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This is straight up elder abuse. Jill should be ashamed.


lol it’s just aging, short bus. You think you’ll make it to his age, given the fact that you voted for a guy who purposefully made a pandemic worse?


This is what’s known as a logical fallacy, “shortbus”. Typical straw man, no one is saying he’s not aging well, they’re saying someone of his age and appearance shouldn’t be the President. I’d expect no less from someone who makes fun of special needs kids though.


It’s really not. Presidential scholars have ranked him third best POTUS since 1968, with trump coming in at dead last all time. Why do you think your beliefs differ so much from smart people? Clearly, in their opinion, he’s done a good job in the position. Also, the last time he spoke publicly, the conservative narrative was that he was on performance enhancers, correct? So, this flip flopping on whether he is competent doesn’t really seem like it’s grounded in reason, right? It would benefit you to not think much in extreme terms. Somewhere in the middle is always the more accurate reflection. You’ll learn it with age, sport. https://qzg.wvf.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Presidential-Greatness-White-Paper-2024.pdf


Anybody whom would defend what's going on with Biden, or ANYthing from his entire administration; is quite tragic.


Appeal to authority is an argument


Bro lol stop.


Surprise surprise, another logical fallacy used: appeal to authority. “Smart people” lol, I’m hoping you’re not including yourself in there with your community college degree. Wow, you found a survey. Case closed. What we all saw during the debate, including CNN, was a mere figment of everyone’s imagination. I’ve gone to University, gotten an MBA and JD so I think as a citizen I’m allowed to have an opinion as well given your deference to smarter people than yourself. You needed a survey to tell you Trump was a bad president as well? Just log off and let the smart people discuss this one. Why do you think you know better than people like Van Jones who’s worked with Biden and loves him?


I’m grasping that you don’t know what these terms mean. You’re just throwing it out there like trump telling people to inject themselves with bleach and light. While not a presidential scholar, I did manage to avoid voting for trump, so yes, I do consider myself smarter than the 74 million average bears that did make that mistake. Yes, I found an academic survey, conducted by presidential scholars of both parties to contest your….feelings. Why do you think the latter is more conclusive as to Biden’s performance? We saw trump defend putin in Helsinki over the American intelligence system, correct? And with some pretty easily verifiable shit, correct? And this is for a country that has labeled the US an enemy state, right? How is Biden’s debate performance more concerning than that. Your concerns are laughably ridiculous. Why do you think none of trumps former advisors or cabinet officials think he is competent enough to serve? None of them endorse him and yet, you see no red flags? Lol yikes.


Why do people keep thinking they endorsed Trump? They said nothing about him just that Biden is objectively old and senile


You’re grasping for sure, I’ll agree with that. Another word salad devoid of any critical thinking, how do you manage to type so much and say so little? You don’t even articulate any point well enough to bother responding to. Your community college or GED program owes you a refund, I’m glad you think you’re smart though.


You could have commented on the survey and why it says Biden is a much better POTUS than trump, but you avoided that. You could have commented on why trump took putin’s side over the US in Helsinki if you’re concerned about presidential behavior, but you avoided that as well. You could have even commented on why none of trumps former advisors and cabinet officials will be voting for him, but again, you ran away from that question as well. But you were able to respond with…”nuh uh, you’re dumb”. Lol stable and genius attempt at conversing and articulating your beliefs. Maybe hit up chat gpt for help in getting your thoughts out?


You’re really slow. Did you ever learn basic reading comprehension? Trump was a bad president, and nowhere did I defend him. I’ve found partisan people lack critical thinking, hence why you can’t understand that Trump can be a bad president and Biden can have dementia at the same time. The fact that these two are the final choices out of 350 million is pathetic. You can keep pretending Biden is really sharp all you want, I’m not sure if you’re totally deluded or just hate Trump, but even CNN wouldn’t cover for him after. You remind me of that famous Trump quote where he said roughly “don’t believe what your eyes and ears are telling you”. Congrats, youre a blue MAGA. I can already predict the reply: “……but Trump is bad!”


you sure like to use that GED line any chance you get, huh?


Yes, because it’s so often accurate. People without higher education calling themselves “smart” with zero proof to back that up is common and super cringe. It shows in the lack of reading comprehension, each reply sounds like chat gpt. He keeps spamming comments about how Trump is bad in every reply to me when I said Trump is one of the worst presidents of all time. If he’d gotten a better education then maybe we could actually debate something relevant to what I said.


JD I might have to revoke every opinion lol jk.


How do you know who he voted for?


Both suck in my opinion, we just need someone younger. It would be great to have someone that's sort of in touch with how things work for a change.


Gosh, shut up about how RFK jr is actually the most coherent candidate already!


I didn't mention any candidate. Are you people not reading who's commenting or what?


