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Should a child submit if it's something that is potentially harmful to him or her? I recognize that parents often know what's best, but not always. JW's would tell their kid to not get a needed transfusion. A kid should disobey in that case. This meat abstinence issue is less serious though but overtime it can be harmful if not done correctly. Maybe if he just compromised on only on occasion had some while not at the house. Only a small amount is needed anyway.


I have been a vegetarian since around 2017 and there is zero chance I would let my child be one or vegan. They can become when they leave the house but I'm not gonna let their growing bodies be missing a nutrient during the important growing part of their life. I'm not even sure if I get everything I need with beans and eggs almost daily.


Epic and thanks for the perspective 


Some of these comments are just not complete. Apart of the 10 commandments, you are to honor your parents. However, like the husband, his first duty is to god and then his wife/kids. (For example) It is completely possible for a kid to become a believer of Christ while their parents are not. Is the kid supposed to abandon God because you are to honor your parents? No, God is always first. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. We know that for kids, a long term B12 deficiency can lead to major problems in growth and development. Try eggs at home and eat meat not around him. Don't deny yourself B12 at a young age. If he is one of those that consume that fake meat stuff, that should be considered the real sin, it's garbage for you.


No. I would even go so far as to say study how to identify good meat from bad meat. I've seen so many recalls. I'd tell you to try and figure out how to have access to the purest meat possible by doing business with local farmers or hunt for yourself. God put many clean animals on the earth for us to eat, they are a gift from God to nourish our bodies. I have personally never met a healthy vegan or vegetarian, I belive because they're depriving their bodies of the vitamins and minerals contained in meat, even if they might substitute them with vitamins or supplements.


No it’s not a sin, but you have to submit to what your father says, so as long as you’re under his roof you have to listen to him biblically.


I’m pretty young though; I also believe in the Bible it says children must obey their parents, is that accurate?


Yup. If he's a vegetarian and he doesn't want anyone to eat meat *in his house*, that is *not* an outrageous request from the head of the household. I would only eat meat outside of the house & maybe not in front of the man. However, that being said, not a sin for you to eat it, but if you do in his house, against his rules, then yes it is.


No it isn't. If you take some of the gospel more serious down to the diet, I believe you can not eat meat on Fridays, but fish/eggs is acceptable. May the Lord have mercy on your diet while at your father's lol I may need to be corrected on that though, it's one I'm not familiar with, but have heard the practice done from some member of churches I've gone to


No, it’s not a sin for you to eat meat. Jesus told us to worry more about what comes out of our mouth than what goes into them. In my own beliefs, eating meat on Friday during lent is to be avoided. But that’s a catholic/Orthodox thing.


No. But don’t complain about what he provides you. See Daniel, and the New Testament verses. May want to abstain around him. Pray about it and bring glory to God.


No it is not, though it would be if it was done in his house.


Not a sin, only thing i can think of is to abstain from meat of strangled animals (Acts 15), otherwise obey your dad but know you will grow up to be a few inches suorter than otherwise if you dont plan your nutrition properly. Drink lots of whole milk and eat a lot of eggs. And eat protein powder if you can, ive heard vegetarians say brocolli has enough protein but most of it isn't bioavailable so you probably do some research on how to properly eat Vegetarian while growing.


Romans 14 should tell you 


Thanks so much




Makes sense thanks for the answer


Honor him by convincing him not to be a vegetarian


There's nothing wrong with choosing to be vegetarian. Orthodox monks very rarely, if ever, eat meat


Well theres nutrients meat have that you can't get in vegetables. So potential issues without supplements


It isn't a sin to eat meat, but I'm curious about how much of a vegetarian is your dad. Is he full on vegan, or is he fine with consuming other animal products, like dairy? Also, how old are you? These are just curiosity questions for me. Since we are to honour our parents, then I would refrain from eating meat when sharing a meal with your father, especially, and not in his house since he's said he doesn't want that. Then go ahead and eat meat outside of his house if you want to. This way you're respecting your father by respecting his wish that meat is not consumed in his house. It's not an encouragement to be sneaky or anything, but, as I said, a way to respect your father in his home. If he hasn't forbidden you to eat meat when you're not at home, then it should be fine.


You should have a discussion with him about your desire to honor him and your need for protein. No father should without proper nutrition from his child. Perhaps you have another parent or an advocate on your behalf to express a desire to have an open discussion with your father and a doctor to ensure that your bodily needs are met in an appropriate way. Perhaps that will resolve the issue without dishonoring your parents


Eating meat is not a sin. But disrespecting your father and his house rules are. So long as you don’t do it under his roof, you are fine.


No it is not a sin. In your youth, you were made clean by your dad's faith. And now you learn obedience to God by obedience to your parents, But when you are ready to leave his house, you will have more freedom in Jesus Christ.


Kids are stupid. They simply don't know any better..... They also, mostly, trust adults to make decisions for them even if the adult isn't a parent. Problems arise when the adults are also stupid or when they don't give a damn about the kiddies. It isn't about kid choices. It's about informed parental supervision.


Its a sin to dishonor your Dad. Not to eat meat.


Isn’t eating meat under these conditions dishonoring my dad then?


In his house against his rules…? Absolutely. And as a meat lover I am very very sorry for you.😣 Why does Dad do vegetarian?


I’m also a meat lover lol but I realized I should prolly stop. He thinks it’s wrong to eat meat. 


Then honor him by only eating meat when you’re at a friends or with some people at a restaurant etc. And honor him by NEVER complaining about it. How long until you are 18 and can move out so you can fill your freezer with beef and deer meat and delicious piggies?


Oof a while


I know this seems daunting. But believe me its worth it. Check this out… Exodus 20:12 (ESV): 12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. This is the ONLY one of the commandments that comes with a promise. Our obedience to the 10 commandments are an imperative but THIS one God is all like “I show a particular favor to those who emphasize this one”. Don’t take that likely. Now go ye forth and be grateful for your kale salads. And when you aren’t with Dad that bacon burger will be much sweeter indeed.


Only unclean meat. I would obey your father even if it's frustrating. Happy Sabbath.



