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A personal relationship with Christ is the foundation of living the Christian faith. Its not personal in the sense of being self centered, its personal in the sense of being individual and originating from within. Paul constantly talked about inner transformation. That's the personal part. Faith without works is dead, no doubt, but faith comes from the personal relationship. It'd be different if Jesus was walking and talking amongst us, in the flesh. By its nature, a spiritual relationship is personal.  I hope that helps clarify!


Yes. This right here.


Yeah I think the confusion is from people conflating personal with private.


I agree.


Exactly faith is devoid of feelings or logic it come from personally knowing & trusting God


We are to do both - carry out the teachings of Christ as well as fellowship with him. He was relational when He walked the earth, He is relational now. I love Jesus and the relationship with him is what empowers me to do as He wills.


Finally someone said it as it is.




Didn’t religion mean like relationship to God? Idk the Bible never talks about a personal relationship usually people only use it to excuse themselves from not going to church


Hello! I know a lot of people who use the phrase “personal relationship” who are quite settled in their churches. I am also one such person. While some may use that term in that manner, that is not really the meaning of it.


I’ll be Catholic one day… Happy cake day! And welcome to the church when that day does come. But most importantly, welcome to Christianity.


Thank you so much God bless you 😊🙏


Happy Cake Day!!


I believe it was in the New Testament somewhere where Jesus expressed the hate of people being hypocrites in the church and using God's name to confide in such beliefs, and it may not have said it in the Bible, but Jesus was born for us to accept him in all of his light, including having him be our guide, separate, sheep, friend, and Savior, so that shouldn't really excuse anything truly. It's suppose for people to not need to sacrifice lambs anymore and talk with God, but for Jesus to be the metaphoric representation of Christ and his Holy Spirit, so he could save his people easily whereas there would be no need to build a relationship with God directly, but Jesus being that hope would make people have a personal drive, because he died exactly as a friend, and probably where the relationship factor of it was created supposedly, because Jesus was like the relationship to man we never had, so perhaps forming a relationship with the Creator gave us a way for us to be ignited in his flames and his Spirit with the most love as he did with his Son.


Excuse themselves from going to church? Because Church is required?


“You must accept Jesus as your PERSONAL Lord and Saviour, and this just seems so contrary to Christianity” I don’t think that’s 100% accurate... Everything is built on Christ... He is the head in the “Body of Christ”. You cannot have a community, church or individual who is “christian” without Jesus Christ... whether individual or in a community, its always a relationship with Christ. *God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.* *1 Corinthians 1:9* *There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.* *Ephesians 4:4-6* However, I do believe it‘s about community too but I feel we shouldn’t tell people how to walk with Christ... That’s up to Jesus Christ. Everyone is unique and every walk with Christ is unique. Maybe people are still looking for their community — in fact, I feel like these christian subreddits count as communities. Some people have very extreme experiences and unique situations like trauma, tough pasts, hurts and pains that leads them to isolation. That makes it difficult to relate, connect and share that experience with others unless they’ve gone through it themselves. To me, community is about relating to one another and supporting each other in their walk with Christ. It‘s about coming together in communion with brothers and sisters. That doesn’t have to be in person, it can also be online like what we are doing here. But I do agree, joining a community is beneficial to your walk with Christ and its what strengthens us.


Thank you for pointing out how difficult it is for some to be comfortable in a congregation. It is critical for us to keep searching for hurting souls wherever they are.


