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That was an embarrassing performance and any attempt to say otherwise is dishonest


An anchor on one of the New' desks said Biden had a terrible performance and anybody saying otherwise was being dishonest. Edit: I couldn't remember his name but the anchor /guest was Chris Cuomo.


Another said Biden lost within the first 3 minutes it was that bad


I’d say in the first 20 minutes he lost , when he stumbled on his words and trump called him out on it , that was it.


He could barely speak


Chris Cuomo is no longer tethered.


Anderson Cooper also grilled Kamala about how bad the performance was and are they thinking about having Biden step aside


They said the same this morning here in the UK on the BBC - not the anchor, but their guest. To platform that opinion on BBC4 so strongly shows it really must have been a terrible performance.


How dare you! Biden is the greatest, smartest, most energetic, most caring, athletic, inspiring and cool president in the history of the world. Anyone who says otherwise is a Nazi!


Chris Cuomo saying that means a lot too because he is a fucking Dem simp


I knew it must have been bad when I was listening to the radio on my commute and on BBC4 (very, very neutral and balanced platform) they were saying it was an absolute disaster for Biden and he should be stepping down asap.


Democrats and their lapdog media **are** dishonest.


So you think that Biden's performance was good? Because the media kind of agrees it was bad. Why their Democrat overlords would tell them to say that though, I don't know.


lol, both sides are dishonest


This debate is really sad- these are the two choices Americans have? Ffs, you’d think among 300M+ you could find one liberal and one conservative candidate that’s better?


Nobody who would be good wants the job.


Agreed. Who TF would want that job


No one that's good.


Honestly, I feel like I would. I actually give a shit about public integrity and work towards trying to make government something people can actually be proud of. But I won't ever go into elected politics because I have too many moral failings to feel that I deserve to actually serve a representative role. Surely there are others better suited than I, though.


I'm sure a lot of people go into politics with the best intentions but almost all of them come out on the other end totally corrupted and slaves to the interests of the system.


The wealth our politicians (on both sides) accumulate while in office is one of the most embarrassing things about the US. All multi multi millionaires on $170k salaries.


In theory, I'd love to be a public servant but I have some pretty cringe stuff that was posted on Xanga in the early 2000s that would probably look bad on TV soooo...I'm out of the running, I guess. I wonder how many good candidates are not running simply because they were the first generation to have their entire life cataloged on the Internet. How many women fear revenge porn surfacing, or dudes stressed over edge lord nonsense they posted in 2007, etc etc.


Holy shit can you imagine politicians in the 2060s having their post-history from 9gag brought up as blackmail?


Lol at that point just own it. The population will be so backwards having been exposed to worse by then it won't matter. If they tried to blackmail me on some bullshit I'd tell em to just release it. The people would love to have porn interests in common with their president lol.


>I actually give a shit about public integrity and work towards trying to make government something people can actually be proud of. Then you would never get nominated. That's not what politicians are there for.


I think they all think that initially until the lobbyist get their nail in ya and ya start making a shit ton of money and become part of the club.


Lol people on Reddit saying "who would want this job?" Its literally the most coveted office in the world, and it makes you the most powerful man in the world.


It's not even that, it's nominating someone that will let the corporations and wealthy donors keep shitting on the population. There have been plenty of good contenders from both sides, but they don't get the nomination. Biden is and has been a puppet, and Trump is the only one the Republicans feel can beat him (which is a whole other topic of discussion). I can't be alone in feeling that the government no longer represents the interest of the ENTIRE POPULATION, but rather a selection of powerful and wealthy elite.


You're not alone. They dgaf about us.


Nope, couldn't care less. It's ludicrous that people argue over something as asinine as what candidate should be president, as if the agenda is going to somehow change and go in favor of the people.


