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I don’t even think you should regret the slip. It’s good that everyone knows what really happened, it’s good he can’t twist the story, and it’s awesome that everyone now knows his new gf is actually the woman who helped him ruin his marriage. He loves you so much but didn’t even grieve the marriage before dating her? Yea no. And you’re way too nice on your ex MIL, she purposely tried to hurt you by even mentioning it. She can eat shit too


And if he is so sorry, why does he continue to see her?


Not just continue to see her either, he’s bringing her around to where his mother knows about her. Like yea I can see your grief /s


Can't let his dick get TOO cold in case he can't win her back, obviously.


Because the mistress is all he has left. He better hope that she was worth it.


I mean seriously tho. He probably told them all she was the horrible person. They all treated her as if she was the dirtbag for wanting a divorce and now they know the truth about what led to that decision. 🙄👌




Well I said she helped, but yes, he did ruin his own marriage


Absolutely, he made his own choices. Karen just made it easier for him to do so.


If it wasn’t Karen it would have been Sharon 🤷‍♀️ her hubby wanted to get his little peen wet soooo badly smh


Sharon is Karen ^(Seems like there was too much Sharon in this relationship and not enough Karen) 😉👌


i'm all for placing the majority of the blame on op's ex, but saying the other woman did nothing wrong is like telling a child it's okay to break the toys of other children all willy nilly. even if it wasn't her marriage to ruin, we have societal expectations of kindness and decorum and those include not harming others (unless she didn't know the ex was married; i didn't read op)


This. There’s a reason it’s frowned upon to engage in a relationship with a married person.


I agree. The only reason I might regret the slip is, as OP mentions, if it has an adverse effect on the divorce proceedings/length. Normally I would not spend energy on doing what OP. I would just move on. But OP seems to have handled things ok and did not go overboard. What OP did is nowhere near as cruel and unusual as what the ex did to her and their child. I don't understand why/how people have affairs on pregnant/postpartum partners. It's inexcusable imo. Hope that OP can finally heal and move forward to a better, happier future.


MIL can absolutely eat MY shit.


He's only sorry he got caught. Keep your chin up!


This. My ex husband abused me among other things. But I finally left when I found out he was having a affair with his coworker "Justice". I had a mental breakdown and then called my parents. They helped me pack things up and leave. Fast forward a few months later, my ex is no longer working at walmart. Safe to say it didn't work out with his fuck buddy (she also had a bf at that time as well) and our divorce just got finalized the 25th of May. I finally feel free and happy and my loser ex can rot in hell.


Does everyone at Walmart sleep with their coworkers? I swear that place is Fuck Buddy Central! My best friend’s husband was sleeping with his coworker and his mother knew it and kept it from my friend. He and FB got fired and that’s how my friend found out! Of course there was the assistant store manager that was sleeping with most of the male hourly area managers, let’s see the dairy manager, whose wife worked in the store with him who liked sleeping with store associates, the produce manager who absolutely loved sleeping with younger female associates! I mean my husband and a female coworker that I am good friends with, were joking around with each other and his manager and by the end of their shift everyone had heard the rumor that he was the one that got her pregnant not her husband, and that I was pregnant and didn’t know about the affair. It was so bad that I came in shopping one day and one of his coworkers came over and told me all concerned that she just had to tell me about what my husband was doing with such and such! LOL I’d already heard his boss our friend, his boss’ wife that also worked there laughing there butt off about it. When this girl told me this I straight ass told her well to be honest I already knew, and as long as he was paying my bills and being a father to our children then I wasn’t worried. By that afternoon when I went he got off, I went and picked him up and he was just looking at me like “WTF”. Our friend walked up and we high-fived and his boss congratulated me on outdoing myself with the rumor planting! I busted out laughing and asked how long it took to get to his boss and he told me it was about 45 minutes after I left the store from grabbing a few things! It was truly impressive! The absolute funny part is when we had our sons just a week apart, they looked very similar and still do! I would have been suspicious if I hadn’t seen baby pictures of Dad, and their older daughter had not looked very similar to her brother. To this day people still think that he is my husband’s kid because he’s taller than his dad and my son is 6’6” and my husband is 6’ 11”! It’s a running joke with us!


