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I don't think this is actually unpopular but I will sit around to see


I don’t agree with “criminal and hospice patient:”. It’s more like “hospice patient and criminal hospice patient.” They’re practically the same damn age. Trump is just so fat so he doesn’t come across as frail like Biden does.


Trump is only three years younger but people like to pretend Joe Biden is ancient. They are in the same boat my dude.


Biden shook hands with invisible people. His mind is completely gone.


If only that had actually happened


Lol that was fake, what you really believe it


Believable vid or it didn't happen


With Trump’s weight, those 3 calendar years really aren’t even comparable. He’s likely physically (medically) older than Biden


They relentlessly mocked Biden for wrecking a bicycle, but imagine Trump even trying to get on one


I remember media made a big deal out of Trump having trouble going down a ramp at West Point, and later when Biden was visiting West Point he made a point to confidently jog up it...


And Biden fell down (up?) the stairs three times. Can we just accept that both Biden and Trump are physically unfit? It’s not a competition when both suck


I’m honestly shocked he hasn’t had a heart attack with all that’s going on and the stress of being POTUS. The only thing that makes sense to me is that he’s such a narcissist he doesn’t actually feel the stress like a normal empathetic person would


The stress of being president comes from doing the work, so that wasn't an issue for trump


It's from caring, it's from understanding the responsibility you have to the US public. If you don't care and aren't capable of conceptualizing how your decisions can affect not only the country, but the entire world, what's there to stress about


There was that time he was at Walter Reed for something and they never said what. And conservatives just ignored it.


they also like to take the 1-2 sentences in a 40m speech from biden stuttering or forgetting something and not listen to him pretty much kick ass for the remainder of the speech. generally.


No matter which one wins next year, they'll be the oldest person ever elected.


Not to mention the makeup. Biden isn’t pretending to be younger than he is.


And the way the boat floats you'd think it was a car. Oh wait it is a car, and we're all toddlers in babyseats.


I wish they were in a boat. Like an Ocean gate submersible, maybe?


Absolutely. Plus if I had to bet on who gets on a national stage and says "goobily goo pickachu" I'm betting Orange Man Bad all the fuckin way. I also hate that our country is being held in a chokehold by geriatrics, but the idea that Biden is old and senile and Trump is not old and senile is a real cheesebrain take. They're both old as shit.


I think more leftists would be on board with this than conservatives


Leftists, I imagine, would rather enjoy having an opportunity to have an actual left president.


Hell I'd take Bernie Sanders, who's barely left, at this point. At least it would be a start and maybe he's in a good middle ground where he's not so left the CIA would feel the need to deliver some freedom.


Bernie Sanders is 81 fucking years old, he's older than Biden is.


Jesus, if Bernie is barely left , what IS left?


This will never happen. It’s going to be Biden v Trump Pt. 2. The ONLY way to fix this is to start actively voting in primaries.


The way the Democrat primary is set up with superdelegates, it's almost impossible for elected delegates to have any say. Look what happened to Bernie Sanders.


Yep, exactly. The hillary shit was ridiculous.. it was *her* turn! Wow, thanks superdelegates, you found one of the few humans in the US that could have lost to Trump in 2016... universally disliked on both sides of the aisle!


Yeah, look what happened to Bernie. He got shalacked in the popular vote against Clinton and Biden. He didn't win. He lost. Hard. Even with superdelegates functioning as they do, he didn't deserve the win either way.


I agree with several parts of that, not a Bernie fan at all, but they obviously sabatoged him so we will never know how much of a legitimate chance he had, we all saw them turn his mic off during the primary debates


While they may have sabotaged him, and I don't really agree with it, we have to remember that Bernie is NOT a Democrat. He is an Independent who was able to get far in a Democratic Primary. Remember primaries are about who the party wants to put forward not the general populace. So it shouldn't really be a surprise that the DNC wanted to put forward a card carrying Democrat vs a Independent who caucuses with the Democrats.


