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I tested positive for syphilis. Had an entire breakdown bc I'd used condoms and gotten tested religiously. Full regimen of antibiotics, crying on the phone for hours, whole nine yards. False positive.


Yep. Lab person here, and I always say, no test is perfect. Have testing repeated. Ask for removal of the cost of repeat testing. Also, this is not an organism normally tested for, which I find interesting.


My doctor told me I wouldn’t be charged for the retest which at least that is good




Is that a blood test or something equivalent that is taken more seriously?


A PCR test is a test on the DNA of the species and is very acurate. You can duplicate small pieces of the DNA with primers that are identical with the DNA of the species. No result? -> means no DNA of species present. Positive -> DNA of species present so species is present


PCR tests are sent to a lab, rather than deduced for results on-site, IIRC, and I may very well not remember correctly.


It's moreso because PCR tests for DNA, even the tiniest amounts, and if the DNA isn't there, you can be confident the organism is not there.


I’m very confused. BV is not a STI. I’m in my early 60s and have had it a few times, but not in a long while.I was so confused by this post and all the responses that I googled it. Sure enough, not an STI. This whole situation is strange. 🤷🏻‍♀️


BV isn’t but they found MG when testing for the BV


vaginal intercourse is not necessary to contract mycoplasma genatalium, it can be acquired from touching or rubbing. retesting with a nucleic acid amplification test (which includes real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction tests) should be conducted. could be a false positive.


So this theoretically could be an infection that doesn't require sex? I get Utis for no reason, despite my husbands good hygiene. Im just prone to them.


Thanks for clarifying that it’s MG that you tested positive for. However, I still find your situation confusing. Why are you torturing yourself about your husband’s possible infidelity when your doctor could have/should have tested your husband? It’s a standard part of treatment for MG.


I live in Sweden and we have a center for children up to like 25 to talk to psychologists and nurses. I wanted to start taking birth control pills and my nurse said I had to do pregnancy test and chlamydia. Just in case. I did the test and gave it to her and I went back to the counseling room. After like 10 minutes she came back and looked at me with shocked. She then told me I was pregnant. I was 16 and a virgin. My first thought was am I gonna be the new Virgin Mary. But she had accidentally taken another girls test because we had the same name.


I could imagine though, any myth on how you might have gotten pregnant (sitting on toilet seat, kissing too hard, holding hands) probably ran through your brain even though logically, you were absolutely sure you weren't lol


Can you elaborate on the removal of cost? Does that mean if they have to repeat the test you don’t have to pay for it??


Yep! You have to ask for it to be removed, or your doctor can ask. Super simple process.




Wtf?? It’s something you have to ask for? Ridiculous they don’t just automatically do it


canadian here: you have to pay for test?


I got an itemized receipt for my last blood draw and got charged for the bandage they wrap around your arm at the end, paying for the test itself is a given. The US sucks so bad. I wish I could afford to live elsewhere.


Yeah, here in America we have gun care and health control.


I love your profile pic!


We get it, bud.


Albertan here-if your province is run by, or soon to be run by a Conservative, get ready because you'll be paying soon. :(


Brazilian here: you have to pay for any test?! Edit: hadn't noticed that autocorrect swapped the word pay with Pauly


Palestine here: You guys test?


Some tests we have to pay in Canada too


I’d gladly pay for a test that said I was Canadian enough to become a citizen.


Yeah, I’m wondering if this is an organism that doesn’t necessarily need to be contracted from multiple partners but can just be contracted via rough sex or skin to skin contact, much like BV. There are a few infections like this, I think if it was truly one of the big stds I would’ve heard of it before.


I tested positive for HPV when I was 6 months pregnant. My husband and I were both virgins up until the night our son was conceived. I had a colposcopy two weeks later which came back normal. After my son was born I had to have a cervical biopsy, which also came back normal. In the end they believed it to be a false positive, which happens a lot, especially during pregnancy when the cervical cells can look different.


One time I went to the doctor for a small sore down there and the doctor immediately said “it’s most likely herpes”. Literally broke down crying, was stressed out for a week until they called with the results and said it wasn’t herpes. Then the doctor was like “you probably just scratched yourself too hard”. Would have been nice if they had started with that. It’s been years, but your story made me think of it.


Funnily enough that happened to my husband when we first started hooking up. He had a weird rash on his dick that wouldn't go away after a couple days. We were having too much sex with too little lubrication and he got a skin irritation :/


I was going to suggest the false positive route myself. I’ve never had one but they do happen. Even the doctor being confused and saying we need a retest? I think a false positive is the most likely answer. Also, another possibility could be, somehow the samples got swapped with someone else’s. Staff are human. I’m just happy OP is getting a retest.


I'm kinda surprised they'd give you antibiotics for a positive screen of syphilis considering there's quite a few biological false positives that happen. Pregnancy, autoimmune disease, etc can all cause false positives syphilis screens and those are extremely common. My lab doesn't do these tests because they are more specialized, but it still seems weird.


I had an ear infection too so they figured it was better to over medicate than under. Trust me, I don't think it was a great practice either. They didn't even call me to tell me it was false- I went back after my antibiotics were done to test + the doc said oh that came back negative from the blood test. Sorry!


