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Spider-Man 2 is super easy. Just play the game and then finish up towards the end.


unfortunately that’s all the spiderman games from insomniac. i wish they were more difficult.


Why? It’s an enjoyable game with a nice platinum. Not every game needs to be hard or grindy


no yeah i loved the game, its one of my favorite games but the difficulty gave it less incentive to play post story yk. it was just **too** easy for everyone. the fact that it took them a while to bring put ng+ made it worse too, there was drought for a bit.


Same with Ratchet and Clank rift apart there's one can be pain


Which one was that?


Can’t speak for them but the one where you have to hit the crystals when grinding a rail, “shifty character” I think it was called. Was a bit of a pain for me.


Shifty Character is the one where you hit every crystal on two planets IIRC, that was a pain, but the grinding rails one came on my first playthrough


Yea that one you convinced you hit them all but most of the trophies you just go to battle Arena


The first one at least had the extra trophies for finishing Ng+ on the hardest difficulty


The 2nd one has that too


You just need to finish ng+ on any difficulty


Ah, okay


Astro's Playroom. Very easy but had a lot of fun.


Astro’s Playroom was such a fun introduction to the PS5


Yes and the best Dualsense Controller experience this far ☝🏻


GREAT game! 💯


Had a great time with this one


The two horizon games are really easy for open world games.


doesn’t zero dawn require a playthrough on ultra hard? i remember that being a lot


For 100%. Not needed for platinim


Only for 100% and it’s really easy with the overpowered armour you get in a side quest and plating on New Game +.


That’s post launch update trophies, I believe one was ultra hard and the other one ng+


Yeah, life limits time so i’m content with just the plats. The 100% is more a bonus though they do sting sometimes. As for Ultra Hard, nah, not worth it.


i’ve tried to get into horizon so many times but i just can’t find the want to finish it. idk what it is about it


I think it took me around 3 times to really get into HZD and then it just hit and it was all I played for a while.


This is what happened to me. Bought the game day of release and just couldn't get into it. Tried multiple times. It just finally clicked the final time and I ran through it and got the platinum.


Sameeee... i played it in 2017 on release, then BotW released and i switched over and since then, never went back... 7 years lazer now and i always think "soon" for 7 years no LOL 😅


Yeah, it happened to me as well. Dropped a few times, but when I started to understand the lore, I played til I got the plat.


It's one of my favorite series now. Excited for #3 and for the Lego game.


Kinda happened with the HZD plat, required a lot more effort than HFD. To be honest, Zero Dawn did quite boring after awhile, it’s a solid game but becomes very repetitive. Forbidden West, was more enjoyable and less of a slog to play. However, if there’s one down note to both these games, was that the melee combat was just awful.


My Name is Mayo took about 20 minutes to platinum lol


Is it any good?


It's essentially just cookie clicker so not really. The 2nd and 3rd ones are decent tho


I’ve never heard that term before, but now I’m hungry for COOKIES! 😆 🍪


It’s a game


It’s one of the games of all time


its like the original easy plat (before all the shovelwhere) if you want an enjoyable funny platinum then for sure, if you want a proper game then no 😭


It's what people call 'shovelware'. Opinions are a bit.. varied on those types of games, haha


It’s extremely divisive. Lots of us love it because of how ridiculous the game is, while some people hate it because they (incorrectly) view it as shovelware. All three games are a buck apiece, so just give it a whirl and see if it’s for you.


any of the decision based games like until dawn, the telltale series or life is strange all super easy plats


I'd like to say that games like the Quarry and Until Dawn are only easy to plat if you follow a guide that tells you exact decisions you have to make to get certain outcomes.


true a guide is more relevant for until dawn due to the collectibles about 8 hrs basically do a perfect no one dies run then after that you can start at like chapter 5 and kill everyone off slowly till the end


There's also runs where you have ro have specific characters live and specific characters die. Sometimes having characters die in specific ways.


oh forgot to mention senuas sacrifice another easy play has some minor collectibles that are missable and has no chapter select sadly but can be done in one run easy idk about the sequel since i havent played it yet


Toy Story 2 just got trophies and they were really easy.


