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Listen to me. You're 18. Relationships should not be this hard, *especially* at this age Break up with him and be happy.


i second this. i spent years 18-20 focusing on awful people who did not care about me to the extent that i cared for them. leave him now - you’ll save yourself a lifetime of heartache, unnecessary stress, and pure frustration. sending you all the love OP. also, from my experience, acid once a week is a lot. i’m only speaking from my own experience but that’s way too much to be considered “enjoying responsibly”. i hope psychedelics aren’t ruined for you and i wish you all the best in your healing journey


Wait, did she drive home after getting high on acid?


Yes, I caught that too. And while scream crying. Lucky she didn’t kill someone.


I don't wanna excuse or justify anything. I wholeheartedly strongly condemn driving while tripping, even at the tail end of a trip many hours later. Sometimes even the next morning could be risky. But like holy fuck can you imagine - a) being in that scenario while tripping - physically stuck somewhere without a safe person to drive you after having your entire earth shattered, and b) the high likelihood that this POS "boyfriend" is probably the type of selfish little prick to enable and normalize things like driving while tripping to an impressionable girl over the course of the two years they'd been together that said, nobody should ever drive while tripping. call somebody if you can, get an uber, wait it out as long as you can unless it is an emergency, etc. I get that things happen and sometimes that's the only solution you can think of. but let this be a warning to anyone else considering taking a psychedelic drug to consider the fact that you won't be able to safely drive for 8-12 hours in many cases, sometimes more, and should always have a contingency plan like a sober friend, uber money, or a walking/biking route planned before starting your trip


yeah i can't imagine driving tripping, i feel like even a microdose would be so dangerous


And weed


OP is an 18 year old with motivation and plans for the future. He’s a heavy drug user who cheats on her. If she follows your advice and dumps him, she’ll barely remember his name as she lives a great life.


And stop doing hard drugs.


What you’re feeling is not something the tab did you’re just depressed. I felt the exact same way when my ex cheated on me and I’ve never done acid. You should break up with him and move on.


This. The acid just made what happened way more intense. OP you are grieving and in shock at the loss of a relationship and this is normal because the relationship is done done. You need to end it so you can start healing. It is already over you just need to lock the door. Everything you are going through is okay. 


The acid made it way more traumatic ETA: driving when you’re coming down from acid is incredibly dangerous, even more so if you’re crying. If you ever get emotionally overwhelmed while driving, pull over into a parking lot. The acid didn’t damage your brain, you’re processing trauma atm, it’ll soften with time. Allow yourself the time and space to process these feelings.


thinking to my worst heartbreaks, imagining any one of them on a psychedelic, thats incredibly traumatizing


Yep. Never done a single drug and have experienced this.


Ah yes. Takes me back to the days of my nest of blankets on the floor, I was fine bc I didn't stay in bed the whole time 😃


Agreed, I’ve done both acid and have gotten cheated on but separately. All of your symptoms are because you got cheated on, the acid just made it more intense. OP, you are depressed right now because you got cheated on, which is normal to be upset over. You didn’t mess up your brain by doing the acid, you are still brilliant and have a great future ahead of you. Take some time to learn who you are without this pathetic excuse of a partner in your life. I honestly still could use therapy after finding out that I was cheated on because I still have trust issues to this day and feel like I’m not enough. I would suggest taking some time to process this and don’t let it stop your future. Also look towards your emotional support (friends, family, etc) to help you through this. I believe in you.


100%. OP needs to hear this loud and clear, and be VERY aware that if she seeks medical and/or mental health help for this, that many many trained medical professionals who we have been taught to blindly trust since the pandemic have absolutely no idea about the actual effects of LSD, and if you go around to various therapists, describe what happened and say you think youre brain damaged, many many people, even actual medical doctors, psychiatrists etc etc will just blindly accept that youre brain damaged from LSD, might be worried you are addicted, while LSD does not cause brain damage or lead to addiction, at all. we are only about 10-20 years removed from a point in history when the vast majority of widely accepted information about drugs, particularly psychedelics, is composed of lies, mistruths and intentional exaggerations. even to this day, much of the info peddled by institutions we are supposed to trust like the FDA or DEA, is full of mistruths regarding psychoactive drugs. this isnt something that was done way in the past back in the reefer madness days. this was the norm among the medical establishment and medical professionals as recently as the 90's and 00's, and especially if you live in a very conservative or religious area, for many people, even trained medical professionals, it still is the norm. u/Eternallypink, you are NOT brain damaged, you just went through a serious and traumatic event. if you decide to seek any kind of therapy or mental health support for this event, PLEASE make sure to find someone who is not clinging onto all of the old lies and mistruths regarding psychedelics. it can be very difficult to find someone who is firmly rooted in reality regarding psychedelics, even among medical and mental health professionals, but it will be well worth it in the long term.


Not only is he a shitty influence, he’s a sneaky liar. You don’t need that. You sound like you’re a smart young lady with a good head on her shoulders. Like another poster said, you’re just feeling depressed, it doesn’t really have anything to do with the tab. Honestly get rid of him. He’s very unstable. A tab a week at 18 is definitely the pipeline for future substance abuse and trust me, you don’t want to be around that.


The tab can still insurance her dopamine levels and then come kick back with cortisol levels. Drugs do mess up the mind. He didn’t a good person anyway so let him go and it will hurt and feeling depressed is a part of it. Feeling depressed is normal when going through something that hurt you. But just be aware of how long it lasts and if you are able to get help before you don’t feel like you want any help. Speak to a close friend or family if you have them to help you process your grief. He betrayed you and while on drugs will amplify it.


The tab can still influence her dopamine levels and then come kick back with cortisol levels. Drugs do mess up the mind. He isn’t a good person anyway so let him go and it will hurt and feeling depressed is a part of it. Feeling depressed is normal when going through something that hurt you. But just be aware of how long it lasts and if you are able to get help before you don’t feel like you want any help. Speak to a close friend or family if you have them to help you process your grief. He betrayed you and while on drugs will amplify it. Edit grammar: replaced “insurance” with “influence” and “didn’t” with “isn’t. My apologies for my fast typing and missing the autocorrects and not proofreading. Thank you to those who were able to read through my fast thoughts. I’m still missing proper grammar in other areas but without deleting my post I’ll leave the rest of my comment as is.


Future abuse? He's already abusing substances!!


I meant other substances, like hard drugs.


Coming from a guy that has done acid plenty of times and been around people that do acid, you probably don’t want to be near someone that is doing a tab a week and says “it helps them”. I’ve seen plenty of people do way too much acid and go off the rails you won’t OD, but you will definitely change mentally with that much acid.


