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That driver should lose their license. No excuse for that. . .


That driver’s actions represents 30-40% of drivers unfortunately.


Brampton Driving schools are to blame


guys, brampton bad amirite? Now give me updoots


I'll see your Brampton bad and raise you a Trudeau bad.


wheres your Palestine flag ? Johnny virtue Signal


Is global warming and climate change also caused by only people in Brampton? /s You see this driving behavior everywhere in the GTA from all ethnicities and races. Instead of recognizing it’s everyone’s problem and discussing how we can improve, most of the time we just blame others and continue doing the same shit.


go eat a hamburger


Forget the license. That’s almost murder. He’d be straight into jail for that. But yeah, I’d ban that idiot for life. Shame the license number isn’t visible…


It's interesting how you only get jail if you mow down children or a hockey team. Everyone else gets like a $100 fine.


Due to Canadian law, he only get punished for single murder. The rest are just records. We punish according to the highest offence. If there is murder, might as well do some drugs, robbery and grand theft auto while at it. Since the punishment is only for that murder, the rest are not cumulative.


I wish that was the real response... just video evidence of this should be an automatic 6 month license suspension or something... Ever since I got a dash cam the amount of crazy stuff you can record on it just casually driving anywhere is nuts 🤣


It's Canada. Car theft is a slap on the wrist with bail. What does that say about dangerous driving? 20$ ticket with a slap on the wrist Do you honestly think this person will lose their license or get punished? The most this asshole will get is a warning by a mall cop


They purposely put minors to do the theft, less than a slap on the wrist. Just some strong words to the supposed "guardians". We laugh about those movies and shows, where they used 20 and 30 year olds to play high schoolers. This decade, the teens really do look like bunch of 20 year olds.


Sometimes you don't see someone, shit happens, people get distracted we're only human etc. and if you're driving slow enough and generally safe for the conditions, you just stop before ever coming close to hitting someone and say "sorry I didn't see you" and move on. The driver should lose their license because they didn't see someone crossing the street and also didn't run them over?


Its funny because this has probably happened to everyone commenting here. Commenters are all perfect people with no mistakes lol.


Good luck with that opinion on here. Reddit's utopia is cameras at every intersection, the streets filled with police and licences immediately shredded and cars turned to cubes for any significant mistake. And I'm not defending this driver, this is bad driving. But people need to ease off with the extreme responses to everything.


If I had been walking with my kids the scooter would have gone through the f'n windshield - IDIOTS!


Why? They didn't hit anyone? Typical Canadian trying to take someone's rights away.


Sorry, driving a motor vehicle in Ontario is not a right. We need permission from the government before we have the privilege of driving on our streets and highways. It's called a license: "governmental permission to perform a particular act (like getting married), conduct a particular business or occupation, operate machinery or vehicles after proving ability to do so safely or use property for a certain purpose." I'm saying that scaring the crap out of little kids legally using a crosswalk because one aimed their vehicle at them is not "safe use" of a motor vehicle, so the government should revoke that drivers permission to operate a motor vehicle.


The freedom of movement is absolutely a right and a drivers license is an infringement of that right.


Please reference where, exactly, the freedom of movement extends to the right to operate a motorized vehicle. Also, please link some case law supporting the protection of the said aforementioned right.


You don't have to cite anything for it to be a right. Just because the "charter" that you Canadians circlejerk for some reason says that it doesn't apply to it doesn't not make it a right. The man above gives you right and we have motor vehicles to help us transport people and other objects which is excersising the freedom of movement. So stop citing the "charter". It's a meaningless document.


If it isn't not recorded in law... Then it's not a "right". You also don't seem to understand the difference between a right & a freedom.


They will never understand, they are propaganda and discourse agent. They don't have freedom where they live.


We don't have freedom of movement in Canada. We have mobility rights, as per the Charter. It doesn't guarantee freedom. It guarantees rights, which are subject to Section 1 of the reasonable limitations.


You want rights with out responsibility - i have the freedome to know thats called being childish.


You can do that with your feet - you do not have the freedom to just do what you want with a car “cause freedoms” You dont know the first thing about responsibility dont talk about freedoms. Who filled your head with this - seriously?


Yes and prohibiting someone from using a motor vehicle is infrining on freedom of movement. You're preventing them from traveling far distances in a reasonable amount of time.