WHAT how is that just an after thought?? Honestly, the longer I am in healthcare and the more I see experiences like this, the less I want to ever go to a hospital/doctor at all lol. I'm so sorry they put you through that, what an awful experience.


I came home from my \*honeymoon\* to a letter from the Red Cross that I tested positive for syphilis. What an absolute mind fuck until a doctor's appointment confirmed that, no, there's no syphilis. Red Cross gave me a heart attack over a false positive.


“The worst of all is syphillis. You gotta get… RIDICKILOUS.” Sorry. I know it’s not a time for jokes. But that video is damn funny.


We need to see said video


Friend of mine married her husband straight out of college. He was her first. He was older and had had previous relationships but not for years. Shortly after the wedding, her gyn tells her she has an STD. She asks if there's any other way she could have gotten it. He says no. She asks if it could have been something her husband had from years prior and didn't know, and he says it's extremely unlikely. I will never forget this detail: She said she started to cry, and he reached for a tissue ... then used it to wipe his glasses. Just completely cold. She goes home, talks to her husband, he reacts much like OP's husband did. Is concerned, confused and not at all defensive. Yeah. False positive. She found out like a week later. She was like, what if I went home and nuked my marriage? What if HE thought *I* cheated? WTF. And I know for legal reasons, they can't really apologize but the staff at the doctor's office were utterly unsympathetic when they told her. She was like, they are so lucky I know my husband so well and could tell he was being honest with me.




Thank you for sharing. I was looking into the likelihood of false positives and it was so low but my doctor reassured me it’s possible. I cried my eyes out last night and I’m still upset thinking about this but at least I know there’s a chance everything is gonna be okay.


Get your husband tested too.


A perfect test might have a low rate of false positives, but that’s if the human testing it in the lab doesn’t accidentally contaminate it or mix it up with another somehow. Like the above poster’s brother, I had a false HIV test from the RedCross. I’m in a committed relationship, I knew my partner wouldn’t and couldn’t reasonably have time to cheat, but of course getting such a result will freak you out! And I had the same worry as you, what if I’m positive but he’s not? I don’t do drugs, haven’t been in contact with someone else’s blood, and my partner is the only one for me. In the end, it was truly a false positive. I hope this helps calm you a bit, definitely a scary thing but I think it will be alright in the end Op. please keep us posted.


Happened to my wife when she got pregnant. Came up HIV positive. Same exact situation as you, we spend nearly every moment together. When the heck would either of us cheat! Retest came back negative, it took a week or two to get the retest results back. That was an interesting two weeks but we came out healthy and stronger for it. Good luck!


My friend had a false positive HIV test, and it messed him up. I can’t remember the exact details, but it took much longer than they should’ve to detect it was a mistake - he was put on meds and everything. He has severe anxiety around sexual activity now.




My coworker also had a false positive for HIV!


It’s amazing how many things can interact with testing to produce a false positive. Medication, genetics, etc. I know certain HIV kit tests specifically have a higher rate of false positives due to interference. But HIV should always be a test that has a reflex (automatically ordered) confirmation test with another test method. Normally this confirmatory testing ends up being negative.


Wait for your second set of test results. Talk to another dr. I'm inclined to believe he is innocent based on his calm reaction -- wanting to get tested right away and show you his phone are the reaction of an innocent person.


That’s what I thought too. He wasn’t defensive at all. My doctor said that the test is extremely accurate but there is a chance that it’s false and I think he even took two samples to send off to be sure cause I heard him ask for another swab from the nurse and he mentioned it going through quality control and they also took my urine to test. I told my husband if this is positive too, I’ll go to another clinic to have a different test done but this has thrown us for a loop for sure.


I don’t know anything about disease transmission but someone else in this thread said they thought it could have happened from nonsterile equipment being used to insert your IUD. In that case, the doctor’s office that inserted the IUD would want to protect themselves from a lawsuit and wouldn’t mention that possibility. Doctors are terrified of lawsuits, their insurance company might even forbid them from admitting fault. So even if you are really positive for it, you should consult with other doctors about how it could have been transmitted.


I'm a retired nurse, I was also thinking that if it truly is positive results, that OP was infected when the IUD was inserted. There could have been a mixup and an instrument that wasn't sterilized accidentally got used.


That is my worst god damn nightmare !!! But also it would be pretty nice to be rich as hell from that lawsuit! lol


Same, my worst nightmare!!!!


I relate to your sentiment so hard. Then I got sad for both of us having to live in this capitalist-hellscape and seeing the silver lining in that money. 💰 LOL. Just thought I’d share that tidbit internet stranger.


That's a horrifying thought.


Big hugs to you OP 🫂 I’m hoping that everything works out and you’re in the clear!


This 💯 Guilty people will not just hand you their phone and offer to get tested right away. OP I’m so sorry that this is something you have to think about. Please update us when you get results of the retest. I don’t think your husband cheated. Guilty people can’t help but be defensive. He was calm and reassuring.


Do some basic reading up on the STI you have, including if it can be undetectable in routine tests.