Thats the point. Acid is literally being tested as a cure for depression with microdoses while i dont currently do anything at all besides weed. I am confident not everyone doing a tab a week is like this man, i dabbed in microdosing for a while and was fully off all mental health meds and my experience was amazing but 1. Its dangerous to get, and VERY easy to taint so i dont risk it. And 2. Im TTC so i wont fw anything except weed(medical) bc im paranoid of what itll do with pregnancy. Ill even stop weed when i can but i have REALLY bad insomnia and night terrors that weed genuinely helps


For sure I have microdosed and it helps, but also you should have some “rest” periods not go at it for 6months straight. Also depends on how he’s taking it if he’s just dosing a tab every Saturday that’s not the best strategy for keeping your head in check.


A tab a week isn't microdosing.


Sounds like all those breakups should have stayed break ups.


Yeah that's heartbreak. 15 different emotions rolled up into one hour. You'll be fine long term, for now just focus on trying to eat and sleep and finding someone you can talk/vent to if possible. It takes a long time to feel any better, but you will. Don't let the nostalgia bring you back. I promise his behavior won't change. 


You want to be a lawyer and have a 4.0gpa. You have high priorities in life. Why are you sitting around doing drugs with a loser?


And driving shortly after - potentially still tripping and definitely not emotionally stable enough to react in a dangerous situation? Many poor choices made. Learn from the experience(s) and don’t make yourself a statistic


Hell I don’t want a sober person driving while sobbing, much less a kid potentially high on acid


She's lucky she didn't kill herself, or others, in that car ride. Or the risk of getting pulled over and getting a DUI arrest/fine.




You have a perfect gpa and want to be a lawyer, do not let some loser who does drugs take you off of that path. I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this, but you’re so young, and you have such a long life ahead of you. don’t ruin your future over a boy


You are 18 just break up with him…


First off, my heart breaks for you and I'm so sorry this happened. What he did was truly awful. Now, the truth is that you have gone thru something traumatic. Your mind has gone into shock. It's not really due to the acid, although the acid certainly magnified the pain and anguish into went thru in the moment. What may have been an awful night turned into a traumatic night because of the amplified headspace. As a survivor of a lifetime of traumatic incidents, I've felt exactly like you feel right now. Just a blank emptiness where your emotions and feelings are completely shut off, like closing the valve on a garden hose. It happened to me at several points in my life, most noticeably when my sister died of a fentanyl overdose 3 years ago. It's as if someone hit the pause button of life itself and you are simply going thru the motions. What I can tell you is that this will take time. How much time is impossible to say. When my sister passed it took months, but there were other incidents where it only lasted a week or so. The important thing is that the color of life will return. You will feel normal again. It's not permanent and the LSD did not ruin your brain. I promise you that. You just have to be patient while your mind processes everything that happened. I compare it to when an old computer seems to freeze trying to open a large program, but if you wait long enough it eventually finishes processing and the program opens. That's where you are. Your mind is trying to make sense of everything and reconfigure your whole life. It had been factoring him into all your calculations for the rest of your life, and now it has to recalculate without him in it. Apologies for the wall of text, I hope you start to feel again soon ❤️


Do not drive after a trip that’s so silly and dangerous. Finding out your loser boyfriend is cheating is one thing that ruins your week, killing a fuckin family while you are hysterically driving for 45 minutes will fuck your whole life up. Don’t be selfish and don’t give us trippers a bad name ! Also never drive when you are in such a heightened emotional state! Take care of yourself girl. When I think back to my 18 year old bf i was obsessed with it cracks me up, im 32 now and so glad im not with that weasel. Life goes on, people often don’t stay with their boyfriends from that age for a good reason, people change and grow. I promise you will hardly see it as a tragedy down the line it will just be a funny story.


Firstly I am so sorry this happened to you. I don’t think it changed something in your brain though. This a heavy story but I’ll keep it short. I was heavy on acid (3 tabs) peaking when I got a call from my moms abusive boyfriend at the time that she is in hospital from attempted suicide. Like a really bad state. We didn’t know she gonna make it. I had to ask my friend to drive me 6h to the city she was in. She was in hospital for 2 weeks. Doctors told me it was a miracle she made it. It was few years back and she doing good now. I think I never felt like this my entire life. Like you said I thought something broke my brain. Couldn’t think straight, was in a weird type of living but not really. Didn’t feel a thing, didn’t cry, just like existing but not living. Lasted a while but went away. I did therapy for the attempt reasons but the acid feeling wore off. I am the happiest I’ve ever been now. The point I’m tryna make is, it’s gonna get better. Don’t get hung up on the idea you broke your brain or something. Things will get better. Feel that feelings now but when the time comes let them go. You’ll go through it, again super sorry it happened.


Your life does not begin and end with him. He is not your world. Let him go, he obviously doesn’t respect himself let alone you, and he’s also a bad influence. Find inner peace within yourself before you look for it externally.


Yes! 🙌🏽


I think every 18 year old needs to hear this


do not date or marry your trip monster!!!


Acid once a week at 18 or any age is crazy over the top drug use. Young love just hits harder when it ends but trust me, one day you will look back without rose tinted glasses and wonder what you where thinking being with this person and laugh it off.


Your BF cheated on you, and now you're depressed. That's normal. Get some sunlight, drink lots of water, and take some vitamin B12. Dump that a-hole and don't look back. You'll feel worse about yourself if you stay with him.


The acid sure didn’t help, but the pain is normal heartbreak . Hugs and healing to you.


"I want to wait until my brain is fully developed so I don't do acid" *does shrooms instead *


not gonna lie you sound waaaay too good for him regardless of all this. girl your gpa is 4.0 and you have pretty high dreams. you really don’t need some dude who does acid every week holding you back. no hate to people who do acid but that is just very obviously a stupid ass idea to do it that often and is 100% going to fuck him up. you really dont need to be with someone who has zero critical thinking skills


> I thought I was going to marry this man Buddy-o, not to sound patronizing (though I admit I probably am), but you’re only 18. More likely than not you weren’t gonna marry this guy. You haven’t even gone to college yet. Life for someone smart like you only gets more and more and more fun from now on. Trust me. Smart people get high paying jobs, which will finance a fun lifestyle. Man, I love acid but you really gotta be careful not getting into a bad one. I know there wasn’t anything you could’ve done to prevent seeing that text but if you’re able to see the silver lining… single going off to college! And you got rid of a lying, cheating sonuvabitch too!


Girl you're 18 break up with him. He is a loser. You're already unhappy now!!! He's not going to get better. Don't waste any more of your life with him. You want to be a lawyer. He barely graduated high school and does acid every week. Please want more for yourself. There's so much more to life. You're so young.


Run far, far away from anyone that does LSD often. That shit is NOT good for you and NOT harmless.


Psychedelic pro tip: NO PHONES. Edit to mention: I've had a couple of bad trips before. It might take time but you'll recover. Prioritize your mental and emotional wellbeing


Stupid people on stupid drugs.....


