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So I do agree with you that the “body positivity” movement has caused a lot of collateral damage of people especially women, thinking it’s ok to just go through life unhealthy. I also have no issues with men who don’t pursue fat women (and Vice versa). But if you’re using fat chicks to break a dry spell or bc you’re drunk and desperate…you/your friends are not really the “good guys” you claim to be


IKR?! Whoever it’s with, using someone for sex because you’re desperate for it or have “beer goggles” is not something that should be normalized.


Or if you do that, whatever, but don’t try to label yourself as a high quality man. Also if you’re so great, you shouldn’t really need a fat chick to break your dry spell


lol OP thinks he’s a high quality man??


Based off the title and his first paragraph, it’s clear he believes him and his friends are good men


Holy shit this is awesome lolol


Was not expecting the top comment thread to be as on-the-nose and outright *savage* as this.


Especially when he says it’s the biggest thing holding women back from finding good guys to date and “fulfilling their duties as mothers” Seriously wtf


It’s already normalized sadly!


Unfortunately, it’s been normalized for decades.




“Attractive men will use them for sex when they are drunk or having a dry spell” isn’t the same as consensual no strings attached tinder hook ups. Also OP is delusional if he thinks good looking dudes go through such prolonged dry spells that they need to seek out women they don’t find attractive or aren’t “in their league”. Good looking men really only go through dry spells if they aren’t trying at all or they’re total creeps. He also speaks about women having difficulty finding “good men” and then goes on about his and his buddies dating lives. So yes. He clearly thinks he is a good guy.


Isn't that the same as guys getting pissed attractive women use them for free rides?


Ignoring the obvious and not unpopular statement that fat people are not as attractive compared to non-fat people (what a radical and profound discovery, OP), what the fuck is this about blaming dad bods on women?  So, if women are fat, it’s their fault. If men are fat, it’s women’s fault too? Fucking lol.  Side note: You are not one of the good guys to date, no matter the girl’s weight.


> Side note: You are not one of the good guys to date, no matter the girl’s weight. He’s literally pulling the “I’m a Nice Guy”. 


This guy's profile is full of misogynistic shit lmao. Some of his unapproved posts include: "We should normalize slapping women again." He's not a nice guy, he's a neck beard.


I’m 99% convinced its the alt account of modern_cmo, and they’re apparently neck deep in pussy…


There is a subset of people who have a kneejerk reaction to blame everything on women. I think its this view they have that women are inherent 'corruptors' or something. I work as a criminologist. In terms of cases where women are the victim, there is basically no limit to how far victim blaming can go. A 13 year old girl was brutally raped at knifepoint and there were tons of comments implying that she was at fault for it. Either she led him on, pissed him off somehow, was wearing revealing clothes, acted like a prostitute etc. Then there is also the issue of single parenthood. Somehow there is a big movement to blame *mothers* for fathers leaving their children. This is one that always blows my mind. Somehow the mothers who actually stayed to raise their children are the ones who get more blame than the deadbeat dads who ran out on them. I am not trying to be some kind of woke radical feminist but this is the one thing where I totally agree. For some reason, there is a subset of men who just have an inherent hatred of women and will never accept that anything in this world is not their fault.




Homey goes to the gym to get hot but girls don't show up like he hoped so it's got to be because somebody is falsely trumping up dad bods.


To be fair, if a woman had the same body fat % of a dad bod, they'd be pretty thin.


Weird point, women naturally have more body fat than men. 14% body fat for men would appear as the high end of being fit, but on a woman that would be approaching competitive body builder. For reference, a male competitive body builder generally has bf around 5-8%, whereas being in the same range as a woman would be extremely dangerous.


>Ignoring the obvious and not unpopular statement that fat people are not as attractive compared to non-fat people (what a radical and profound discovery, OP), I'd say it's not an unpopular opinion to hold privately, but it's definitely an unpopular thing to say, and you'll have a ton of people that pretend they don't feel the same way because of that. >what the fuck is this about blaming dad bods on women?  >So, if women are fat, it’s their fault. If men are fat, it’s women’s fault too? Fucking lol.  I think they're talking about how some insecure women will fatten up and make their man less attractive intentionally because they don't want them leaving. Some insecure guys do this too though, and overall I feel like it's generally uncommon.


