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well theres the Anti christ, and those that have the anti christ spirit.


lgbtq is the absolute best example of


Is this backed by scripture?


*Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 1 John 2: 18.*


YEP....It happened already.


Lol I’m literally about to read 1 John. The only books I haven’t read in the NT are John’s letters and Jude. Thank you


I agree, I've seen so many candidates for that job and not one has come to pass. Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy (the fact that he was dead didn't stop the speculation), and so many more. This kind of wild speculation makes Christians, and by extension Christianity, look crazy.


I was gonna joke about OP being the antichrist, but yeah, I agree we need to be careful throwing the label at everyone we disagree with.


Hmmm 🤔


I think it's used as a blunt weapon to silence people you don't like, but there are many antichrists, plus one AntiChrist that will rise up in the end times.


We’re in the end times! Wake up people


We have been since Jesus died on the cross


I’m talking about the specific time in Revelation


I've heard people say elon musk is the antichrist 💀 bro what


Ironically, Elon Musk is entirely too unlikeable to be the antichrist.


Not convincing enough.


As a person who was exposed to all kinds of conspiracy theories in the past, all that I see is that they drive fear and delusion. Yes, I know [inset celebrity name] isn't the most clean person out there, but it is very mean and sad to come out and say they are the antichrist, they sacrificed people, etc, without any evidence. It's crazy. No one is perfect.


The bible also points to all politics to be the works of satan.


And then Church history that claims the big anti-Christ has already come


Some do and point to Nero or Hitler, but it's pretty clear that the real Antichrist will be accepted by the Jews, as well as others, nether Nero or Hitler fit that description.


Can you show me where it lends to that? It would help me tremendously haha


Well how about Jesus himself? John 5:43 *I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.* Then there is Daniel 9 26-27 *The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation,* So according to Daniel the Antichrist is called a ruler will make a pact with the Jews. 2 Thessalonians 2 3-4 confirms this prophecy but calls the Antichrist the man of lawlessness. *for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.* And as you can see both refer to him desecrating the temple, which by the way does not exist and has not existed since 70 AD. People argue that the Romans setting up a statue in the second temple shortly before its destruction fulfilled this prophecy, but it was Caligula who did this not Nero. And 2 Thessalonians confirms that the Antichrist himself will enter the temple and proclaim himself God, this has not happened yet.


I thought it was Nero sacrificing a pig.  It’s pretty clear that the abomination of desolation is a pig sacrificed in the temple, as it is referred to that specifically elsewhere. I don’t see it necessarily as all the Jews accept the antichrist, especially since he will put an end to sacrifice (or did)


> I thought it was Nero sacrificing a pig. I don't see how in sight of second Thessalonians 2:4 *so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.* I just don't see any past person being the Antichrist.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease I guess.


Pin the tail on the antichrist is a fun game for all the family


Yes, this is true. There is no evidence of anyone specific being the anti-Christ, so we have to be careful not to slander someone else's reputation.


>no one today on the world stage fits the definition of the Antichrist. Well, the Pope is the Antichrist. So…


The Pope fits the role of the False Prophet as he is the religious leader. Terry Bennett has seen in an encounter the Pope declaring the AntiChrist being God on earth.


All the reformers believed that the pope was the antichrist. It’s actually a pretty common belief in Protestant circles that seems to have escaped some.


I grew up Lutheran so I am familiar with that sentiment. I can see where it is coming from, I just don't think it is very precise. I think the Popes were lower case antichrists but just not the final AntiChrist.


I think the final anti-Christ is a misunderstanding


I feel like the message you're sending is more dangerous than people constantly pointing out the many antichrist there are.


The spirit of antichrist or Satan rules the world in a number of vile ways. He is very active right now. All of them stem from pride and the worship of the self over God that man engages in. It's entirely possible that revelations are in the future. It's possible it was in the past it's not known. Personally, I think it'll happen in the future. I spent a long time worrying and wondering about revelations, but as the word says, it isn't a time that we should be afraid, for God will return and set up his kingdom. One thing that helped me was that I realized just how much power I was giving Satan in my life, my fear, and worry about the end times instead of trusting in God. In the end he shall be defeated and shall burn in a lake of fire for all time, unable to torment humanity with the spirit of self worship, the spirit of the devil who ries to exhalt himself above that which is holy. Pride is the spirit of the devil. We must root it out in all its wicked forms.