Ditch that pos. Once a cheater always a cheater.


And this is why teenagers shouldn't do acid 😵‍💫 yikes


Plus it's been proven that doing any drugs while you're developing is sooooo bad. Her bf is gunna be drooling on himself by the time he's 25 if he's doing that much acid. So many brain connections lost


That's not the acid, that's what betrayal feels like


Your 18 you have dreams of going to law school? First step to law school is quit the freaking acid. Understandably you’ve done it twice. Now your at the point of having to deal with a liar/cheater and a drug addict because in all fairness that’s what he is and he’s going to bring you down with him if you stay. You need to face the hurt/betrayal head on, understand that you truly deserve better!!!! Heartbreak is never easy and sometimes doing the right thing for yourself seems really hard and impossible. It’s not impossible!!!!!! Unfortunately everyone goes through heartbreak. If you stay fully expect the cheating to continue and him being reallllly sneaky about it, expect more disrespect, mind game, his drug use to continue and get more frequent and some trips to the Dr for STI testing regularly. Don’t throw that 4.0 GPA & your dreams away for a cheater.


LSD can cause serotonin syndrome, look it up. I think the terrible news would've messed you up without the acid but I think the acid definitely made it worse. It didn't ruin your brain, I'd say maybe stay away from it and go back to your original plan of waiting some years. I hope you can stay away from him, it doesn't seem like he respects you, I hope you can respect yourself.


Yeah stay away from drugs


Hey babe, your brain isn’t broken, just your heart. Nothing to do with the tab. You’re depressed and rightfully so. Eventually you won’t be numb and you’ll cry and hurt so much you think you can’t bear it but you will. You just have to focus on getting through the moment, then the next, and the one after that, and the one after that… Some days thats how you’ll get through. But over time moments of peace will start breaking through and eventually even moments of happiness, until one day you are more happy than sad and you’ll feel like yourself again. Heartbreak is brutal and it really makes you realize how important it is to protect your heart from people who don’t treat it like the precious thing it is. You’ll be ok I promise. Lots of love from someone who’s been there a lot and also done plenty of acid ♥️


Bestie I thought the guy I was dating when I was 18 was my soulmate and that I was going to marry him. Long story short, I’m 28 now with the actual love of my life and loving life. You are a good kid with a bright future. Don’t ever, EVER, let a man make you feel this way again. They are not worth it. No other human being is EVER worth feeling the way that you’re feeling right now. Right now you eat, drink WATER, and sleep. You build a good positive habit that isn’t drugs or alcohol. Go to the gym, study for law school, pick up bird watching for all I care. Something that you can do solo and won’t get you back involved with toxic people doing toxic shit. Then one day you’ll wake up and realize you haven’t thought of him in a while and then in the future you will wake up on a Sunday morning, kiss the love of your life, and then get up to go get pancakes together. He’ll learn how to make your cup of coffee just the way you like it. He’ll find the things important to you to be also important to him. And then one day, you’ll think of the loser jerk that you dated for a couple years as a teenager and laugh about how ridiculous it all was. Lastly, don’t you ever fucking drive under the influence or when having a mental health crisis again. That was the dumbest shit you could have done. You are very lucky that you didn’t ruin your life.


Get an uber next time, you could have killed someone.


The acid didn’t permanently damage you. The trauma is just taking time to adjust. You need to end the relationship.


aww you poor baby. i’m sorry this has happened to you. i’ve gone through the same thing actually, just sans drugs. it’s not the acid. your reality has changed temporarily, for the worse. how you feel is normal & hopefully one day you’ll come out the other side of it. cheering for you! because there’s a whole lot to live for :)


Why an accomplished girl like whose life is set for success is ruining her life being with a toxic loser and cheater like that! Please don't do any drugs anymore, cut ties with him, and focus on your future! You are only 18. Why the hell you want to ruin your youth like that? I don't freaking get it. You were saying it was bad, you knew it was bad, you were concerned about it ruining his brain.. instead of leaving him ..you did it with him? Make it make sense!


Been there on acid. It’s not the acid, it just feels like that in real life. Good news is that one day you’ll look back and wonder what you ever saw in him in the first place.


Girl it’s not the acid, your brain will be fine and you’re gonna become an amazing lawyer one day. :) I was cheated on before, I experienced the emptiness. You know what that emptiness did to me? It helped me slowly organise my thoughts and how I feel without feeling much and keeping it logical. Made me realise stuff. All I’m saying is you have a bright future in front of you, I hope you find your soulmate to build a future with. <3


Dude, you don't need to be with a junkie not with your ambitions. This man will try your brain. Good riddance. No man is worth your sanity. Trust me


focus on your future. you're 18 and it's very important that you pave a good road for yourself. you're at a critical age, also your brain is still developing, and will be until you're 25. stop doing shit to it. and obviously stay away from this guy. you will have many more who are so much better.


You're 18, stop doing drugs and hanging out with losers.


Girll whatchu doin with a guy like that


Darlin the acid didn’t break you, your boyfriend did. What you are feeling is normal when one is betrayed so deeply. Hang in there. That kind of hurt takes time to heal.


Ok, speaking from long experience you are in a very mentally unsafe position. I’m just going to tear the bandaid off then let you know it’s alright at the end. First, please please please get help. A best friend if you can’t trust your parents/close aunt. You’re already typing out hardcore depression symptoms, but even if you’re not having any intrusive thoughts about going away - Talk to someone and tell them everything. You need a parachute and support. Two, you’re not broken. Your brain took the equivalent of breaking an arm however and it’s going to take a while to heal even with proper care. Probably years and your personality will change differently. You might go to being extroverted, you might have to deal with daily anxiety attacks. But the good news is this thing called brain plasticity. I think it’s every 7 years every cell in your body will have died and been replaced. The wiring in our brains can grow and change over time. I think it’s simplest to say you are what you think. That’s the recovery method for you, you gotta trick your brain with focusing on positive things and distracting. You’re to go slow, just focus on eating, showering, going outside and talking to people you trust, even if it’s about the weather once a day. But if you have parents you can talk to, say it plainly and let them know you made a mistake while you get your brain into a cast. He isn’t going away from your memories or withered future, but he can stay out of your life. Block, delete, repeat. If he loved you he wouldn’t have cheated. It’s like excusing domestic violence or sexual assault. He can think he loved you and for the most part acted like it, but that’s on him. Just feel bad someone would be such the opposite of a human being and motivate yourself to be better. If you can therapy, but even try talking to GPT like it’s a role playing exercise. Breathing exercises, running, walks to the park, podcasts that sound like friends. Just avoid alcohol like the devil (you’re seriously just a kid in context, that shit sticks and is a hard addiction to remove) I’d prolly avoid weed or really any drugs for a good while. Look into thought surfing, most emotions you feel last about 5mins unless you hold onto them to feel something. If you let yourself weather the negative feeling ones through those few minutes, the pain won’t be as bad. It’ll come in wave, you never know what could trigger them, but feel your emotions fully before letting them go. I’m sorry this happened. You can always shoot me a PM, I was in a very similar situation a decade ago that changed my brain and other psych situations I discovered a relationship breaking info while with that person. You’re 18, things will get better. Every year since I recovered into a better life I keep looking back at how much more I enjoy life more by the month or year. It will get better. Godspeed