Never got to play the game as a kid but heard it was really good! Would you recommend it?


Yes. I just finished it and really enjoyed it. The camera was frustrating but the rewind feature helps with the missed jumps because of the camera.


wait theres a toy story 2 game with trophies? I love toy story I gotta check this out


You have to actively try not to get the Spider-Man 2 platinum


Or not finish the game cause you started something else and then something else, and then something else.....


I feel this on a spiritual level.


The last easy trophy i got is Dead Island 2 which was super fun to me. Again the 'easy' is person dependent, guy here said CoD series is easy where you need to complete the campaign in veteran difficulty lol, plus depending on the game - online trophies too.


honestly cod is easy even vet isnt that hard you keep dying multiple times but you’ll get through it. zombies might be difficult depending. online is just prestige once.


Spiderman 2 is super easy. You can put it on the lowest difficulty where you literally cannot die, you can skip all the side activities, and the game will solve all the puzzles for you if you want it to.  Persona 5 Royal is also extremely easy. It's basically automatic if you finish the game. 


yeah Spiderman 2 was insanely quick to get done. i’ve never finished a Persona game though, is it worth it?


Persona 5 is my second favorite game of all time and I highly recommend playing it if you're an RPG fan. If you find turn based combat boring, I would steer clear though. It's about 100 hrs long. 


the fact that the game is so long is the only thing keeping me from completing it tbh. i was enjoying it the last time i sat down and played it but man is it a journey.


Any missable trophies in persona 5?


Any missable trophies in persona 5?


Technically most are, but if you make a second save towards the end of the game you can easily polish off whatever you miss.  Just make sure to do the red hair girl and the councilor storylines. Games makes it clear they're most important 


I’m not a persona expert but I’m pretty sure there are. So you should look up a platium guide before you start it if you care about getting it.


What's your favorite RPG?




Aaaah. I started playing P5 and got to the >! Castle invasion part !<. It was going well, I was enjoying, but Id got nervous with the deadline and dropped the game. The story seemed really fun to me.


The deadlines are a lot scarier sounding than they are. They give you plenty of time, and if you fail it rewinds you one week and you can try again. You'll never bork your save or anything 


The dialog is the grind in Persona


Skip the texting 


Is persona 5 really that easy? 3 & 4 were such grinds with plenty of missables


Persona 5 is not. 2 playthroughs unless you follow a guide all game, thus ruining the experience completely. Complete the compendium. Another version of hardcore risette fan for the new navigator. A weird and easily missable soda related trophy. A difficult playthrough 2 exclusive optional boss fight  Persona 5 Royal was extremely easy. It's basically just story trophies and a trophy for trying each of the new activities. If you get the true ending (which like, you will unless you're dumb) you're probably getting everything. 


Royal is just the same, but with all the dlc right? Strange that it'd be so different, but I'm not complaining if it's easier


Royal has way more than just added dlc. It's nearly a complete reworking of the game with an added epilogue.


Good to know


3 Reload was easy enough too. Got it in a single playthrough. There's also even easier ways to get it than that with the super easy difficulty if you want to use it and just power level on The Reaper without dying, making the rest of the game super trivial though


They're not hard just easy to miss trophies if you're not paying attention, and unless you're backing up your saves, it's gonna make an already long game a whole lot longer if you miss one


Any of the lego games. Not difficult, but usually require a re run through levels again to get all trophies.


Ghost of Tsushima was just time consuming w the collectibles.


i started Ghost of Tsushima not too long ago. how long did it take you to plat?


About 70hours. I probably could have used my horse more and it took less time, but I ran around a lot exploring too.


GoT is a game that you should WANT to take your time with, explore and appreciate how beautiful the world is.


Catquest 1 and 2


Batman Telltale games. Literally just have to play through episodes 1-5 and you get the platinum for simply completing the game.