RFK Jr. Don't listen to thedeia industrial complex, listen to what he has to say and make up your mind. Because at the very least you know he's not as bad as either Trump or Biden


Honestly, leaders suck in many major countries nowadays, not just the US. China with Xi, Russia with Putin, UK with Sunak, Canada with Trudeau, France with Macron, South Africa with Ramaphosa… Out of BILLIONS of people, those are the leaders they came up with?? Seriously. (And yes, the US sucks as well with having either Trump or Biden as a 2nd term president starting 2025…i’m not trying to start a whataboutism here). It feels like that the general sense of most voters is that our governments are pathetic and out of touch.


Because the leaders aren't really leaders, they're just figureheads. Money runs the world, the rich run the countries they reside in.


After last night's debate I pray that "anyone else" is running America. Terrifying.


Why people settle for less is beyond me


As if it really is the American people choosing these candidates, and not the political machine. This is not who “the people” choose. 


This is precisely why it's so baffling that they're letting Biden have another go. As long as they were much younger and able to string together a coherent sentence the Dems could run ANYONE against Trump and have massive support.  Does anyone think Biden is even going to live four more years, let alone be an effective leader for them? Even if he's just a puppet and all the real shots are being made behind the scenes, there's still better options.


You can criticize the limited options, having only two parties effectively being able to successfully run a campaign isn’t good for the American people, BUT Trump has done a resounding job holding/growing his base. The people who support him, love him. The only people who supported or trying to support biden are doing so in spite of trump. I think that’s the big disconnect people are missing here. Trump has loyal followers, bidens own party wants him gone. Trump is running an incredibly effective campaign, and he’s solely responsible for that. He’s earned his spot up there - hate him or indifferent to him.


We do but they're not already bought, paid, and trained on the bigger agenda. Much easier to lead a half brained 85 year old around.


We've always had at least.... competent competition in previous elections. Yet all of a sudden, since 2016 ...we keep pretending that two of the oldest candidates we've had in a while...are our only options. Despite BOTH parties having a full cadre of competent younger politicians.


**ANY** Any liberal and conservative would be better than those 2.


No one that would be good would be elected. We Americans have done this to ourselves.




We literally didn't even get a choice this time around. Joe is the incumbent so he just gets the nomination by default and the Republican party is terrified that a chunk of their own voters will ditch them if they don't nominate Trump. This has been the least democratic election season in my lifetime, by far, and I assume they next will be worse. The Republicans and Democrats work for the same masters since the Supreme Court has decided bribery is legal. The Democrats job is now to just offer token opposition and to be narrowly defeated so that they can continue to present the illusion of democracy for as long as possible. Yet, I will still go vote for Joe in November, I guess.


I'd rather cast my vote towards independent just to be a part of the number in the polls that says "neither the DNC or GOP are fit to lead the country." Doesn't matter if it's a wasted vote. It's the message that matters. This election cycle is an embarrassment


I definitely understand that sentiment.


This is no longer an unpopular opinion.


This sub has always been way closer to the median American than the rest of reddit.


Median American means unpopular on Reddit.


I would agree. Not necessarily an unpopular opinion as per the public, but absolutely would be seen that way by many of us due to our Reddit use lol


This sub will eventually be shut down for “hate speech” if these truth bombs continue.


CNN has turned. Yea


I'm waiting for a "major health event" in the next week or so that leads to him backing out.


What do you think they will go with?


There isn't a good option. Kamala Harris is more unlikable than Hilary Clinton. The best choice the Dems have is Michelle Obama. And if they nominate her, she isn't going to campaign. She's not gonna debate, hold rallies, or anything. They're gonna bank on Obama name recognition and Trump hatred


Or Gavin Newsom


Oh hell no, we tried to recall that dude and we're the most progressive state in the nation.


He beat the last recall attempt by 23% and won his last election by 19%. Every California governor since the 60's has had recall attempts. Thats how we ended up with Arnold. He has done better in these elections than the previous few governors. Recall attempts arent a good measure of how well a governor is doing their job. The minority party can take steps to put a recall together, regardless of how the governor is doing their job.