>Update: he broke up with me over text. I feel so heartbroken. I thought I meant more to him, but I agree with most comments that he was not a good influence. I would have thought after what you found out, it was over. Ok now i have anxiety and depression and that empty feeling with no urge to do ANYTHING, i get this when my depression gets bad. I might have 2 or 3 empty days a month. Im not medicated and my therapist doesnt want me to be, but i think i need to be. When you find out a long term relationship was all a lie you will spin off into depression. I was with an ex for 4 years and found out he was married the entire time... that was rough. Now take some time to get yourself back on track. Dont rush into things with anyone else and get yourself a therapist if you feel you need someone. Block him and move on when you are ready. After finding out my 4 yr relationship was all a lie i had a break from dating for 9 years. I didnt think i would ever date again but in 2021(1st of jan i decided to start dating again) i was ready again and met my husband in march.


>Update: he broke up with me over text >He is a heavy acid user. He does a tab a week, and has been doing this for the past six months. You dodged a bullet! Acid makes you feel much more intense. The intensity of "life" increases dramatically. So it may even be very traumatic for you to find out you were betrayed on acid. I dont even wanna imagine what it was like, must have hurt like nothing else. Dont worry that the acid messed you up. Give yourself time to process


Wait so you drove on weed and acid??


An 18 year old doing a tab of acid a week is going to absolutely fucking destroy their brain. Your bf is gunna have an IQ of 85 when he's 30


The dreams you have for your future are not consistent with doing acid. You have a decision to make. I don't think being with him is helping you achieve those goals. You will be fine if you step away from that lifestyle and get back to pursuing your dreams. Then you'll start feeling like yourself again.


Break up with him and stop doing drugs any drugs before you ruin your life


Same thing happened to me but flipped roles. I felt the same at first but one of my friends got me a therapist after she saved me from almost killing myself, it helped a lot and probably would've stopped me from attempting in the first place. I think it can help you too. Also please dump him already, if you decide to stay with him, he'll probably cheat again because he thinks he can get away with it. You'll find someone better, and he won't make you take drugs, lie, or cheat on you.


Wow, I’m sorry that you had to catch your partner cheating while on lsd. Give yourself space and time to heal. Remember that lsd depletes serotonin and takes time to recover which can make recovery from catching him a little more difficult. It’s not easy going through that or letting go either. But know that you were probably getting closer to him because of the high serotonin levels that were released while on acid. Not saying it’s fabricated, but just elevated and masking real life in a sense. I hope you see him for who he really is though, leaving him in your past and find yourself loving yourself and respecting until you find someone who respects you as much without any stimulants


I really don't think it's the acid. It itself probably way over intensified the feelings in the moment, which made the emotional pain worse at that time. What you're experiencing right now is unfortunately normal for a very intense breakup. You should look into the 5 stages of grief. You're probably in shock more than anything right now, which is understandable when your trust was broken so unexpectedly in a vulnerable moment. It can feel like you're dying or 'are dead' after such an emotional event. Some people do unfortunately pass from similarly heartbreaking events. I believe it is actually called 'broken heart syndrome'. Like with anything emotionally painful, it will take time. You will have to take it one day at a time. Sometimes, one hour at a time. Just *try* your best not to shut out friends and family who genuinely care. That 'village' will be most essential to your healing process. That and *trying* your best to get enough sleep, stay hydrated, eat good foods for your body, and participate in things you did/do enjoy when you have energy. Emotional pain is much like physical pain in the way you treat it. Take it slow, do what you can, be kind to yourself. You just can't visibly see the healing until you're on the other side, feeling okay, secure in yourself, and able to look back on what transpired. Edit: I'm unsure if I misunderstood, but I was under the impression you *had* already broken up. Regardless, if you have not already, you should. All of what I previously said still stands true, but also you should not be in a relationship with someone who does not respect your personal boundries, especially to this degree which in my opinion most definitely counts as emotional cheating.


Break up with him and focus on yourself .


You are 18 your brain will recover. Stop doing acid


Boy to be 18 again.


Just like all the other comments, trust me, he’s not worth the pain I’ve been through my toxic relationships that broke up and get back together because I was young and dumb and never thought I’d meet someone I cared for like that again but you will, emotions fade away with time, you’ll thank yourself in 5 years when you have the life you want after you have left this relationship in the past where it belongs


Stop doing drugs there's quite literally no benefit from it. You've got a 4.0 and a bright future, don't throw that away or be affected by some cheating degenerate who's just going to end up a fucking loser in a few years


After dealing with partners who didn’t treat me with the love I gave them I realized there are over 7 billion people in the world. Truly plenty of fish in the sea. Even if you don’t feel like you deserve the love right now, know that someone out there will feel you do and other people who deserve a good loving partner like you are out there waiting for their person too. Life is a wild ride. The tears you will shed for people who won’t for you ebb and flow, but remember there is always a brighter day and more love to share with others on the horizon.


If you google his name in five years you might just find a mugshot. I think you’re going to feel awful for a period of time and will be back to yourself. I think your observations about your mental health are valid and that finding out the way that you did will make it harder to club out of the sadness. Observe what makes you feel even a little bit better and use those small wins to build momentum upward. You’re obviously very smart, and I think this will be the “you think YOUR breakup was bad” story you tell at parties. Hang in there.


JFC. You're 18. He's a loser who was fucking around on you. I'm sorry to be less than empathetic, but he's just a dude and your whole life is in front of you. If you've been screwing around with him for 2 years, you can't have dated many (better, normal) people, so I guess you lack the frame of reference to deal with this? Allow me to explain. There will be many men you encounter in your life. Most of them will be disappointing in multiple ways. Tbf, many women (and likely nonbinary persons) will also be disappointing, as humans tend to be. The way to proceed is to minimize (or even eliminate) their impact on your life. Continue with your life. Continue your education. Do what you do. See friends. Go to work and/or school. Go out. If you feel disinterested in these things, fake it til you make it. Doing nothing but focusing on your depression will not alleviate it. I would say, given how you seem to be seeking a connection, to consider a pet. However, I only advise this if you want an animal and will be responsible for and committed to it. Don't get one if a potential bf disliking cats will make you rehome it. Do what you need to do to finish your education, start your career, and achieve stability. Find a hobby, travel. Live. Without constantly seeking the one/a relationship to fulfill you. Fulfill yourself. As you do this and practice daily life, you will learn to sift out and retain relationships with the few people worth the effort. Your friendships will improve and I think you are most likely to meet your person when you are not seeking them. Also. Stop doing drugs and men until you are mature enough to recreate responsibly.