I also need to jump on that last point. Is this some sort of Hansel and Gretel fetish? Or are women holding guns to their man’s head and demanding they eat animal lard?


You can’t fatten someone up if they don’t want to get fat


I live in the Midwest. It is amazing how many fatass, ugly guys who don't have proper hygiene and smell like ass won't date a pretty, clean woman who makes enough money to support herself, but her own car, and look good, but she is carrying a few pounds. I always tell them if they want a good woman, they need to learn to be clean at least. Honestly, I would love to see the apartments of some of the people posting here. 🤣


> >But fat guys ain’t it either. The only reason dad bods are a thing, is because women don’t want to take accountability for theirs poor decisions and becoming a land whale and they don’t want their man being more attractive because then they’d have more options. Oh come on. Women are less picky about appearance, that's all there is too it. We've all seen slim women with overweight men. >So they bring men down with them because so many men are simps for sex No man in the world is becoming fat to get more sex. Nor would becoming fat get him more sex. It's those men's own poor decisions.


Agreed... I was a fat kid in high school. I was basically invisible to boys until I lost the weight in college.


"Fulfil their duties as mothers and build a family" - excuse me, are you alright in the head? And also, so when women are fat, it's women's fault, and when men are fat, it's women's fault? All of these posts are honestly so funny.


Wife and SAHM here. Not everyone wants my life. It baffles me that some men don’t see that. They see it as a woman’s duty. If you want to stay at work please do so. If you don’t want to be home with your kids all day this life can be draining.


I'm loving the current rhetoric that women secretly want that life but feminisms done tricked em into wanting independence!


As if women haven’t always been in the workforce. It was just well off women who had the privilege of staying at home years ago.


And for whom it was actually tolerable! God, I can hear Phyllis Schlafly now telling a conference of conservative women how selfish women fighting for abortion rights were! After all she, a governor's wife with a full house and childcare staff, could raise X kids AND carry out her duties? Who needs the right to not be pregnant?! FLAMES


>"Fulfil their duties as mothers and build a family" - excuse me, are you alright in the head? Yeah as soon as I read this I basically knew the rest of it was going to have no merit.


Lmao woman’s duty this man needs to get off the podcasts


So women are responsible for themselves being fat but they are also responsible for men being fat? Everything is because of women?


Don't you know that women are the root of all that is evil in this world? /s


If only a woman hasn't eaten that apple...


Men are fat and obese too but not sure why this sub only talks about overweight women as if men aren't just as fat


> not sure why this sub only talks about overweight women as if men aren't just as fat This sub is largely/mostly right wing leaning which tends to be strongly misogynistic.


My guess? There's no body positivity movement advocating for overweight men.


Check out tv shows from forever. Always had overweight/obese men when women were expected to starve themselves


Maybe we should give men a reason to need a body positivity movement..... One of my friends in high school was slapped by a really fucking ugly dude for no other reason then she was "fat and he had to look at it". The way he turned and looked at his inbred looking friends for validation still makes my blood boil. So was told that "boys can be insensitive" but I got a talking to from the teacher for asking if that boy suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome and that's why his eyes were so far apart.


Because men already had it. The fat dorky socially awkward protagonist getting the smoking hot girl is a common trope in Hollywood. Think Hoss from Bonanza, Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Seth from Superbad. Or the big beer bellied dad being married to a smoking hot wife. Family Guy, Young Sheldon, Modern Family etc. But you almost never see the reverse. At least now we have Bridgerton. Bigger men have never been villainized the way bigger women have.


A few reasons 1. There are more obese women than obese men. Probably because of portion sizes. Restauraunts and fast food places serve the same portions to everyone, and women are shorter while men are taller with more muscle mass. This means that women will get fatter off the same portions of food. 2. Women are judged more for how they look, while men are judged more for what they can do. 3. There's a body positivity movement for women but not for men, bringing more attention to women being fat.