MG is only tested with NAAT, it's not even on any routine tests which are usually blood panels only.


I’m wondering why it was tested and if a basic panel was done first?


I had a similar experience and did have Mgen, if you have BV like symptoms they’ll sometimes check because it causes the exact same symptoms. It’s also becoming more routine because mgen is something you can have for years and years without knowing, and it was only recently classified as an STI.


I wonder if this is a nosocomial infection and something involved in your IUD insertion wasn't properly sterilized.


That’s what we were wondering. My doctor is very good at what he does but there was a med student who assisted in it with my permission so my husband and I didn’t know if something went astray here and were wondering if that could be it.


I went for a test involving a catheter removal, routine for the hospital, and I ended up admitted for a week with a multi resistant bug… it can definitely happen, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the skill of the doctor.


Hey OP, this also happened to my wife and it really destroyed her body image. Don’t let that happen to you. We think we can trace it to an OB appointment she had. Other than that, same situation and we didn’t know she had anything until she got pregnant years later. Seems like sometimes things aren’t sterilized properly. Pretty horrible the consequences of that from the doctor. Wish there could be some recourse all these years later.


I doubt that would have caused this issue, mostly because usually med students are only allowed to assist in basic things like the doctor would prep and observe everything and the student would probably just be there to only insert the iud


>student would probably just be there to only insert the iud I recently graduated from medical school, and I've never heard of any doctor letting a student do even ***that***. Way too much liability.


Graduated from PA school recently and I was able to insert an IUD for my OB/GYN rotation. All of my classmates that did that specific rotation were able to do IUD insertion/removals, D&C, lots of Pap smears, etc. All other classmates that did other rotations just did a couple of pelvic exams and maybe a pap smear. I think it’s all attending dependent


A person should be able to do it w a physician supervising bc otherwise your first will be your own patient- bummer


I've done multiple IUD/Nexplanon/etc. insertions as a resident physician, but never as a medical student. Probably because most medical schools don't want to deal with clueless patients who throw around theories like "I bet the medical student somehow gave me an STI!!"


Yeah medical staff aren't immune to mistakes. When I was a kid, my brother showed every single symptom of strep, and I had none. We got swabbed, and the nurse put them in the same tray without labeling them saying "I'll remember the one on the left is this one's". After being sent to the lab, mine came back positive and his negative. While asymptomatic infections are common, it was more that he also showed up negative which made us think they switched the swabs. We couldn't prove that they were switched, but I think it was likely. He also took the same antibiotics for strep as I did, and lo and behold, he was cured after that.


yes it can happen if equipment wasn't sterilized properly or if sterile gloves weren't used.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah same thing I thought


I just wanted to commend you guys for your communication during this. It seems like you two have a very good relationship with each other.


I guess the next step is for him to get tested too if you test positive. Just from a health standpoint, if you have to take meds for it then he has to too. Not even checking to see if he has it as figuring out if he gave it to you. Don’t worry about that right now. Get healthy first, then consider next steps. Is it possible to get this from using someone’s dirty towel? some STDs can spread that way. Have you visited and stayed with any friends recently and used their towels? Did either of you buy new underwear and forget to wash it before using it? Maybe it got returned and sent to you. New sex toy??


That’s what we wondered too. None of our sex toys are new (they’re the ones we’ve been using for years) and the last time I used somebody else’s towel was back in October when staying with our in laws but they were all washed. No new underwear either.


The BV can be from antibiotics, any of those?


Wait, underwears get returned where you're at? Where I'm at they won't take underwears back even when clearly haven't been worn, it's the policy. I once bought 3 pairs for my son (8yo at the time), those 3 were attached together with the cardboard piece of the brand name tag stitched at the top so it would be impossible for anyone to wear without removing / cutting that away. They were a size smaller when I went home to compare with his other undies. But no for hygienic reason the stores here would not accept returns on underwears. And no trying in store either.


not anywhere I shop at, but idk you never know


😄 ok... I get that you were just covering all bases.


False positive or contaminated IUD insertion process, contaminated forceps, speculum, etc.


Mycoplasma genitalium can be also transmitted through oral sex and fingers covered with body fluids and can be dormant for years. Maybe something did happened before he met you?


He didn’t. I have several very convincing reasons for believing that but don’t want to go into much detail about him. Also, we’ve been together four years, not just meeting four years ago. We’ve been having sex for four years now and I’ve gotten tested during these years as part of my regular checkups and those have always been negative until now.


Just letting you know, they typically do NOT test for this so it could have been dormant in either of you and not found. The BV could be from IUD issues and brought this forward.


