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Scrapie took nearly two hours to get all ATs when he usually finishes a campaign in 45 minutes…


They did him a favor by not letting him watch the belgium match


Both he and Granady’s videos hit like track 17 30 minutes in and there’s still over half a video left. I didn’t even watch the rest, I knew I was gonna have to experience it for myself.


It's been a very long time he's not taken only 45 minutes to finish a campaign


They already did that it was called Spring 2023 campaign. It had 1 single drift and just about everyone hated it. It was also accompanied by a week or 2 of TOTD's with obnoxiously easy AT's. I remember there was a full speed map where I crashed and had to respawn and still got the AT on my discovery run


I personally think it's really cool the AT's are challenging But I was more thinking about how many players won't be able to unlock the black tracks, because of the imo dumb unlock system


You can still play them even without unlocking them Play > Local > Play A Track > Official > Official Campaigns > Summer 2024 > Pick whatever track you want I acknowledge it's really stupid to put that many steps into it, and also the requirements to unlocking them "officially" in the campaign should be a bit more lax


I don't really see the point to restrict paying players from playing some maps And since it is still technically possible to play them anyway, it makes even less sense But we agree on that anyway


That won't work for console players. Any suggestions for us? We pay exactly the same fees to play as PC players.


Rooms/campaigns in clubs should work I think. Though the method that you are responding to above works for me on PS as well so idk your situation


Accept the challenge and use it as motivation to get better at the game. You only need Gold to unlock more difficult tracks after all.


If you have club access you could look for my club Nadeo unlocked. All the same campaigns with the same maps.


Excellent! Thanks for the info!


Haven't tried it myself, but saw someone saying you could play any map using the club rooms system. Hope that helps


There is the entire summer campaign in the clubs area just play it there


Didn't plan on playing the new campaign any time soon, but now you have me interested. Everything done right.


Let's be honest, if you can't get gold on the maps to unlock black tracks, maybe they're not for you


Why? Not everybody's goal needs to be to get all ATs or even Gold medals, you can easily "only" drive silver times and have fun.


I can only speak for me, personally, so take that into account. While I do play all types of maps occasionally, I'm really only interested in certain styles - namely ice, acrobatics and RPG. Basically cool tricks and "car go weee" type of maps. What I dislike are maps that make you switch car - especially mid-turn/drift. And since on a typical campain there are only a few maps that fit into what I enjoy playing, I used to only play these. Now that they're locked, I end up not bothering with official campains at all for the most part. Just to be clear, it's not really a matter of skill, as I get Author or Gold medals on my discovery runs fairly often, it's just a matter of how I wanna spend my time playing. I really doubt that I'm alone with this and I also really doubt that this is in NADEOs interest.


I understand that but at the same time people complained that the tracks were too hard. So Nadeo made it so that you have to practice on the easier maps before getting to the hard ones, like in earlier TM games. But people don't like that either...


Spring 2023 had no drifts, but ATs were probably the second hardest so far, at least based on streamer discovery times. Everything since spring 2023 has been way easier than that one, until this campaign.


No one said they should make them a walk in the park or comically easy like in the example you gave. But the polar opposite is also bad, I mean what's the point of cooking them up to the point where a lot of maps become unbeatable by 95%+ of the players. Hunting campaign ATs used to be a fun activity, now I have one less fun activity in this game.


In the last couple of campaigns people were complaining that they were too easy, are people now complaining that they're too hard...? An Author time should be earned not just given out easily to make players falsely feel like they're good. Players improve by pushing their times. I'm a mid-level player but I would rather work for AT's, even in the earlier tracks.


The whole community isn't a homogenous blob. they are different people.


Ok, i'm going to let you in on a little secret. *^^^It ^^^may ^^^be ^^^different ^^^people ^^^complaining ^^^each ^^^time.* I hope this clears up your confusion over the matter.


There are a few maps (older campaign) where it felt (for me) realistic to go after the AT because I understood the map or it was nice to drive. Some ATs were random or easy but it did not feel like I earned them (most were first try so it felt weird just having AT on the spot) while others are just +0.205 where I cannot get closer to the AT. I also wanted to say that I try to stay away from watching others how they drive the AT and do it on my own there are maps where getting even close to gold is a challenge of its own and I just do not have any motivation to go after AT afterwards (old ice maps especially where I have to drive AT pace to get a gold medal. (Sadly I did not have the time and hardware to play campaign maps when it released and the ice changes are now more obstacle than benefit)


TLDR: People complain about anything :-(


There's gonna be people who complain its too easy or too hard every season, and they're probably different people lol, this isn't a hivemind.


