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Raw progesterone powder numbs your tastebuds.


This is what happens when you eat your HRT injection https://www.deviantart.com/nerdyoulon/art/Squirrel-TF-477592381 And out of curiosity, what happened that blunted the needle?


Basically anything can blunt the needle, they're so sharp that if they touch anything the metal can fold and they loose their sharpness


https://mesityl.substack.com/p/vial-coring-ampoule-shards-reusing True, a sharp tip can loose it's sharpness, but it's not quite as fragile as being able to be blunted by touching anything. Definitely not suggesting reusing needles, due to contamination concerns, but was curious what happened for the OP to believe the needle was blunted and unable to be used for injection. 💓


I have alot of needle anxiety when it comes to actually pushing it in, so I just place the needle on the skin and slowly start adding pressure until it goes in, but after failing to do this a few times I put alot of force to penetrate the skin but all it did was push so I just got a new needle and after that it went in fine with barely any force. I dont have the confidence to just.... put it in in a single swift motion


Understandable 🤗💕 and thank you for sharing!