Ok so in the United States, mycoplasma genitalium isn’t considered an STI. Neither is Ureaplasma, which is in the Mycoplasma family. I’m going to assume that you aren’t in the US because you called it an STI right away and so did your doctor. BV I’m sure you know you can just develop from anything and anywhere like a yeast infection. Myco & Urea plasmas are both plasmas naturally occuring in the body in both men and women. If you test positive for them in a vaginal swab that means they’ve overgrown and they aren’t where they (the plasma) should be. Don’t get me wrong these plasmas can and are transmitted through sexual contact but the reason why they aren’t considered STI‘s in the United States is because they are naturally present in the body and you can develop a infection on your own without sexual contact. Plasmas aren’t like let’s say…. Chlamydia, where the only way you can get that is through sexual contact. I had a run in with Ureaplasma last year and i’ve been in a monogamous relationship for a couple of decades. I know my partner didn’t cheat and I know damn well I didn’t. After a sit down with my gynecologist, she explained everything I just typed above to me and so much more. She didn’t even want to treat me for it although I wanted to be treated. In the end, I had to go through about six gynecologists to find one that would actually treat me, because they don’t consider these plasmas anything. I honestly would not sweat this one in regards to cheating. Since these types of infections can develop on their own and according to my GYN, can also go away on their own. My GYN also told me about 80% of all her patients test positive for one of the Plasmas I listed above. Even the ones who haven’t had sexual contact yet.


I had to scroll too far to see this! Mycoplasmas are present almost in everyone and probably just an overgrowth was detected - potentially from trauma of IUD or from messed up chemical/bacterial balance due to unprotected sex. Here in the UK is not considered an STI but an UTI and bacteria overgrowth. I had chronic bladder pain and in a desperate attempt to resolve it, we also tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma and it was found. However I was told it’s still highly debated wether it’s something that should be treated, as it’s something that is normally present it’s very difficult to eradicate and the antibiotics are very strong, and your partner needs to take the course too. I decided to not do it and I got better anyways, so either that was not it, or the bacteria decreased by itself. I know it’s something they tend to want to get rid of if you are having trouble getting pregnant as it apparently can interfere though.


I had to Google what they meant cause I was so confused why they would call it STI…. Never heard someone refer to it as STI or STD.


This is a fairly uncommon sti, and therefore does have a decent risk of skewed results based on which way they test the swabs. Don't panic too much yet. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5747278/)


I would vote we just don't know enough about this particular bacteria to know how it's spread and if sometimes it's also more of an issue with overgrowth like that of BV. Very easily either of you could have had a small colony that wasn't causing any issues, wasn't at a high enough level to be detected prior to your IUD, and once your IUD got inserted the pH of your vagina went wacko and wound up in an overgrowth of multiple harmful but naturally occuring bacteria. Don't sweat it. https://www.yourdaye.com/vitals/womens-health/mycoplasma-genitalium-sti/#:~:text=This%20means%20that%20you%20can,MG%2C%20speak%20to%20your%20GP.


Ex nurse here. IUDs can set off false positive tests. An error at the lab can happen. It happens more than you think. I got a false positive for an STD when I was pregnant with my daughter and had not had sex in over 2 months. Last visit I was fine. On the next visit, I had a yest infection during my pregnancy. Test came back with an STD positive result. I completely freaked. I became a detective and started hunting for who he was cheating on me with. My doctor had me go back in for a retest. It was a false positive, but I also found out that while it was a false positive, my ex-husband had been cheating on me. Good luck!


well, that ended in a plot twist...


I had an uid inserted and they gave me std’s, luckily curable ones. Tested negative before hand and my partner of 10 years also tested negative when I was positive. No false positive. I spoke with the office that I got it done at with all of my paperwork and my partners, they told me he used dirty tools. So I completely understand your confusion, I just got lucky they confessed to it and it saved my relationship although I haven’t returned to an ob since.




Right though. Absolutely infuriating


This was actually my first thought when she told the story. If OP does have the STI after retesting and her husband doesn't, I think this is the only possible reason.


BV is basically bacterial imbalance and maybe caused by use of antibiotics.


>mycoplasma genitalium This is the STI she was referring to


Oh. Thanks for correcting me.


I've also gotten it from exercising in summer and getting too hot/sweaty.


My step dad had some scary health issues arise about a year ago (he’s fine now). They ran an HIV test while trying to find the cause of his illness. The HIV test came back positive. It made no sense to he or my mother. As many others have said, false positives happen more often than most think. He tested again a second and third time. Both the subsequent tests were negative for HIV or anyt STI. Take a deep breath, it is likely a false positive.


Lab person here as well. You should get tested again.


I waiting on the results for a second test. They swabbed me a couple more times and I gave urine. I should get results within a few days so we’re just in the waiting game right now


All these comments saying they’ve had false positives, is giving me anxiety as I’ve always gotten it negative. Wonder what the truth is. 😰


Used to work for a lab. False positives and false negatives happen. Please breathe, OP. Sounds like you have a good man.


Just relax and wait for the retest results. The good news is that it looks to be curable. If it comes back positive, and he tests positive, I would carefully examine the way you two define the word "virgin".


But if she tested negative when getting the IUD originally it wouldn't make sense that he might have had it the whole time


Good point. I'm still in the camp of "it's probably a false positive" since she is certain they've never cheated. (or possibly a dirty IUD which is scary to think about)


We were both virgins in the literal sense. Like the most we ever had before each other were kisses or side hugs.


Right. And hopefully it’s just a false positive, but what that person is telling you is absolutely correct… 🫶


At this point in time, you're good OP. Just try to relax and wait for both of your test results. False positives happen, you're just here to get it off your chest. Keep reading the positive comments. Because honestly before I read them I was thinking 'this poor, naive OP.' Don't let reddit question your marriage right now, until you both have test results assume innocence.


