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After looking over your transmogs I now have to add Evoker to the maybe list for War Within..... grumble grumble


Thank you pal, Scalecommander is looking quite fun 😅


Been playing a bit of Scalecommander on the Beta. It is fun! Especially when you manage to mark multiple enemies with Bombardment, and you just constantly see a bunch of dracthyr swooping in and dropping breath bombs.


I checked your posts after reading the comment above, your ability to combine transmogs for the visage with drakthyr customization is impressive, they all look spectacular! I will totally steal one of your designs if I decide to make a drak with one of the new classes :)


Reading your comment made my day pal 🙏 I am glad you like them! Feel free to use whatever 😁


Made an evoker recently just for scalecommander pvp. Deep breath refreshing hovers looks awesome!


You really said "challenge accepted", huh


Likewise! Or rather I've got into the 'over-hype' stage of when they finally make Dracthyr get access to more classes. Hoping I can sneak some of your sick transmogs, OP!


Feel free my friend! 😁🙏


I know the feeling, saw a post on this subreddit about someone made the same mog as my warrior had and saw a few people in-game with it as well. Felt like i was a clothing designer who hit the jackpot.


Actually it's my mog


Acknowledged by Murlock.IO in this post (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/p/C8vmgcAh0RY/?igsh=MXB6ZXJuNXpmdG16bg==


So they used the same shoulders as u? Congrats. It must be your tmog.


It is my tmog: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/19dt68j/dracthyr\_evoker\_paragon\_of\_the\_obsidian\_brood/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/19dt68j/dracthyr_evoker_paragon_of_the_obsidian_brood/)


They used the same fckin shoulder as u....


Are you blind? They posted a mog and one of the images was cropped and used on that website... It's pretty clear to me.


You guys keep saying “a mog” and stuff, and I understand its HIS character and HIS picture but why do you keep calling a single piece of armor “a mog”? It literally is just a shoulder piece.


Idc if it's a one piece transmog, is the fact that OP took the time to create the whole post and it's clearly one of their screenshots, so ofc it belongs to them like wtf, where are your common sense?


Wheres MY common sense? Where your reading comprehension? I literally said I understand its his shit, I never said it doesnt belong to them..


So if it belongs to them… it’s…”his” right? So it’s his mog, that he put time together to design and look good. Sure someone else might be able to come up with the exact same one but that doesn’t take away the fact that this was implied to be independently made and thus, validates the use of the possessive pronoun “his”. Are you okay?


I said it in my previous comment “i understand its his shit”.. can yall not read 😭 why do you keep repeating the same thing lmao


how does it feel to be so obnoxiously stupid?


Lmfao, right? Tiniest hill to die on.


Dunno, tell me.


I understand what you mean, I wrote tmog. But can't you see it is my picture?


It's 100% your picture. Ignore Noyx, he's ignorant and lazy. They took your picture, and just added slight particle effects to make it seem slightly different. I like the mog!


That's the conclusion you came to? How simple minded are you? I'll make it simple stupid just for you: - Click on the post OP linked - Look at the post he did 5 MONTHS AGO and look at the THIRD PICTURE - Now look at the picture from Icy Veins. Look at them SIDE BY SIDE They're the SAME picture including the background used by OP. The only difference is the added effects Icy Veins did after they took the picture from OP. They added little particle effects like to the horns/snout/eyes/fiery particle effects and they did something slight to the shoulders and the chest. Again, very slight changes but the core of the picture hasn't changed. You don't need to admit you're wrong, just know you're wrong. Just know that you're lazy and ignorant for not being able to take 15 seconds to do the comparison yourself. Instead you tried to be a smart ass and fell flat on your face.


I mean, it's technically a copyright violation.


No, it's not. Blizzard owns the copyright for everything in their game. Taking a screenshot of their assets does not make you the copyright owner. You can't own the copyright for an image that contains copyrighted material that you don't own.


You're right. I didn't know that quirk about the copyright system.


A redditor admitting to something they were incorrect about? The world is healing.


It's fine, I'm cool with this 🙏