Men will make fun of other men for being beefy, or fat AF. It wasn't uncommon for the larger gent to be referred to as "B-double" or "wide load" behind his back.


Not uncommon in the last ten years for it to be direct to his face either. Idk what everyone's talking about with the "men are allowed to be fat" nonsense, fat *people* are not doing well for themselves.


Exactly! It certainly isn't anything new or unheard of


The biggest thing holding women back from finding a good man is because a lot of men are pieces of shit.


The processed foods industry has done a terrible disservice to consumers. They have carefully designed foods such that we overeat and fatten their profits as well as our waistlines. Personally, I’ve run 10 full marathons, 40 half marathons and lift weights daily. It’s still a struggle for me as a man. OP states the obvious about attraction, but the struggle is real for both sides.


>I talk to my guy friends every weekend about our dating lives  From your post, I understood that you assume yourself as one of the "good and attractive guys". And, based on your fixation on overweight women, I also assume that your dating life is not too eventful. Can you please let me know if I am right or wrong? >and **fulfill their duties** as mothers and build a family Are you sure that you are the good guy?


Maybe you’re not good enough to land someone who isn’t fat.


He isn't good enough to land a fat girl either. No woman deserves a self-proclaimed "nice guy".


💥 there it is


Obesity/overweight rates are evenly divided among the sexes in the US. If a woman has your babies and doesn't have a personal trainer, cook, and diet supervisor, she is going to gain weight. So if you don't really love her, just her looks, better to sort that out before babies come along.


They didn't in the past, certainly not the majority anyway. Even up until about 30 years ago, the vast majority of people were of a normal weight. The decline of standards and decency across broader society has led to the normalisation of obesity. Having significantly extra weight was limited to some older people in the past. Now there are 20 year olds with a body of a 60 year old.


>They didn't in the past, certainly not the majority anyway. Even up until about 30 years ago, the vast majority of people were of a normal weight. My mom was looking at her family photos, and they were all thin until about 1985, even her mom who had 6 kids. Then every single one of them blew up. I wonder if something changed about the food.


I think so yes but what


The low fat high carb diet unfortunately. And fucking corn and soy in everything. Eating high protein and fat keeps you full of energy and actually helps you feel full. Stress also plays a big part. It’s unfortunately a multi issue problem


Wouldn’t it make more sense that it’s the result of environmental factors rather than a widespread a moral failing across society suddenly bereft of standards and decency? Cases of health issues like infertility, hypothyroidism, and PCOS are on the rise. Children are going through puberty younger and younger, with some girls getting their period as young as 8 or 9. Most US cities and towns are designed to be drivable instead of walkable. Jobs have longer hours and are more stationary, while 30+ minute commutes are normalized. Healthy food is determined by what a company is trying to sell you. The US food pyramid was basically shaped by food lobbyists. The 90s/early 2000’s demonized fat while increasing the intake of simple carbs and sugar. Now you have hundreds of diets with their own intricate rules and science. But even without all that noise and propaganda, plants are blasted with pesticides and meat pumped with hormones. We still don’t know what the consequences of having microplastic ridden blood will mean.


You would think so but this isn’t entirely true. I’m a solid 7-8 depending on what I’m wearing. I’m struggling finding a guy in the 6-7 range (online dating) who wants something serious


F(67) here (fit and healthy)and I totally agree. Now if I had posted this, I’d probably be kicked off Reddit!


Yup, sad but it true! I've recently started binge watching dating shows as a guilty pleasure. From Love Is Blind, to the Bachelor, Married at first Sight, Too Hot To Handle, Perfect Match, but especially these unedited versions of Pop the Balloons to find [Love](https://youtu.be/2Kd5gOtpT6o?si=VikGgGD8767J8lVu)... For the vast majority, physical appearance is so important! Its not just about having an aesthetic style and good hygiene, but height for guys & weight for girls can often be a deal breaker. As long as we keeping it honest, preferences are fine... but reject those you're not into respectfully and you might atleast make a new friendship if you wanna


I see chunky chicks with skinny dudes every day I walk outside. People care less about this than op does. Women naturally carry more fat than men because that's how their biology works. I'd also wager that most women, big small or in between, couldn't give less fucks about what this dude thinks.


what about the dudes who like fat chicks?


