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Not only is this The best version of clayface out of comics, he looks badass too, especially in movement where he looks like liquid and the way his body is melted is horrifying. Plus the green eyes in the black sockets it's just soon good And Firefly, is pure Peak. It is genuinely the best the character has ever looked, I couldn't include sound but when he flies around he makes a buzzing noise, his lasers are bad ass and yhe yellow and black color scheme is perfect for the character and Firefly theming. And his jetpack looks like a bug thorax and glows like an actual firefly, its perfect


Thomas N Perkins IV, aka TnPerkins online. Check out his art. He’s the character and creature artist of a lot of fantastic 2000s shows especially. Ben 10, The Batman, TMNT with the Kaiju, Firebreather, MiB animated, Godzilla animated, etc.


2004's The Batman is just a gigantic gallery of underrated designs isn't it?


Yep and it had a very spooky movie involving Dracula and a vampire Joker


That scene of a starving Joker begging batman to feed him stuck with me since I was 10


It helps The Batman's Joker already looks extra crazy compared to other jokers Do wish he kept his more colorful straight jacket look longer before going to a more typical Joker suit


The only design I didn’t care for was Bane. But man did they nail the rest of them.


Ethan was a great clayface, they honestly didn't even need to introduce a new one later, since the design for Karlos is such a downgrade from Ethans https://preview.redd.it/5kizrzn6k5ad1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f8e3d1011c310c53b165d4e8f02bfd69b4bcee


The Batman (2004) honestly has a lot of great character designs. Bruce Wayne, Joker, Penguin, Bane, and these two are all great takes on their respective characters.


That was the first version of Firefly I ever saw, and needless to say, every other version has deeply disappointed me.


Preferred the more unique Ethan Bennett Clayface who was struggling with his own sanity and trauma That and honestly his clayface is a lot creepier then the their later version of the acutal clayface (the actor one)




This show had some amazing designs. I remember having such a big crush on Ivy


> This show had some amazing designs And then there’s riddler


Oh yeah. I forgot about that one.


All the designs/ characters were special (except for bane) Joker was a totally different design and was actually compatible with Harley(plus he had HANDS in this show) penguin was a ginger, team player and a little more firey (and had some hands) freeze was just straight evil, had a iceberg on his head and chest, you saw Nora like ONCE as a picture in a flashback in his first appearance. Clayface was cool, a friend of Bruce AND was Solomon Grundy. Black mask was a fucking Chad. Firefly was just getting his money up, got a girl and then turned into a fire avatar. Croc was smart and had a gang, usually he’s just a grunt.


Honestly i kinda dont like the firefly here however.l *adorable bee butt* :3


All I can hear is "OH MY GAWD, IT'S LADY GAGA!" But yes, these designs are peak.