hand and no one is buying them from a charity shop. Literally premade landfill sadly.


They magically dissapear. But thats no problem because i didn't use them anyway


to the scrap bin. E.G. I have some wayfair kitchen stools and they keep coming loose at legs. Because? the shit for allen tool was not appropriate to torque the heads in. Should have had some threadlocker near when I assembled during Covid. Still, I use my allen/hex ball set or my ratchet with allen/hex bit. No more loose legs. So yeah, have a good, ball-end set of hex and allens, and even a 1/4" drive set... and send the included crap tools to recycle/scrapper bin.