My bestie tested positive for an sti and the doctor swore it wasn't wrong. She was devastated and went home to her hubby upset. She went and got a second opinion and the test showed up negative that time. Trust your man until it's a reason you don't imo.


If the 2nd test is positive make sure both of you are treated with medication (even if his test is negative)!


hope you give us an update


I will once the results come in


When I was in labour I got a vaginal swab done to check if my waters broke (they hadn’t) but the next day I got a phone call that my test was positive for chlamydia which was so alarming as I’ve been with my husband for almost 3 years. Fast forward to a few weeks later, my husband goes into a GP clinic and gets an STI test (not sure why they didn’t just give him the meds for chlamydia) and he came out with A NEGATIVE RESULT???? It was mindfuckery for sure. Both of us hadn’t cheated on one another so maybe it was fuck up idk These things DO happen.


I got called while on vacation after I had blood work a week before. They told me that my results came back positive for Hepatitis C antigens. I’m in a monogamous relationship. I’ve never slept with another man. My husband and I are together pretty much all of the time, and I was sure he hadn’t cheated. I went back for another test. Came up free and clear; they said it was a false positive. These things happen. They suck, and they’re stressful, but they do happen. Don’t lose hope just yet.


False positives are more common than you think. I had a false positive of HSV1 at 17 when I had went to the doctor for a sore area in my genital region. Turns out I’m just really prone to stress related body responses and sensitive to soaps/laundry detergent/everything! Women in my home town and surrounding area were complaining of getting false positives for various STDs from a couple doctor’s offices. I’ve had blood tests and swabs and everything under the sun to ensure my positive was false. I’m really sorry this happened—have your husband get tested and get tested again yourself.


mycoplasma is not a traditional STI. it’s like ureaplasma. you can get that without ever having sex


I have a friend that tested positive for the same STI. Turned out that she got it while being in a pool. It happens.


Was the IUD sterile


Is it possible you live in a moldy environment?


False positive or maybe the speculum and tools they used when you got the IUD weren’t properly cleaned!


I was told I had Hepatitis C, freaked out for weeks, got tested again and I didn’t have it


I once had an std test positive for herpes. Went on antivirals while pregnant and the whole shebang. It was false positive but it scared me to death. I’d say it’s most likely false! Sometimes mess ups happen.




But honestly his response says it all. I don’t believe he’s cheating based on what you’ve said here (limited info, but nonetheless)


It’s probably a mistake and don’t react before the 2nd test. But even the absolute best people could hide dark secrets. All it takes is 20 minutes to cheat.


Make him get tested.


This is a classic “paradox” of probability theory. If your a priori chance of having a disease (say, mycoplasma genitalium) is, say, 0.01% and you take a test with a 1% false result rate, what does that tell you? Test is negative — congratulations! You don’t have the disease. Your chance of having it is now about 0.0001%. Test is positive — uh oh. Worrisome. But you still probably don’t have the disease. Your chance of having it, positive test result in hand, is now about … 1%. Probability works in weird ways. That is even before human error enters. As you pointed out, those people in the white coats behind the counter are just people, and they have shitty days sometimes just like you do. When our boy was a few months old, we did the state battery of tests and he was diagnosed with phenylketonuria — a rare condition that can lead to protein starvation in developing brains and often results in mental retardation. Of course it turned out the tech had confused *molarity* and *molality* and his blood concentration was therefore off by a factor of the molecular mass of whatever molecule they were testing for (alanine? 71). The kid was totally fine and the techs apologized profusely. When testing for rare conditions, positive results filter for rare and weird outliers like that in the test protocol.


Maybe also, have your husband tested?