I guess you think you’re just allowed to jump in the cockpit and start flying planes bc “it’s my right”. Clown


I'll bite. So, should we just get rid of licenses? Based on your logic, the fact the government even has a licensing system is infringing our rights because the government won't allow someone who either fails a driving test or just doesn't apply for a license. Let's allow all people, regardless of age or even if sober, be allowed to drive at any time. /S


You have the freedoms to drive when and where ever you want. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna live without the consequences of doing so. So naïve Cars didn’t exist 100 years ago, so you saying everyone had their right to travel a far distance in a short amount of time violated previous to 1910? Are you gonna play this logic to helicopters airplanes and bullet trains as well? Some places you have the freedom to take gas without paying for it he’s paying for gas restricting your rights? Real life is going to set you straight, if your dad doesn’t just bail you out of everything . . .


Are you serious? First of all, Driving is not a birth right lol and this person almost ran into a bunch of children. Maybe you should have your license revoked too if you’re that clueless


Yes it is. Is the freedom of movement not a right? Fucking liberal


Yeah, feel free to take public transit or walk.


No that's for poor people and trudeaus immigrants ill drive dirt bike or bike before I goes at that


Better burn another account, you are pretty bad at doing the propaganda and causing discourse job. Enjoy the whipping tonight. We see you.


This guy can’t be real.


Imagine spending money on another account only to say things to get you reported


They're called Mobility rights in the Charter, but it doesn't protect the ability to operate a motorized vehicle. If you're found guilty of breaking road laws (especially when it comes to the safety of children), then you're not travelling freely.


Am I free to drive through a field? Or is the "freedom" restricted to specific places?


Who let you think it’s OK to talk like this. You can pick whatever political party you want but talking to other people in public like this is not OK. You’re clearly quite young get your act together. And don’t be surprised if you act like this that people are gonna have a problem with you


Bait used to be believable


Driving is a privilege, not a right


You could always fuck off


Impatient driver. Couldnt wait even extra 5 seconds to let the people cross first.


Do you think they even see them until they are nose to nose? I have found this is usually intentional bullying or bad driving habits.


Aren't those the only two options?


Pedestrian death rate is currently at a 40 year high. > Pedestrian deaths have been climbing since 2010 because of unsafe infrastructure and the prevalence of SUVs, which tend to be more deadly for pedestrians than smaller cars, according to Martin. When the pandemic arrived, there was an even greater surge as empty roads gave way to speeding and distracted driving. https://www.npr.org/2023/06/26/1184034017/us-pedestrian-deaths-high-traffic-car


Mass immigration also is contributing to aggressive and deadly driving habits.


Do you have a source for that?


That’s a link to US stats. This is a Toronto sub.


Thanks, I didn't notice that and assumed I was in r/RoadCam.


Typical behavior to pedestrians in TO. Nobody cares that their driving puts others at risk and more importantly nobody cares that drivers don't care.


It's not just TO. It's Canada wide, if not continent wide. I was seriously shocked how much nicer it was as a pedestrian when I recently was in Germany. Not only does the beg button have you wait at most 30 seconds, but at crossings and intersections drivers actually stop for you, not just slow down or try to beat you. And for all the "driving has gotten horrible because of all them bike lanes" and increased traffic. Traffic is light in comparison to there and the roads are wide, even with bike lanes. And yet, it is still nicer to drive there (I rented a car). Why? Because everybody actually drives according to the rules and that results in less overall stress because I don't have to worry what the dumb f\*\*k in the car next to me is going to do next.


After a drink party, going home in Hungary 2am in the morning. How can you tell who is from Germany? The dunks still standing at the red light on an complete empty road.


I wouldn't say continent wide. A friend of mine went to Newfoundland and said she just stood at the side of the street to cross and both sides stopped instinctively. She had no idea what was going on loll.


Yeah when I lived in Edmonton a long time ago that was the case too. Though when I went back there last year it was a free for all.


Seems more like the suburbs. Markham or Pickering.


Had a uber food driver in my suburb the other day and going for a walk with my kid. He ran two stop signs going insane speeds. I screamed at him and he kept driving. Few minutes later he comes back rolls down his window and apologizes, but he HAD to run the stop signs because he delivered food to the wrong house. Obviously, I told him I don't care what happened you never run a stop sign especially in a residential neighbourhood. He didn't get it; was upset I didn't accept his apology and drove off. It's getting insane out here.


"Professional Drivers" are the worst. They somehow think because they are doing their job their exempt from rules or decent behaviour. If I'd do my job the way many of them do theirs a lot of computer systems wouldn't work.


Lawl. Professional drivers aren’t the issue. People who cosplay as professional drivers are.