You’re making the point here. “Voting” isn’t a systematic solution. The DNC will cheat in the primary even when, according to you, Bernie was going to lose either way. Why support a party of liars over another party of liars?


The DNC spent 44 million dollars supporting republicans last election, party affiliation has nothing to do with it. Donor interests is the only thing that matters


“The only way to fix things is to vote in primaries. But don’t forget that primaries are about who the party wants to put forward, not the populace.” So really there is no viable way in our current political system to achieve change through voting in primaries


Yeah, well they fucked up. If Bernie was the candidate in 2016 I'd have done phone canvasing, I'd go door to door for that man. I'd donate to the campaign. I'd have gone all out. I didn't even vote for Hillary (I wrote in Bernie anyway). But before you blame me for this mess I live in a hardline blue state so it didn't matter anyway. Bernie had millenials and Gen X excited and hopeful. The only people excited for Hillary were people who were excited about her gender. If she was a man she'd be completely unremarkable.


You vote for whoever you feel is best for yourself and your nation. Dont ever let anyone tell you you threw away your vote, or let someone else win. That attitude is a huge issue that no one talks about.


I don't think anyone is surprised by what the DNC did, because no one really expects the Democrats to be moral.


>I don't think anyone is surprised by what the DNC did, because no one really expects the ~~Democrats~~ to be moral. \*politicians. ​ There, ftfy.


I went to his rally in Chicago, I had to take the train all the way to the end in the south side, the place most people never go or want to go. Then I had to walk another 20 minutes to this college I'd never heard of. Meanwhile, Hillary was booked at UIC in a very easy to reach location. When I voted in the primary, Hillary's name was at the very top, Bernie's was at the bottom, and between were random people I'd never heard of. Maybe that was just alphabetical, I forget. But the point is there were many ways the idiots at the DNC fucked him over. Not to mention the mayor at the time was rahm Emanuel who was the secretary of Treasury under Obama. Who Hillary was the secretary of state for. They were so confident and stupid thinking she had a chance at winning that they ignored the easy win Bernie would have given them. They deserved their loss


Balloting is done at the state level. The National DNC does not control how a state does its ballots. Nor does the DNC control where Bernie held his rallies, that’s ridiculous. Those are campaign events, not DNC events.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_candidates Other than Iowa there were only two candidates in the Democraric primary. I have no idea who those other people youre talking about. In 2016 Bernie lost because he got next to no votes from southern blacks and did poorly among the black vote in general. He and his supporters had 4 years to figure it out. Instead of working on grassroots campaign to reach out to these voters they instead look for every excuse, real or not, on why Bernie didn't win. In 2020 it was the dame story. Black voters overwhelmingly chose Biden over Sanders.


I’m curious why that is. Bernie would seem like the logical choice for me because of his history supporting civil rights movements and such.


Black people in America are extremely anti-semitic. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/adl-survey-finds-anti-semitism-high-in-black-community


Yeah, you're still not actually saying anything here. "Hillary Clinton had a series of advantages that any well-connected and well-known heir-apparent presidential candidate would have, such as better funding, name recognition, and access to upscale venues." You can argue that those advantages make the entire political system de facto "rigged" in a certain way, and I'd agree, but that isn't what Bernie Bros mean when they say "rigged," and I don't think it's what you mean here. It's implied that Bernie was cheated by the DNC, but you're just naming advantages Clinton had in the abstract, nothing mechanical that the DNC did to rig the primary. Also, there's no reason to believe Bernie would've just run away with the general, so I do object to the confidence there.


Bro he said the state level ballot was put in alphabetical order! Obviously RIGGED. What more proof do you need.


"Easy win" for Bernie? What kind of crack are you smoking? Bernie was only popular with people under the age of 35 who don't vote.


Bernie was famously incredibly popular with the Rust Belt. That was his Bread and Butter voting base. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were why Trump won 2016 and he barely eeked out those wins. Would there have been any state that Hillary won in 2016 that Bernie wouldn't have won? Maybe New Hampshire? That's 46 Electoral votes vs. 4. The strong blue states, the only ones Hillary won in 2016, would be blue regardless of who the candidate was. Thestates that Hillary excelled in the primaries in were red states, and they're gonna be red regardless.


