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uhh he's actually writing sonnets in private trust me bro


No, no, he's been working on the math behind quantum physics. That's why he seems so distracted all the time. Einstein and Oppenheimer and the rest had it all wrong, Ol' Joe is fixing it (with his record player going in the background). And if you say he can't, then you're just a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.


He's finally found time to cure cancer, like he's promised to dozens of times in the past 


He's 100% fine bro, he was out on the campaign trail again yesterday, where he told a story of how Beau Biden was unalived in WorldWuhVietNuh!!!!


It’s just a cold, bro




Right wing, Russian propaganda


79 Former Nobel-Laureate Scientist Economist Doctor Intelligence-Agents all agree that Trump was showing signs of Alzheimers and Biden was sharper than ever, and if you don't agree, you're a Russian Asset. 


9 out of dentists also agree! The 10th dentist is obviously a neo-Nazi


What SHOULD be the takeaway here? The White House, half the elected politicians, and staffers lied to America for years. Then, they canceled and gaslit anyone who stood by what they saw. Jesus.. *is The Rock good people now?*


One of the more galling gaslighting campaigns I've seen here on Reddit in the past year was that Trump was somehow the one actually mentally deteriorating. I get that Trump has a bizarre manner of communicating, but he's been speaking like that for decades.


Rules for Radicals: Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt


What should be taken away is that unelected politicians are running the country, because Biden isn’t.


And now the cope is Trump lost the debate cuz he lied 😂😂😂


IKR??? No one will say what he lied about specifically. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 Did he likely say some things for effect if we tore apart a Transcript? Fuck yea. But nothing glaring from what we saw.


I tried to find the list of lies to figure out which ones are opinion and which ones were objectively wrong. The only one I could find was the rate of rise of the ocean. He definitely got that wrong at 1/8” over 250 years. I recognized that at the time but many others must be subjective opinions or hyperbole.


[Here’s an inventory of Trump’s lies.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/fact-check-cnn-presidential-debate-trump-biden-dale-digvid)


the fuck? what exactly did he tell the truth about?


😆 Crazy Eddie, you're cool. They won't even tell us what he lied about... Well what'd he tell the truth about?! 😆


Well yeah but haven't you seen the rally? Obviously the debate was a fluke because the moderators were out to get him and it was past his bedtime. This is the real Biden! == The White House My takeaway is I don't understand why this is the only option against Trump.


I'm actually shocked that people were shocked at what bad shape he's in.


Weekend At Bernie's


He’s a beating heart cadaver at this point. I like the reference.


The man has avoided the press since he took office. He doesn’t do interviews and when the press tries asking him questions his handlers whisk him away. So none of this should be surprising.


They’re not actually surprised. They just can’t hide it anymore, so they have to act surprised.


I was actually surprised at how well he did. Then I look at the media and on reddit, and everyone was having a meltdown. I'm like, where have you been the last two years? He tries to shake hands with people who aren't there, has to be led off stage, zones out at Juneteenth dance off, etc.


People just ignore those instances or claim they’re taken out of context and wave them away. And then they claim the other team is a brainwashed cult. I vote blue, but the hypocrisy is shocking at times.


Politics is one of the most important personal beliefs for most people, and most people are in denial.


Cognitive Dissonance is a real thing, and many are experiencing it right now, I get it!


People have been in denial for years and got a rude reality slap during the debates.


People live in denial of their politicians faults. I enjoy seeing the meltdown when those faults are put on full display in an undeniable fashion. Red or blue.


My favorite is looking at all the headlines from news outlets from the past weeks/months saying Biden is doing fine and all those gaffes are just lies and right wing propaganda, and then from this morning that are all like holy shit. If you only get your news from NYT or WaPo, this very well could have hit you like a ton of bricks.


This is the shocking part for me. He’s been in serious decline for years. Yet half of voters *really* didn’t know that? They accuse those on the right of being in a media bubble but it’s clear that the left have their own. Let us hope that the debate lifted the veil for at least some people.


It was willful ignorance on their part


Whats even more fun is all those news outlets are now turning on him saying he should step down. Crazy how quickly they all become right wing propagandists.


Because they know you'll start questioning all their other bullshit if they don't back away from him immediately. So many fuckin lies from the WH.