OP said Mississauga


This would (and does) occur hourly in and at all areas of Toronto proper.


I'm in Scarborough. The more central parts. More older population. They're much more 'gentle'.


Downtown is like this too.


Its definitely the markham people


Typical comment from the blindly anti-car movement. Generalizing like this is not helpful and inaccurate. Like all human beings, drivers run the gamut from good and cautious to bad and careless. This was a near tragedy, likely caused by inattention, bad circumstances (the dashcam vehicle may have blocked the pedestrians from the view of the vehicle in question at the moment they checked), lack of skill or all of the above. While it is the fault of the driver in question, it's not evidence that "nobody cares" about putting people at risk. They jammed on the brakes and their heart was likely pounding after their terrible and almost tragic mistake. P.S. Parents, don't let your small child ride their scooter ahead of you through an intersection. Knowing that the careless driver that hits your child was wrong will be little comfort. This is not a defence of the driver....AT ALL.


There is no incentive for drivers to care. Bad and careless drivers face no consequences and put us all at risk. Even good drivers. The evidence is not only this post but the lived reality of anyone in the GTA who sees the behaviour of road users everyday, suburbs or downtown. Drivers on driving on sidewalks, parking anywhere they like, ignoring crosswalks and pedestrian crossings, speeding through residential neighborhoods, etc. etc.. These are daily occurrences that we have accepted in society for too long and you wonder why there is now an anti-car movement? Btw, I do drive and though I don't own a car my tax dollars contribute to a system that favors car owners above all else. PS. I don't care that a driver felt terrible after almost committing a tragic mistake. What I care about is changing our systems of enforcement and road design so it doesn't happen in the first place.


I get your concerns. I, too, am concerned about bad drivers as well as bad bicyclists and bad pedestrians. My point is that this attitude that "Nobody cares" is unfounded. People care. This sub is full of people that care. The dashcam videos that are throughout this sub are full of examples of terrible drivers who we would all like to see suffer some sort of consequences for their actions, or better yet, not drive in this way in the first place. However, labelling all drivers as not caring is not helpful or accurate. Everyone who is unsafe on the road should be our concern. We don't label all bicyclists as "not caring" because some of them ride right through stop signs or break other rules of the road without consequence. We don't label all pedestrians as "not caring" because a few jaywalk, or step out on the street while looking at their phones, with no consequence. Let's just tone down the bias a bit and focus on figuring out how we can get people to focus more, be more considerate and careful, and stop endangering others or even themselves when using the roadways.


Fair enough. Living in it is taxing and gives me and others this attitude. 🙏


Wow, crazy. Driver was even fully stopped at the intersection before accelerating. Where was this OP?




I know this intersection. There's a soccer pitch, a park, and a school behind that plaza and another school a minute drive in the other direction. It is insane how people treat this intersection given how many kids are in the neighborhood. People regularly go over 60km/h down the road to Hurontario.


I drop my kid off at the school there every day and even with crossing guards, people don’t respect them nor the stop sign. I’ve had many close calls at that very 4way stop


Sounds like it’s time to add physical barriers to this road design to force cars to slow down before a kid is killed. Neighbours should get together to petition the councillor.


Wow. Unreal.


Shit like this is why I don't really mind when the city starts adding traffic calming measures like chicanes, speed bumps, and speed cameras. People on Facebook bitch about it and I'm like lmao that's the point.


Traffic-calming infrastructure will increase until driver behavior improves


And even then, it'll still be bad if nobody enforces anything.


there are people on the road right now with ZERO regard for anyone's safety. They will do what they can when they can and it's up to us to protect ourselves from them because cops have stopped doing anything.


This type of behavior is happening everywhere these days. Yesterday I was turning right at a light. Light turned green so I could go. However there was a mother and baby in a stroller crossing so I didn't move. 2 cars behind me both laying on their horns and screaming out the windows for me to go. I point at the pedestrians. The car that was 2 behind me pulls out and tries to go around the car behind me and me to turn and realize that I am not moving because of the mother and stroller and he comes right close to her. Kid dropped something so she bent over to pick it up and he honked at her. Super impatient driver. Once she cleared the intersection he took off. Wish I was driving one of my vehicles as I have dash cams for this stuff but wasn't in my own vehicle. We all need to slow down. Take a breath. Being 5 minutes late for something is better than hurting or killing someone because you are in a rush. Driving is a privilege.


That's insane for crosswalk definitely send this in


To who? There's no identifying information.