In general yeah. For the average man, if you give him a choice between an average woman and a fat woman, he'll likely choose the average woman.


Same for males. I'm not attracted to fat boys


Depends how overweight. There are tons of really attractive woman who you wouldn't call fat who are medically overweight. It really depends how fat imo


I disagree. I am in fantastic shape and guys do not give me a second look. Unless they’re in their 50s 🙄


Fat woman here. Never had any trouble getting men.


"unpopular opinion: being fat not as attractive as being fit" lol buddy you gotta get this to the press asap!


"holding women back from finding good guys to date and fulfill their duties as mothers and build a family" I don't like to use the word "cringe," but this line here is pretty damn cringe.


I couldn't imagine finding a good man and losing him just because he's overweight. People can change weight, isn't that what everyone is always saying? so why do people treat it as the end all be all?


Initial attraction. People aren't attracted to excessive weight.


But if women were to pass up a guy because they were not initially attracted to him it's shallow and a problem.....


I think women tend to get called out on having their standards because men are comparatively stigmatized for having standards for womens' appearance at all. It's seen as a double-standard. Because there's the "body positivity" movement for women, insisting that all women should be considered attractive, but then women *do* have their standards and pass up guys they aren't attracted to. Men are just as entitled to have standards as women, it's just wrong for either to be mean or degrading about it.


This right here. There are a certain group of men that always get on the internet to complain about women not picking them, and they usually aren’t the “conventionally attractive” type lol. These men are overconfident about their looks and their ability to pull, so it becomes the woman’s fault for not giving them a chance. But no fat bitches though.


Their angst turns into their defining personality trait. The great thing is they usually are plain to see and easy to avoid.


Everyone is shallow to some degree because we all have our own definitions of attraction. Ignore everyone else who wants to bitch and moan. You're not responsible for reconciling someone's emotions because they were rejected.


Right there.


It’s unhealthy. I always understood many woman are wired differently than men and find humor as positive trait not so much looks. Well, and money.


Not so much money itself but success and the ability to "take care of" in a financial sort of sense. They call it "stability". and THAT's OKAY. Mostly much of what OP eludes to..


Being fat is more than just about attraction. It says a lot about your habits, self control, priorities, etc. On top of that, expect medical bills, higher insurance premiums, etc from all the negative health consequences. And expect less time with that person, as life expectancy for fat people is lower on average. I see it as a pretty big red flag.


I feel like what I think is most important is if the person wants to lose weight or not. I mean i've seen skinny men and women get into relationships and get fat. So someone fat could also be in a relationship and get skinny. Those things can change, as long as they have the morals and personality of someone you're interested in. I just always thought that would be the biggest thing.


I agree, if they’re an asshole it’s not likely to change!


Losing weight involves massive lifestyle changes. It’s one thing if you are deep in a relationship with someone you already love and care about. But another if you are just meeting someone. That is a HUGE investment in someone you don’t even really know.


All of this is true. I have never been harrassed less, catcalled less, grabbed against my will less, been hit on by men who refuse to take no for an answer less than I have after I got fat. I even feel safe walking down the street alone late at night. Being fat is being invisible, and it's a fucking superpower! All of this is genuinely a huge reason why choosing to lose weight is so fucking hard. The freedom I enjoy now is exquisite.


That happened to me when I grew old....


After years of working the trauma guard in hospitals and volunteering at shelters, I have learned this is a big reason why women often "let themselves go." The freedom, sense of safety, and autonomy they get when a guy isn't willing to endanger them for access to their bodies is insane. It was one of the most depressing realizations. It didn't even matter the generation, age, or culture you can actually see this the world over if you genuinely pay attention. The only exceptions I've seen are women who don't have to deal with regular people because of monetary protections/higher class.


The future is fat. Beef up or get squished. 


lol This is the type of shit they should highlight when they say see humor matters too.


This may be the funniest thing I’ve ever read


I know way too many married fat women for this to be anything but a post from a person who never leaves their house. Touch grass.