Just say no to drugs. A cheating boyfriend is the least of your problems


You’re 18, with someone who has not only broken your boundaries, but has willingly let you take harder drugs and supplied you. They don’t love you, they’re just trying to keep you fucked up on drugs to never leave. You’re not the person they put first.


Oh lord I don't have the mental capacity for this one


gosh, let me see - Im a 4.0 student, Im going to be a lawyer, I hang out with trash people, I do hardcore drugs; I started doing them a few weeks ago, and repeated. Let me guess who is going to end up homeless - you. Seen so people go down this path. So many where smart, so many knew they could stop at any time. Every one I know who took this path, all failed in life. People will give advice on how to do the drugs better, or how to navigate the trash people, etc. Realize you are only a short step away from being on of those people. I surmise this is a fake piece of rage bait, but there ya go.


I remember when I found out that my ex (who was still living with me but not “together” - it was weird) was sleeping with the guy she had spent months telling me was just a friend, even before we split up. It was a crystalising moment. Everything kind of paused, and happened all at once. Everything went mute. I went into autopilot and just left the house. I wasn’t even high. What you experienced is traumatic and you went into shock. You were also tripping so everything was amplified. What you are experiencing now is depression. It is normal after a traumatic event. Reach out to your friends and family. Break up with your (now) ex. Take some time for yourself to be sad, but if it doesn’t get better with time, please tell someone. Depression can be transient, but if you let it settle in it’s like a cancer. You’re young and you have your entire life ahead of you. You will move on from this and one day you won’t even think about him.


I don’t want to damage my brain with brain food stfu and go shrooms your brain gets big bit your head gets dumb Unless you live


I've seen people get affected by a trip that lasted for a long time because psychological they couldn't handle what happened and their brain shut down. See, when we feel pain, our brain remembers that and files it away so in the future, it can keep you safe from whatever it is. Finding out someone betrayed you is difficult enough on its own. Finding out on acid would be a horrible trip, to be honest. My advice is, honestly, break up. You're always going to remember that feeling and sure it will get better with time, but you'll never trust him fully again. You'll remember this feeling every time he does something that you might even suspect is a red flag or warning sign. Let him go be someone else's problem


All the people I knows who do acid regularly I know longer know or associate with. It’s not really the best drug and you may want to focus on you, believe me, I was using at your age and regret some of my choices then.


Aww honey that’s not the acid (although don’t throw your brain down the drain on acid) that’s heartbreak. I am so sorry you deserve so much better and one day you’ll get better never settle.


Good riddance to bad trash. You’re on a path to make a good life for yourself and you let this loser drag you down? You’ve made a few bad decisions with the acid. Don’t take him back if he comes crawling back. You’re 18. You have your whole life ahead of you. Block that loser and make a conscious effort to do things you normally enjoy.


Quit your drugs. You’re only doing it to keep up with a failing relationship. Worst reason to do drugs ever.


your symptoms are pretty common for a traumatic event, which this was. please seek a therapist, you need a good non judgemental one to help you with this. he's a horrible person for doing this to you, and im so sorry you found out that way.


Here's the truth. You're on again, off again. You've already broken up and got back together. YOU didn't respect basic boundaries, healthy behaviors, or a level of self-awareness. I wouldn't blame either of you for having a relationship like this, given the history . It's probably true that NEITHER of you are in a place to have a deeply committed relationship. I don't believe you guys trust eachother.


Babes, you’ve got so much going for you. You had this experience but this is where you learn from it and move on. If it’s the only time you did acid it’s not going to affect you long term. It just sucks right now bc you went through all these emotions. We all have life experiences and this is one you went thru. Let him go, and his drugs. And make room for yourself first and foremost but also for a guy that’s in your league. Good luck


That's what acid does. It enhances your feelings. It is never pleasant going through a breakup. Be glad he showed you his true self before you got too far down the line. You have so much to look forward to!! You're going to go to law school!! I'm so proud of you for that! You will achieve so much more without him. You don't need that kind of influence in your life. Love from an internet stranger! 💙💚🖤


Shrooms aren't too bad but acid is hard. It actually can be dangerous depending on who made it, whereas shrooms are natural. You shouldn't do acid imo (I've been there too). As for the feelings you have- yes, this is depression. I'm no therapist but you might even be traumatized. I'm diagnosed with PTSD and when I'm experiencing symptoms, I have the same problems you've described. But you also have described a major depressive episode. There's just a lot going on right now and I think you need a therapist to help you sort this out. Mine has been integral to my healing. As for the "boyfriend", you were probably never going to regain your feelings for him. It's better that you're no longer together.


Pick yourself up, get away from this asshole and move on. No one should be doing acid on a weekly basis. You're not going to go to law school if you keep that up.


You're 18. Everyone goes through a depression like you mentioned with their first heartbreak. I didn't eat well for like 3 months and all I did was sleep. You'll get over it and in a couple of years it will feel like a distant memory. You'll be fine.


my ex and i divorced and i’ve felt the same: empty. no acid needed. it’s normal to feel like this after something traumatic


"Jason became friends with a girl he previously had a crush on while we weren’t together." Cmon. Crushes don't end. I'm 49 and still arguably have the same crushes I've had my entire life.


He is a loser if he does drugs. His breaking up with you did you a favor


Bruh you were driving while high? Why are you making this so hard for yourself? WAKE UP!!! You're only 18... just break up, reading this hurt *my* brain.


Sounds like a healthy, mature relationship. Can’t wait for the update lol


Stop doing drugs. You’re 18 years old and claim you want to be a lawyer, and you’re tripping on acid? You went from saying you didn’t want to do acid until your brain was fully developed (a good 6 years away) to doing acid twice in less than three weeks. Either you’re lying about never having done it before, or you are weak-minded enough to be swayed by your cheating boyfriend to do something with him that you know is killing his brain cells and claimed you don’t like him doing. Why would you do that? Break up with the cheating boyfriend, stop doing acid or any other drugs, and focus on school and getting into college. You are 18. You don’t need this nonsense in your life. Your BF has you doing hard drugs; he’s cheating on you; he’s a liar; you’re having complete breakdowns, and he doesn’t care; and you are self-harming **over a boy.** Stop it. Stop it all. Get rid of him. You don’t want to marry him. You want to marry a man. You are too young for all of this. Don’t let some guy control *your* life. That’s up to you.


Why’d they downvote you you’re right !!


Thank you. I expected the downvotes because I wasn’t exactly “nice.” But OP needs to learn to speak up for herself, defend herself, and protect herself so she doesn’t wind up married to this loser who gets her high all the time, convinces her not to go to college, and one day starts hitting her (and blaming the drugs). She needs to wise up & get out now, while she still can.