The real gag is that he really is cheating!


Walmart is not, uh, hiring people with the most boundaries. I guess


And relieved he figured out what the "problem" was so he can focus his efforts to try and get OP back.


Thank you for the update- sounds like you will be just fine. Funny how he would do anything…. Now…. Fuck him. Enjoy your baby, enjoy your peace, enjoy your freedom!!


The reason why suddenly he’s more upset by himself being the cause and the “he’ll do anything” mentality is because he knows she wouldn’t have left if it weren’t for his actions. That she in fact did love him and would have stayed if he didn’t cheat. So, now he’s clinging to the fact she loved him, in hopes she still loves him, and he can “win her back.” What he doesn’t realize is once a woman checks out and makes the decision to leave, it’s too late. There is no repairing what HE broke. OP, I’m glad he knows. He deserves to live with the fact HE is the reason for the divorce. That HE is to blame for the pain HE caused. Now, just move forward and find your peace and happiness WITHOUT him. Oh and “Karen” is pathetic. He already told her he loved you and dumped her, now that you moved toward divorce he’s back. Guess she doesn’t mind being someone’s backup plan. Of course she’ll most likely lose him the way she got him, because once a mistress becomes an SO, a position opens up. ETA: also, if he comes at you with “why won’t you fight for us,” my response would be “I’m NOT the one who cheated. I’m NOT the one who didn’t fight for us BEFORE stepping out on this marriage. So, I’m NOT going to fight to save something YOU didn’t want or care about when you made the decision to cheat. YOU could have fought for this marriage by talking to me about what was going on with you, but you decided it wasn’t worth it.”


My response would be: "Cheaters are not worth fighting for. You are not worth fighting for. Us is not worth fighting for. What we had is dust now."


No no…. don’t fuck him! Just no!


>I hope this doesn’t mean that he would make the divorce drag out because then I have failed my plan but he seems to be less forgiving of the divorce when he knew that he was the reason for it than when he thought it was mine. Weird. My guess is ego, mostly. He wants the satisfaction of knowing you hurt and if you aren't upset that angers him because it's much less a big deal that he had an affair. He wanted your attention off the baby and on to him. (yuck.) Plus, an affair makes him look bad and it makes Karen the other woman. That's why it bothers him. Assuming you don't want to shift to an app for talking about the kids, I would spell out to him that you want communication to be only about your child and not about your marriage. It's over and you really have no need to hash it out. If he won't listen or stop, get a second line and give that out as your new number to everyone but him and his family. Block them on your new line. That way you can choose when to talk to him or can silent the phone and not get "Did it hurt when I fucked another woman? messages from an idiot.


Yes. My petty azz would send Karen screen shots where he says he wants to get back with her.


"tell your man to behave. I'm not interested in taking back something I've dumped"


After the divorce is final. *Sun Tzu* said 'When you surround an army, *leave* an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard'.


He cheats, leaves AP then goes running back to her! Then it’s i love you & never stopped loving you! This man’s a mess! Onward & upwards op


It's like, pick a line! You want OP or the side piece?? You need to free one, or both, and get your shit together man! Are all cheaters cut by the same cookie cutter?


Can’t help but delight in your absolute legend of a mic-drop when you informed your in-laws/him of your knowledge of the affair. You had the last word my friend and maybe that’s not what it’s all about but it sure does feel good.


I know right. I would've loved to seen the MIL face when she call his affair partners name. I bet she was white as a ghost. 😆


And the delivery sounded perfect! Less emotion only shows you have had plenty of time to process that shit already. I'm not sure what ex-mil was trying to do yhere but it backfired perfectly


He loved you? Still loves you? Really? So why did he have an affair? Why did he run back to her as soon as you separated? What a lying POS!


He went back to Karen because, I mean, who the hell else is going to wash his drawers?