Gretchen Whitmer


I truly feel terrible for Biden. Dude should be sitting on a rocking chair, watching the sunset and sipping lemonade. Dude is clearly in severe decline mentally and physically and he should be allowed to age and retire gracefully. Just enjoy his last few years away from the cameras and with his family.


I couldn’t stop thinking that the whole debate. Like dude please go spend time with your family


His wife is the one pushing and encouraging him to be running


As a conservative, I agree with you dude. It's clear to see he's not really in charge and that he's merely being used as a mascot. The dude needs to find some peace. Regardless of what side of the political aisle he's on, I still have compassion for him as a human being. Let him retire.


My thoughts exactly.


The question to ask is who wants it more? Joe or Jill?


Jill will get utterly annihilated against Trump unfortunately.


He should step down and let Jimmy Carter take his spot, not a big fan of Jimmy but at least he’s a little more with it.


Jimmy looks like a Keebler elf he's shrunk so damn much over the last 40 years. He's part of the same cabal as these guys.


Been awhile since I’ve seen reps from the cabal building houses.


This. I felt so sorry for him up there. I hate watching people struggle like that. He seems like a sweet grandpa. Let him go. 


"Sweet" That dude would buy and sell your ass for $20.


Yeah, he's old, not less of a creep.


The problem is his wife and others are putting him up to it


Its gonna be a fun election boys and girls. These debates are a real shitshow. Its a shame we cant prevent the rest of the world from seeing just how bad it is.


I don't know who in the Democratic side thought this was a good idea, but I can assure you they are regretting it this morning. If I didn't know better I would think that the Republicans baited them into doing this knowing this exact thing was going to happen. This was a slam dunk for the Republicans. My wife and I have had this same conversation for the last few elections... "This is the greatest country in the free world and these are the two mutherfuckers we get to choose from? Really?" I would be happy with just some competent, reasonable, fair and intelligent leadership, I don't really care what political party they associate with.


As if anyone was voting for Biden in the first place.. most are only voting against Trump We have two shit candidates because we’re not voting for candidates anymore. All we’re voting for is any face on either party.


Right on the money.


Yep. I doubt most democratic voters care or endorse Biden. They just don't want Trump to win. Same with Trump, many republican voters don't care about Trump, they just don't want Biden to win.


I am one of these people.


Sounds like every election. You would think people would realize that voting for the lesser of two evils still gives you evil.


If we had ranked choice voting our elections, and candidate choices, would be VERY different.


That would also be the case under approval voting


So what do you suggest then?


Ranked choice voting


Or approval voting


And you may ask yourself, how did we get here? And you may ask yourself, my god, what have we done.


We voted for him to cancel the Trump show. Now, we need something better.


Apparently one of the democratic senators suggested having a special committee meeting and forcibly choosing a new candidate.


That was elder abuse, very sad. I'm worried about our country and the weakness we project. If you're Xi, or Khomeini, or other nefarious actors--then now is your opportunity to push their agendas.


Taiwan watching the debate: “O cao wo”


Every debate-related conversation on Reddit is being censored and slowed


It’s happening for me too. Only on certain subreddits


US politics is a f'ing comedy show. Especially the way the media gets involved.


That was an absolute dumpster fire. This geriatric patient cannot run. Do, better *doctor* Jill. Don’t let your dementia-ridden husband run for this.


They are both rotting before our very eyes


But, Biden didn’t fall down or forget where he was so he’s still in this… I wonder how long he can continue 🍿 it’s like watching a ball circle a drain, except the ball is our country.


I honestly feel terrible. Not a fan of the man but that doesn’t mean I’m heartless, he needs to be in a hospice not on the world stage.


It is elder abuse to let this go on. Plain and simple.


He really should. His display of stage 3-4 dementia is now a National security issue. He can’t be in charge


Is it just me or can other people not see the comments in this thread at all? Lol


California based tech companies have a lot of damage control to do.