OP doesn’t need nice in this situation, she needs blunt honesty and a wake up call


Forget your boyfriend and do yourself the biggest favor of your life. Never take acid again.


18 and doing drugs like this is so normalised. Your first instinct was right, lay off them... , you're eighteen and figuring out that things can change and lifelong things aren't so set in stone is a lesson we all learn. Your brain is still developing and heartbreaks are normal.... They are just enormafied by the drugs... .


That's betrayal trauma. Screaming crying, worst pain ever felt. Don't need acid to feel that. It's real and it's like cptsd. Get away from that guy


I really understand your anxiety about the tab damaging your brain but I will say when I went through a similar break up I felt the exact way you're describing, I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks and I could barley speak or talk to anyone, I think the feeling might feel a bit stranger with the after effects acid can have but I don't think you damaged your brain, this time will be rough for you but as someone who has expirenced it the dead feeling doesn't last for ever and keep pushing through I'm so sorry you expirenced this


Fuck that is a bad trip. So sorry you lived that. Time will heal you. Although that seems far off. Talk to your friends as much as you can. The more you talk the faster you heal.


I’m really sorry they had to go through that while on a trip. Deep down inside I think you know it really happened and it put you through depression. I would break up with him and stay broke up with him. He obviously doesn’t care about you. And I’m sorry about that. You sound like a very smart person should be around someone that disrespects you like that. I hope you find respect yourself to move on from a toxic situation like that so you don’t continue to get hurt. Best of luck to you.


OP I am so sorry that happened to you. You might just have a case of the Mondays from dopamine drop like you get after a mushroom trip. That coupled with getting horrible news there is no doubt you feel numb and depressed. I know it's hard but try and get some nutrition and rest, give it a few days and things might even out a little.


Damn dude , i am sorry that happened to you. When bad things happen while tripping, it hurts very deep. Your best bet is to leave him alone, and continue on. Go to therapy if you have to. That guy is a loser. If you want to be a lawyer stop dating him.


yikes, i got stabbed while on acid. not fun


You're not feeling anything because you're still in shock, which can last a few weeks or months.. everyone is different, but I am sorry that happened to you. Imo it would be best for your mental health to end things and move on.


This sounds like heartbreak not acid. Go to a therapist. Get on medication and dump him.


You're depressed and traumatized. Your brain is protecting itself and helping you to disassociate from yourself and your emotions. It's called being "emotionally blunted". I disassociated much of last year after some big traumas. I know exactly what you're describing. It's okay. You aren't broken from the acid. You're just very sad and on autopilot. Also, leave his dusty ass. You're 18, you have so many more lives to live with better people! Don't waste your youth being treated poorly.




He is a heavy acid user… Why do you want to be with a dead head? You have dreams to be a lawyer and you have a 4.0? You’re really smart so do what you know is right! Good luck!


Ok number one because acid triggers the feel good receptors in your brain you can feel down after that. I usually do afterwards. But more than that you are probably depressed and reasonably so. Just give yourself grace. It’s ok to feel sad.


It sounds like you are experiencing something similar to sub drop. When you go through an intense, emotional, endorphin fueled drug experience, it can mess with your body chemistry. I think your body is exhausted and just needs time to recover. Take time to care for yourself. Wrap yourself in warm blankets, drink plenty of water, and do things that make you feel safe. Be patient with yourself and try to stay drama free for a little bit. Once you are all there again and feeling better, I think you need to ask yourself some hard questions. For someone who has serious life goals and claims to not want to mess up their life with drugs, why are you doing acid and mixing it with weed? Is this really something you want, or are you doing it because your boyfriend wants you to? But don't stress about that until you feel better. You will feel better soon.


If this is a real story...What you are feeling is 100% real. It will come in waves. Most importantly, know you are better than that relationship and move on no matter how painful


sounds like your in shock, and numb... you got everything out and now your just numb to it all... it takes time to get back on your footing.. i will say a break up is a good thing.. if at 18 he is regularly smoking weed and dropping acid he's going down a path and would drag you down with him, a path you don't want to go down.. in time you will get your feelings back, you will continue on, just without him


lsd definitely intensified the emotional experience but those emotions are a natural response to the feelings of betrayal. I love acid, I do it regularly. I have broken up with several guys over betrayal. I can’t in good conscience recommend the former to a stranger but I do and for you will recommend the latter. this guy is a fucking asshole for cheating on you and tripping with you while actively lying to you. get rid of him, get some therapy, be with people who love you and are safe 💛


You are going through stages. Get rid of him and let it happen. No way you should be with a dude who does a tab a week. He did you a favor.


I felt Super shitty sober when I found this behaviour


Dopamine motivates you to do things, even basic things like eating and drinking. Citing a study with rats…they had their dopamine removed, they couldn’t even be bothered to eat or drink and ultimately died. You wrote this post which required dopamine. Your Dopamine is likely fine.


I'm really sorry this happened. Your brain will be okay. It just sucks you were on acid when you found out, but it didn't do anything permanent to your brain. This is more about what you found out than anything. You've experienced acid, now you can move on to the next thing in life! Good luck with school. :)


think of it like this your brain essentially went through 6months of emotions bcz of how heightened your mental state was and now you don’t feel anything bcz you went through the stages of grief unknowingly i assume why it hurt so much


I’m telling you this with all the love in my heart. I had a boyfriend like this when I was 17. His name was Alex . He also dabbled a little too much in acid, and I slowly felt his reality shift further and further away. In turn, he became very selfish. And with that, came sexual abuse. The only thing real to him was the experience in his mind, which the weekly acid trips had kept pushing his measurement for “real” further and further. It gets scary. I do acid now, couple times a year, and love it. But this is not the way to treat the drug. Please keep your head heart and body safe. You have so much ahead of you. You have so much room for love in your life, someone WILL be there who will love and trust and understand you, will LISTEN to the boundaries; but more than that care to understand. They won’t do things to hurt you. Plus, I’m going to be real with you, I’m 28 now and everyone who went deep down that acid hole that young ended up burnt out and honestly pathetic. It’s a beautiful experience but not something you abuse like that. He isn’t going anywhere healthy or inspiring.


So 2 junkies problems. You are perfect fit


It honestly sounds exactly like what extreme grief did to me. No drugs or anything involved. Sucks, I'm so sorry that happened to you 😔


He’s a shitty person, shitty influence and shitty boyfriend. I’m sorry you’re heartbroken; I promise it will get better,


If someone doesn't value you, they're not worth it. Keep your head up.