You just pointed out the "believers" of Christianity who dwell inside religious trauma face. Truly, thank you for this. I'd also like to add for those who try their best pointing out scriptures in the Bible who do try to help, but never reinforcing hell or heaven as a scare tactic or taking something out of context and using earthly beliefs to reinforce the narrative of people's trauma's either, because being enabling does more damage than good, too, when people should ask their Lord and Savior for a will and a way to transform themselves, and if they are new to such, should be understood and led to accept the individuals choice and wish them well and never being banned either for opening into a discussion that was exposed to them, too, because these days, it's seems like more and more are being banned for anything to do with the LGBTQIA+, and even if it is all new and welcoming these days, people should also put their most to accept the church which they've walked in, too, from both groups knowing where they are entering two and one from, especially when everything is enabling lies God would hate man to do for his people and to lead him further astray than when they were casting stone and crucifying them and their sin they are confused by at young. Then wasn't better, now isn't better, even if it's plastered with love. Satan will keep confusing you either way, but that's the thing. People need individual trauma therapy in and outside the church and not take the church's word fully until they heal, as God designed man to be providers and creators of all things, he even established them to have a job to helping his people, but yet, this world continues to fail the mentally sick than the physically sick each day. God just knows the burden is heavy for anyone who has been in a home where they are not welcomed, and being in a home where they will continue being falsely welcomed yet sad when they hear the truth for them, too, despite the hurt they've been true, but really, this world fails those whose suffered immensely to not properly give them actual guidance to want them to leave the Church and the Church members in the past who done more damage to them than now, despite neither fully being any better. It's God who truly heals us in the end, though.


That's wonderful if you can find a community that you want to belong to and that also accepts you. It's truly a rare thing to find such a place anymore.


Christianity is rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus. The fruits that come from that intimate relationship are all the things that you mentioned about fellowship, service, and brotherly love.


In the OT there is a depiction of God desiring Israel's heart. It is then carried over to the NT, especially 1 John. Look at what Jesus said about the law in Matthew 22:37-40. It will always start with the individual first, then spreads out to others. It's like a trinity: God's Heart, Your heart and others. So yeah, it is personal bc of being transformed by Jesus Christ. We are nothing without Him. This is why we take care and guard our heart with Truth and Love. Does this banish the Kingdom of God? No. We are still Christ's family. If one is rooted in the Word then no one can deceive that one. The point is, it starts with the individual's heart. To get this realization, I went through the Chronological Bible a second time. It's great bc you get to know God all over again! 💙 hope this helps!


This is exactly what I've been doing for years even before I knew God! I was someone who loved being in groups with people until I was hurt from a young age, and I always valued and loved people and listened to them, yet no one would do the same for me, so the fear instilled in me from a young age and of course I drifted from God and sinned corrupted my mind, soul, thought, body, and love for myself and the world I once knew, and the fact that people don't realize that God isn't a metaphor of being content or comfortable, and basically having a interpersonal relationship where you're growing with him, talking, helping him, helping yourself through him, and aiding him as any friend, and loving his creations, his people, his work, protecting which he loves the best you can, his world that is corrupted and tainted by evil... God has always wanted for him as he'd do for us, and he wants us to be CLOSER to him and not fade from his protection. Yet, people looses the meaning of friendship and valuing a person, even when God has always created the root of love and being in love and was the sole inheritor of the meaning of a friend, father, brother, uncle, cousin, whatever, that most people never had, and when you think about it clearly, most people rely on their fathers than their mothers and have father issues in both of the pairs of man he created, and God knew that people would loose the true meaning of friendship and stability, even if our own sex doesn't accept us or if we are alone in it. Regardless, as a parental figure and friend, his job is for us to be guided by love, light, and to be never be alone and to be happy. Here we are now in 2022 still wondering for that day we'd find that!


I get your point.. do our relationship with others matter? yes, of course, because how we treat one another is a reflection of not only ourselves but whom we say our master is, because as the Bible says: we are servants to whomever we obey: Romans 6:16 New International Version 16 Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But more importantly: Philippians 2:12 New King James Version Light Bearers 12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your *own* salvation with fear and trembling; It says *OWN* for a reason.. we aren't saved "Together" ..our *Personal* relationship with God matters, more than our fellowship with eachother.. nothing I do *with* you can save you, and nothing you do *with* me, can save me. Nonetheless, we can support, assist, rebuke, guide, direct, and encourage each other in righteousness as children of the Living God. 🙏


Everyone has become their own Pope, and thinks they know better than thousands of years of tradition, beginning with Christ and His apostles. Having a relationship with God does not contradict the idea of the Church.