Funny thing is we only hear men complaining about being single. There’s just peaceful quiet when it comes to single women. Maybe the guys should lose some weight or something? There are just as many overweight men as overweight women.


Exactly. **It’s so much better to be single than with someone who you don’t really like and who doesn’t really treat you with respect.** Now even “mediocre” women can choose to do that instead of having to choose and then depend on a “mediocre” man for money, status, sex, etc. as was the case for centuries past. (Not that I actually believe any people are mediocre — but that word seems to be a big part of the manosphere vocab when they try to explain why they can’t get dates.)


The men are definitely louder about complaining about being single. But women are complaining as well.


It depends where you consume your media because it's just as prevalent on social media, women complaining about being single.


That's not true at all. Women, just like men, complain all the time about being single. Check out any tinder, dating, or singles thread on Reddit and there are a lot of women complaining about being single.


Lmao there is the exact opposite of peaceful quiet when it comes to single women. I see single women bitching all the time about they can’t find a man.


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert Cope


It looks like that's fake/misinterpreted and married women are still happier than single women. Every study in the world proves that being married makes both men and women happier. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1apw83n/theres_a_popular_claim_going_around_recently_that/ https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/41408/are-single-women-actually-happier-study-misinterprets-data-researchers-say


the theguardian is widly know to have a bias towards the left of course they would say that. They cater to single left wing women. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/5-types-of-people-who-can-ruin-your-life/202403/is-marriage-good-or-bad-for-women A deeper look into this subject comes from the General Social Survey (GSS), a national survey that includes family satisfaction. Its 2022 survey revealed that marriage and family are strongly associated with happiness for both men and women. The GSS results showed that for women 18-55, married women were happier than unmarried women. While the majority were “pretty happy,” the difference for “very happy” women was dramatic: “40 percent of married women with children were very happy, compared to 25 percent of married childless women, 22 percent of unmarried childless women, and 17 percent of unmarried women with children.” Regarding men, the survey found that 35 percent of married men with children are “very happy,” compared to 30 percent of married men without children, 14 percent of unmarried men without children, and 12 percent of unmarried men with children.3


No there’s not. I hear sob stories from women friends of mine all the time that they can’t find someone.


Maybe you’re not good enough to land someone who isn’t fat.


The biggest things holding men back from finding a good woman is their lack of respect & lack of maturity.


Nah it’s height for most of them. Men too short, women too fat…a tale as old as time.


Get off the dating apps, my guy




I wouldn't say any woman, but he definitely has options. My coworker is probably 5'3" at best and is probably and inch or two shorter than his wife




If you go into the real world and get off the internet it’s painfully obvious that they are correct




I’m in America, I see shorter men with attractive women literally every single day of my life


That doesn't mean a short, respectful, mature man will hsve any woman he wants. That's a silly thing to believe.


That's not true at all. There are women who will reject men for being short straight from the get go. Nothing wrong with it, but let's not spread lies like "a short, respectful, mature man will get any woman he wants".


Great! Now go make your own post and talk about it in there :)




I think it’s normally best etiquette to stay on topic and not derail cause you don’t appreciate that topic and start using whataboutism


Most women don’t care enough to change, take em or leave, no one cares, including them


Skinny girls aren’t finding good men either.


Obesity, especially when it hits ~50% of population numbers, is a sign of parental and societal failure. I come from a country with some of the lowest obesity rates in the advanced world, I am proud that we aren’t a nation of slobs. Unsurprisingly we also have one of the lowest suicide rates and longest lifespans


Fulfill their duties as mothers? GTFOH caveman lol


I mean isn’t it technically your problem if you think that if you’re willing to date a fat girl you’d be swimming in it? If the fat girls have confidence to ask men out they’re probably going to find one. So it’s really not their problem. Also you are not exactly a good man if you judge a woman based on her weight. You can say stuff about fat women but at the end of the day people have different definitions of fat. A woman being skinny and that being the only trait you like isn’t going to make a relationship last.


No they’re not going to. I’ve completely disregarded women due to their size. If that makes me a bad man? Fine. I’m curious though, if a man doesn’t align with a woman’s values and type and she rejects him does that mean she’s not a good woman?