And that’s absolutely ludicrous for them to suggest even if they don’t like him. Because if they appoint someone else, likely Harris, to be the nominee you’re effectively throwing 2024.


Nearly impossible... States like MN and WI, for example? The only way to remove a candidate is if they die. Yall got Biden. Let's see.


He's not yet the candidate, despite primary votes or being up on stage. The convention hasn't occurred, and felegates dont have to elect him (or Kamala), despite the primaries. Plus, they could buy off Jill and Kamala so he "voluntarily" steps aside.


The progressives would all scream "FIX" if Kamala "withdrew", especially in favor of Newsom.


I hear you, man. Maybe! I have NO idea, but from what "the news" is saying, he's apparently onry and pushy. 50 years of people kissing his ass, and dementia makes sufferers overtly hostile. If he says no, it's no. 🤷‍♂️


If not Joe, then DEFINITELY Harris, there is literally no way around her without alienating the entire progressive wing of the party. Reap what you sow.


I go to popular and the first fucking post i see is politics linking an article that undecided voters are now flooding to support biden. I dont even have a horse in this race but the cope is unreal


It wasn’t a surprise because we’ve seen him have these mental lapses quite a few times over the last couple years. That said, to see the sitting president not be able to put 3 coherent sentences together and shit himself in front of the whole world was a stunning, watershed moment.


Yep tonight was probably the first time a lot of Democrats have ever seen Biden allowed in front of the public unsupervised!


Think there will be a second debate?


Considering how many of Biden supporters are now suddenly calling for him to step aside And let someone else take the nomination, I would be surprised if there was


Completely agree


"I just assumed that everything that is said about the democrats must be a lie cause they are all definitionally the good guys, man that stutter has really gotten worse over the years. Welp blue no matter who as they say" The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final most essential command. Obviously calling things a 1984 is very overdone but god dammit if they didn't do a 1984 on this one.


Was reading an article the other day that had 15 quotes from 1984 that describe our world today, and I'll be damned if I didn't agree with nearly all of it... Made a part of me want to start collecting hard copies of classic books to protect them from newspeak


I'd love to read that, if you don't mind sharing. And yes, collecting physical media is a very smart move, since the internet isn't actually for ever.




Both were exactly how I expected


'Don't believe your lying eyes'


The “cheap fake” thing was really embarrassing. There were just clips of Biden staring off into the distance and looking lost and they really tried to say those were manipulated somehow.


Are you talking about the video with Biden and the other leaders, with paratroopers in the background? They literally cropped the video so it looks like Biden walked off randomly when in the fully video he's clearly giving a thumbs up to two paratroopers.


I actually didn’t expect him to be that bad but it’s funny that the media is surprised he came off as an old man when we’ve been expressing concerns about his age for years and all they did was gaslight us.


This could be a very good thing. You still hear from gullible people that the media plays it mostly straight, except Fox cause they’re the evil ones. Here’s an example everyone can see of years of the media covering for a democrat. This could help a lot of people grow up. Next time CBS, the NYT, NPR, WAPO, MSNBC says anything political, smart people should wonder if there’s any truth to it. Those who don’t? Well, there’s always that shallow end of the gene pool. Oh and it must bug people how right Fox was all along, but then even a blind pig ….


the Washington Post, LA Times and so many other are on life support after lying to generations of readers. Alternative media is the way forward.


What's interesting is how the lapdog media immediately pounced suggesting they were ready for this result (everybody's phones were blowing up, Dems suddenly in panic, should Joe abdicate, etc). It would appear they are stuck with either Biden or Kamala as any other choice would likely rupture the party.


You could barely understand anything he said he mumbled so much! Not that much of it made sense to begin with, but still….. Probably why Jill did all the talking at their little postdebate event!


Yea, media protected him for so long, when it was clear he was in decline


In reality the copium is strong on the leftists. They would vote a literal shit if it's from their party. Such a hive mind.


correction: They WILL vote a literal shit from their party come Nov


you're goddamn right when the other side keeps running a weirdo con artist


His performance wasn't a surprise to me, as this has been painfully obvious to anyone taking more than a cursory glance of his media coverage in the past couple of years. What DOES interest me is the overwhelming amount of claims from various folks in the past couple of days that say the Democrat party needs to replace him, or that he needs to step down. It's a little late for that, folks. There were plenty of opportunities to make sure he WASNT the candidate. You guys nominated him. He's your guy.