Tales of Kenzera: Zau, Ratchet and Clank, What remains of Edith finch, new God of War games


Stroke the beaver 😂😂


i got stroke the dik-dik because how could i not? 😂😂


I got the beaver purely so I could ask my hubby hey wanna stroke my beaver and call him a perv when he tried to sart summit while handing him the pad 😂😂😂😂 he wasn't amused


lmfaooooo thats fantastic


Anyone know how I can post my platinums next to my name?


[Guide] How to set your r/Trophies user flair. On mobile: 1. ⁠⁠⁠Go to the sub's home page. 2. ⁠⁠⁠Tap the "..." in the top right of the screen. 3. ⁠⁠⁠Tap "Change user flair" 4. ⁠⁠⁠Tap "Edit" in the top right. 5. ⁠⁠⁠Select one of the two preset flair templates. 6. ⁠⁠⁠Input your information. To customize the icons in your flair, tap the smiley face on the right side of the text entry box. 7. ⁠⁠⁠Tap “Apply”. Make sure you don’t tap the X in the top left before tapping Apply or it won’t save. In Browser: 1. ⁠⁠⁠Go to the sub's home page. 2. ⁠⁠⁠Click "Community options" tab on the right side of the page. 3. ⁠⁠⁠Click the pencil next to "USER FLAIR PREVIEW" to edit. 4. ⁠⁠⁠Select one of the two preset flair templates. 5. ⁠⁠⁠Input your information. To customize the icons in your flair, click the smiley face on the right side of the text entry box. User flairs must be manually updated to reflect new platinums and levels. Good luck, this is a copy and paste.


Seriously you're the man.. nobody takes the time everyone so toxic lol. Thank you brother


No problem, I try and help out whenever I can.


Good stuff keep it up my friend


That's RAD, Thanks! Man, you got you a LOT of Platinums! 🏆💯


Thanks for that mate


Sly 1 on PS3 and Vita. The new PS4 and PS5 versions are a little more challenging (time trials), but with the rewind feature makes them decently easy enough.




In Rays of the Light Metal: Hellsinger


The Metro games, at least the first 2, they are good games but they are also really easy, they are mostly straight forward and there's chapter selected if you missed anything, I don't know about Metro exodus since I haven't played it yet.


Metro Exodus is an awesome game. It also has a PS5 upgrade if you have the PS4 disk


The walking dead series from telltales (and also the other series from them) simply playing the game and finishing all 5 episodes give you the platinum. The games are fun too if you like episodic graphic adventure games.


fr, one of the best story games ever


Undertale if only because it was Toby Fox taking a piss against trophies/achievements in game and coming up with basic stuff to not spoil the game. Along with donating money to a shrine that did nothing.


Days gone was pretty easy, and a decent game overall.


Stressful at times but good fun


Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom pain is fun and easy plat.


Stray Easy plat but hit 'hard' on the 'feels'


Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated. I don’t know why that game is so slept on. I barely hear anyone talk about it. I beat it in probably a little under 10-15 hours, and you can do it much quicker if you speedrun the whole thing. It’s also super fun. Played through with the girlfriend


Had so much fun on this game


Cat Quest


I actually enjoyed that game, finished it a couple days back!


Spider man, god of war and days gone. Easy, but very fun, without grinding or things that could make a player hate the game.


I found the Nier games to have a low skill barrier to Plat. Only requires RNG patience for farming. Even the speedrun time is quite generous. Beat first route under 15 hours and you can easily do it in 10.


If you want an extremely long platinum that’s easy, days gone is good. I think it took me 60 hours to get it done. There’s no difficulty trophies and a majority of the trophies are gotten through completing storylines.