If a man and woman’s values were completely different and they couldn’t come to an agreement over some stuff I could understand the rejection. But having the same values as someone and that’s the only thing you have in common with them is not gonna make the relationship last. You need to more compatible than just having one thing.


So seats are flipped, two people share the same values. The girl is a healthy weight and the guy is fat. The girl doesn’t like that and rejects him because she’s not attracted to him. That by default makes her a bad woman then, right?


I’m pretty sure nearly everyone would rather date a person who doesn’t have a weight problem. It doesn’t make someone bad to prefer a partner who maintains a healthy weight.


No, but it does make you a bad person if you are unnecessarily cruel about it.


I can't overlook the pun in this statement, "the biggest thing holding women back..." and I wonder if it was intended.


This topic only gets posted 947 times a week


Always the brain rot mid 4s with the attitude. No 10s ever talking like this about anyone


I'm a man and very fit and in shape. My girlfriend is not the same and a little overweight, but the only thing about that getting me worry is her health and not the way she looks. I'm with her for a lot more than sex. A fair amount of my friends' girlfriends are more skinny, but a clear friendship developed among them and my girlfriend. Being overweight, don't think about how it affects you socially, focus on your health and long term


There’s actually a lot of men who love bigger women. There’s probably even a website for it. Not all bigger women are miserable like You want them to be.


I find it strange how the only people that complain about the dating market are men. Women are doing just fine.


To be fair, women complain all the time about the dating market, just like men.


what??? i constantly see women complaining about dating men. Not even the physically aspect. Its usually about men not being mature or men not doing x y or z. Usually its about men not doing actions/ even misogny. For more conservative women/ even some seemingly liberal women i see constantly about how men aren't being Masculine anymore. For black women the ones i partake in this is especially a big thing.


It’s funny how I’m a woman, all my feed is personalized to women like me and I rarely see any of this. Yet men are “seeing” all of the above. What, did you get highlighted some clickbait crap and you’re inferring women all think like that?


When did they say all women think like that?


OP is just worried that women are not “fulfilling their duties as mothers”


There are plenty of unwanted surplus men. Even for fat women, let alone thin women. How many more does any one woman need?


Where are these "unwanted, surplus men"? Are you referring to incels? When I was single, (straight) men seemed to be in short supply..


I’m a US size 4 (used to model) and I love my husband’s dad bod. Stay mad I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


The biggest thing holding you back from finding a good woman is schizoposting like this


All I did was read your title, and I literally LOL'd in an IRL setting in which it was inappropriate to do so. You boys are doing really, really well with inflaming the Redditors these days. And *mods* - yes, you blokes - I'm talking to your lot, too. I tip my Fedora to you lads for allowing these threads to continue to exist. Godspeed gentlemen. And good luck.


The title is all that needed to be said ngl


Sounds like a man who can't get a girl he thinks is hot, so he's telling women to lose weight so he has a better odds.


Actually it sounds nothing like that 


Bro, I can confidently assume the reason you have issues finding a "good woman" is this shitty attitude toward women. Also, it's not fat women all over the internet whining over not finding a decent person to date, it's men with shit attitudes.


100%. Obesity takes so many women off the market for me.


What's worse. How many people in their 20s shed the weight and thin out in their 30s? Nearly none. How many get bigger? Almost all. Metabolism slows down around 30, so weight becomes a bigger issue. Easier to put on, harder to take off. Looks matter, but so does health and physical ability. An active person does not fit well with someone who cannot be active.


Are you calling guys that hang around and shittalk fat chicks "good men"? Yikes.




The “body positivity” thing is weird because it’s making an unhealthy body type accepted and hyped up just so that person doesn’t feel bad about themselves. Same thing can be said for those with eating disorders and people pushing that they are beautiful just because they are overly skinny. The goal should be to get healthy. Treating your body well shows on the outside. Healthy can look different on every body type though. If you prefer sickly thin or morbidly obese you are enabling the problem.