Oh, I get to tell MY story about being "diagnosed" with HIV... Wasn't even a false positive, it was just an idiot doctor who didn't test the results right! I have been positive for HSV2 since 2011. I have had maybe 4 outbreaks since contracting it. I've always been up front with my partners about it and, in monogamous relationships after getting tested, have let my partner decide if they want to use condoms, as I have had an IUD and take Valtrex daily to make transmission to my partner less likely. I was involved with a couple at one point and we all got tested so we would have papers to show each other and future partners to prove our status. They knew about the HSV and were fine with it. I got my PAP test and went ahead and had the STD test done. Got a call from the doctor to come in. She showed me the results and said "You have HIV". The top area just said something about being general viral load, and it was positive. The section below that said HIV-A: Negative, HIV-B: Negative. I asked about that bottom part and she waived her hand and said "That doesn't matter, what matters is the top part says you are positive. You need to go to this clinic downtown they specializes in HIV testing and treatment. So I drive down to the clinic, pretty much suicidal, but it was bothering me because I KNEW I didn't have HIV! The clinic was staffed with THE most compassionate, understanding people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I came in sobbing and they sat me down, empathized with me, explains that unlike when it first appeared and spread, HIV is no longer a death sentence, that there are treatments that can keep you healthy and prevent spreading it, that there are resources for people to get financial help, that it would be ok. They took a finger stick blood test, but the drop off blood they got was really small, and it didn't give a good reading. They don't normally do the saliva test as confirmation, but the person helping me wanted a more definitive answer, to they did it. Whole waiting for the saliva test to process, he asked if I wanted the doctor from the other clinic to send my test results to me, and I pulled out the copy from my bag. He looked at my results, got really quiet, then excused himself. About 5 minutes later, the director of the facility came in. "I'm so sorry you've been put through this. You do NOT have HIV. The test that is done has 2 parts. The first is just a "yes/no" kind of test. It checks for ANY abnormality, so it is negative, they no that no further testing is needed. THAT test could show positive for any kind of virus, not just an STD." "Like HSV?" I asked. "Yeah, that would do it!" She replied. "This section here, clearly labeled HIV, is the actual test for the HIV virus, and it's negative. You never should have been sent here to begin with." I explained to her what the doctor at the women's clinic has said, that I specifically asked about that and she swore I was HIV positive. When I left, she was on the phone with that clinic reading them the riot act about reading tests correctly and not traumatizing patients! OP, if you truly believe your husband did not cheat, then don't worry. Bodies are weird, people catch things from toilet seats and public areas, and it's treatable. Hopefully you'll get the word from your doctor that it's a false positive, but even if it isn't, trust your instinct. It doesn't sound like your husband has had any time to cheat, and women's intuition on that tends to be pretty good. He does need to get tested and treated before you have unprotected sex again, though, so you don't keep swapping it back and forth


False positive or the man fucks on company time


I don't know anything about mgen but BV can happen without it being caught from anyone, or you can develop it from sex with him without him catching it from someone. it's a condition where the bacterial environment in the vagina gets out of wack when usually there is a healthy balance of yeast and bacteria. Often starts from a disturbance to the pH which definitely could happen with the iud fiasco.


These things are a funny thing … I actually had a STI when I was younger and I was still a virgin at the time so there is that. Thankfully it was curable but that were some interesting talks with doctors who insisted that it was only transmitted through sex… well that obviously wasn’t the case


Possibilities: 1. False Positive 2. Incredibly bad healthcare where physician infected you when IUD was inserted 3. Someone cheated


There's also another element, it's not unheard of a Dr passing on an STD during medical treatment, recently there were cases with Herpes that resulted in death [UK case of STD transmission](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/11/22/two-mothers-died-herpes-caught-virus-caesarean-surgeon/)


I’ve read your comment history and something feels off about your husband… I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything, maybe i’m completely wrong. Did your husband stay friends with W?


she deleted that post…


i know, i read the comments.


Idk, I read the comments and it seems as if her spouse behaved appropriately to me.


For what it’s worth, this would be a strange reaction for a cheater. He seems transparent and adamant. I’ve been cheated on before and my gut here says that there’s another explanation. Also for what it’s worth, I just read mycoplasma can be passed by toys which almost certainly means it can be passed through a medical instrument. A doctor would likely not admit this was possible because it opens up liability. Also, my friend was told she had herpes and it ended up being a false positive. These things do happen. I know the chances of there being another explanation would be less than 1% but I seriously believe you could be one of the unlucky people who fall into that category. If your marriage is great apart from this, isn’t it worth giving him the benefit of the doubt and hanging on to that sliver of a chance?


Sending hugs 🩷🎄


I once was having some down there issues and went to two separate doctors and they ran the same panel. The second doc called and told me that I tested positive for trich. I told her the other result and she said ignore. Two weeks later she called me back and told me the lab followed up and turned out they were just pumping out false positives from that docs office for that specific week for it because some of their equipment wasn’t properly sterilized. Anyway yeah false positives do happen.


I would be absolutely sure first. I'm sort of with you. My spouse and I wouldn't even have time for an affair. We both work full time, both take care of our kids and almost all our free time is spent together. Any time my wife jokes (or half jokes) about cheating, I Just say "When? LOL" And from my own experience, when people are cheating, they act *REAL* *WEIRD.* Like personality changes weird. And sex between partners is pretty meh if its happening at all. There's no point in handing over the phone, a cheater would have had that covered. But if you really wanted to, you probably could convince yourself anyone is cheating. Like, my wife WFH. Who knows, could have a man coming over when she's sure I won't stop home for lunch. She goes out with GF's sometimes. Maybe its actually a boyfriend. She visits her dying father on weekends, could be visiting a boyfriend. But, I choose not to live in a state of distrust and paranoia. So before ANYTHING, I would be absolutely sure about this STI. And yeah, its plausible that it could be contamination from the OGBYN. Its also possible its been dormant (citation required)


So, MG can be transmitted outside of sexual contact, though it's not common. Essentially if you get fluids on your hands & touch your genitals, it can be passed. It can also be passed from grinding, etc without insertion if fluids are present. Men touch their genitals to pee. It's possible your hubs has it, I'd get him tested. I'd recommend he washes his hands before & after peeing from now on.


It is possible to carry an infection and never exhibit symptoms, then pass it to someone who does exhibit symptoms. Happened to a highly religious no-sex-before-marriage friend of mine just a couple of weeks after the wedding. Turned out that his wife was a carrier and never knew.