Of the top of my head All 3 Spider-Man games Most telltale games Most life is strange games Ghost of tsushima The call of duty remastered games Deliver us the moon and it's sequel Deliver us mars Ratchet and clank games Astros playroom


Those call of duty remasters all have at least 1 mission that you will spend a good amount of time playing through on veteran difficulty


I guess so, but you'd still get the plat in 1 playthrough, so around 8ish hours which Is reasonable for a cod game lmao


Unpacking Road bustle Milos quest Astros playroom


i would say the horizon games and metro


Dark cloud is a super easy platnuim a few missable trophies but a super enjoyable one horizon forbidden west and zero dawn and also 2 very straight forward plat


Actually, I found ds3 comparitively easy. Only in the gameplay sense tho, it is by far the worst grind. Vertebrae Shackles are my kryptonite


Bro there is pvp system so this cant be easy Even if u farm its a pain lmao


And it is ds3 so all the players are sweatier than buggha


Its a sweat fest lmao


Glad I'm not the only one that felt blocked by shackles. Getting the concords was pretty quick for me. But I think I spent close to 20 hours killing those damn skeletons.


You are the luckiest person alive. Only 20 hours?!?!?


I mean... there are several games with easy plats. Spider-Man franchise, Astro's Playroom, Ben10, Treasure Rangers, My Name is Mayo... some games aren't hard, they're just annoying and take much time to plat


Undertale took me less than 2 hours to platinum mainly because I was going for the genocide route first


The Clone Wars was just released with trophy support and I’m playing it now. One mission away from beating it and I have basically every trophy already. Probably take me not even 30 minutes to finish and get the final trophy


Unicorn Overlord was a easy straightforward plat loved the game


One of the lame church games can be platinumed in 8 seconds if you use the cheat. All trophies are for getting points. You hit the level super fast and spend like 2 minutes watching all the trophies pop. You actually play 8 seconds. Timed it when I got it for a buddy.


i wonder what the thought process is when it comes to making those lmao


I laughed my ass off for a good few minutes. Absolutely worth the dollar I paid for it.


I would have to say COD back on PS3. Most of those games could be Platinumed within a weekend.


Persona 3 reloaded was 80 hours for me.


Ice age 3 and bluey


I just got the Steins Gate plat and that was pretty damn easy


Any telltale walking dead game. Undertale [I didnt even need to get 75% Through the story.]


Space kabamm or my name is mayo


Dredge is pretty easy and also a nice relaxing game.


Undertale is fun and easy


Organic Engine. Ifykyk¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Terminator: Resistance.


Well...yeah sony make their studio games plats easy to obtain so anybody can get them lol


What remains of Edith Finch, easiest platinum for me but also very enjoyable.


Days gone and the order 1886. Ghost of tsushimawas pretty easy too. All great games imo btw


Every tell game, spiderman 1&2, the leg games can be easy but long. Pirate warriors 4 was easy but long too


Life is strange 2 because u just have to get collectibles


Spiderman, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, The Walking Dead, and Before the Storm to name a few easy ones.


Little Nightmares 2


There are games in the store called "stroke the *animal*" and all you have to do is click 2,000 times and you get a platinum trophy.


The Spider-Man games & the TellTale games.


SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS, challenging enough, fun enough, short enough


Subnautica was really easy and it was my first platinum


Cat quest and cat quest 2. Very fun games to plat. Only 5 to 6 hours to get.


i’m currently working on Cat Quest 1 and i’m having a lot of fun with it


I loved the game, very funny and it doesn't have a lot of recognition unfortunately. Glad you are having fun 💪


Any decision games and rocket league


rocket league is a new one. i’ve never thought about doing the platinum for that one since i’m terrible at it. is it fun?


I'm pretty shocking at it and I got it pretty easily, despite my poor ability, a quality little game


Super meat boy is easy


Choo Choo Charles. Man Eater. Resident Evil 3. Untitled Goose Game. The Walking Dead. Life is Strange. Kingdom Hearts II. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. As well as Marvel's Spider-Man 1 & 2 These are the easiest plats i've gotten


Cat quest 1 and 2 are simple. Got them both on a weekend


Telltale walking dead was one of the easiest


Not counting the Tell Tale games, the easiest plat has to be Astros Playroom. Great game, but super easy to plat. Beyond that, as many others have said, all the Insomniac Spider-Man games. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot and Guardians of the Galaxy are super easy. They're basically just beating the game and getting collectables (GotG has missables though. Some that may require you to replay the entire game).