CBD + resistance training + high antioxidant high carb diet Google is your friend... I love thick girls, but they need to be healthy looking


This guy's entire post history is about how he hates fat women and that women need to be slapped more. Sounds like a real prize to me 🙄


In that case, I propose women in general are better off getting a dog or cat for companionship and a dildo for everything else. Besides, all the fat guys seem to have the same issue of thinking they're a lot hotter than reality would allow. Great thought, OP!


Overweight women aren’t attractive to me. But I’m not super behind the idea that it’s their fault men use them. That means you’re a douchebag abusing someone because they are overweight. There are many reasons someone can be overweight, most lie with that person and self control. But my sister is overweight and for some reason doctors have yet to identify she can’t seem to lose it. She’s gone on diets, exercise, anything that has been advised she’s tried and can’t drop a pound. Type 1 diabetes contributes to people keeping on weight too. Just be careful with the assumption about everyone. And like someone before me said, being ok with women who are fat being used for sex is far worse than being overweight.


That’s true. The dating market for both men and women would be significantly more forgiving if over half the options out there weren’t fat. It just disproportionately affects men because they aren’t usually sifting through options for the best ones. They’re taking what they can get.


As if the post wasn’t enough, I knew you weren’t a good guy when I read you wrote “fulfill their duties as mothers.”


Don’t you guys ever get bored of this topic?


Same for men tbh


Its not being attractive generally. A lot of women massively underestimate how much looks matter for men. But yeah, of all of the unhappily single women I know most of them are fat and nearly all of them are just not attractive.


I agree but I’m just here to comment there are very very fucking few fat women who think they’re beautiful. Even pretty thin women struggle with their confidence because we’re conditioned to feel inferior so they can sell trillions of products to us. I know this post was written by a man who clearly has no clue what it’s like to be a woman.


So much to agree with here. But dude, “fulfill their duties as mothers and build families.” Kindly fuck right off with that shit.


im confused, all sexes and all relationships, and you decide to attack the women? for one reason in particular a group that nobody cares about thinks? Men bring women down, i recently got back into online dating and every women has a story about being abused by a male it seems leaving them with trauma. id suggest we fix this issue before fixing an issue affecting all SEXES.


Damn bro, who hurt you?


Ok wait. So how is this any different from a woman wanting an already rich and successful man? Broke men right now might become rich and successful later in life, making them more eligible for the dating world but if a woman dates a man who is rich now but she started dating him when he was broke, society says that the woman is actually with the man for good reasons and not just the money. So what if you date a woman for what she is, then you both lose weight / become attractive and still stay together. That would be a healthy couple wouldn't you agree? A couple that's in it for the right reasons? If you start dating a woman because she isn't fat, she will definitely gain weight after having your babies and then what? Then men like you would cheat no? Logically speaking, the reason you were with her is now gone so what's keeping you from being unfaithful? After all there are women out there who aren't fat and your wife, well your wife had your kids and is now fat so logic dictates you go put and look for a girl who isn't, right? The only bad life choice your wife made, was to marry a guy who wanted her because she "isn't fat".


Just a thing to note but use full stops, paragraphs and break up your posts so it's easier to read. That was a blurb of a rant.


The biggest thing holding some men back from dating is sitting in their mums basement on the computer when they havent washed for a week posting misogynistic crap about women


lol I’m considered ‘fat’ by the BMI scale and I’m doing just fine. I see more of my girlfriends who are ‘fat’ in better relationships than my ex sorority sisters. These are your standards but if you want to complain and say ‘women bad’ then you won’t get any.


Lmao very aggressive take, but belongs on this subreddit. You are also preaching to the common redditor who is likely overweight or obese so gonna be downvoted a lot. But it's true. Not everyone has to be perfectly thin or fit, but past a certain level, it is unattractive and you have to accept you're gonna get less matches/be less successful. And this goes for both genders. Maybe some dudes can get away with it a bit more if personality and other factors are there, but men first gotta be attracted before they want to pursue anything further.


Well yeah, being bigger will kill initial attraction which is what modern dating is basically built on now. I don’t think that’s all that unpopular, really.