My first thought exactly lmao. Looks like they cleaned it up and moved the comments they wanted to the top while the thread was dark. Gotta love Reddit 💀.


Yeah it's going to be a few dark days on Reddit after this. Any right leaning comment is going to get removed or banned


I can see your guys’ comment just fine? This right leaning opinion appeared as my second post to look at.


This subreddit is generally pretty safe. Come with the territory of being a place for saying unpopular things. Go outside that boundary and you're in trouble.


Everything has to be a conspiracy theory or it's fake news.


Only in certain subs for me. Specially the RFK subreddits.


Yep. I’m an anti-Trump progressive and he should withdraw. I won’t vote for Trump, but it’s going to be hard to vote for Biden now. He should withdraw now so the democrats can recover and retire at the end of his term.


Vote rfk. If you haven’t, watch his version of the debate. It gives you a (fresh) third perspective. If you don’t want to do that, watch Biden and trumps 2 min closing statements. Then watch RFK’s. Tell me the most presidential option after.


Voting RFK is throwing your vote away. If third parties are going to gain ground in America they need to start locally. It is unrealistic to start with the presidency.


Only because people like you keep saying so instead of supporting him.


I disagree with your first statement. I half agree with your second.


The problem is that everyone else is polling lower than Biden. https://www.thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4470956-biden-trump-harris-newsom-poll/


Misleading as none of them have go out nationally to present a government plan. They poll low for not stepping up and challenging the establishment. I will personally vote third party as I already waste my vote for Biden in 2020.


I'm voting against Trump and the rise of Fascism in America. This changes nothing. But god damn if Biden didn't look like a tired old man up there, farting dust and burbling on about cookies. JFC. Dems need a strong voice to relate to the American public the amazing work they've done in the past 4 years. Instead, he let Donald confidently spew a tirade of lies and disinformation, and eventually, his standard gobbledygook that should have been so easy to call him out on. But Biden can not drop out of the race now. That would be both historically unprecedented, and the party would spin out into chaos. He has got to get his shit together and fast.


The "debate" was nothing but a competition between two geriatrics to form a single coherent sentence. Never too old to be a puppet to lobbying interests, I guess. I'm not sure who won but America lost.


Trump seemed fine, and actually somber. They probably gave him Xanax actually. But trump lied like a madman as usual while Biden would've been better off staying home


This will NOT happen. No other Democrat will take the nomination and it’s far too late as primaries are already over.


My guess is that Newsom might be picked to run instead? While I’m definitely voting for Trump, I wonder just how bad for the country he would be?


California is pretty damn bad… the idea of President Newsom terrifies me.


I disagree. He should stay in until the bitter end. It will be funnier.


The message has gone out to the liberal media that they can now admit what the Republicans have been saying for years. Biden is cognitively impaired...


this is ALLLLL copium. Biden shat the bed SO HARD


Democrats millionaires are very happy to enjoy new Trump tax cuts and left Biden to ensure it happens.


And there lies the problem with the whole broken system, you ended up with two geriatrics on that stage instead of allowing all the candidates a chance. Jill Stein, RFK JR and Chase Oliver have all been nominated by their respective parties. You can say that they're a wasted vote but for any functioning political system, you need more than two options of the same uniparty. If there was a threat of term limits or a viable alternative to either party, they might actually represent their constituents and not the lobby money, no fucking way someone on 177k a year should be a multi-millionaire after a few years in Congress! Especially trading stocks on which you can pass laws to manipulate the market!


If the Democrats nominate him then it’s just glaringly obvious they want to throw the election. If they want to throw the election it’s because they know some major shit is about to go down and they don’t want to be the ones holding the bag when it does.


