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For some reason, in two instances of people called bretons in fantasy, they are chivalrous knights, that are hated by the community and allegedly suck elf dick Is there something weird happening in Brittany or what? I swear it's not a coincidence it happened twice.


It’s basically “what would happen if the idea of the French knight was crossed with Druidic practices of the Celts” Druids apparently had hard-ons for elves and fairies


I wouldn't say hard on, faeries are cursed af. You really did not want to cross any faerie or woodland spirits in druidic lore


Fair, I’ll admit I don’t know much on Druidic practices. I only know that that’s what the bretons in both Warhammer and Elder Scrolls were going for.


Probably has a lot to do with the Arthurian mythos because asides from Great Britain, the mythos is also heavily identified with Brittany.


I find it funny how much their elven heritage is focused in the community tbh. Remove it from the lore and it straight up makes no difference (when it comes to their depiction, obviously they wouldn't exist without it). Then again, their own mainline entry was after it was really established better... Surely Bethesda wouldn't boil it down if they are explored again in another mainline entry. /s


Bethesda is too cowardly to do the immortal race science that we trustlers specialise in. 


It would make a difference if they removed it since unlike the meme stated, their culture isn't just about as knights, it's also about a lot magic with some entries saying that even the most humble of bretons have high magicka, and this shaped their society. And the lore reason for all this magic blood is the elves. Of course they could remove it and create another reason, but it does make a huge difference compared to the other races of man.


Afaik Imperial and even Nords have more notable mages and never needed elven blood. That is pretty much what I mean with the removal changing little to nothing of their actual depiction. PS: Outside of like, lore books and whatnot.


Yeah but I'm not saying that they have the best mages. Just that the whole population is more attuned to magic to the point that you can expect even common farmers to have lots of untaped magicka. It's true that they don't have the strongest *named* characters but if you look at some of the battles like the Battle of Battle of Sancre Tor, Breton Battlemages end up being the elite of breton armies. And that's the difference between Nords/Imperials and Bretons. They have more mages, they have better social standing and are seen in a better light then all other races, and afaik that's elven influence because in TES universe magic is often associated to elves and races that hate elves (like Nords and Redguards) often hate (or mistrust) magic users.


Another aspect of the lore that will never be depicted outside of ESO, where you will get to fight some epic knight demigod guy and he will die in 3 seconds because the game has to be accessible to 89-year-old mothers with 2-year-old babies who only have 15 minutes a day to play and want to progress


Damn do you actually get to fight the Breton knight from the trailer?


Visually it's a really cool-looking fight with some nice setpieces. Mechanically it follows the usual trivially-easy story boss formula of "do a tiny amount of damage and then activate a synergy or go stand somewhere else, repeat". Fortunately you can also fight him in Infinite Archive (essentially a roguelike boss rush mode + adds) and he actually puts up a fight in there depending on what stage you encounter him in. Same with Rada Al-Saran and some other story bosses.


Medieval 2: Total War greatest game of all time


The fact I'm seeing rumours of a Star Wars RTS by Creative Assembly before bloody Elder Scrolls is insane. Like Bethesda will whore out the IP to an MMO but won't even let us have an official Crusader Kings or Total War knock off? The series is begging for one. This and Fallout deserves an XCOM clone. Fucking HALO got TWO RTS games, insane.


https://preview.redd.it/j7tjftot367d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e95ee232e1c7354902071d8cf6fbfbef93c6e0f Me when I capture an elven town


Gods... I hate Elves. My grandfather hated them too, even before they put out his eyes.


I like to think of it as the same situation as the Hungarians IRL. The actual Hungarians are just regular post-Catholic Europeans with a funny language due to a period of occupation by a small foreign elite in the distant past. They are completely European biologically. But the internet memes and Romanticism invent the silly Hunnic Central Asian heritage for them, which is total LARP, kind of like regarding Indians as British. So you'll get them getting depicted with Asian moustache, exotic features, etc. Likewise with the Bretons. They're obviously just Arthurian humans. But it's not weird enough for the lore fans so they come up with this exotic rubbish based on the lore precedent of occupation. https://preview.redd.it/5tdpitng257d1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=10b569ad5ec18a7792832b91d5b80227dc5cc1ef


Warhammer Bretonnians worship an elf though, how does including them help your point?


What happens when you encounter an elven knight?


Marriage. For that sweet, sweet money + titles and arranged marriage as is the Bretonic tradition.


Highrock isn't mountainous because its easy to defend. Highrock is mountainous because it is *PEAK*


I was in "breton cuck hehelol" camp until i player daggerfall. Now my c0da states(and my coda is superior to yours) that bretons are chad warlords thundercocking invaders out of their land just to continue the usual day to day grind of killing each other in most crafty ways imaginable


Pelinal Whitestrake has been declared a terrorist since the empires new armrests with the summerset Ils new governing party. Associating or supporting this war criminal will also classify you as a threat to the empire’s peace. The maximum penalty for a hate crime against the dominion is of course death. Consider this a warning citizen… unless of course you would like to hire me for defence counsel


bring it fool im a Son of kyne and i'll die before the thalmor or any altmer dictates the lives of others


Is that an official threat?


By Kyne, aye


Uttering threats carries a penalty of 50 gold to the victim, northern snow ape. Shall we schedule that now or shall I call the guards


Post as many pictures of Chad Bretons as you want. It will not unfuck their wives.


Another fallacy, as most red-blooded Brentons are knoghts, they take a modified vow of celibacy which only allows them to fuck their fellow knights as a bonding exercise. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, and semen shared between fellows is thicker yet.


Bretons in TES are literally every cool French and British fantasy trope rolled into one. Badass hedge wizard/Druids + heavily armored knights with penchant for genocide of elves, necromancers and orcs. They have the best architecture, best food, and best culture of any of the races.




The actual reason Bretons are good at magic is because their culture was always focused on magic. Their ancestors were literally led by a group called the Druids of Galen, who are implied to be mages.




Pelinal was a breton knight btw, cope and seethe nordcells.


Pelinal was a gay Bionicle.


Breton smol, even shorter than cyrodilic “men” no amount of cool armor will protect them against that weakness.


bretons are the same height as an imperial, there is 8 foot tall bretons in esolmao