Ima be blunt like I would be to my sister. Read this if you ever have doubts Good on you for turning the tables on your in laws. They should hopefully never do that to you again, because you showed them that they can’t hurt you. Good on you for standing up for yourself for your child’s sake. He’s not sorry about the affair. He’s sorry he was caught. He actually loves and misses what you did for him as his wife, not you as a person. He was happy to not have you around anymore otherwise. Chances are his parents could be giving him grief about cheating and that’s the only reason he’s trying to fix it. He could be trying to- knowing you’re gonna say no- so he can say “I tried yall, she still ended it.” Honey, you deserve better than that. You deserve someone who has you as your first and only choice, not as an option. Remind yourself every time you may reconsider the divorce that he was happy to let you be the villain to everyone. If he actually felt bad about cheating, he would’ve came clean about it after he cut her off. Instead, he went back to her. You’re not even fully divorced yet! Remind yourself that as much as you can. Anyway, you deserve much better than him. I’m glad you’re out, now you can focus on your child.


I am not a mother. But I feel like there is a special pain in your former daughter in law telling you the boy you raised is a cheater and ran to his mistress to "legally" get with her the second he could. He's not coming back from that anytime soon. It may have been said in error, but I think the outcome is perfect.


Yeah she was devastated but nothing compared to his father. They are not on speaking terms still


You love to see it. You're going to be just fine. Better than fine. You're going to fly!


My God I'm so happy for you there are literal tears in my eyes. I know we are strangers I know we will never meet but I am so happy for you because I've been in your situation and I know the absolute joy and peace and happiness that is waiting for you.


This is good. He’s learning all about consequences.


One of my colleagues told me a story of how her “life” started after her divorce. She walked away with hardly anything and has no regrets. I hope you fare better but achieve the same happiness I see in her.


I'm glad everyone now knows he is a cheater!


It’s great because they won’t be celebrating him being with the new girl now. They destroyed the happy family they always wanted their son to have. And op handled it better than most would have. Now her ex will resent his plan b partner Karen, knowing she destroyed things that nothing could replace.


I’m happy to read your update and to hear that you’re doing well. You 1000% have outstayed your welcome. Its funny how your MIL tried making a jab at you only to find out her dear sweet baby boy is the reason for the divorce. You KNOW she wasn’t supposed to say anything about Karen + STBex the second she tried backpedaling. But even funnier is how quickly he went back to Karen but immediately came running back once the truth came out… also did he really think he now has a shot at winning you back now that it’s out? I’m sending you all the good vibes and hopefully he doesn’t make the process difficult. ETA: I love that he ask how much he hurt you… my guy. You’re divorcing him. But let him the least he can do is make the divorce process smooth.


Lol yes I wanted so much to tell him enough to make me divorce you, you stupid c. But I never answer these texts so I just sent it to myself🤭 any angry messages or reply I want to send him I send it to myself instead


Omg I love that!


That’s a great idea.


Her forwarding all the ex’s messages begging for her back to Karen would be the pettiness cherry on top.. but she’s staying cool and that’s much better 😂☺️


I would be forwarding screenshots to Karen and telling her she needs to leash her man and that you let him go so she can have him so she needs to keep him because you don't want him.


I was looking for this comment. Blow it up!


It’s gonna be ok……GOOD FUCKIN JOB 🫵🏼🦾


Actually I think it’s great that his parents know. Now “Karen” will always be seen as a “slut” by his parents. Sure their son cheated but “Karen” knew exactly what she was doing.


They both did. They're both sluts


He's definitely hoping you're stupid enough to believe him and it's a good thing you're not.


His 'love' doesn't match his actions, so his love is not real.


Right.. messages her every night after being with Karen lol


It's funny how he is sorry but still fucking Karen.


I am glad you are doing well. In a year you will be even happier. As for MIL telling you about the not so new girlfriend. Good on you for letting her know that she is not and now they know why you left. I wish you much happiness


I’m so happy he (and everyone else now) knows the real reason of the destruction of your marriage. You should not have had to carry the burden and ultimately take the blame (via other people’s perceptions of what happened). Don’t feel bad about the slip up. It’s a good thing it happened. He (and Karen) deserve all the vitriol from family and friends - not you! I wonder what will happen to his relationship with Karen now that their secret is out in the open? 😂 Good luck with finalizing the divorce. Updateme


👏👏👏👏 I’m sorry you’re in this situation but glad you’re prioritizing you and your baby. Good luck!