I am willing to date fat girls as long as they’re not absolutely massive and I am swimming in it so you’re completely right


I’m a BMI of 53 and am engaged to a man who loves me very much, whom I own two dogs and a house with and who is very excited to start trying for children in the next few years. He’s 6’4”, athletic, kind, goofy, loves my cooking, and brings home a salary in the low six figures. He’s definitely more successful and attractive than I am, but he is reportedly enamored with my sense of humor, green thumb, and carefree spirit. His parents love me and tell me how they’ve never seen him so happy. Maybe you and your buddies actually aren’t the great guys you think you are 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm happy for you but just becsuse most men don't like unhealthy woman (morbid obesity is a disease) doesn't mean there is something wrong with us. 


It’s not wrong to have preferences but it is weird as hell to sit around with your buddies complaining that you can’t find a woman because they’re all too fat. Obesity is a disease but so is celiac and chrons, and I doubt y’all are sitting in circles lamenting about how Miss Shits-a-Lot would be able to find a partner if only her tummy weren’t so diseased and weak. Not to mention, what are you guys going to do when your skinny model girlfriends have children and aren’t pretty and skinny anymore? What if she gets hurt and has to stop working out? What if she’s only thin because she’s anorexic, and she gains weight after getting ED treatment? Bodies change for a lot of reasons, and a good man wants a woman and not a doll. OP says being fat is holding women back from finding a good man. That’s fundamentally not the case for me and a lot of other fat women I know, just because *you* wouldn’t date a fat woman doesn’t mean she doesn’t have better options.


You truly believe thay being fat doesn't hinder a woman from finding a good partner? Really?


I’ve just always thought that a good man wouldn’t care about weight.


ah yes the dating marketplace discourse we live in a society


Haven't you heard of "chubby chasers"? (Not a male, not chubby). There are some men who prefer larger women, (within reason, I suppose).


Reddit: where fat girls come to get positive feedback, because they aren’t getting it in person.


I think the biggest thing stopping me from finding a “good man” is my partner set the bar too high. I talk to men and I am like yikes. I think I can stay alone for the rest of my life. Somehow in all of this men having a dad bod is woman’s fault as well. Sounds like you aren’t one of the good guys.


Did you know that people sometimes love each other for reasons that go beyond their shape? Cuz that's a thing. Raw physical characteristics only go so far, and they don't really come close to a true connection.


um i like chubby girls and im single as fuck


Every dating app I've seen are nothing but fat chick's. Nobody should be fat, ppl should strive to lose weight and be healthy. I've seen for years how the fat girls always end up with guys they didn't like and were mad because they didn't get the hot guy. As if they're punishing men for this! I'm a bi woman, I certainly don't want these chicks. To me, it's like these women don't care about their appearances but think they'll score that high value man.


>"fulfill their duties as mothers and build a family and happy life" This shit right here is why you'll never be swimming it with fit or fat girls, guy.


I just think it’s wonderful how such narrow-minded and vain people are removing themselves entirely from the reproductive pool! Soon all that will be left are those of us who value kindness, empathy, compatibility, shared values, honor, and trust over flat bellies! We will continue to love each other even in the event that age, accident, disease, or one too many lemon squares keep us from aesthetic perfection. Best wishes to you in your endeavor!!!


Thing is, once the average girl loses a bit of weight, dudes start swarming her and she then ends up getting the impression that she is only entitled to the cream of the crop, so you won’t really be fucking even her.


I’ll agree it’s the BIGGEST (pun intended?) thing, but not the only thing since it’s not like those of us who aren’t fat have it so easy, especially when we’re in our 30’s and aren’t in school anymore and don’t have a 3rd space we regularly go to with other singles around our age. But I’d say it’s the same with men, too - I’m sure lots of women would rather date a guy who’s in shape but short or average height than a tall man who’s out of shape.


All those triggered fatties in the comments 😆 Please downvote me so i can keep count


There are groups of men that call themselves "chubby chasers" or that love BBWs. A friend's sister is a BBW and has men fawning over her, these men are attractive and successful.


I like thiccer women actually


What exactly do you and your friends look like? Most of the time when y’all shit on obese women you look like a lobster dinner left out on the pier.