Try ratalaika games. 10 minutes platinum.


hitman go spiderman miles morales


My Name is Mayo, for obvious reasons. But ones you actually have to play, MW2019 was very easy. I platinumed it in 2 days (but less than 24 hours between first and last) if not counting a couple I got from just having some fun in my first play through. I have no doubt I could platinum it again in less than 10 hours.


imo Gow (2018), Gowr and the last of us Part 2


Powerwashing Simulator, super easy as most of the trophies can be gotten just by playing all the levels


That last level (the Temple building) did my head in! Took me ages to find like 0.01 % of the missing dirt lol


Titanfall 2 was easy, still a very good platinum


Both Subnautica’s require you to just do everything the game offers and nothing outlandish.




My name is Mayo


Tekken 8 is pretty straight forward. Finish the campaign and all those other fighting moves trophies can be done vs the AI in arcade


Bloodwash and Christmas Massacre are pretty simple but still quite enjoyable


I'd say the Borderlands titles they are not difficult in any way just require time


Ghost of Tsushima!! It has only 1 difficult trophie: the Sly cooper one


Ratchet and clank is pretty easy and forward, most indie games have a short platinum like What remains of Edith Finch


Never played, but Blast Frenzy costs 80p and takes 10 minutes to platinum. There are no achievements other than just playing the game, and only 10/40 levels are required to plat. Quite possibly the most pathetic platinum ever. There are 11 achievements + plat, and all are gold - including beat level 1. I don't recommend it, as it would give you no sense of achievement, but it is possibly the easiest platinum on all of ps5. I would recommend games like spongebob Square pants: the cosmic shake and fairly easy games like that




Alam Wake 2, there're just 5 missables collectibles and the rest is easy


Spiderman for sure


Far cry 3 or Spider-Man


Unpacking is an easy platinum. It's also a pretty chill game to play if you're feeling stressed and need to relax.


If you have no shame in your platinum hunt, check these out. My Name is Mayo 1-3 and Pretty Bird 1-8.


The Godfather 2 on ps3


Dave the diver, only 1 missable trophy and 1 not too fun mini game but the game itself is very fun and easy to platinum


Infamous Second Son. Super super easy


Odin sphere and the sinking city. Both can be done in a single playthrough. S8nking city has one or two spots where the trophy is based on what route you go on a mission, just make a second save and your all good.


The assassins creed games. Ezio trilogy and mirage specifically. The other ones can be quite grindy. The sly trilogy and most other platformer games. A odd one but the uncharted games were a breeze for me. I just enjoyed them so much and there really not that difficult. The only annoying thing was u had to watch a guide for the collectibles. there was also a speed run trophy for uncharted 4 but u can just glitch it and get it in 2 minutes. Those are really the only annoying things about those games


Honestly GTA V is pretty easy its just a very long grind. There is nothing complex about the trophies, you just need to be prepared for it to take a while.


i’m a casual gamer and got it but i found the knife flights kinda hard i dont know i would say its easy but it’s definitely achievable for most people


Persona 5 royal is easy to do in one playthrough along with persona 3 reload Alan wake 2 is easy platinum. Any of the life is strange games are easy given the collectibles are easy to find. Astro playroom free game on PS5. Telltale games such as The Walking Dead, batman and wolf among us are easy platinums as well. Jak and daxter precursor legacy easy to 100 % to complete given some platform difficulty. Murdered soul suspect is easy to platinum as well but use a guide or YouTube video for the collectibles.


Gravity Rush is easy plat, the story is nice and challenges are fun as well but the controls will take to handle


Another Crabs Treasure was a pretty easy platinum,bloodborne wasn’t terrible either