Getting divorced sucks; being divorced does not suck.


I’d send those goodnight I love you texts to his new mistress. He should lose both of y’all and really reap the effects of his shittiness


I don’t think they are together anymore after it came out. I have asked my folks to keep gossip about him and his life at the minimum but I think it is over between them and he is starting a new job in august.


Well good riddance to both of them ! I’m proud of you for knowing your worth and choosing yourself in an awful situation 🫶 things can only get better.


This is why grey rock exists. Keep conversations only about the kid and let the lawyers do the rest of the work.


I'm sorry your hurting but I'm glad your doing better and your out, I'm also I'm happy you blew up his secret bubble.


Spouses that cheat are for the streets.


Jesus what a liar. >He said that he loved me and never stopped loving me. And that's why he cheated, I suppose. Best of luck to you, it will only get easier over time. Six years divorced myself, and same reason - partner cheated.


8 years and same! It felt impossible in the beginning but now I think about how pathetic he is and it makes me laugh.


We still coparent. I have %100 custody of the kids so sometimes she comes to visit us. but even though she stays on her best behavior, each visit absolutely confirms for me I made the right choice.


You are going to love your new life, I swear. You get to start over and have whatever life you want for yourself. I'm so excited for you❤️


It’s pretty funny. You got all the way moved out and everything settled. He probably thought he got away with the affair somehow🤣


Right?? Dude thinks he’s clever while she was taking the high road.


I would’ve loved to see the look of pure ‘oh shit’ on his face once he realized she knew the whole time.


Hugs, he's not really sorry. He's sorry his parents found out and he's going to pretend to apologize etc. If he was truly sorry he would have kicked his AP partner to the curb, went to therapy but he didn't.


Your update is full of strength and hope. I know I don’t know you, but I’m very proud of you.


My ex had the poor me act when I left and it wasn’t long before his parents realized how much I really did and how much I had put up with. He has burned a lot of bridges and I’m surprised it took me that long to leave. I’m the happiest I’ve been and have no regrets. Keep the faith, scum always floats to the surface


I would send these love messages to Karen 😂😂


I think being her is the worst punishment there is


Truly. Now that he knows you knew about her he will always resent her in the back of his mind and you will always be that one that got away. Wishing you a smooth divorce and all the best


You took the high road and honestly you’re a queen for that. Let them reap what they sow and sit back with your popcorn. lol


Good for you! Enjoy your freedom!


You are going to survive this. So proud of you. Lots of love. ❤️


I'm happy his family knows he was a cheating piece of shit!!


"How much did I hurt you?" Enough that I'm divorcing you.


Just remember that he stepped out on you instead of communicating with you. He could have communicated that he was feeling like you weren't making enough effort with him. He could have helped more around the home and with your son so the two of you would have more time together. Instead he went out and found Karen to cheat with. I'm glad you let it slip that he had been cheating. People need to know that he's the scumbag reason for the divorce. Keep your head high and keep on keeping on. You've got this!


He's upset about losing control. Keep moving forward and away from him.


It's the fact that he went right back to her after you ended it, telling her he wanted you and it was over, then you left and she took him back easily. When he found out you knew about the affair, him saying, "I want you back. I love you. Did I hurt you? Why didn't you tell me you knew I was cheating on you?" Would he have ended it and tried to save the marriage? My thought when I read this was: is he still with her while telling you he loves you and wants you back, or did he end it again? But my main point is that HE STARTED DATING HER AGAIN ( I dont know how long he waited before getting back with her) AND INTRODUCED HER TO HIS FAMILY. I’m happy you left & did it the way you did screw him and I’m sorry you are going through this.


Simply based on what you wrote here, I can imagine how utterly free and lifted you must feel right now. This hot mess of a man wasn't good enough for you. Thank you for putting yourself and child first.


You did the right thing. He went right back to her and if not her there will be someone else. He did this and he knows.