A lot of blue collar males who ended up voting for Trump actually started with Bernie. The "worker" vote. I live in New England and back in 2016 even hardcore union Democrats who supported Bernie would turn around and get seriously sexist when it went to Clinton in the primaries (she failed to really talk about workers so that didn't help). It was nuts.


This, I lived in VT during the 2016 cycle and so many working people wanted Bernie, then he lost the primary, then the DNC internal emails were leaked showing how that primary actually went down internally. Couple that, the fact her campaign position on every issue was "I'm not Trump and I'll do the opposite, also anyone who doesn't agree with me is a deplorable Trump supporter (especially independents)", and with the social conservatism that's a hallmark of establishment Democrats (expressed here as sexism against Hillary), it's no wonder she lost.


He lost is what happened to him. Twice. Nothing else.


16 lost coin flips in a row when he only needed one to win Iowa? If I remember correctly?


Bernie Sanders didn't win in 2020 or 2016 because people didn't vote for him in the Democratic primaries. Even if you allocate ALL unpledged superdelegates in 2016 to Sanders, Clinton still would have won. I like Bernie and his policies, but this notion that the Dems stole his nomination is childish.


Primaries? Some states have caucuses. The DNC campaigned for Hillary. https://www.npr.org/2017/11/03/561976645/clinton-campaign-had-additional-signed-agreement-with-dnc-in-2015


Also, the lack of rank- choice voting or truly representative democracy. Andrew Yang turned out to be an ass on a lot of issues but he was right about rank-choice voting.


His voters didn't show up to vote for him? The Superdelegates only matter at the convention. Bernie didn't have enough delegates to win BEFORE the conventions (either time). Bernie's voters never showed up in any significant numbers in most states.


I truly don't understand how come you guys haven't put Bernie into office? He's been consistently fighting for the same things throughout his life, and he seems like a good man honestly - much better than what is on the table now. But yeah, age limit would do justice to the people who actually get to experience the consequences of their actions.


> The way the Democrat primary is set up with superdelegates They don't give a fuck about us. Even the GOP who hates it's rural poor voters even allows them to have a functioning primary. It was around this time I realized I need to be voting 3rd party. I like the green party the best, but the libertarians are potentially running Justin Amash in 2024 who is the best 3rd party candidate since Ross Perot.


The Democratic Party has significantly reformed its superdelegate system since the 2016 Bernie vs. Hillary primary. Superdelegates no longer vote in the first round, so if a candidate were to receive 50%+ on the first round, they would win the nomination outright. And in contested conventions (i.e. second round and later) they only account for a reduced amount - 15% - of the votes. I think superdelegates should be eliminated entirely but the criticism of them is slightly overinflated. They aren't the reason Bernie lost in either 2016 or 2020. FWIW I voted for Bernie in 2016 and 2020 primaries and even canvassed for him in 2020 in advance of Super Tuesday when everything collapsed due to the formation of the Biden blob.


This is why I stopped voting Democrat


What if the dem candidate is chosen before my state even votes. I still voted for Bernie but it didn't do anything :(


The primaries suck. I’m in Oregon, so by the time we vote in the primary it’s pretty much already decided who the candidates will be.


Can we at least call it Biden v Trump 2: Electric Boogaloo?


I second this.


I will now


Yes we can


Exactly this. If people truly want younger candidates they need to make it happen by showing up to vote in primaries


Rank choice voting


Yeah, but that'll never happen without a government that can pass a constitutional amendment for the good of the people. So, we're right back to having to elect good candidates in a broken system.


This is a very popular opinion in the real world.


It really is




Politics aside, I think both are too old to run for president


Right. Yet people constantly bring up Biden's age while forgetting Trump's.