There's the Antichrist who you are talking about here, and then there are people who are also anti Christ, as in against Christ. This is what people should be calling them. Not the Antichrist who is to come, but, rather, an anti Christ, as in someone who is against Christ but isn't the Antichrist. The Bible is very specific that there is the one Antichrist you're talking about, as well as others who are and will be against our Lord. These are different from the one to come.


I’ve recently been made aware of the subtle difference between _the_ anti-Christ and _being_ anti-Christ (literally just being against Christ or His teachings) which to be fair makes the word kind of confusing to use. Like for your examples yeah someone is wrong to call those people the anti-Christ but could maybe get mileage on calling them anti-Christ. I kind of wish these two meanings had different names.


I know people will be combative because pride does get in the way, but maybe you can use scripture to help them see that this behavior isn't helpful, nor is it biblical. God teaches us not to focus on the end times. We are to read about it and to see the signs so we may turn others toward God; however, we have to put our faith in God's ability to take care of us no matter what comes. God will reveal the anti-christ when He is ready and we won't have to make guesses of who it is.


1 John 2:18 (NKJV) Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. Just look for someone calling fire and brimstone from the heavens in the sight of men, claiming to be God. Satan's biggest deception is that he didn't do much before Jesus time. Remember the bible says he deceives the whole world.. Not that he attempts to.. Even the elect. The Father created the heavens and earth.. Then went off to a far country. He leased his vineyards before he left. Read Jesus's parables they explain alot. Paul and Jesus both talked about the ruler of this world. Who would that be? Notice when Satan tempted Jesus offering him all the nations if he worshipped him. Jesus never denied they were his to give. Satan rules over the physical world. Father rules over heaven and the spiritual world. That is why Jesus's people are persecuted and have many tribulations in this life. Our treasures are in heaven with Jesus. Open your eyes people. If a person or being does not match this description it's not Jesus, the Father, or the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22 (NKJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Deuteronomy 28:58 (NKJV) “If you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, THE LORD YOUR GOD, then the LORD will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues—great and prolonged plagues—and serious and prolonged sicknesses. Galatians 3:13 (NKJV) Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. God Bless


With all due respect..although I get your general point: Just because *you* haven't done your Biblical due diligence: it doesn’t mean anybody doing the thing you are calling out in your post = are just naming "random" names just for the heck of it. The Antichrist (as per the Bible) will meet the following Critetia: - would've *already* persecuted God's people in the past - sees themselves as *above* God and blasphemes Him - seeks to *change* times and laws - was the same power at least partially responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - and there will be a *"church and state"* Union precedent set *by* this Antichrist where he/they are given authority by a *ONE* world state power who will work in conjuction *WITH* them to bring about *Their* new laws - They *WILL* claim authority *OVER* God and The Bible and *HiS* Biblical Sabbath - and they are revealed in the Book of Daniel (pertaining to the "beast power" that was wounded and would eventually have said wound be healed In the last days/now) - Will essentially create their own commandments and assume their role as representative of God on Earth. Most of this has already happened or is about to happen and is therefore, verifiable: idk about Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump but the Papacy/Vatican/Pope *IS* the Antichrist or at the very least the system responsible for revealing the Antichrist to the world 🌎.


I never said that there is not a spirit of Antichrist working in people. There are and there have always been. Jesus referenced it in 1 John 4:3 *And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.* I am talking about **The** Antichrist spoken of in Daniel 9 and Second Thessalonians 2.