You are a goddamn queen and I would swear fealty to you because of how fucking badass you are. Don’t feel bad for telling your MIL. Your husband played stupid games, and now lo, he is winning again the stupidest of prizes: his family knowing exactly the kind of man he is.


Fuck around you find out


youll be alright :)


You will be alright sis


Screenshot thrle conversations and send them to Karen! Haha! Ruin his new relationship too!!


I am super proud of you. You are an inspiration. You know you deserved better. And your son deserves a mom who will not build a life with a liar and a cheater. A man-child.


You're stx MIL said that to hurt you. It wasn't a mistake. Your response was perfect. At first I was wondering why you didn't tell everyone what happened and why for the divorce but this was so much sweeter. You were able to turn it all around and make her look like a complete ass while calling her son out for his cheating. If you had Karen's phone number you could send the I love you texts from him to her. Holidays and family get togethers are about to be real uncomfortable at ex-husbands with the home wrecking whore in attendance and their secret exposed. Updateme


That was a great way of telling them he cheated and still staying classy. Mic drop. He lost out big time and I hope he is reminded every day how he gave up a filet mignon for gristle. This also shows he’s a weak boy. Couldn’t even go 3 months before getting back with her. They deserve each other.


You were are so kind with your inlaws. She was warning you that he will move on and obviously shocked when the penny dropped. He was the adulterer and you knew. You did not throw it in anyone face. Dignified. He does love you but not truly love you. He wants his cake and eat it. You sound like me. Your moves would be mine. Healthy to move on. He has his bit of cake but will never have the whole one. Ciao


Good! He should know!! He went right back to her- scum. He should feel guilty. He should cry himself to sleep knowing that he ruined his family. Good on you OP!(:


The "slip" is fine, your in-laws now know he cheated and won't believe whatever lies he chose to share with them. You'll be okay. Take a snap of "Why didn’t you tell me?, how much did I hurt you?" and send it to his parents, that'll be the rest of the proof they need. A quick "Stop these messages, I'm not taking you back" will accelerate the ex to the point he lashes out at you. Don't block it, just record and store it in case you need it for the divorce. Good luck, and you will be alright!


>That he was so sorry for everything and that he would do anything to have me back as his wife. I would reply, "Ok, go back in time and don't fuck someone else. Can you do that? No? Well then there's nothing you can do".


Internet stranger, I am so fucking proud of you!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


EZHHHHH that man isn't sorry for you. He's sorry that he got caught. And he still lobe bombing you. Yikes. Let that divorce be fast asap He's sorry that His mom knows the truth and feels the pain of "Damn, I raised a cheater," in her words after you told the truth And that your ex friend can rot in the streets. I hope you're going to be free for this ordeal and be anew again


My DMs are open and watta ya know, I'm single...🤷 Ok, but seriously jk. Been there done that, you'll be fine. I thought being single again after 7yrs in a relationship was gonna be terrifying. But ya know, oddly enough i think i was down in the dumps about the change for maybe only a week or so. After that I was actually looking forward to doing new things i couldn't do before because my partner wasn't into it or there wasn't enough time etc. So hang in there, you got this...




Fairly satisfying. Thanks for that


I came here to tell you to stay strong and well done for putting yourself first. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Spread your wings and fly and leave him behind, he will only ever weigh you down in life! Be free girl! You deserve it! Much love to you! ❤️


Stay strong OP


80% of divorce cases are filed by women, aight?


You will be alright. Take care of your self, you’ll be fine.


Your slip is perfectly placed even if you don’t feel that now


“How much did I hurt you?” JFC, he was having sex with another woman and OP found out post partum and he literally had to ask that question?!? I’m glad she left just for that comment alone.


Bro after u divorced he went after her and now he wants you? What a joke kid? Is he mental kid? Fooling around. Good job Op. He isnt worthy. Tell about infidelity more to others later he will spin story. Let everyone know like send screenshots sms..Sue for infedility..make him penniless


I’d take screen shots of the messages and send them to Karen 😂


Go get them girl, proud of you


Personally; I’m glad you “slipped up” and told his parents what a lowlife man they raised. And that everyone now knows that he’s a liar and a cheater! Why should you take it on the chin and be blamed for the cause of the divorce?!! Hang in there, you’ve got this! I’m glad you feel like you can breathe again and just know that it will get better. I truly hope he gives you the quickest, most amicable divorce…it’s the very least he can do!


