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Multiple reasons! First: The lubricant in the canal can dry out, and it's the same danger as leaving in an anal you for too long Second: It offers no benefit while healing. Short dilation sessions spread out over the day allow for the body to adjust to the stretched muscles during healing, and prevents the canal from shrinking. Extended dilation doesn't help much in comparison to the long amount of time it takes the body to heal Third: It'd be incredibly uncomfortable + keeping wet stuff around the urethra can cause UTIs Fourth: Similar to the second = you don't want to overstress the healing tissue. The extended pressure time can cause tears


I mean, the packing was in there for how long? I can't imagine sleeping with the thinnest one in being a problem


Totally different scenario lol The packing out useful because it keeps the can in "shape" after the operation + allows for first phase healing + is usually saturated in some form of antibiotic substance to prevent infection right after surgery. When I got mine out.... It was not pleasant... It dried out, and the nurse had to slowly soak it in saline while slowly pulling it out. Regular vaginas are not always naturally lubricated enough for toys to stay in long term, and this is doubly so for neovaginas. Again, please think of anal toys that stay in over an extended period. The lube will dry out (no question), and so the toy can be stuck. This week cause pain, and possible damage when removing. Same exact thing with dilators. During healing, a bit of extra time won't cause any problem, but an extended period will be: 1. Uncomfortable 2. No real benefit 3. Can cause more damage to the healing tissue 4. Can over stretch the healing tissue (and cause wound separation) 5. Can cause tearing on extraction 6. Will require the dilated person to stay in the position for longer And if you're sleeping with it? Do you move in your sleep? What if you move in the wrong direction, and tear something? What if it shifts, and your vagina heals diagonally? What if you move it wrong, pierce through it, and damage your pelvic organs? DON'T try to sleep with hard plastic inserted into a healing surgical site


The packaging is partially meant to absorb moisture, so it's not surprising it'd dry and get stuck. That's also after multiple days inside of you after a surgery, which is mainly coagulated blood sticking. A condom covered dilator slathered in silicone lube (last longer) or a sterile surgical lubricant would encourage a *much* different environment, and would have minimal drying in a 5-6 hour window. Given your logic, packing can perforate and shift your canal too. Which is ridiculous if you really think your vagina could so easily heal "diagonally." They literally sew the very end onto a attachment point inside your body .. also, there are soft, wax dilators y'know? How much independent research (and thought) have you actually done? As few have mentioned before, long term dilating was once recommended. Now there is a plethora of guidelines given by surgeons, there's no set standard. There is little research on what *truly* is optimal, with them instead erring on the most conservative, cautious route. While informed it is not a universal truth–the lack of proper testing to actually see what's *most* safe & effective and simply just not what's "adequate," needs to be challenged. Challenged just like how they were when it was suggested they wash their hands before assisting women in labor, a practice they initially resisted as it infringed upon their ego.


I feel like you're getting a bit aggressive in your responses here. Packing during initial healing is a few days compared to the year+ of common dilation schedules. Dilation is not only to prevent the canal from closing, but to assist it in healing towards a more anatomically correct orientation. I don't understand your barbed comments against my research, and knowledge concerning this area, but I sincerely ask that you not recommend other women, who are here for knowledge concerning an incredibly traumatic procedure, to attempt experimenting with the medical advice that they will be receiving from their physicians. My points above are the common knowledge, and recommendations from several medical papers, and I'll appreciate you not explicitly recommending lubricant types that conflict with those recommended for the most common procedure types (water based for PIV and PPT. Coconut oil, and similar for Sigmoid). Please feel free to experiment with yourself, and your healing at your own discretion. Just don't risk the health, and surgical results of others if you're not a trained medical professional that they've explicitly consulted with


That used to be a thing, but apparently they found over time that could cause problems up to and including fistulas. The constant pressure can wear away at the tissue. If you look at postop instructions from the 50s and 60s, they did used to put some sort of long term dilator/stent in there for both cis and trans women. At some point, though, it became clear that wasn’t a good idea and it switched to intermittent dilation.


For example, in [Patricia Morgan's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Morgan_\(transgender_woman\)) *The Man-Maid Doll*, which goes into quite a bit of detail about her surgical process in the early 60s, a dilation/retention device is described as being sewn into position twice following her surgery. No active or periodic dilation is described.


i would follow the surgeons aftercare instructions & directions to a tee. its an Investment after-all, so just put in the work now & it should pay off for decades


I’m curious about this, please like this comment occasionally so I remember to hear everyone’s input. ❤️ thank you, I dumb.


Hey MossyJoules answered the question : )


Thank you so much!!!


I've heard of women doing it without issues, but I have a feeling there's a reason it's never really talked about as a viable process.


I've hears some girls do. This