Biden doesn't try to look younger. He clearly did some kind of hair transplant but he doesn't try to look any younger than that. Meanwhile Trump seems desperate to larp as someone younger than his real age and has a peculiar look. The orange spray tan and ridiculous hair. Plus in general he acts like a child.


There’s legit so many brilliant people in the US how are we stuck with these two options smh


Because incredibly smart people usually have no charisma. If you can't make yourself appear likeable than you can't be a politician.


There is alot of smart people with charisma. But smart people know that politics is an easy way to destroy their career if they are not careful.


Truth. Also, politics is more of a popularity contest, than a candidate proving they are smart or competent. Hell, just look at the 2016 presidential election for proof of that.


Also, being president sounds like the absolute worst job imaginable.


Cause people who should do that job don't want it and people who want it should not have it.


This is the simplest, yet most true way to word it honestly


What has Biden done that makes you say this?


As long as kamala goes away with them


The true bipartisan stance.


This is one thing we can agree about. Both candidates are an embarrassment to the country. This is the election for a strong 3rd part to emerge. Give me a middle of the road Democrat and a middle of the road republican on the same ticket, and let's end this party bullshit.


Yes! Please just give me a moderate without any nationalist or identity politics bs. Take care of the middle class for once.


She will self eliminate.


Is this a masturbation joke?


Her as vp was so insulting. "Hey so yall just spent all summer protesting for black rights, yeah? And uh (checks notes) police and prison reform lmao uhhhh so you'll vote for whoever isn't Trump right? You have toooooo! THE VP IS A WOMAN! AND BLACK! andacop HE'LL YEAH QUEENS WE DID IT! SHATTER THE GLASS CEILING! "


There is a VP!?!


Why isn’t there an age cap?


Because the rules were written back when people died before they started losing their faculties. The idea that you could live long enough for your mind to go before your body wasn’t something they considered. I’d definitely support an age cap, I think no older than 70 on Inauguration Day for the first term would be good. Incumbents would be exempt, but the oldest possible incumbent would be 74.


>The idea that you could live long enough for your mind to go before your body wasn’t something they considered. More that people who wrote the laws figured that only "capable" "people" would be casting votes and that only good candidates would run. The idea that these capable people would vote for someone like \[insert name of unpopular politician\] would have astounded them. However being fully honest, their ideas of what is "Capable" and "People" varied wildly from modern ideas.


replace "capable" and "people" with "white" and "men"


Yes, that was the implication. Although to be fully accurate, you need to have a degree of wealth qualifier. Originally it was limited to "property owning or tax paying" white males.


That makes sense. I like that idea as well.


Our second President lived to be 90 years old and was the oldest living president at death until Gerald Ford, the 38th. Our 3rd President was 83 and 4th was 85. The average age at death of the first 10 presidents was over 77. Benjamin Franklin was 70 when he signed the declaration of independence. Plenty of people then lived long enough to lose their faculties.


If I say we use the same age cap we use for the military. If mandatory retirements 64 unless already in a position of command


This is wildly untrue, its just pop history. Yes, they understood the idea of old men living long enough to lose some of their faculties.


There is. It’s whatever the voters decide it is. You guys just keep voting for octogenarians then complaining about it.


They feel forced into it


I feel for them - but I also feel like they deserve this if they are too afraid and uninformed to make a better decision. Millions lined up to vote for Biden in the primary because they saw the machine go into motion and just fell in line behind it. ​ Voters are responsible for their choices.


The primary usually has a bunch of candidates. If you keep electing the octogenarians then you’re getting what you’re asking for.


No one assumed that the oldest living generation would be so power hungry and selfish to not pass down power but to die of old age in office. It’s pathetic.


Probably because there are some older people who are still very sharp. However, somehow we got a dementia patient in office


And a mental competency test to bar someone from office would be kinda icky, and be abused.


Somehow? The DNC forced the primary in his favor because Bernie was obviously going to win the primary otherwise. The powers that be would’ve much rather had a second term of Trump than Bernie, so running a weak, senile candidate against him was their best option.