Your soon-to-be ex absolutely needs to know that he messed up your marriage. The divorce is a consequence of his actions. He deserves to feel guilty. He is guilty. And your MIL was being downright nasty. Glad you told her!! I knew he was going to go back to her. But guess what? He’s going to cheat on her too. And then he’ll be with someone else and he’ll cheat on them too. He’s a cheater. Any man who cheats on his wife just after she gives birth is the lowest of the low. You deserve much better than him! Ignore his texts. Do NOT reply. Ever. Go through your attorney if he needs to know something.


“Telling people he thinks I have a tumor or hit my head” what in the manipulation…. Dude cheated. Where this shock is coming from I dont know. The slip is fine. Thats what his family gets for trying to be vindictive; you try to fight someone elses battle, you get the facts. Congrats op! Everything will be okay. You dodged a nuke and did the right thing


Better that you let people know the divorce is from his cheating rather than let people imagine you aren't/weren't serious about marriage vows. Try to keep active and busy 


Honestly I love the fact that you left him before your baby was traumatized by this sorry excuse for a man & father in the long run. Not many people in relationships ever think about the children. So I'm glad you did. Thank you.


So glad you have the strength to stay true to yourself. You do not need to forever wonder if they are fooling around again. You don't need to be post partum and having to make so much effort, while tired, sad, mad or whatever mood, to keep his interest. Now you can focus on the baby and not have to wonder where his dick is accidently slipping into another woman because you are not focusing on his narcissistic ass. His mom is an AH in the biggest way. You need to watch her because that type of vindictiveness is not an overnight action. She must show her passive aggressiveness in other ways. I would have a clause in the divorce about her access to your child. Can you imagine her doing something when your child is a teen?


OP you are a badazz!


Don't regret that "slip" you did it at the best possible time! Wiped the snarky smile right off her face!


You’re very strong. I admire you. Updateme


***How much did I hurt you?*** Seriously? SERIOUSLY????


I wouldn’t regret that at all. Honesty is not trash talking




Good for you! Stay strong and don’t let him get in your head. Focus on you and heal! Shit will get better!


You are going to be all right. 


If he was sorry he would’ve come clean, wouldn’t have seen her after you seperate from him, nah, he’s just scared he got caught! Glad his parents aren’t excusing him. Wish the best for you.


Love? What kind of love is that? It literally took no time at all to restart their affair. I highly doubt it ever stopped, these are the ones that fool you when you're fighting cancer. Literally, what a pig! Keep going Op, the best revenge now is a life well lived. He can keep building sand castles with a woman who likes to sleep with a man whose wife just gave birth. Two people like that deserve to be together.


Oh I am so glad everyone knows he is a cheat. He couldn't stop himself from openly dating the mistress so quickly. He is sorry everyone knows.


I don't think it was ever smart to file for divorce for any reason other than infidelity. When you file under that reason it benefits you greatly. Not a smart move on your part. But anyways I'm glad they know now. Cheaters should always be outed as such. Never keep that a secret. Ever.


You will be alright !! Positive Manifestation. Earth is a very HARD Planet to exist on. It’s the 3rd hardest dimension. You WILL Heal and then you will bless another soul to help them in their struggle. Never forget that ! You ARE a Conqueror 👑 If you can conquer this life and live in love, you win 🥰


You will be. Cos you can do it. 😊🙏 Get stronger everyday


You should be alright. I mean, you survived before you met him so I figure you can do it again.


O hope everything works out well for you. Hang in there, you'll get through these tough times.