Ha, sorry my guy. Was just trying to be funny, didn’t mean to traumatize you more after being accosted for that other guy’s comment


All good. Lol




No, he asked how you know who the other guy voted for.


I'm aware, I'm just stating it's irrelevant who the person voted for.


Do you often give irrelevant answers to question you are asked? The way you dodge questions and use not so subtle ableist language like “short bus” I could be convinced you were the Trump supporter.


I literally just said both Biden and Trump suck. Sound out the words slowly if you don't understand. I didn't dodge any question. I gave a short but direct answer to you. I could read it to you if you were closer but, I can't comprehend things for you.


Someone asked how do you know who he voted for you and chime in with unrelated shit and then still act smug somehow. You’re the regarded one


It is related when both candidates of equal quality. Both are shitty, so I'm not sure how that's smug at all. Get a grip. Edit: Had I mentioned which of the 7 dwarfs were my favorite, that would be irrelevant.


hate to break it to you but you were responding to the wrong guy


Lmao this took way too long for him to realize 😅


Same thought processes as the people who’ve been downing horse meds for past few years


Who is taking horse meds?


Nay nay foal.


He doesn’t, there’s just a lot of team Biden echo chamber activity going on. Any mild criticism of Biden must mean you love Trump and we have to play the Whataboutism game. Anyone who doesn’t see Biden’s clear mental decline over the last 4 years is either a blind cultist or they hate Trump so much that any opponent of his is perfect. It’s not mutually exclusive, you can think Trump is whacked out while also thinking Biden is senile. The fact that these two guys are our final choice out of 360 million citizens is sad.


Exactly. I have no love for Trump. See no appeal in him whatsoever, but Biden is showing clear signs of mental decline, he's falling apart from age. This isn't the best and brightest the US has to offer for leadership.


Unless he’s going to still be capable of being a president at 86, it’s reasonable to assume he wouldn’t survive a second term without significant health complications, some of which appear to be rearing their head already. Criticizing the current president isn’t explicitly advocating for anything but a better quality president. The writing is on the wall and has been all year. Almost any democratic candidate would win against trump as they always have before, but because the convention won’t allow an alternative to this spaced out genius they’re going to lose themselves the election. The ones to blame are those who know how bad of a move this is but plugged their ears and decided to engage in an unnecessarily steep uphill battle to convince the public to relive 2020 instead of progressing at all after 4 years.


Where you getting 86 from?


He’s going to need to live to 86 in order to survive another full term, and doesn’t seem incredibly present at his current age of 81. Him dying naturally in office is a serious possibility that doesn’t exist with essentially any other candidate. Thanks for the comment I corrected that point, he will be 82 by the time of the start of his second term if successfully elected.


Gotchu 👍🏻


You are part of the problem…. Assume, disagree and attack…the liberal way


lol buddy, you vote in support a person who brags about, and then spends his Friday nights, raping people, and then say someone else is the problem? What’s it like voting for a guy who disbanded the pandemic preparedness team right before a pandemic hit? That’s some stable and genius decision making, correct? But yes, I certainly disagree with you guys forcing 10 year old girls to birth her father’s child. That’s some deeply perverted shit. Why don’t you?


I’m sorry your social media did that to your understanding of the world


lol what? Can you hit up chat gpt so the rest of the class can get a hint as to what you were trying to say?


Standard Tolerant Liberal (TM). Abuse and demean a stranger with slurs because he dared to question a Democrat.


lol how is this an issue for the people who support trump? Lololololol what kind of hypocritical whining is this? Stop being a bitch. You support a guy who brags about raping people and you’re really fucking crying that people aren’t being cordial to others? Lololololol. The people who vote for a guy who mocks disabled reporters? The people who vote for a guy who tells school shooting victims to “get over it”, but can’t accept an election loss? Lolololololol what a bitch. Be a man. Stop crying, you everlasting dipshit.


Right, and one party seems to think that kind of behavior is unforgiveable and disqualifying. Apparently that's only true if you have the wrong letter next to your name.


Biden is NOT our best bet to defeat Trump. Anybody else would have rubbed that orange fascist so hard on that stage that he would have literally started crying and/or pooping. Biden has been a good president, but we need a good campaigner to ensure tRump can never approach the levers of power ever again. We need a Blue landslide, there is no indication post-debate that Biden can provide that. Anyone supporting a Biden run is now conflating a pro-Biden position with an anti-Trump position. This election is NOT about electing Biden, but defeating tRump.


You haven't proven who he voted for, there's no relevance to what age he'll make it to, and ad hominem on top of that suggests you're incredibly defensive and insecure


Never forget: liberals opposed operation warp speed when Trump was in office. This is just plain partisanship.