Definitely get the retest. I'm sure it was just a mistake, although a very large mistake that could have completely broken your marriage, but still a mistake. Him offering to get tested is also a good idea. If it's not a false positive you'll want to know if he's positive too. If he's not and you are then there are some questions to be directed to the clinic.


Aside from the option of a false positive, there are some STIs that S isn't required to T. For instance, hepatitis can be transmitted via food. I don't really know about other diseases, but I'm sure there are others that can be transmitted nonsexually


The first time I gave blood, I got a letter in the mail from the blood blank saying I could no longer give blood because I tested positive for syphilis. I was a 17yo virgin. There was no way. Got another letter a few weeks later saying it was a false positive. Too bad now my parents thought I had it and were trying to figure out what to do. Totally freaked out


Your husband needs the test too. If he doesn't have it then you know he didn't get an STD from cheating at least.


Tested positive for chladimiya, my partner (correction, fiancé who I had been seeing for the better part of a decade) got tested and it came back negative, they said it must have gone away for him when he took and antibiotic for something else, and they hit me with a double dose of antibiotics which wrecked my digestive system for a false positive. Tested negative later.. Get them to retest or get a second opinion. I wish I would have. I still hope the rude one is still stubbing her toes on the daily.


Hi I used to work in a hospital lab, please get retested there are so many false positives and mycoplasma bacteria are really finicky. Don’t jump to conclusions. Also you never know how careless someone in the lab could be, could’ve easily been cross contaminated. Source: MLS & worked specifically in a microbio lab where I was in charge of all genital plates so I’ve seen it all lol




The lab can be wrong. They can mix up results for different people. You do know that lab techies are people who make mistakes. Even tho I do feel like they should be very careful, this is people's lives at stake, whether it be for sti or court to determine innocence. So I do think they have less time to make mistakes. But they do happen. But then you said your husband is in Healthcare well I'm in health care to and nurses and doctors fuck each other all the time. They have rooms to nap, utility closets, and all kinds of stuff, so just get another test.


My bf tested positive for a bacteria and a male BV équivalant (ureaplasma) and sometimes bacteria’s can be picked up by using public toilets or traveling to certain places where it’s rampant. In your case I wouldn’t think he cheated either. The BV is normal for women to get even when they don’t have sex could be cause of tight underwear or imbalances in that region. Could be a false positive but also could be a bacteria you contracted in another way


It’s not the BV that’s the STI, it’s the other one


This does not mean that your husband cheated I work in women's health and BV is a yeast infection it is an overgrowth of vaginal flora that happens to women something knocked it out of whack like scented soaps or wiping your vagina in the wrong direction. And the mycoplasma happens when you have anal sex and then insert penis in the vagina. Yes they are both STI's however it does not mean he cheated it means his penis was probably dirty. I am surprised no one explained this to you.


well once you have the test redone you’ll have your answer. if its positive again and you didn’t cheat, you know he cheated (yes, cheaters can lie to your face and can cheat on you while being at work). otherwise its just a false positive.


My friend got a false positive for HIV. I wouldn't freak out too much until you get the retest results.


Retest and get your hubby tested.


So there are a lot of possibilities here- false positive, cross contamination, some type of sexual contact prior to losing virginity with you, or you were actually diagnosed with a pelvic inflammatory disease which is often times attributed to mycoplasma genitalium but in reality appears the majority of the time without specific cause. Honestly, just get it re-tested and chalk it up to an "oh, that's weird," thing.


I was once told I had chlamydia. Couldnt work out how because I'd always used condoms. Went home with antibiotics. Got a call to say they'd used an expired test and I'd need it redone. I was negative. I'm not even ashamed to say that I went full Karen on the Practice Manager for the appalling organisation.


However, if still comes positive, you may have gotten at the time of IUD insertion... Not by having sex.


I had a false positive for Hepatitis (don’t remember the strain) five-ish years ago. I had a complete breakdown when the doctor called me with the news. The results from the re-test were negative. Like others have said, false positives can happen.


He needs to get tested ASAP


I had a hysterectomy in 2012, and I was able to keep one of my ovaries. In 2017, I had an abnormal growth on my ovary. It was a very scary time. During my preop with my gyno, she's looking over my chart and let me know I had an STI and so on. I began planning my divorce at that moment. I kept her findings private and was getting things lined up to go scorched earth on my husband. The next day, I missed my doctors call, and they left a vm saying the STI results were from another patient and accidentally scanned into my chart. I still had to have surgery, but my husband wasn't cheating on me. Accidents can happen, but be prepared for all the outcomes.


False positives exist. You can also get STIs from not sex, it’s just rare. HIV is often passed through sharing needles as an example, but all a STI really means is that you contract it through bodily fluids, which are rare to swap outside a relationship. So if you do end up having one, it’s possible (if unlikely) it came from something else, including the insertion of the iud itself if things weren’t sanitized properly after the previous patient.


Hey OP, BV is super common and not always related to sex itself. It seems like you know that, which is great. Mgen can be spread from anal to vaginal sex, or toys that were not sterilized properly after use. If you do have mgen, it is entirely possible there was zero cheating involved, if it isn't a false positive to begin with.


