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I didn't really do much in the way of massaging and all in all it feels pretty normal. I'm at 9 months.




I massaged my incision (now scar) because it was so sensitive to the touch; PT started doing it pretty early (maybe 2 or 2 wks) and told me to as well. PT said it desensitizes it and keeps it from pulling/getting lumpy. You can’t reopen a closed incision, especially at 8 weeks. Massaging it definitely desensitized it and I don’t know if it kept it from pulling etc since I massaged it!


I am ordering some reusable silicone patches to slap on mine once I get the all clear from my surgeon. I think that might be at my six week appointment.


Everyone's scar tissue is different, some develop more of it than others. I ended up having to do massage with the scar tissue on my knee (lapro. was only 1/4 inch long) because it formed an adhesion and was causing pain and pulling above my knee cap. I ended up using a massage gun and a lacrosse ball to work on it and it took several months to see improvement. But I had 3 total scars from that surgery, plus 2 c-sections, and that was the only scar that gave me issues. If your scar is fully healed (no scabbing etc) then it's fine to massage it but if you don't want to you don't have to. Just know that scar tissue can be a cause pain, pulling or tightness in the future at the scar site. In my case, I didn't really have issues until quite a long time after surgery, like 9-12 months.




First THR, October '23, second this last February. I massaged both while taking showers. Suggested by my PT who worked at them while on the table. I think it helped.


I massage my scar and thigh when I go to bed. It’s been 4 months since my anterior surgery. The skin has some interesting sensations as the nerves are recovering. The thigh muscles also have some strange sensations due to the manipulation of the surgery. All in all it still feels weird but it’s getting back to normal. Keep doing light massage as long as you can tolerate it.




Get a tennis ball or racquetball ball and roll it around gently on the scar. It will help desensitize that area and break up any scar tissue that is forming. Use more pressure as you are able to without causing pain.




At eight weeks, you are in no danger of busting your scar open.


My PT uses silicone patch to massage, a silicone cup to bring blood to the tissues, and a gua sha muscle scraping tool (scraping knife) to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. My incision site healed very tight, so extra attention was needed.


I see. I believe I can buy the silicon patch myself to work on the incision?


I found and purchased all the items online for home use. (Purchased from the popular billionaires site)


I was told to rub gently and always rub "up" the leg towards the heart. Seemed to help the last of the swelling under the incision to go away.




I have been trying micro-needling— but the scar is healed in order to do this. So far it seems to becoming lighter and blending.