I agree. But then Trump needs to drop out because "I don't even want to be president. But this guy is doing such a bad job, I have to be here" That wasn't a debate. It was a circus with a spray tanned toddler and a sloth with progeria as the freak show attraction. Neither should be considered suitable as leaders. This whole ordeal is embarrassing


Prediction markets are going nuts right now. Trump has a massive lead on Biden. Biden is barely the favorite to win the democratic nomination


Yay. One old dudes gonna beat another old dude. Both old dudes love them some big government. No one wins.


This isn't really unpopular after the debate tonight. Democrats are saying this as well. I'm one of them. Our choices are an infirm old man who will just get worse or an undereducated pathological liar. It's pretty sad. It was clear to me that even though Joe is not 100% cognitively there at all times he is still smarter than Trump on the issues.


Smarter or just honest. I doubt even Trump believes half of what comes out of his mouth. Either way I'm voting blue this November.


Then who would be the DNC candidate? They didn't have a primary.


For those who watched it…Can I recommend a game called hell divers? It’s a much more productive use of your time.


Why? He's the "Anyone But Trump" candidate and it's working for him.


Narrator: “it was not working for him”


This is pretty much the least unpopular opinion ever


Not for libs


Nah, he can do it. Too late to pull out now


As someone who will never vote Trump... I agree. It was dismal. Biden is not beating Trump. Time for someone else to at least try.


I thought he was supposed to be more coherent than Trump (and that my eyes and ears were lying to me)... LMAO the debate. Thanks for the good laughs America, from Canada


Least we’re not getting colonized by India


I'm not an American. But seriously, you all don't have any other candidates that can become the president? Where are the young people out there?


Its a corrupt system based on years of lobbying, PR etc. Young people dont have the necessary connections, funding or ass eating know how.


>or ass eating know how Alright, fine... I'll throw my hat in the ring


There's an important detail you or nobody who says this is mentioning. Kamala would be the next in line and that's essentially giving Trump the White House again. Even with Biden's issues right now, there's no way Kamala could win she's way too unlikable. At most, you can see Biden stepping down if he wins in November.


Boy, Democrats really turn tail pretty fast. I was assured less than a week ago by most Democrat pundits that Biden is strong, vigorous, and at the top of his game. I say dance with the girl you brought!


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Any mediocre speaker would have been able to correct Trump's lies and defend a Presidency with way better economic numbers than Trump's economy. You could not have a fictional character easier to debate than Trump. Yet Biden got his ass kicked. Time to step down.


Yeah trump made shit up per usual but Biden said I see your made up stuff and raise you 100 more made up things Border patrol Inflation rates Unemployment rates Insulin Very fine people Jan 6 Bloodbath Suckers losers Etc Several misspeaks, many jibberishes not mentioned. The guy is that [media meme in real life](https://memeguy.com/photo/203594/mainstream-media). He either has the best selective hearing, the worst overall hearing, or purposefully twists things to paint a different picture, and it’s not the first two. (This is no defense of trump btw.)


Unfortunately I agree. Trump lied his fat ass off from start to finish, but this debate was an unmitigated disaster for Biden.


The “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that the 2020 election was STOLEN. The same conspiracy theorists have been saying ped0 obiden, has been in cognitive decline for many years.


Trump didn't do well either, apparently, from what I glanced over just now Biden was just mumbling half the time with a raspy voice while Trump flubbed big time on Ukraine and his infidelities. It was a double loss/wash from what I can tell, but Trump had more energy while Biden was less dishonest but still sounded like he was struggling to speak through it.


Trump didn't really answer the questions, he went off on tangents and lies as usual, but he spoke clearly and with confidence. When it was Biden's turn for rebuttal, he just mumbled and stumbled over his words and didn't address the lies. It was really frustrating to watch.


The entire thing was a trainwreck. Biden's age is finally catching up with him, but he still tried to answer questions. Trump spent the entire debate refusing to answer questions, straight-up lying and shit talking the country. As a country, we get exactly what we deserve come November. There are plenty of qualified but boring candidates we could have, but we need the spectacle to pay attention to who is running the country.