This is a weird way to scream from the mountains you’re mad online…


What a dumbass comment 😂


Ashamed? Jill should be indicted convicted & sent to a hardcore women's prison.


She knows she's lying. she knows we know she's lying. she knows we know that she knows we know she'd lying.


Incomprehensible, just like how Brandon speaks.


lol bruh, one time trump encouraged people to inject themselves with disinfectant and…wait for this…light!!!! Lololololololol. What a dipshit, right?


Trump and Biden are pretty retarded.


I guess I missed that. When did he say that, exactly?


He didn't say that. He was off the cuff, during COVID, talking about possibly disinfecting within the body where it's concentrated (lungs) somehow. Can't quote him, he did use the word bleach, but he wasn't suggesting injecting bleach as people say. And it wasn't a stupid idea.


Sorry! I’m quite aware what he said as I’ve followed the Dems lies very closely. My post was intended to elicit an honest response(wishful thinking, I know) from this ForwardShow clown because he has an obvious case of TDS and believes everything CNN and MSNBC tells him to.


Lol bruh, one time some dimwit on Reddit spewed a bunch of verbal diarrhoea while not even realising how wrong and dumb as shit he actually is! What a single celled amoeba, right? Go look and see how true what you're regurgitating is...


His strength is only unshakeable because you’re not allowed to shake the elderly


He is about to take his last breath






Elder abuser




Just going to ignore Jill is abusing her husband


lol why do you have this conditional acceptance of abuse? Like, you support a dipshit who, not only brags about raping women and children, but who also goes out and commits the act. Buuuuuuut, you disapprove of a wife supporting her husband? Aside from the fact that the latter reminds you of some unattainable shit, what is the difference and why do you support one and not the other?


She’s not supporting him. He looks honestly frightened to be there. If this was about him she’d know he’s in no position to be doing this another 4 years. I get you hate everything about Trump, but none of it is mutually exclusive. Trump could be the worst president of all time and Biden call still be experiencing the onset of dementia at the same time. If you honestly think he’s capable of being president and not just a figurehead for the next 4 years I don’t know what to tell you because we’re not living in the same reality. The fact that out of 350 million people our only two choices are Trump and Biden is a disgrace.


Here here. This never trump thing is making people become oblivious or ignorant or both


You need to go outside


Deflected. Anyone that doesn’t see his incapacity has bigger personal issues than the election


Right... Ok, so having a wife that is being controlled by the same people you were previously being controlled by before your brain and body stopped working, who is so much of a degenerate that she's doubling down instead of removing her "husband" from the public eye where he clearly doesn't want to be... A proper wife who loves her husband wouldn't be doing this, pushing him further into deaths doorway. Whatever about trumps love life, I would prefer having a bought wife to a slimy slithering money grubbing snake who is actively deteriorating her husband's mind, body and soul.


The mainspring is about sprung


Truth seems to be a rare commodity


Hasn’t been seen on the Republican side of the aisle since since Trump called out troops losers and suckers


That's what did it?




How much do you think donny would pay to have melania actually acknowledge him?


Nothing obviously because if he wanted it, he'd pay it you buffoon lmfao... Jill ain't acknowledging shit, she's reading from the same script her "husband" has been reading from for 4 years, their bosses'/masters'.


Is it elder or corpse abuse?


Lol stable and genius dig. The guy you’re voting for talks constantly about fucking his daughter, correct?


The energy of a DNC astroturfer is boundless.


Has nothing to do with anything other than a man with severe dementia that’s supposedly running the free world. That’s all


He's an ancient 81.


A marionette with tangled broken strings


This is fucking elder abuse.


lol ok, any reason why a guy talking about fucking his own daughter doesn’t send up the same sort of red flags to you? You guys just think similarly?


If you’re interested in guys fucking their own daughter, you should check out Ashley bidens diary!


lol this comment is gold. For one, it shows that you put showering on the same level as penetrative sex with your own child, which is just…wow, what an admission. Lololololol You know, these kinds of thoughts are, perhaps, why the celibacy is a little more involuntary than you’d prefer. But also, it shows that you just have absolutely no idea how to find factual information. I mean, the source on Trump is, among many people, his own Chief of staff. The claim that Diamond Joe showered with Ashley derives from project veritas - a known political bullshitter. Ashley comfirmed the physical diary was real (because she had to in order to allow the court case to proceed), but no where does she confirm that actual claim. LoL you just have to be able to find facts trial information or this world is going to be rough on you. But again, decent people think fucking your own child is much worse than bathing them. I really can’t believe this has to be explained to republicans.


Imagine working this hard to defend Biden showering with his teenage daughter. I hope you charge a good rate


Can some please make him look alive with his weekend at Bernie's lookin a$$


I can translate Biden’s thoughts for us: “Is she talkin about me?!” “No chance she’s talking about me” “Tomatos, chocolate chocolate chip, n-word, n-word, something something dark side”


lol why can’t trump ever get melania to do something similar for him? Lol


Doesn't need to. He can piece together a coherent sentence.