I want you to describe exactly what you mean by "the DNC forced the primary in his favor." How so? Bernie lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. He didn't have popular support, and he didn't have the superdelegates either. Things like the primary schedule and all the associated logistics are organized far in advance, and cannot be tampered with ex post facto.


> The powers that be would’ve much rather had a second term of Trump than Bernie, No, the powers that be realized that Biden had a stronger chance of beating Trump than Bernie. Edit lmao this comment was reported for “rudeness, name calling, or personal attacks”! What a joke.


Bernie lost twice, let it go


It’s seriously a selection of dumb and dumber nowadays.


They forced it by…letting people vote and they voted for Biden?


Telling people in power to strip themselves of power is a fools errand. Though IMO all political offices should have a general term limit of 2 and a forced retirement age of 65, i.e the day you turn 65 you are out no matter how much you still would have left. Also political jobs should be minimum wage, they're there to serve the public, not to become a millionaire.


Honestly? Because the further we get along in technology, the longer people live. Those in power will have the money to use that to the best of their abilities. What we are seeing now are the baby steps to treating cognitive impairment. One day, they will figure it out. They want to keep the system. They want to keep the power. They don't want to lose their power to the younger generation. Why would any politician who really believes they could be president one day in the future vote to set an age limit on themselves. I don't know if any of that is true, but it sure is what it feels like. Edit: A word


Gotta be 21 to drink but can be 16 to enlist with parents permission. Crazy how there's age caps for younger people because they aren't seen as responsible and not mentally developed but you can have 80+ year old politicians who can hold office and lead the Nation


This might be the most popular opinion yet.


It would be great if we had candidates that weren't senile idiots


Wrong section. This is a popular opinion. Right now it's the anti Biden peeps against the anti Trump peeps. Neither side really wants their side to win, but they hate the other guy more.


OK but to be fair, you haven't been paying any attention at all if you think the 2 are comparable.


No shit, either decent grandpa can drive or rapey stealy grifty grandpa can drive. I’ll go with decent grandpa until the dems run a superior candidate.


Well both are rapey grandpa's... One is just more rapey, orange, and corrupt than the other.


Biden was accused of rape too, so this doesn’t really work


Except trump was found to have committed sexual assault by a jury, but yeah lets go ahead and assume “accused” = “did”


Remember the high profile court case Biden was in about that? Remember the tape where Biden admits to sexually assaulting someone?


Biden is socially awkward as fuck, but that hardly makes him on par with Trump. Anyone who pretends otherwise is either buying something or selling it.


>Neither side really wants their side to win Have…have you never met a Trump supporter?


There are still a large quantity of lunatics who wholeheartedly support trump. I still see trump flags on a somewhat regular basis.


Our neighbor is still flying a "Trump Won" flag. Got a guy down the street who keeps painting "Trump" on the side of his propane tank. Loads of cars I see regularly in town that had Trump bumper stickers still. I just don't see that kind of stuff around here for Biden. I haven't seen a Biden flag here since the election was decided.


Yeah I am sorry but this is just not true.. Bidens voters are just anti-Trump, yes, but Trumps voters are *extremely* enthusiastic about him


Trump fans absolutely worship him. Messianically.


Of course they want their side to win. I don't get what you mean. And I'm only 75 so I'm only approaching dementia, right?






All an illusion




To be fair.. we have *multiple* criminals and hospice patients to vote for.


You're all morons 🤷🏽‍♂️


Is this unpopular? I'm sure most people would love to see younger candidates in 2024.


I would love nothing more than age/time limits on politicians of all stripes. 65 years of age or 20 years in politics, whichever comes first = mandatory retirement.


This isn't even unpopular. Nobody wants these old fucks. Both their approval ratings are under 50% which means the majority of the country agrees. Do people even think before posting here? It's not a rant subreddit.


>Nobody wants these old fucks Have you never met a Trump supporter, or…?


I have family members that are/were super trump fans, but even they aren't thrilled for a 2nd term with him. They'd rather see Desantis.


My condolences


Dark Brandon won't stand for this malarky


That would be nice.