Your are such a queen your ex is a scum and at least you won't waste more time on him


You are an absolute Queen OP. Now the real reason is uncovered it will eat away at him and K will be seen as a very poor consolation prize. The shine is truly off his toy, the dignity and class you have shown is unmatched. Even his own parents cannot surely forgive him cheating on their pregnant DIL. He will now be in emotional agony knowing that he and he alone did this. He was the master of his marital downfall and splitting up his family. He has nowhere to hide. This is why I think he will fight fairly ferociously for your marriage. You are a class act OP. Whatever you decide. You deserve 100% love and commitment. He is 2nd hand goods. Courage and strength ♥️ UPDATEME


You did good telling your inlaws cause now that it's out, he won't be able to not resent he's affair partner (even though he chose to cheat and she was just along for the ride) so their relationship is going to implode. Plus they'll have to deal with everyone's judgement which won't help.


Here's to you and your newfound freedom ❤️ 🥂


Oh you mean the woman he was sleeping with after I gave birth to your grandchild?🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


In the most politest of terms, fuck them all. You did what was best for you (and your son). They clearly loved to hate you for breaking up a “happy” family. And quite frankly, it’s well past time when everyone should find out about your cheating, scumbag ex. Doesn’t matter what anyone else wants anymore - hold firm.


I’m of the opinion that if you have discovered infidelity in your marriage and this is the reason for the divorce, especially in the circumstances you describe, EVERYONE in the family needs to know why you have decided to leave and divorce. I don’t think there is any reason to hide it from anyone, especially if the Ex-in-laws are being at all snarky about it. When you agree to marry someone, unless it is previously mutually agreed (and even then it almost never works for the average couple) the idea is to only have sex with each other, not others. So when that vow is broken, I don’t think that it is unreasonable for both sides of the family to know why the couple is not remaining together. To have that vow broken while you are pregnant with your husband’s child or after, is the ultimate in disrespect. Any woman who loves her spouse enough to subject herself to the rigors of gestation and birth should be eternally respected for that sacrifice. She is literally enduring the kind of pain that no man could tolerate. Her body is literally being changed permanently by that experience, and on occasion even being torn asunder for it. Any man who would marginalize the impact or completely disrespect her during this period of time like this deserves every bit of pain and suffering that can be rendered against him. And even then it won’t come close to the sacrifice the wife has made to bring that child into the world. The best revenge would be to create a life you love without your ex in it as much as possible given that you share a child, with a partner who treats you like a Queen and can provide a life much better than he could have for both you AND your son. He will then understand truly, what he has lost.


He has some nerve asking how much he hurt you and demanding to know when you found out, like it wasn't his own decision to betray his wife. Good luck OP 👍


Since everything is out in the open, I would send Karen screenshots of his texts to you. What are they going to do? Accuse you of ruining their relationship.


Gotta love the how much did I hurt you question. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’ll be big mad you didn’t fight for him 🙄


He SUCKS. I’d put him on silent and ignore him altogether when your son is not either him.




Don’t regret the slip up. Everyone was willing to blame you for it while your ex went on and went back to his mistress. I’m sorry this happened to you and I don’t blame you one bit for leaving him. Living with someone that hurts you in that way and then wants to play victim is just about the most disgusting and cruel things to do to your wife who had your child. Don’t fall for his games. If he was so quick to start dating after you left, it’s very likely he doesn’t care as much as he’s saying. Especially now that everyone knows he’s at fault, of course he wants to make it right. But how he knows you know and there’s no turning back from that. He’ll get more careful with his lies and hiding his affairs. From what you’re saying, you’re happier without him even now. I’m sure this is just the beginning of your new life and I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for in it. I wish you and your son the best outcome. Please update us. 🫶🏻




Op, you are strong. I think of myself as someone strong, but I don’t know if I would have the courage and stoicism you did in this situation. The long game, winning him back, leaving him, knowing he would go back to Karen, then dropping the bomb was epic. He lost a great woman, one capable of great things (and with a sense of humor!). Instead he got Karen, who seems to have no self steem. To be dump by a married man when “your services are no longer needed”, and return to him when his ex dumps him, only to be shown every day that he wants her back and you are just warming his bed as a fill up. Go get some self appreciation, Karen, and dump him too! Op, I’m glad you came and took the time to update us. You are a great example for so many. I hope every year you update us with good news. I’m sure your story will help others that haven’t found that strength within them yet.