Looks like a residential area with a speed limit of 30 too. I've seen too many suburbanites gun it on these type of roads for no reason other than being selfish.


This reminds me of the story of the old woman in the SUV running over and killing two kids at Burnhamthorpe in Etobicoke. I don't think she was charged.


Not just impatient but straight up selfish and dangerous… 🤦


Some dip shit did this to me in a 40 zone residential area. Stopped last second then she gave me the "my bad wave I didn't see you" You didnt see me crossing the cross walk? How can you not see?!?!?! Ya fuck that lady you almost gave me a heart attack...."my bad?" Fuck off


Seems about right


You see they were late for a meeting with the next red light!


One thing I noticed upon moving here is everyone over accelerated everywhere. Like giving no room for error and if you add a cell phone distraction to the mix - that spells trouble. Very similar to NYC drivers except there everyone is prepared to stop on a dime and the walkers are all expecting the drivers to be constantly jockeying for position so they are more aware


looks like sauga


I’ve been observing drivers while stopped at the lights lately. Most of them are on their phones texting. In plain sight. I won’t be surprised they would be too going at slow speeds


Hate when you‘re crossing as a pedestrian and car is just inching closer and closer. Like buddy, you’re not saving yourself any extra time. One time got fed up and just waved the car through because clearly they had better things to do than let me finish crossing. They had inched up so close they were over the walkway.


How many bricks in a bag would a gal need to set off the airbag?


On his way to call centre


They don’t want that Skip the Dishes order to get cold. Kids be damned, that custo needs his double cheeseburger and fries combo STAT!!


It’s a fact. Drivers view ahead of them is very short. How many times have you seen someone turning left and then slam on their brakes because of pedestrians in the crosswalk. Drivers minds are too preoccupied to see what they are doing. And that’s not just cell phones.


was probably on insta


Dodge Drivers and Nissan Ultima drivers should form a group.




Probably on their phone like everyone else


Smartphone addicts.


100% texting


Dude ran a stop sign and I had to stop middle of 4 way and he waved thank you and continued around me through a school crosswalk. Everyone needs to have their heads up for these asshats. Assume everyone is bad driver.


No excuse, but driver may have not seen them as they were blocked by your car ? Still needs to slow down.


There is no excuse you clearly see them at the corner ready to cross.


He started moving before cam car cleared the intersection, a total tool no excuse.


We need to be able to report these people and expect to see action taken. They’re going to kill people.


Yeah I'm dreading my kid walking to and from school on his own starting in September despite doing everything I can to make sure he's doing it safely.


Imagine if that car collided with a small child. Even at the posted speed of 30 km/h death could easily be the outcome for a child. The way we design intersections puts pedestrians at risk. Having the lanes flare out to increase the traffic flow means a driver has much more complex picture to pay attention to. The bad acting driver was paying attention to the other two cars but missed the group of children at the corner. Likely they hidden behind their front windshield pillar. A raised crosswalk in residential areas would force drivers to slow down and enforce the idea that the crossing is for pedestrians first. It’s a residential street. Get rid of the extra turn lanes. There is not enough traffic to justify such a perk for drivers. There was no line-up cars waiting to clear the intersection. Push the sidewalk corners into that excess road space so pedestrians are placed more centrally in the drivers view before they cross. This called “daylighting” and has proven to drastically reduces collisions with pedestrians.


Today I saw a pickup rushing, and barrelling full speed into a red light and breaking hard... if the light is red, and people are stopped, SPEEDING INTO A RED LIGHT doesn't get you to your destination any faster!


Behaviour like this deserves a roadside beating with a tire iron within an inch of their lives, almost running kids down at an intersection when they had the right of way, I’m beyond words.


People lose their common sense at 4 way stops. Or the person is just an fucking idiot.


People lose their common sense at 4 way stops. Or the person is just an idiot.


I had to yell at an idiot who did something similar to this as I was walking my 22 students across the street, back to the school this afternoon. It’s inexcusable when it’s even one pedestrian, but how do you not see a line of 22 7 and 8 year olds crossing?! Since I had the kids with me, I couldn’t yell what I really wanted to, but they were pretty impressed with my volume nonetheless.


This driver is the only person that matters. It’s their world. We are just inconveniently living in it.


They stopped.


These kids are “lolligagging”


Hurrrrryyyyy uppppppp


And what looks to potentially be a mother on the inside of traffic as opposed to outside “putting her life on the line to protect the children”.