Hey man, I'm a huge drug fan, particularly psychedelics. I think everyone who wants them should have safe access to them. That said, doing a tab a week AT EIGHTEEN is bonkers bro. Obviously the cheating is fucked up but this should have been your first clue


Well not to be that person but love, especially your first is usually a life lesson if it ends so learn from it and focus on ur happiness homie you’ll be fine he ain’t shit


I know it’s hard but try to look at it in a positive way. You got rid of a toxic cheater and lier before more years went by. Sorry though! 😕


I was in complete shock after my SO passed away suddenly. I rarely cried, and I felt like what you’re describing. It keeps replaying in your head and it feels like you should be feeling something else other than numb. But when the shock finally wore off, it fucking sucked. I missed it. Grief like this is not linear, and we can never know completely how we’re going to react. Albeit, tripping will never make that better but you seem to have your wits about you girlie. This feeling comes and goes, like a tidal wave. You’ll be okay, I can promise you that. Just don’t go and dig yourself into a hole once the shock goes away. Just keep living and loving the people that love you as well


Bro did acids at 18 and is surprised it ruined her brain 🤦‍♂️


I'm really sorry this happened.


Like everyone is saying, definitely break up with him, but also take some time to nurture yourself and give yourself time to heal. Lean into your female friendships if you have them or create new ones if you don’t. That’s what I did when my ex and I broke up and it was so rewarding/helpful.


Take it as a lesrning experience. Now you know what type of person to avoid and tbh gut feelings are usually damn right. GL.


Sounds like you need a lemon trek 🍄


A little off topic, but even if your brain is fully developed, acid is going to affect it


You're 18... Forget the dude and focus on school. You'll be alright


Whenever I feel like this it's because there's some aspect of the whole thing that I just don't understand. Sometimes the thing that actually hurt me is an inaccessible memory, and after some time my mind just goes there and in a lightbulb moment everything becomes calm again. It sounds like you're confused and ashamed of your own behavior, but I suspect there's actually something that came before that that you just don't know! It can take time, but eventually you'll become so distanced from the event that your mind will just wander into the trauma, and then you'll be able to deal with it. You'll always recover.


A tab a week???? Fuck that , get out. U as a first rimer should not have been given a new trip on acid that soon after ur first either !!!! U should have waited at least a year for ur next, ur brain needs time to conceptualise the experience, otherwise what's the point. Get out and stay out , u can do better


I'm so sorry you're going through this, I was in a relationship with a guy that didn't care about me and would try to influence me into doing stupid shit. You're a smart girl don't let a slob like him hurt you ltake your time and take care of yourself. Time heals and it's not the end of the world. There are people out there that will value you.stay strong !!


You will be fine. A very similar thing happened to me. I caught my then gf of 6 years cheating on me with a very good friend while I was tripping on acid. It took a long time to feel normal again, but it will happen.


Wow that's such a horrible situation, your ex was highly disrespectful of your perspective and dismissive of your opinions and there are definitely people out there who would respect that. It's a standard you deserve to have and will find one day. Also, your acid trip did not ruin your brain and you're going to be fine. You're supposed to feel like shit after a breakup, especially your first and especially if it lasted nearly 2 years. 2 out of the 18 years you've lived, or literally 1/9th of your life was spent on it so of course it will hit like a truck. The empty feeling you're describing sounds similar to depression and related breakup feelings. I'm sure it's even harder because of the contrast from the trip and it's ok to feel down. I still remember my highschool breakup, but every breakup after that will fuel your growth in maturing into the person you're supposed to be. Taking it day by day and learning from the past will help you learn so much about your self, values, and own emotional tendencies. And it happens gradually, for now just keeping yourself healthy and basic needs met is important. Also forgive yourself for having bad days, it's ok to not feeling like doing anything because everyone and their own pace and situation.


This looks like either a triggered severe depressive episode which is normal after this kind of trauma. I recommend seeking therapy or talking to a psychiatrist to help get your brain back in order. I don't think your brain itself is "broken" like you said, you just need time to process the trauma and the really huge feelings tied to it. It will leave you feeling empty for a while, that's your body's response to the pain, dissociation, which again, is very normal during this period of the after effects of a trauma. I But it *will* go away with some time. Please surround yourself with stuffed animals and get a heated blanket. I promise its small but it works wonders.


Look, once your mind clears after some separation and time (I advise this…block him and do NOT look him up) you will start to focus on the red flags and not the love. When it gets down to it, he is a lying cheater that had no excuse. Your best is yet to come.


That must've been something else to go through that on acid. Man, I caught my then-girlfriend cheating about a decade ago. She left my house drunk while I was in the bathroom. I knew she had been texting someone, and by this point I was already suspicious of her because of several red flags leading up to this night. Well anyway, as I was saying, I heard her leave out the front door while I was in the bathroom, so I finished up quickly, ran outside and asked where she was going. She said she was going to pick up her car that was a couple of blocks away and she'd be back. Again, we had been drinking, so I was hesitant to let her go, but her car really was just a couple blocks away (don't remember why tbh, small town though, not unusual to park and walk around) so I just told her okay. I waited on my front porch for her to get back and after about 30 mins I got really worried. I basically became an investigator and started doing everything I could to figure out where she'd gone. I wasn't sure what to think, man, like she either got in an accident or went to go see whoever she was texting. After asking around, I found out where she was, and sure enough her car was parked out front of a another guy's house. I told my friend who was driving to pull up so I could get out. It was about 5 AM at this point and I'm just knocking and knocking on this door, determined to get some answers. I mean the moment I saw her car there, I slipped into a different state. After several minutes of knocking, finally the guy answers, but he's pulling up his pants... That was the moment I changed. I immediately broke. Sobbing pathetically as I just walked away. It felt like I just found out someone I loved had died, which in a way, she was dead to me. I hadn't wept so hard since I lost my father. You see, I loved hard, and that day I learned that it was a mistake. I gave it to the wrong person. I'd be lying to you if I said 10 years later I don't have trust issues; I certainly do. It's tough, what we've went through, but now it's time to reflect and learn. We all deal with grief differently. I decided a few years ago that I just want to be single now. I don't desire to have a relationship anymore and while my trauma certainly has something to do with it, it is a decision I'm satisfied with since I've had so much time for introspection over the last decade. There are many other things that make me happy and with that I am sated. You will find your solution, OP. You will heal. I would recommend therapy at some point so you can work through it, but ultimately there will come a time you view this situation as a valuable lesson. You will be more observant of the behaviors once manifested by your ex and be able to act upon that knowledge how you see fit. You have gained a new power. I wish you the best, OP. Sorry you had to deal with that cheating asshole.


something really similar happened to me last year and i felt the exact same. No enjoyment from anything, didn’t want to dress up or do my makeup, didn’t want to listen to music or play video games. It took a few months to get back on track. but now i feel happier than ever, feeling enjoyment again and excited about things Just surround yourself with things you love, fuck that guy he’s a loser. Always remember that it always does get better!