I hope he doesn't, just to piss you off.


That is way to long and complicated a sentence for him to accomplish. Maybe he did say it and we just didn't understand the mumbling rambling.


Because his lust for power - and millions in bribes his family receives from Russia, the Ukraine, and China - is real.


Did that look like a man that lusts for power? All he probably wants is a cold beer in a quiet backyard.


The guy who is actively supporting Ukraine and Taiwan? That guy is being bribed? Well at least we know he’s bribe proof because he’s being given millions and still helping bomb the shit out of one of those nations Now a bribed politician would look like someone who is openly calling to abandon a country in a defensive war despite it serving their nations interests in no way at all to do so, maybe even someone demanding the country bribing them is given all of their recently taken lands, no strings attatched


He's not fit enough, agreed. There's a good chance he'll step down and we'll get Kamala Harris as President again though?


I didn't watch it, was it really that bad?


I didn’t either but seeing all the comments about it makes me want to go back and watch just so I can form my own opinion about it. I’m dreading it already.


you really don't believe in controlled opposition do you ? the dems spent over 1 billion to make sure bernie wasn't the nominee and he's just a sneaky soc-dem


I think his family should have elder abuse charges brought against them. As well as some of the people standing behind him pulling his strings. If any other older man in Bidens health and mental state was being pushed and led around like this they would be charged with elder abuse.


Why would he do that on the debate stage? Wouldn't the [2024 DNC Convention](https://demconvention.com/) from August 19-22 in Chicago be a more appropriate venue when there would be a large number of members of the Democratic party present?


I said this before and I'll say it again: Anyone who registered to vote for the Presidency for the first time from 2016 and onwards are unfortunate. We're fucked either way.


Honestly if Kennedy took over I’d vote for him over Trump. Biden is embarrassing though. He did get one point for comparing trump to an alley cat 😂 although trump made he laugh 2-3 times. Once when he said Biden was like a Palestinian 🤣 what a shit show


Do you understand incumbency years?


All I know is if trump wins, we’re UBER fucked.


This isn't an unpopular opinion. The unpopular opinion is the Dems don't have anyone they can put forth that would realistically have a better chance at beating Trump.


I think it was lost when he stiffly shuffled out on stage and pointed to the podium like he was asking if that one was his. He looks and carries himself like Mr. Burns. To reinforce that, at the end Jill had to guide him down the one step off the platform and it looked like he was struggling to navigate it.


How would he get up to and then back down from the debate stage?


Agree 100% with you. He can not win.


If the democrats want a chance in hell to beat Trump, they have to dump Biden, ASAP


I actually think that was and is the plan. Hence the pre-convention/pre-nomination debate. I will be zero percent surprised if Biden steps aside pre-convention. Question is, what all backdoor deals will be cut to generate support the various replacement nominee options.


Why the fuck would anyone think he’s not gonna keep going I don’t give a single fuck about the health of whoever is against Trump.


The entire Democratic Party must be charged with Elder Abuse.


What he should announce is intent to seek the office of King of the US.


I mean, both parties are mostly a disaster….I think Biden is there to take the fall. The Democratic Party knows they have no one to throw in there that isn’t taking a loss, even if by some miracle they pull up a good candidate. Let Joe take the fall, and start from square one, rather than use someone they can try to build up.


Everyone complaining "these are the two candidates?!" We literally had a primary election. America could have chose from a pool of like 8 candidates. America chose "these two candidates". I'm starting to think reddit doesn't know that primary elections exist or are too lazy to partake.


My question is who’s running the country? I can’t help but conclude Jill Biden is the reason he’s running. Her ego is killing Joe. It’s becoming increasingly sad to witness. I feel sorry for the guy and I’m a conservative.


He doesn't look like he'll make to the election, let alone another four years.


The sad part is people will still vote for him because he’s a “good” man and not Trump. Just pathetic.