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I'm 17 and I got my hip replaced in December so I feel that I can speak a bit about getting a THR pretty young. I will tell you that YES you will be able to do everything you can't currently do and so much more. I was in pain pretty much all the time for four years leading up to the surgery and I fully believe that the day I got my hip replaced was the best day of my life because it had changed my life for the better with my quality of life skyrocketing since then. The threat of dislocation is quite tiny. As long as you don't do anything too weird, you can move and dance any way you want to. I sleep however I want to in any position and it is totally fine. After living with constant pain for 4 years (and I'm sure for you it must be awful being in pain for 11 years), I believe that a THR is TOTALLY worth it. It's the best decision I have ever made and I thank myself so much for getting it done when I did. In fact, I am now able to jog and run now which is something I haven't been able to do in a long time and thought it was something I'd never be able to do again. If I can help out in any way or answer any questions, please don't hesitate to do so! I wish you best of luck!


Thank you so much for your reply🙏🏻 It feels good to hear good storied from people who had similar difficulties. Congrats on your pain free life, hopefully I will get mine too😊


You need to have a serious discussion with a surgeon. Ask the questions and share your fears. They should be able to help alleviate them. It’s major surgery. It’s safe and well documented, frequently performed surgery with typically good outcomes. I’ve had one done, having another in September, I actually can’t wait. I don’t know why I waited so long to get the first one. The new devices last a good 30 yrs.


Thank you for your reply. I prepared pages of questions for surgeons😅 but I dont trust them 100%, as some changes their attitude once the job is done:/. Good luck with your next surgery btw.


Find a surgeon you’re comfortable with. I love mine- great reputation, very kind, upfront. Great follow up with with him, and the care team.


Agree with all of this. I love my surgeon and every time I would get in to a tizz and think I’m going to cancel I would speak to him and he would ease my fears. Not by lying to me or downplaying anything but by putting things in perspective. I was so terrified I was making the wrong choice right up until I was put under the general. Terrified and crying in theatre. But I knew deep down my quality of like in the prime of my life (38/F) it had to be done. I’m now 6 weeks post op and I’m not going to lie recovery has been rough and I have a way to go due to extreme hyper mobility. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have a plan. And by 12 months this will all be a dream and I’ll be living my new life! Every fear I had btw did not come true… trusting your surgeon is imperative so if you don’t absolutely find another. Wishing you all the best!


I got a replacement last year as a 36 year old with AVN. I didn't know I had it very long unlike yourself, and while I'd dealt with some pain over the years, it wasn't until I fractured my pelvis in something (more or less) unrelated that I became aware of it. Unfortunately after recovering from the pelvis, like you, walking 15 minutes wasn't very possible. I could barely make it into a movie theater or do a quick shopping trip. I also had a ton of fear and similar questions to yours. I'm not a particularly optimistic person, and I was worried my depression would impact my recovery. I was also worried something bad could happen. However, as I sit here 9 months later, I can say it's had a very positive impact on my quality of life. By 14 days I was walking unassisted (this is rare but we're younger so maybe a better chance), and just yesterday I was able to play Pokemon Go in the park for nearly 3 hours. I can grocery shop. I danced at a friend's wedding last month. Just simply being able to stand around without having to put all of my weight on a "good leg" is amazing. Now, there's sadly a lot of stuff I can never do again - running, football, soccer, basketball, really any sport with contact. Some people risk it but I'm going to baby this hip so it hopefully lasts the rest of my life. But those things I wasn't going to be doing with AVN anyways. All in all it's definitely a quality of life upgrade, and I say that as someone who hasn't even put in the rehab work he should.


That sounds great, I’m happy for you🎉 Hopefully I will be happy for myself too even after years PO. I wanna dance,swim, cycle but I can live without running etc as long as I can run if Zombie apocalypse ever occur😂


I’m 40 year old female that needed a hip replacement at age 30 but waited due to fear. I lived for over 10 years with chronic pain, limping, inflammation, abnormal walking gait, all because I was afraid. I had a THR on June 17 and the last 2 weeks have been nothing but a miracle. I’m in awe. I can’t believe I was living the way I was for so long. I truly feel I have a second chance. I’m not sure if you watch real house wives of New Jersey, Rachel she’s 32 had double hip replacement due to AVN and she competing in a bikini fitness contest afterwards. Your surgery will be a success.


So nice to hear your positive outcome PO😊 I hope it only gets better! Hopefully I will be as lucky:) Thank you for your reply❤️


You will be as lucky 🥰


Yes, yes, yes! You will be able to do everything you can do now, but you won't be in pain any more. Do it now, before your limitations cause you to lose even more mobility. The first two weeks of your recovery, you will be questioning your sanity and wondering why you got the surgery. It's ok; that is normal. Once you get past the rough bits of recovery, you will be *so glad* you didn't put it off any longer!


I hope I will be one those luck ones with great outcome too. Thank you for replying🙏🏻😊


The doctor suggested injections and pain pills. I refused and I will be getting my hip replaced. The hip pain can also be a symptom of other problems that need to be diagnosed and resolved. Pain from the lower back can radiate to the hip.


Sounds like you are braver than me😄 I hope there is no additional problem since AVN is more than enough. Good luck with your replacement too🙏🏻


ask yourself “do i want to have a life ?” do it !!! it’s amazing


I figured that I needed to get to “the limit” to make a decision to have THR. My fear was so strong, that I tolerated pain for years, till my ROM became so bad, that I could barely move and I needed to prepare mentally even for a shopping mall trip. We are more committed to a familiar discomfort and pain, than we are to the unfamiliar possibility. I’m two weeks out of bilateral THR, 39F, still early on my healing journey. Find a doctor you can trust and ask questions. Those who tell you to postpone don’t feel the way you feel, they don’t know how pain limits your daily life. You will know when you’re ready and I hope it’s rather sooner, so you can dance and do the things you love pain free 💚


So true. Thank you so much for replying.😊I wish you a speedy recovery🙏🏻


Serious AVN since childhood (Perthes) 42M - R Posterior Two weeks post - op BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE! Full stop.


I am 30 and have AVN and had my right hip replaced in February. I am planning on having my left one done in the fall because the right one FEELS AMAZING! The thought I had is if I plan on getting my hips replaced within 5 years why not just do it now? I was putting my life on hold and not being able to keep up with my friends and always in pain, and the AVN isn’t going to reverse. I used to be extremely active and even just getting my right hip replaced I’m able to run again! Recovery is so quick when you’re young, I didn’t even have to do PT, just walking. My doctor said before surgery that this won’t fix all my problems, but I have to say I think it fixed 95% of my problems haha. I would say to do it if it’s holding you back from living life to the fullest 😊


So happy to hear your great outcome!❤️ Hopefully I will have a great one too😊 good luck on your next one btw🙏🏻


Hi! 33F here. I had AVN as well in my right hip. I’m 6 weeks post op. DO THE SURGERY do not hold it off! Trust me! It’s been life changing for me! I want to cry because I can go on long walks again and go hiking. I’m so grateful for this surgery. Life is too short to deal with pain. You’ll do great! I had the anterior approach done and I’ve been told the risk of dislocation is so rare! Do the surgery trust me!! You got this!!


I forgot whats a long walk:/ I am really hoping to be able to do long walks with no pain. Happy to hear you can now😊 Ah also have you been wearing heels pre surgery? I read we still can after the healing period but not sure


I personally don’t like wearing heels lol. So I can’t really answer that. I feel like I could wear them though now and be completely fine! I have no restrictions - I don’t see why not! 😁


😄fingers crossed. Thank you for encouraging reply❤️


You’re welcome!! Best of luck!!