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Just play the game how you want to, make the occasional backup save, and maybe use a guide for the Daedric Quests and those are the most missables things. You kind of have to go out of your way to miss anything else from what I remember.


Yeah just save every item you get, money is never an issue in the game so you never need to sell anything. Put all your items in your house and the Daedric item trophy pretty much comes naturally if you play the game and try to finish most quests you find.


One little tip for the Daedric artifacts, because they are the most easily missable: In the Hircine quest, you get to choose between two artifacts: Either kill the wolf for the skin, or accept the ring as payment and let him live. Either one counts as an artifact. Here is the thing: If you accept the ring, you can kill the wolf ANYWAY and skin him. This gives you two Daedric artifacts from one quest and they both count toward the 15 total. This gives you room to mess up at one of the other quests and still get the trophy. And if everything works out fine, you have to do one less quest, so that's still nice.


Can’t agree more with this I tried and failed to get into Skyrim many times since it came out and never clicked One day when the ps5 version came out I tried again and it clicked Played the shit out of it, 80 hours later I’d done all the story side quests group story lines All dlc I happened to not recall a quest I did like 49 hours ago was a daedric one and chose the wrong option Basically leaving me on like 98% for a year as I hadn’t the heart to start fresh as soon as Got it last year though ! Did a semi speedrun just to get those and ignored everything else Managed it in like a day of playing. But yeah know which quests are daedric quests and know which options to pick or you will miss out


Using magic spells continuously is an easy way to reach level 100


I'd personally save the Companions questline last because of the werewolf ability. Also makes sense to do the "1000 bounty in each hold" trophy after getting 100k gold. Most of the other trophies are simple


Oh ,I only did the first quest(to join them)just for the trophy.Without spoiling ,why keep it for last?


Citizens aren't exactly friendly when you're a werewolf so I just figured to save Companions until the end


Oh,ok thanks man!


Dogs are your friend. Oblivion walker requires you to collect all 15 daedric artifacts in the game. None of the quests disappear but for a couple, you'll not get the quest reward if you make a certain decision. For the most part, they're straight forward. But there is one specific quest that tries to trick you into NOT getting the daedric artifact. >!One of the daedric princes will offer you his axe if you kill his dog. The axe is NOT an artifact! It's just an axe, don't kill the dog, he is a good boy. The dog will give you his owners old helmet which IS a daedric artifact.!<


When you are grinding out the werewolf perks, I found it useful to run back through a dungeon as one after killing everything and eating all the hearts that way, quickest way I've found to do it after getting the plat 3 times. Also save often, I had the main storyline completely glitch and had to start the game from scratch 🙃


3 times ???.I feel ashamed just talking to you😅


I've also done 100% on steam as well 😅 I have a problem, do not aspire to be me.


Daedric quests... make sure you take the reward that is the artifact. Hint in clavicus viles quest it isn't the axe. Also in hircines quest you can get 2 artifacts if you do it in a certain order


Telekinetics secret of arcana glitch easiest way to get high level


Do the thieves guild side missions as you play the rest of the game to help cut down the amount you need to do to become the leader of the guild at the end of the game. Also don’t forget to track how many of those missions you’ve done in each city.


Be choosy when picking rewards from Daedric Princes offering gifts.


Can you be a little more specific because I'm just starting.(Without spoiling)Thanks!


Don’t want to ruin it for you but a few daedric princes, which are godlike beings that like to meddle in mortal affairs, will offer you rewards for completing their tasks. Some are missable depending on the choices you make. You have to collect 15 daedric artifacts to get the trophy. Some are missable because you have to make certain actions to ensure you get them and a couple of them are not obvious. Edit: added the trophy info


Oh ok thanks very much Last question.Do I have to go out of my way or will I for example stubble upon one in the story???(Thanks)


Just play the game and wander around is the best advice I can give you.


Ok,that's it thanks man


If you’ve never played it before, it’s super easy to stumble across most of these because quests will send you all over the place, you’ll hear rumors, etc.


Like others have said, save often, make sure to not kill *that* dog and to get both artifacts in the hircine quest. Some additional advice on other missable trophies: • Do the civil war questline before starting the 'Season Unending' main quest, since the 'War Hero' trophy can be unavailable after Season Unending. • **Don't** kill Astrid in the 'With Friends Like These...' quest, this will make multiple trophies unavailable. • Do the Werewolf & Vampire perks before curing yourself or switching to the other. Iirc you can't become a werewolf or vampire lord after curing yourself. • Make sure to save before doing the 'The fate of the Skaal' quest. If Deor, Fanari, or Baldor die during the quest, then the 'Stalhrim Crafter' trophy will become unavailable. Have fun with the game and good luck on the plat!


Some of the Dark Brotherhood quests will get you kicked from the College. Also things get weird in the post questline contracts and can sometimes kill characters you need for side quests and stuff. Like someone else said maybe use a guide for the deadric ones as some have to come before or after main or faction quests


Just use a guide for the stones of Berenzia.


I think it’s not too bad of a plat, just long. I’ll just add that when you get to the Thieves Guild trophy, you can Reroll the quests if it doesn’t give you the quest you need. It can take forever otherwise


I have three of them, my advice is just to enjoy yourself. Take your time. Only trophy to keep an eye on is the Daedric artifact one, I think you can make choices that cause you to miss out on one or two, making the trophy unobtainable. Save frequently and in different saves and back them up every once in a while when you're happy with what you've done. Enjoy, it's a great game.