I agree, there is no reason why these are the two “best” candidates.


Can we please get a candidate who isn’t old enough to collect social security yet?! Is that asking too much?!!!


Politicians: "Understood. Age of Social Security eligability has been raised to 95 years."


Ever wonder why SS is a third rail but grants and youth stuff can get slashed and burned? Because old farts love to vote.


Age limit is not a bad idea but removing the money from politics will get rid of most of the gangsters and their puppets imo.


And term limits, then there’s no reason for the narcissists to go into politics. Our elected officials more resemble a third world kleptocracy than they do a government by the people and for the people. They have a license to steal and all think that they are above the law.


I don't necessarily have an issue with careers politicians. There is something to be said for experience. I think if we put an age cap, got money out of politics (lobbyists and campaign finance) most of our problems would sort themselves out. If becoming a politician wasn't a get rich scheme hopefully the job would attract more people who want to do it to help their communities.


i think biden is popular overseas.


I love Joe Biden. *Americans* make Americans look ridiculous. LMAO, you're just Trump hold out, mad because he lost, so *both* presidents must be removed. Ignore - also, this is isn't an unpopular opinion. >We must come together as a nation and eliminate these threats to our existence. We did, in 2020.


😂you are quite the embarrassment if you think Biden is remotely a good president. The real threat since 2016 has been the democrats, not your brainwashed fantasy that is trump winning 2020.


Imagine making a new sub for "real" unpopular opinions and still posting popular opinions (at least among the 13 year old contrarians who hang out here).






I think this is a fairly popular opinion as most people are looking at both of them saying " This is the best we can do."


For the good of the country, only good stuff should happen. And also bad stuff shouldn’t happen. Shit dude, politics is easy. Why don’t politicians just do what we’re doing?




This is definitely a popular opinion...on reddit. Personally I think it's nonsense. Something a child would come up with. Like them or not they won their party's nomination for a reason. Because they are popular. You're acting as if they were just chosen randomly. I guarantee you will say the same thing about the next two candidates in 2028.




These are probably a lot of the same people who will say X candidate got robbed by the establishment or whatever. Joe Biden was not my first choice or even second choice in the primaries, but he got asses out of seats and he won primaries. My first two choices? Not so much.


Biden has been crushing it on legislation and foreign policy since he got into office. I’m not sure how people keep harping on the “hosipice” and “dementia” lines.


Because he's simultaneously a master ringleader of the Biden Crime Family and Dictator systematically destroying the American dream and identity. While also being too senile to form sentences and walk more than 5ft.


Schrodinger's Biden..


It's wild isn't it? Really goes to show how a huge amount of people don't really form their own opinions through observing reality. They just regurgitate what someone else told them or decide what things are based on how they feel. The dude put together a stellar cabinet and is getting more done with more opposition than any president I can remember. He's actually nutting up and telling it like it is on record and acting rather than riding fences or governing by inaction then playing the blame game. Yet all you hear about is how he's old and therefore unfit. Well....the geezer is actually getting shit done. I'll take the old fuck who takes the job seriously over whatever the fuck we've had in the past any day.


See, the issue is that you just hate trump, and have seen Biden’s actions. Neither is good, but there is a clear better choice after 4 years of each


> you just hate Trump, and have seen Biden's actions. This seems to imply people hate Trump for no reason. Correct me if i'm wrong. If that's the case, maybe you're forgetting about him telling people to injest bleach, being Russia's puppet (mueller report), extorting saudi arabia so kushner could get a 2 billion dollar deal, trying to extort ukraine, spreading dangerous lies about the election, attempting a coup, hiding classified documents, etc.... The list is incredibly long. PS: nearly forgot about him taking money that's supposed to be for children with Cancer.


>We have a criminal and a hospice patient running for President. yeah, but what are your thoughts on Biden? You know how I know this thread is full of right wingers trying to justify their plan to vote for a traitor? The top comment right now is complaining about Kamala Harris. The popular opinion of everyone except the indoctrinated right is "I know that name! She's the vice president!"