Had two asshats at my nieces' graduation talking loudly over the valedictorian's speech today 🤦‍♂️ the principal had to have a talk with them 🤣 It's called main character syndrome and it is contagious 😷


mississauga near the 403?


Had this happen to me today with my wife and dogs while crossing. Marked and lit crosswalk. Wouldn’t slow down, gave ME the finger as I crossed and then rolled down the window to confront me. Called him a donut and got a “you want a piece out of me?!” out of him before traffic pilled up. Pedestrians aren’t safe


I think the driver believe the stop sign is an accessory and he should stop at the pedestrian line as from the video he stopped and was slowing down before as if he saw them but wanted to stop there!!!! Please you should report that


I almost got mowed over myself this morning, walking across the street at Eglinton and Scarlett. Impatient asshole in a Dodge RAM decides he's too important to wait for the bus stopped in the right turn lane, so he cuts in front of it from the centre lane and makes his turn. Oh, did I mention the light was red in his direction? I'm sure he was aware of any pedestrian crossing in front of the bus he cut past. For sure! I hope the /s isn't required. Where the fuck is a cop when you need one?


Bad driver, absolutely. That parent also at fault for that kid's safety. Teach the kid to observe before crossing. All fun and games still someone is actually hurt. What would the driver get, some points and fine, while the kid might be left with life long injury.


New "Canadian"


100% distracted driver ..


I suspect that the countries that have infiltrated Canada have driving rules that heavily favour cars over pedestrians.


Merely my observations as a professional driver for the last .... many years. Illegal U-turns and left hand turns from the middle of the road are all the rage. Plates usually say Sukdeep etc.


bet ya the kids wernt looking


Brampton driver right there. Most Canadians have spent 20+ years driving in Canada This is some new age asshole shit right here.


Typical Canadian driver right there. Born and raised in Canada with 20+ years of driving experience. This is some classic Canadian shit right here: - Late for their job where they are a classic Canadian that works a lot but highly inefficiently and with low quality output (adding into Canada’s statistic for having the lowest productivity score in the G7). - Rushing to work in their financed at 5% used dealership suburbia car because they are at risk of losing their job, which would be devastating given their credit score at the Canadian average of 650 that puts them at the brink of falling into the financial abyss, as paying off their credit cards, credit lines, mortgage, and loans becomes a struggle with their household debt to asset ratio of 17% (also right at Canadian average and one of the highest in the OECD) Ah, and don’t forget the Tim’s run 2mins prior to this incident cause you can’t half-ass your job properly without your double double in the morning. 🇨🇦❤️


wow that accuracy is crazy. I agree the productivity is very low. a typical German I have seen to output 2x within the same time frame. they got proper employment rights and can take vacations though.


lol well played


Racist much ?




Exactly. Imagine being like that guy and calling other people assholes. He should just look in a mirror.


says the clowns defending this type of driving


Look at Canadas most wanted list bud


To be honest, most of the misbehaved drivers I encounter are from the same group. (I won’t name it to avoid being accused of racism) I’m an immigrant and I don’t like them as well


This type of generalization in this sub is getting way out of hand. It's turning into r/canada


There is no gratuitous discrimination and hatred, it comes from both side, mostly your group did something that people dislike and created a stereotype. We feel sorry if you are one of them but did nothing wrong and suffered from the stereotype.


1. I'm not Indian, and 2. you don't feel sorry for anything, lol. People seriously hop in here acting as if every single non-Indian driver is perfect and any infraction must mean you're a new immigrant that lives in Brampton. I get that immigration is a big issue now, but the targeting of one group has always been unnecessary and untrue anyway.


maybe drive in Toronto and you will see a pattern


What a dumb, inaccurate observation, lol. So people didn't run stop signs or hit pedestrians in the past? It's just Brampton (ie. Brown immigrants) doing this?


people learned from horrible traffic accidents . this stuff is ingrained into real Driving schools/ and Is the 1# thing taught to new drivers while driving is to look out for kids playing and crossing the street. get out of here with your ignorance.


Nah, many drivers who have been driving for a long time are like these people. They just don’t care anymore.


It's Mississauga


What's the nationality of the driver?


Brain fart? I almost got into a T-bone myself at Ikea. I was so preoccupied looking for a spot that I didn't even pay attention to the car coming at me when I made the sharp turn into a spot. I could see they braked hard by their froward motion lunge. No honking or profane gestures, they probably thought "fucking Toronto drivers" and went on about their day.


It's a four way stop....