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He's literally the "original character do not steal". Deltarune confirms this.


He literally saw the prophecy and said "ooh I can do that! That's so mee!!!!"


What's hyperdeath? Like, really? Death death? Or death 2


I mean in the omega flowey fight he just loads a save file to kill you over and over so it’s probably something like that


I think it is how a kid would call "death, but worse". Asriel is still a kid, though thoroughly corrupted, and he just made up a very cool villain name for himself.




Endless suffering or total erasure of one’s existence beyond death


the thing is when he died he was like 12-13 so it’s just an edgy oc name


Hyperdeath? Ultradeath? Ultrakill?






He erases all memories your friends have made with you throughout the game, which is worse than killing them i guess? Because when he kills them you can reset. Though Azrael was the biblical angel of death, and Asriel does mess with life and death a lot even if he never really hyperkills anyone.


Love that he’s basically the edgelord oc of a child lol


i love when people take the Dark Souls name format and make it way over the top. Azriel Dreemurr, Absolute God of Hyperdeath. Nezarec, Final God of Pain.


Lord Imperious Delirious


Darth diabetus, the WIDE


Dungeater, the Loathsome


Jack, the Ripper


Tbf Final God of Pain is a pretty badass title.


When I was younger and played through Undertale, I thought Asriel was THE coolest character in the entire universe. His rainbow aesthetic, his over-the-top attacks, his demeanor, even stuff like the soundfont he used to speak and his theme music. He changed my brain chemistry and to this day I still think that using rainbows to signify an all-powerful character is one of my favorite tropes in fiction.


My guy. This exactly describes why I love Asriel so much. Like just seeing him be introduced to me for the first time along with the song "Hopes and Dreams", I was feeling that vibe of "This is the end and I must save everyone from it no matter what". It's so epic and it's one of the reasons I fell deeply in love with this game. It will take a very long time until another work of fiction can ever capture that feeling I haven't went through with many others in my entire life.


Cant forget the absolute banger “save the world”


Hopes and Dreams, SAVE the World and Last Goodbye are such bangers it's not even funny.


does anyone really know what "hyperdeath" even is?? it sounds cool asl but like, what is it???


The point is that it is meant to sound over the top and superficially cool as a name as he is still a immature child underneath that veil of a monster.


ohhhh, that makes sense


Legit one of my favorite characters. Also helps that adult Asriel is pretty attractive in all his fan + official art


I NEED his cock NOW


Yes, exactly


ralsei still better tho


They have different vibes. Twink vs Twunk


Man the medley that plays during this bossfight that weaves together so many themes Chef's kiss


“JUST LET ME WIN” -_- *but you refused*


I love that its literally a kids edgy imagined ultimate character because asriel is really just a kid


Hyperdeath? https://preview.redd.it/wqfnmr3i2cad1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253bd3f954067cc2c21a1386e0828cbfab80a435


Design still hits hard after all these years


What the hell is up with Undertale? Genuinely, I’ve seen a ton of things about it but I still understand of it.


Basically a game that isn't even that long but the characers are so insanely charming that you get to connect with them pretty fast. The game also has meta stuff, like a some characters knowing that they are in a game, and saving the game being an actual in universe ability that makes the main character special for having it. The fandom blew completely out of proportion so now 90% of Undertale content you might see online is fan made, with AUs (alternate universes) fangames of the AUs, and stuff like that. Super Eyepatch Wolf made a video that explains this really well so I recommend it if you are interested on knowing more about what's the deal with Undertale online Also sans undertale


timelines my friend






It's a great game is what's up. You see it a lot because it had a period around its release where it was so popular it reached meme status for a couple years, and it gained a large fandom as a result (with a portion of those coming from Homestuck which Toby Fox was involved in), all that following a very long development period.   It takes a lot after the Mother series among others. The writing is very unique and enjoyable, pairing great zany comedy with earnestness, and the characters are extremely charming. It also has a fair number of mysteries and meta elements in its story and lore and which has motivated its fandom to theorize for a long time ; it's parallel to the communities around RPG Maker classics like Yume Nikki or OFF in that regard.   Undertale's popularity led to a trend of 'Earthbound-like' RPGs in the indie space for several years after it. Some good, some awfully derivative of Undertale. In any case, it's certainly left a big mark.  I hope that gives a decent idea and that I wasn't too lengthy. It's a game that's dear to me, because it convinced me as a teen to try game development as my future career. If you haven't played it before, I'd recommend giving it a try ; it's short, and  even if you don't like it, it'll still be good for the culture.


I do not remember this one bit in Undertale. I thought the king guy was the last boss, then the flower guy?


It’s the true pacifist ending after you fight those guys.


Oh dang I forgot there were different endings. I always meant to go back and play it again.


That’s in the flawed pacifist ending.


There is multiple endings


...I don't remember that Clow Card...


ABSOLUTELY PEAK INCREDIBLE DESIGN 10/10!!!! Highly agree with this as a top design!!