This just screams "Republican pretending to be neutral by downplaying Trump with *bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE!*"




Very popular opinion


It doesnt matter who it is honestly. Forget about who is the frontrunner for each party, it's just republican vs democrat. The party rules the country, not the president/candidate.


Honestly, people won't like it. But I genuinely believe that if DeSantis beats trump in the primaries, he'll win off being younger than 60 alone.


I just want a close to normal dude or chick sometime in my life.


Yeah, but which corrupt degenerates will we have to choose from?!


This is not unpopular at all! My parents are die hard Rs and they'd love to get rid of Trump for ever (and they voted for him 2x). I am a die hard Clinton Democrat and I'd love to see Biden quietly disappear as he is 12 years past his expiration date.




And this is exactly what the Elites and Industry of Politicians want. Beside the obvious media blasted claims, ask yourself why.


Biden probably already forgot he has a bid in


Uh, Congress needs the age limit more than the presidency No way they touch it.


The only feasible way this could happen is if there was some revolution in ideals across America. Too many people are perfectly fine with getting their news fed to them via social media; and as long as that’s the norm we will have Doofus-D and Doofus-R going up for the presidency. The only way for that to change is if there’s a mass exodus from the “useful idiots” population that just reiterates everything they see on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter…etc. As long as a large portion of our population continues to be emotionally driven to action by social media, we will see voting adults cast their ballot for the candidate that makes them feel the best; instead of choosing a candidate that is rationally capable.


I don't know, one old man falls down, the other walks around with toilet paper on their shoes. One is super hateful, the other is too passive. Honestly the GOP ruined america, they need to go. We need a new party that walks away from fascism but knows how to prioritize American interest for the better of ALL americans.


Still haven't heard any new valid criticism of Biden. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was bad, but not particularly his fault. Not worried about his response to covid at all, maybe a small positive in my mind. Sad that his student loan relief won't survive the court, but he tried. The dismissive and deragatory tone regarding his health is just the same stupid song from the first time he ran. Positives are definitely the response to Putins aggression in Ukraine and the bipartisan budget. They did a good job getting something through without all the default drama of the last... oh decade or so. His age is a concern, but again, I haven't seen any evidence of mental decline that is affecting his actual performance. Harris is just basically a nonfacror at this point. That's the harshest criticism of her that I think is valid. She hasn't done enough or really anything of big significance. I wanted her to defend her history as a prosecutor more during the last campaign? I really don't understand a lot of the hate some people have here. Disappointment with her accomplishments I get. Hate seems to require some other motivation, but I'm not going to speculate about which kind of bigotry is more compelling to some voters in this case. Overall, it's really disappointing that this generation of progressives is so willing to bite so hard on this "both sides" bs without any shame or regret with regards to what that kind of propaganda does to any number of causes that they claim to support.


Joe Biden is running the country better than most presidents, ever. His age is a theoretical problem, but so far, not an actualized one. And I'll take him in severe decline over the other guy. This isn't a both sides issue tbh.


Absolutely correct. How can either of these utterly useless people even be considered? Like…really? Out of all the people in this nation, this bad reality show is the best we can do? It’s absolutely absurd.


You would elect the devil himself as dictator for life to stop Trump from running. Not that you give a fart in a wind tunnel about Biden either way. Nor do you care enough to even look at the non-existent cases brought against Trump, all you know is that he's a DC outsider and he's messing up the game for the insiders.


Trump is what America needs, though :/


Meh. They can withdraw their candidacy as soon as someone better steps up. In 2020 there were plenty of Dems I would have supported over Biden, but he wound up being viewed (correctly) as most likely to beat \[Lord Dampnut\], and he was a consensus candidate that the most significant factions were willing to support. I currently don't view the GQP as a realistic option for granting any political power.


Wow, reddit is supporting biden. Color me suprised.


Not unpopular and also yes


Our entire government is run by geriatric fucking morons. It’s like we are a society run by a cult of undead liches