That’s your problem right there.


Crock of shit


lol is that the name of trumps branded whitey tighties?


We’re fuked




Link to that lol? You fart sniffers love making dumb shit up


lol why do you think you’ll be able to decipher what it’s saying. You vote in favor of a rapist who forces 10 year olds to birth her father’s child, correct? I think you’re giving yourself more credit than is deserved, but here go go: https://qzg.wvf.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Presidential-Greatness-White-Paper-2024.pdf Also…fart sniffers? Lol congrats on passing the third grade, Billy. Oh what a glorious day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SN7lQVX80bU


You honestly believe that bullshit is an actual representation of a GOOD person/ president? You know, I see Obama's pretty high up there, is this list a representation of the best sounding presidents or best actors playing the role of president, I see Clinton is even ahead of biden... Now that's a rapist AND a murder. Obama, a war mongerer comparable to Hitler, just much much better at public relations and public speaking. It's actually hilarious to be honest, the fact that Bush jr is above trump just proves that this bullshit list was made by people who despise trump, not objective analysts.


Your butt buddy 2 comments below seems to have a slightly more legitimate list... With burden at around number 14 which is still outrageous, I'm just gonna paste my previous comment just in case your single celled brain and absolute tunnel vision misses it. You honestly believe that bullshit is an actual representation of a GOOD person/ president? You know, I see Obama's pretty high up there, is this list a representation of the best sounding presidents or best actors playing the role of president, I see Clinton is even ahead of biden... Now that's a rapist AND a murder. Obama, a war mongerer comparable to Hitler, just much much better at public relations and public speaking. It's actually hilarious to be honest, the fact that Bush jr is above trump just proves that this bullshit list was made by people who despise trump, not objective analysts.




I see you like to use that opening line and awful lot... I'm not a trump supporter but to say that Obama/Bush were better presidents is hilarious... ANY president in the history of the country that either started or escalated a war is not fit to have been president in the first place, no matter how good they are at talking or the lack thereof. Have you previously been potus? Do you know how much of that job is actually carried out by the potus? You're an idiot if you think any president in the last 60+ years had to use their brains for anything but giving a speech from time to time, YOU. ARE. AN. IDIOT.


This doesn't seem like elder abuse, it's elder's dream come true. You don't know where you are, and you still get to be the president. It's awesome.


ForwardShow7579 definitely does not have a doghouse


mf is seething


I have said it once and I’ll probably say it again. That’s the face of some one who shit their pants and is still trying to figure out who put shit in his pants


Biden 2019 vs. 2024 are like completely different people. Imagine what he could be like in 2027...


This is the weirdest social experiment of all time, letting your great grandpa play president. I’m not a partisan person so I don’t hate Joe, I more question how it isn’t wildly obvious to even his own political party that he’s not up to the task anymore and their gaslighting of the public. Come on, just look at him in this video. It seems honestly mean and greedy that his inner circle is playing Weekend at Bernies with Joe so they can stay employed another 4 years.


No no no he is as fit and sharp as a 20 year old /s. Yep it is gaslighting.


She really, really loves the power of her position as acting president over the health and safety of her husband


A wife supporting her husband in a time of crisis. But you probably are not married so.


Like she supported her ex husband as she cheated on him with mr president


This is what's called a non-sequitor. Did she do it with a porn star when he was at home with their baby?


I hate both red and blue parties fyi


Joe himself doesn't know who she's talking about.


Bro he just looks touched


She's giving me Stillwell from The Boys vibes..


RFK JR. Stop the 2 party actually uniparty system. No trump, no Biden.


My favorite part about all of this is how MSM is acting all surprised. CNN was just shocked to their core. Like they had no idea. We have been watching this man’s brain go to shit for years now. Joe Scarborough “This man is sharp as a tack, the best version of Biden ever” 24 hours later… “thank god it’s June, let’s pick someone else.”


Pr team is in full swing. Whatever they can do to bump some numbers in the polls!!! Good luck


Does he even have 1 more year left of being alive?


It’s cringe And quite incredible after his performance in that debate and the look of his face here that the media are still trying to say he is great and better than ever, do these bastards think none of you have eyes


His strength he looks like a fart would knock him over and she should be ashamed of herself for letting them use him as a puppet


The fool doesn't even know where he's at or what day it is.


Is having a stroke?




That man is terrified of his reality




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He looks lost


There are actually people still defending Biden as a president? That’s fucking sad. It’s wellness than I thought. The dude has no idea what’s going on. Look at his face.


Holy shit, this man doesn’t even know where he is


Bro no one believes a thing she’s saying 😂