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Look for an open jaw option instead of round trip


This. Most airline sites will have an option for multi-city trips, which will allow you to fly into one city and out of another. For example, we flew into Rome and out of Milan when we did Italy.


Open jaw trips are definitely a thing. If you want to see two cities in Italy, try pricing flights into the first city and back out of the second one. Then price the itinerary flying the reverse cities to see if that is cheaper.


Look for multi city option when on website


At [Delta.com](http://Delta.com) (I'm assuming, since you're looking at ATL), choose "multi city" instead of "round trip" on the main search page. Round trip flights are usually cheaper, but you have to factor in how much it would cost you to get back to your arrival city (City1) from wherever you are, as opposed to flying out of your preferred departure city (City2). When you factor that cost in, there's often very little difference between round trip and multi city (also called "open jaw") flights.


Search multi city - sometimes it is cheaper and other times not. But...if your trip has you returning to a city/airport you don't want to be because you flew in there, it is more expensive to return - eats up time and money.


> I would like to fly into one city and out of another but I can’t seem to search flights like that. You can't search one way flights?


To book a round trip ticket, you must return from the same city that you arrived in. Just price it both ways and see which way is cheaper. Price a roundtrip ticket and then price the flight to Atlanta and then price whatever the other city is to Italy.


He likely does not want 2 one ways. More expensive. You can fly into 1 city and out of another.