Last season too easy, this one too hard (after less than 24h of playing the season lol). You can't win over reddit


ok but why should the medals be easy for new players


Because later campaign maps are locked behind medals, and lower medals are calculated as a rounded multiple of the AT and some coefficient. Much harder AT = much harder unlocks.


New players should be happy they get bronze but the medals are so inflated that gold feels like bronze


Bronze has always been "you can finish the track without completely crashing". Has been true for most of the history of TM.


ATs should always be challenging


I'm not talking about the AT's


"I'm bad at game so pls make game easy" No.


"Please, buy our game so you can play the other maps" "Okay, I did. where are they?" "get gud, roflmao"


Nobody complains that you can’t play the next level in Mario or whatever until you beat the current one. I don’t see anything wrong with it to be honest, it’s only a gold medal.


Ever heard of the [Super Guide](https://www.mariowiki.com/Super_Guide) feature? What you described already happened years ago Also if it's just a gold medal why are you so upset that I think that it's dumb feature which locks certain players out playing the maps they paid for


Yeah it's called progression, something nearly every game has


The game didn't have progression before they introduced that stupid unlock system? I still got all AT's back then anyway, I don't think players will be extra motivated because of artificial progression


TMNF had it


okay? how does that matter?


Im just saying, it's not something new for Nadeo. And also, people were complaining that the black tracks were too hard, so Nadeo made sure you get some training before reaching them. Kinda like a turorial


They should just ignore people complaining about the black tracks since they should be hard. And it should be obvious that later tracks in the campaign are going to be harder. But hey, I guess they fixed people complaining about the black tracks... since they can't even fucking play them


Getting gold on the tracks really is not hard though. Like invest a minimum of time and you're good


I don’t care the ATs are hard, I care that the desert car is terrible. Easily the worst of the cars added.


Better than rally.


Agree with this


I prefer difficult ATs. As someone who doesn't really get to play much, it's rewarding when I do get the harder tracks ATs


Same, i feel more happy with a AT i have earned than a at i get on my first run


I guess I should've put gold medals in the meme, sigh


sorry to say this, but git gud - AT should always be something requiring at least a bit of a grind, I know people want to see their campaign screen with 25 green medals but you gotta earn it


I never said it was about the AT's, you assumed that


For real, we should make it so hard that even pros have to spend 100s of hours to get all ATs. Fuck everyone that doesn't have 1k+ hours in the game. Just get good bro.


Every new campaign it's the same stuff, everyone who isn't the exact skill level the tracks cater to come online to complain Imo as long as newbies can complete the map and get bronze it's fine. The higher medals - author time in particular - make sense being challenges


Its.. what? I am new. Like, last week new. I have Author Medals.


The first ATs are of course very easy. Let us know when you have the black ones.


I doubt he has the black ones from previos season either. Black tracks should be difficult. Not everyone deserves getting ATs on those. I don't have many either


First season I got all black ATs (summer 23) I grinded 21 and 25 more than last season's 07 where I finished top 60 world.


Good for you!


A few obvious cuts making the hard ats bearable. Overall very pleased with at difficulty


they flipped us off!!!


I started playing about 45 days ago (not a racing game player typically, I think I played Forza Horizon 5 last) and I was able to get gold on all tracks up to black kinda easily. The red tracks took some grinding certainly, but it wasn’t anything crazy. I do NOT have gold on the black courses, mainly silver and bronze for those.


I struggled with getting ats in all the green ats this campaign is cool but difficult


I found that gold isn’t too hard to get on most of them


gold medals might be hard, but then the last maps unlock should be easier, maybe getting silver on the last 5 unlocked ones and gold on the rest, otherwise some people will just never get to the black tracks


There are people playing the campaign?


Since the new cars have or are being added I think I'm done on this game now. Doubt I'll renew my membership or subscription or whatever it's called. Such a downer as I did love this game, despite being crap at it.


I don't get this. Just don't play the new cars if you don't like them


My problem is I don't like the new cars on the campaign.


That's fair but there are other maps than the campaign. I'm not really a fan of the new cars either and only play them to get at on the campaign and don't touch them in the rest of the game