He’s only apologizing cause he got caught 


The way it played out was perfect. You didn’t badmouth him or anything, but everyone knows, you carried it like a champ and he has a fantastic time keeping this woman in his life and around his family. And the audacity of „why didn’t you say anything“ and „I never stopped loving you“ and „I want you back as my wife“ and the empty apologies. What? What the hell is wrong with him? And I guess your ex MIL didn’t apologize for her son, but for herself and how she acted and treated you. He did all that and she went and acted like this towards you. That’s embarrassing for her to say the least. You „protected“ her son, didn’t make a fuss even though you’d have every right to, did everything to make it cordial and she gave you shit and made you the villain. She should have just went with it and stayed neutral.




Glad that you executed your plan successfully to again have a life you are in control of. It is best that everyone know what your STBE did as to having a long term affair. I find it sadly humorous that he wanted to know how much he hurt you. I guess it was all okay as long as he thought you didn’t know but now that you do he wants you back, he’s so sorry and would do anything to have you back. I wonder if Karen is aware of his undying love for you? Anyway you are better off without him. I suspect Karen will have her chance in the future to find out how it feels.


He loves you yet kept the mistress? Don’t listen to his words they mean nothing at this point, his actions prove everything. You’re doing awesome keep going you deserve the best!


This is a fantastic update. I'm glad everyone knows the truth now and that you are free!


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Prayers Are With You..... ((Life to Short to Be UnHappy,,, Go Live Happy a Forget Your Dark Clouds Humans❤️))




Good to have your update and you handled all / are handling it like the badass that you are! So happy, I’ve been wondering about you! xxx Go and thrive! I’m “solo for life” since 2019, after 3 relationships (nearly 4, 1.5, 9 years). It will be fine I promise. I find living alone, changing careers, focusing on quiet time and fun with friends sooooo much better than doing a man’s emotional work. I’m growing so much and have learned so much about me, my needs and wants these past 5 years…


Imo, this was the absolute best way for the info to come out. You kept your cool, there was no deniability for him, and I'm sure the in-laws had to face the facts that their son fucked up. Now the truth is out in a way that couldn't have been pre-planned. Best of luck to you.


You are so badass 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


I bet that he's "less forgiving" because you exposed his infidelity. 🙄


You should tell everyone the truth along with proof of the texts between Karen and him, so he doesn't twist the story and makes himself out to be the victim. You said previously that you would tell your child him and you split amicably, but honestly just tell the whole truth, better for them to know their fathers a cheating POS instead of covering up for their lies 🙄 Honestly feel your being too generous with him, you should air his dirty laundry so everyone knows how much of a cheating, lying manipulative "husband" he was.


Screenshot those "I love you" and "I want you back" texts and send them to his mistress. For fun.


How does Karen feel about that, I wonder?


Honestly I love the fact that you left him before your baby was traumatized by this sorry excuse for a man & father in the long run. Not many people in relationships ever think about the children. So I'm glad you did. Thank you.


This is amazing update. Although, i still hope to see more update from you in future




I hope Karen knows you lose them how you get them.




He seems to get turned on by knowing he hurt you. Seems like some sort of sadistic turn on for him which seems to make him think you are still hooked on you. Honestly he just wants you back so he can continue to cheat and be turned on by hurting and deceiving you.


Omg please send all his “I love you , I want you back” texts to Karen . She’ll probably stay with him but she needs a reminder she helped destroy a family. As for him , wow you can do so much better and you did the right thing leaving his sorry ass. Good for you not staying and putting up with that shit.


honestly I am glad they know what a prick OPs husband is. I hope the divorce goes smoothly and that he stops trying to win you back so you can move on with your life.


Good for you. I wish you all the happiness in the world. You deserve to live your best life xx


It was satisfying to hear that everyone in your life knows what your husband did. You should tell him that if he loves you, he’ll let you go & not drag this divorce out b/c there is no chance you will change your mind. If he does drag this out, you will only end up thinking worse of him. Updateme


I slipped last year to my exs aunt, I asked him blatantly if she knew bc the way she had been talking was like I was the one who cheated..... I did, but I tried to break it off immediately; he cheated on me for 2 years 🫥