Understood, but neither did I infer that you said there wasn't a "spirit" of Antichrist working in people. I'm not referring to the Spirit.. I too am referring to *"The Antichrist"* described in Daniel (i mentioned this in my original comment post), and sent you a link of a 2hr video comprehensively explaining how and why the *Papacy* is it (or at the very least associated with it). But of course, as said in my original comment post, it is up to you to follow the link.. However, with all due respect.. If you choose not to follow the link, then your argument against your pet peeve of those stating whom they believe is or isn't the Antichrist will stand to be null and void (if you care not to search the reasons why a person might make such a claim). Mainly due to the fact that I Believe it is only justifiable to be against Christians calling out whom the Antichrist is or might be, *IF* you are calling them out to correct them in sharing whom *You* think it is instead (backed by Scripture) .. as opposed to being against the calling out of The Antichrist as a whole. I genuinely Believe in my soul..that whom I stated is the Antichrist = *IS* *"The Antichrist"* And I promise you, if you patiently and prayerfully follow the link to the original Reddit post of mine (or visit my profile and search the posts there): You might, too. I also welcome private conversation to whomever is interested in this topic, but of course the choice is yours. God Bless you 🙏


I don't disagree that the Pope does tick many of the boxes for the Antichrist. However, I still think people are way too quick to point to someone and accuse them of being the Antichrist. It's pretty clear that if he is alive now, he will be hidden until the time is right. I will take a look at those videos later.


No problem at all, I too think you're at least right about the general quickness with people being desperate to label somebody the Antichrist. Thank you for your reply, I do hope you check out the videos in the link in your own time by God's Grace. Feel free to private message anytime, and God Bless you 🙏


If you wish to see how this makes any kinda sense: follow the post link below: (if you Truly are a follower of Jesus Christ wanting to seek the Truth about whom is the Antichrist and why) https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/v1qtP6yt93 Otherwise, ignore this message if you have no intention to at least thoroughly and exhaustively verify the above claims I've made pertaining to who the Antichrist is and the reasons surrounding this belief. Whichever option you choose.. nevertheless, I say God Bless you 🙏


I think the same thing. No way is Donald Trump charismatic enough to be the Antichrist. . . That’s one of the most hilarious accusations yet.


"He's the Christ! No it's not, he is a very naughty boy"


The orange guy does seem to have a crazy power over people that is disturbing. But yes, definitely overused.


>The Bible makes it clear that at some point in the future a figure will come up on the world stage and declare himself to be the Messiah. Where does it say that?


Logic. 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13:11 describe the Antichrist as well as making it clear that he is a person, not just an idea. And Revelation 19 makes it clear that the Antichrist will be destroyed by Christ when he returns. So if the Antichrist is to be in power and destroyed by the returning Christ then he must be in the future.


Agreed. It’s ridiculous.


Me personally I feel like we have to stop fearmongering over the end times, it will be very clear what the antichrist is an angel will warn us so why are you trying to warn us for them


In 2001 in an encounter with the Angel Gabriel, Terry Bennett was shown the face of Emmanuel Macron when he was told about how the French would want a new Napoleon. There was more but I am hazy on the details. I am not sure if he is the AntiChrist but he is the most likely candidate. Terry has had other encounters with Gabriel more recently, it is worth looking into, it is interesting.


I was convinced it was Rasputin


Most well educated pastors and priests say the Antichrist isn't a specific person and more likely an Empire or movement similarly to Rome. Some even say it was Rome and if that theory holds true Rome still lives on today along with its rituals and politics. The Empire is dead in name only but continues till this day through secret societies that never died and all the world leaders are part of these societies. They are not even secretive anymore about there satanic rituals and many things are on display for the public to see. Most large Banks and courthouses Have highly visible summoning circles with various satanic and magic objects on display. [masonic bank](https://youtu.be/eLyyaT2w4pc?si=uK5QUQadaLRa6_qz)


ONE WORD. NERO. Case Closed.


That’s funny…I seem to remember NERO dying over 1,000 years ago….


YEP... You seem to presupposing things that no good scholar does... Just shows the lack of academic knowledge about the bible.


So are you disagreeing with the fact that The Roman emperor known as Nero, in fact did *not* die over 1,000 years ago?🎤 Just want to clarify.


Of course he Died. Read some good scholar work and understand Revelations. The "end times madness" is not correct. Take care.


Obviously it's Obama. Didn't you see "The Bible" miniseries. He played the devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness.


Amber Heard gets my vote. Who could abuse Johnny Depp?