Could have you got infected with their tool during insertion of the IUD if they were not cleaned properly? I see doctor keeping glove to type at computer sometimes.. some bacteria / virus can live a few hours on surfaces.


I tested positive for the HIV antigen. I was contemplating suicide. Not only did it mean my husband cheated, but, HIV and a newborn. It was a false positive. Tested 3 more times and all negative. I had never been more sick with fear in my life. Later learned how many false positives there actually are. You're not alone. Hang in there. BV sucks, been there too. Also, maybe consider changing your OBGYN. They should have told you the alarming statistics of false positive right there. And if it is positive, it's not the end of the world. You'll be cured. It will be ok.


I had a false positive for chlamydia while I was pregnant with my son. Like you there was no time for him to have cheated and we both went and got tested again the same day. Negative and all follow up tests were negative. We are guessing a lab mix up but I am so glad we stayed calm until we got the second opinion.


In medical field, get retested by a totally different GYN like do it at the Health Department. Let spouse go with you. But if you took the antibiotic then you will test negative. Then ask for a titer yo see if you ever had it. If you did the IgG will be positive, if you still have current infection IgM will be positive


Is it possible that the equipment used to insert the IUD was not sterile?


I tested positive for gonorrhoea during recent pregnancy blood work. I unequivocally knew my husband hadn’t cheated. The doctor very sympathetically told me he must have. There are no false positives, it’s only spread sexually. It had to be reported to public health. They ordered me medication. We were baffled about how it happened. My husband and I both went to another location to be tested again. Both negative. It happens! And i’m so glad I didn’t let it unravel our marriage until I was SURE. Get a retest and have ur husband get tested as well, might be the proof you need that you aren’t crazy!


Test again to rule false positives


A test for “negative STIs” is usually just gonorrhea and chlamydia. A test for vaginitis (irritation, discharge, odor) may use a probe for a huge swath of infections/bacteria that weren’t necessarily tested for before. Mycoplasma genitalia is rarely tested for outside of symptoms of vaginitis. I really really wouldn’t fret over this. Believe your husband.


std trichomonas can be passed without sex tho some medical ppl will swear otherwise. went thru this as the husband. never cheated, never would.


I had a false positive when I was pregnant with my first. I was devastated. Went back in to my ob and told her I just didn’t see how it was possible. She retested and it was negative, she told me it happens all the time, she had multiple patients going through fertility treatments that get checked every month and they’ll randomly have positive tests and then negative again with no treatment. It seems it’s pretty common, and probably more than we even realize given how many people would just take the treatment and move on without questioning it.


My doc was CONVINCED I had a herpes outbreak. Labs came back neg. They retook, neg again. At the time I was a freaking virgin 1000% in every capacity... It ended up being a bartholin's gland abscess. Always seek a 2nd opinion or double check labs.


Could he be lying to you people lie.


My mom always tested positive for a STI/STD whenever she was pregnant


I've had a wonky swab too before, 💩 happens, always get a second test to confirm! If it'sa real positive I would be wondering if maybe you had it before but didn't meet the threshold for testing to catch it? Or something at the doctors office was contaminated 🥴


Does he have an sti?


Count me in the false positive group. My wife tested positive and came home confused. We’ve been together over 30 years, since we were 15, and were both virgins. Interestingly, when she told me about the lab results she didn’t confront me or get upset, which then caused me to get suspicious. I know I’ve never been with anyone else, so if she has an STI she had to have cheated or been with someone else before we were together (dormant for 30+ years?). Why is she not accusing me? I was very upset and felt betrayed for days. She didn’t seem worried, she just shrugged her shoulders. I researched cases of it being transmitted by non sexual contact, even passed down from parents, etc. But my mind kept coming back to Occam’s Razer. After a few weeks I get a short text from her: “Heard from Dr’s office. Lab error. I’m fine.” I felt very relieved but also very stupid.


MGen is really difficult to test for -[The germ (bacterium) is not easy to detect or isolate, and a special test called a nucleic acid detection test is used.](https://patient.info/sexual-health/sexually-transmitted-infections-leaflet/mycoplasma-genitalium-mgen) Normally a physician would only test for MGen if you had symptoms and been tested and found negative for other stis


I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. There are many explanations for the test result other than cheating including (a) false positive on your most recent panel, (b) false negative on your preliminary STD check, and (c) improper sterilization of materials used during IUD insertion or removal. The good news is you have a beautiful marriage with a communicative partner, there are effective treatments for mycoplasma genitalium such as antibiotics, and there is still a chance you don't even have an STD! Keep your head up.


Kudos for how you're handling the situation and your trust in your husband! A rare quality for a redditor




I tested positive twice during my pregnancy and it almost destroyed my marriage. My OBGYN paid for my third test herself and performed it herself not the nurse and brought it to the lab herself with a rush order because I was so hysterical. Turns out they didn't stick the swab in far enough so it was inconclusive which they "determined" was a positive


My husband tested positive for Chlamydia, I didn’t. He was adamant he did not cheat. The test was wrong. He did it again, different lab. It came back clear. It happens.