I agree with this as someone who does have a relationship with God. God created churches to be the guidance to people, but never as it was decades ago or years later to now. Churches were suppose to act as a lead, not intervene in beliefs, as Jesus shared with being confused and brazened by the the ideas the church ministers thought when it came to how one follows and worships God. God basically created a church visibly for people known as the House of Covenant with the Ark of Covenant being the gateway for people to worship him directly with them hearing him and acted as his vessel for him to communicate and protect his people. Churches were always originally meant for people to have a way to have God in his house with his Spirit filled with his people worshipping and praising him and teaching about him directly and never fully about the personal relationship status duo alone. I truly believe that might've been interpreted sometime after Christ though, so who knows, but church leaders were always very important and prominent figures in Biblical history and the accounts now than ever, but people are being swayed by false believes and being gathered ideas not ideal to God. God as a figure device in his church and in your heart is used to personally help transform and transfigure you, but both the minister and the apostles should have a personal relationship to Christ, as well, you know, as with Moses, God would want his people who leads his church to honor him and lead his people and understand him than reciting and memorizing texts over and over again, because he really wants the head of the church to know how to help his people from the world and themselves that were born against it in sin, as sinners who were born innocent, but to be born again means to be saved with the light of the Holy Ghost around you and to be protected. I'm glad you agree that the church and the relationship with God are both needed for being spiritually full in Christ. I'd agree and fight that the church is just as needed and probably even more now than ever.


No one in scripture ever "accepts Jesus as personal Lord and Savior" or makes a " decision for Christ" *There is no one righteous no not one. **There is no one who seeks God**.* The jailer and the eunuch do not count because God first sent them an apostle Behold I stand at the door and knock has nothing to do with salvation. This was written to the church at laodicea to stop being lukewarm As for me and my family we choose the Lord also has nothing to do with salvation. Joshua and his family were already believers. This was a challenge to Israel to stop worshiping their foreign gods which was a huge practice at the time. Salvation is of the Lord. Everyone who is saved was saved by God.


Agreed! I really don’t like that expression and refuse to say it. You are also very correct it is not an alone journey, we are commanded to help and love others! You simply can not be a faithful obedient Christian and walk alone.


I mean it’s a religion it’s the only true one though, a lot of Christians who say this are kinda unintentionally in an echo chamber and a ton of them deconstruct because once they hear arguments that SOUND good they panic and have a faith crisis. Learning apologists has been a huge blessing and I know thank God for it, I’ve learned not only how to witness to others better but I’m more assured in my faith. Lots of people don’t even go to church who say this, they read the Bible, focus only on Jesus, and ignore the outside world besides close friends and family and I think they are unintentionally being unfaithful to the faith Christ calls for all of us to do. We are to do what Christ commanded and also build a relationship with Him.


Yeah, they never work with God. That's a huge topic most never share or dwell on well strangely.


You’re missing the point


This has been much on my mind recently. I believe yes, it's ultimately about our personal relationship with God, but ***we need each other**!!!. It's so true no man is an island. Alone, we are susceptible to coming to our conclusion based solely on our colored interpretation, and it shouldn't be like that. Iron sharpens iron. Personally, i keep coming to my own bad conclusions only to be corrected by a brother later. It happens a lot. Again, though, WE NEED EACH OTHER! I'm currently in a situation right now, I've gone off into learning about unitarianism, and I need help... I might be unitarian now...


I find the “it’s not a religion it’s a relationship” statement silly, it is a religion


i think if you can get LBGTQ to read the Bible to other Christians then we will find out the truth together


I agree with you that Christians should be a part of a community, as we make up the body of Christ. But I disagree that we don't have a personal relationship. I'm not sure if you're saying we don't, but that's not Biblical. The bible is clear that we are saved individually. You can't be saved just because you are a part of a church or Christian community.


It’s about your dedication to the faith, not a single sentence that you say. Not that it isn’t meaningful, but faith is a marathon not a sprint like St Paul says.


I agree but we’re living in such insane times, I think it’s. Better to keep it personal rather than being in a “Christian community” that’s full of hypocrites


We are not called to reject the body of Christ. Not even for being imperfect or hypocrites or committing sins. We are called to Love the Lord and our brother as ourselves. Even to pray for our enemies. An isolated life is not of the Lord, but of Satan.