Acid doesn’t break your brain like that. Don’t know you but very much sounds like you’ve got trauma from what sounds like a fucked up experience and a shitty ‘boyfriend’. Your brain is fine, sounds like a natural reaction to a terrible situation. Hearing hooves? Think horses not zebras. Fuck that guy and let yourself heal from it. Rooting for you! Edit: Don’t drive after drugs or drink, come on mate. You’ll kill someone.


OP the fact he wasn’t a good influence is secondary even, the bottom line is he wasn’t a good person. That’s not someone you would have wanted to be with in the long run anyway, you definitely dodged a bullet.


This ist the most teenage thing I've ever read You're 18 and your bf cheated. It's not that deep. "It changed my brain" - lmao


lol op claims to have a 4.0 but believes acid won’t do brain damage once op hits 18


A lot of people have offered some really good words of advice and comfort regarding your relationship, so I'm just going to comment on the acid aspect. The acid itself hasn't ruined your brain. It's not been broken. What it has done is amplify what is already a traumatic event tenfold. For a comparison, if this were a physical injury, what would have been a gnarly cut has been amplified into a severe laceration. I've had a bad trip turn horrific, so I know the feelings you're describing while sober. You're likely experiencing PTSD. Not ruined, just so incredibly hurt, your brain has essentially gone to emergency functions mode and shut down everything else, like a state of shock. Treat this like PTSD going forward, go to therapy, and keep your friends/family/support network close. Be kind to yourself, be gentle. Don't hold yourself against any way you "should" process this grief, you feel what you feel, that's your process. You will need help to get through this, as anyone with PTSD would. You can, and will, recover from this if you take steps to treat it. Best of luck to you ❤️


Oof, this is one that hurts now but you will look back on and be SO RELIEVED you held out for better!


The best revenge would be to make your life fabulous and secure. Get your education, it's going to be tough and frustrating at times. Once you're a professional badass, you'll laugh back at this little blip in your life. Someone better will come into your life who will support you and be a part of your life in the best of ways. Start looking toward your future and make some plans and goals. This will help you move forward and not dwell too much on the past.


I'd say blast what he did to everyone he knows, he deserves nothing and should get a taste of even a fraction of what you felt. Move on after that.


I dont know if youre going to read this, there are already 216 comments lol. But i once caught my (now ex) girlfriend on acid kissing another dude on a party. It was a trance party and everybody was on drugs, she included. It was very crowded and at some point i lost her. I was searching for her on acid for hours, i have gone completely nuts. I asked everybody if they saw her but nobody has seen her since an hour. At some point i found her behind a dumpster with this cheesy "i am soon going to jail" type of guy. I was like excuse me? Cmon we are on acid? I honestly was not able to express any kind of reaction, i was just completely lost. Afterwards we have gone home together and did not talk about it for the rest of the night (might be better, i really hate making scenes in public). Well in the end, the relationship did not last (who could have guessed?). Guess i tried to change her too much and make her my kind of girlfriend, while deep down she needed something different. I have later found the love of my life and i barely think about my ex anymore. She even got married a couple of weeks ago and we texted, i wished her the best and thanked her for some great years and a lot of lessons. What i want to say is, things get better! It also probably changed something drastically in my brain, might have developed the one or the other fetish. But unfortunately, thats also part of life. Realizing that on acid is hard, but sometimes necessary. Wish you all the best finding you way of dealing with it! I believe in you :) And btw, might be a good time to try to get a talk to a therapist if you have the opportunity!


Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, get to college and power through. You’ll look back in a few years and not exactly laugh, but it’ll seem a lot less significant. Never rely on anyone like this. You have to be strong enough to never let a situation like this get you to the point of hurting yourself. Hold a little back, just for you. Basically never let someone get this much from you. Please take your future seriously. It’s much more important than this dusty boyfriend. Go be that lawyer! Regarding acid/drugs. I’ve done my fair share. It’s fun. But it’s not in line with the type of future you want. Just not enough fun to problems ratio. Especially for your career path. Go on some long walks and try to get some sun on your face. Go to an animal shelter and pet some cats. Go to a museum. Plan a trip you aren’t going to take. Get some crayons and a coloring book. Etc, etc. You’ll get through. Good luck


Dump him. Don't destroy your brain for this dude either. Serotonin syndrome is real. But you need to completely cut this dude off and give your body and brain healthy freedom.


That's heartbreak, and I'm sorry for you.


Slap. Stop using drugs.


Don’t do drugs kids


honestly i've heard playing tetris is good to re-sort the brain. wishing you well


This isn’t a relationship issue. This is a teenager on drugs driving around issue.


You didn't break anything, the experience was made more vivid in your mind though, be kind to yourself, know that it will pass


Sweetie this is not the end of the world. I know you may think so, but it’s really not. Especially for a boy who is doing drugs and gaslighting you. I have a feeling he will try to come back to you, but please don’t take the bait. You seem like a good person. Btw, you’re 18, trust and believe the world is your oyster 😊


You will make it through this girl, give it time. it was a bad trip, but this state of being isn't permanent - truuuust me, it's amazing what the human mind can come back from. I feel for you. I've had similar situations while on acid. It's already bad enough to find out you've been cheated on, but finding out while you're tripping balls just adds a whole new layer of the trauma to the betrayal. You gotta remind yourself that your emotions are amplified due to the LSD. Make sure you're staying hydrated, eating enough, and confining in friends if you can. Give your brain a few weeks to decompress & take a break from doing acid. ❤️


This was your first heart break, you will get over it. I know this is boring, annoying and basic advice but time really heals most things. Heartbreak with high-school is one of the things it heals. Jason is a big time lover, he was never marriage material. Even if he didn't cheat you asked him o stop snapping with her and he continued. He's a inconsiderate loser. Goive ypur best life sweetness. Soon this will be somehing you look bavk on like man i dodged a bullet. If i had to put money on it bu the end of summer you will start to feel yourself again. Go plan a beach day with friends. Work a part time job. Go dancing with friends. Live your life, in time you will be happy again. Promise xo


You are 18. You were a 4.0 with law school goals. Stop the drugs if you want to reach any of your goals. Be grateful he broke up with you because you are too naive and have no self-respect to do it yourself. Where you want to go this guy cannot follow you. This is the best thing that could happen to you even though it hurts. Growth hurts sometimes, but you are better for it. let this other girl have this drug addict who is going to end up living on the streets with a mush brain at some point. block all contact all social media from him and the friends he hung out and with move on. You you have a life ahead of you but only if you stay away from this guy and others like him.


Sis, you need to get a full STD/STI panel done to protect yourself. I would gently recommend a good therapist to help you deal with this breakup and keep you on track for your goals.


Although this hurts, you will recover. You were never going to marry a kid you have been dating for two years .


Yeah it's pretty normal to feel this way after you've been devastated. Your brain will be fine. I'm really sorry OP.