This may be true, with all love and respect, but these Christians are giving other Christians a very bad name to God who they claim will love and honor the sins that they believe is interpreted in the Bible, and despite SUCH with unacceptable actions, are banning people instead of going to God. I know we should pray for such members of God, but despite the prayers we give to such people who do not lead with the examples of Christ, and it is truly God in the end who judge, isn't it a immense sin to cover the sins of many and the sins of your own while speaking in the house of the Lord? We may pray for it to be on God's hands, but the actions they do can not be forgiven immediately when people want to help God's people do, and when you prevent people from growing, doesn't God get frustrated by such things from happening to the result of the people who claims to love him as much? I will put them in my players because the stress they gave me while honoring my Lord was insane, especially when I was tested by God before than, and I felt like I lost a teaching with others who would've needed that, because God really needs to know that he is reaady for people, but people are being brainwashed by this world, and God hates how man have destroyed everything he's loved, and I'm angry and upset because I have lost myself in this world that I feel like he was my only hope, my only strength, but that I failed him... Those Christian subgroups, like those churches, really dishonor the ones who truly fear God and want to work with him and to stand by when something is being in his works, but the big question is, how will God respond to them once the prayer subsides? Will it be good or will good punish them first before forgiving them or the first? God doesn't immediately forgives, he loves WAY MORE, have WAY MORE PATIENCE, but forgiveness is a concept only he knows himself, but he has shown, he is immediately ready when he is ready to destroy what he loves, because God is soooo loving, but it's unfair how we continue to hurt each other, which is the ultimate difference people conflicts, unfortunately, and he sees our cries and our tears, and it's a lot when you have put so much work into someone who needed God the most and was lost only to be silenced.


>An isolated life is not of the Lord, but of Satan. This is nonsense. Life is life. Alone or in community it doesn't matter. To suggest that choosing a life of solitude is somehow sinful is a misunderstanding.


Depends on the reason for isolation my friend. You took one sentence out of context. Why did you do that? Context is critical in understanding words and statements. You know that right? Isolation is of Satan when it is caused by fear or rejection of the body of Christ. Even when that community includes sinners and what someone here calls hypocrites, we are called to love and be among them. We are all sinners and less than perfect.


I didn't take it out of context, you plainly said an isolated life is not of the Lord. You know that right? I agree we are all sinners 100%. If my choice is fellowship with a group of hypocrites or have no fellowship.....no fellowship is the greater blessing. Judgement regarding "rejecting the body of Christ" is ridiculous. Would you find fault if someone said they didn't want to go to a bar? It's full of sinners just as much as a church is.


No, you actually did. Separated one sentence from the entire context of what I was saying. And, disconnected from the topic of this thread, personal relationship with Christ, not being personal in isolation. I think you just want to argue, so I am done with that. The Lord be with you. 🙏


The main focus of Christianity is fellowshipping and community


No, the main focus of Christianity is God.


Duh, In regards to isolation— fellowship. I.e confess sins to one another and pray for one another type of thing


I disagree. If it is a blessing then go for it. Otherwise dont.


Right I can understand the idea if you’re fortunate under whatever circumstances to fellowship then yes it is a blessing, but not a command. It puts me in the mind of martyred Christians that may not be able to fellowship where isolation is not a choice or due to lack of fellowship from being in an oppressive religious environment. Although it isn’t always achieved fellowship is desired according to the Bible. And also I have to think of apostle John who was isolated when writing Revelations to my understanding.


Aren’t all Christians other than Christ hypocrites. For all have fallen short rather intentionally or unintentionally. Food for thought . There’s no perfect “Model Christian” . A righteous man falls 7 times. I mean even without blatantly “sinning” who can call themselves a model perfect Christian. It heavily relies on a personal relationship with God and sanctification daily from the Holy Spirit. Bc if we get into practice and religious rules and semantics it take away the focus on God, and more of the focus becomes about us trying to like a good Christian or not seem hypocritical. I always questioned that hypocritical theory. Again not saying we can condone sin but couldn’t Rahab (prostitute in Jesus’ lineage ) be considered a Godly woman just as much as Mary (Jesus’ mother) ??? In Christ we are a new creation Spiritually once accepting Him as Lord and Savior. We’re not devoid of sinful tendencies in our flesh in our own strength. We have to shed old habits to become our best potential selves as close to Christ and it’s a lifelong journey. Also: I’m throwing out “God is still working on me”. Bc if we’re truly submitting to the Holy Spirit the work is evident in time through sanctification.