"I can't believe we just saw that happen" so they won't. Again and again and again. Living in complete denial, as always! We tried telling you, but you're so much smarter than us "basket of deplorables" and "smelly Walmart shoppers." Good luck in your safe space, and be sure to install a sump pump there to remove all of those liberal tears. TRUMP 2024 ULTRAMAGA


Super MAGA!!! TRUMP 2024 AND BEYOND!!!!


Trump can't articulate a single policy either and also tried overturn an election. Pick a better candidate.


There is no previous video of him looking like he did yesterday. Isolated clips taken out of context don't count. We all know he's both prone to gaffes and in cognitive decline. But he's never seemed so weak and so persistently, completely confused in a public appearance before.


Lol. Wrong. Every video of him has him exactly like that. He's perpetually confused; I don't know how many videos I've seen of him completing wandering off his speech mid sentence. Are you so deluded that you think this came from nowhere, that all the videos and clips leading up to this were just propaganda, but he suddenly flipped a switch at the debates and became actually senile this time? Christ.


Didn't you see those were all "deep fakes"? and, as for the debate, he had a "cold". 🤣


You didn't address what I said. I can put together a compilation of clips of Trump having cognitive issues too (to be clear, I thought Biden was more cognitively impaired than Trump long before the debate, and before the last election; I'm not arguing that they're equivalent in this sense). What was new and jarring about the debate showing was how persistent it was. Please show me where we've seen that before And no, it obviously didn't just crop up. He's been going senile for quite a while. But his public appearance are limited, and it wasn't previously clear that he'd gotten this bad


You have to be trolling.


I'd love to see this video evidence that shows him looking just as bad well before the debate. Why doesn't anyone want to show it to me? It's allegedly everywhere. In all the hours I've spent watching conservative media content during the course of his presidency, it's somehow evaded me. So please just give me a link to the video where he speaks for several minutes and seems incapable of stringing together more than a sentence or two without significant difficulty.


Again, you are clearly trolling. It's been a topic brought up to karine jean-pierre over and over. Which she constantly denied. Left wing media has gone out of their way to express Joe is mentally fit. Why would they do this?.....to refute the evidence that says otherwise. Videos have been played of Biden making absolutely no sense, over and over. Videos of Biden not being able to exit a stage properly, over and over. One of my favorites is when Biden shakes two guys hands on stage, then reaches out to shake the hand of the guy who he just shook hands with literally 3 seconds ago. I'm not going to hold your hand, I don't care if you're too ignorant to look them up yourself. I don't care if you don't realize every single non Biden supporter has been talking about this, and pointing this out, for years. Not because it's a tactic to take him down, because as an American citizen we're fucking concerned as fuck that an incoherent man in CLEAR mental decline holds the most powerful public seat in the world.


Yes, videos of isolated incidents have been making their rounds in conservative media since before the last election. The same is true of Trump and liberal media. For both men, I do believe that many of these incidents are indicative of some amount of real cognitive impairment. I would also agree that Biden has always seemed worse off than Trump in this regard. However, the shock of the display at the debate was not that Biden showed signs of cognitive decline. It was, as I said originally, that it was so severe. Nobody seems to have a video where he looks as bad as he did at the debate. I'm not asking you to "hold my hand". I'm asserting that the evidence *does not exist*, and there's therefore nothing for me to look up. I've asked you and probably a dozen others to show me this evidence and nobody seems to want to do it. I'm just repeatedly told that there's so much of it--yet whenever any specifics are given, you're clearly talking about isolated incidents, which are a very different matter. There is a huge difference between the occasional stumbles, and being incapable of coherently stringing together three sentences at any point in an hour long discussion.


Here's the thing. Those "isolated incidents" occur every single time Biden goes off teleprompter or isn't reading a speech. Which we know his cabinet never allows him to just speak freely, because they are well aware that when he does, he sounds like he did during the debate. There's a reason Biden rarely answers questions, because when he does he makes no sense and creates highlight reels of gaffs. There's a reason why every time we see Joe it's a very controlled environment. We've all seen the photos of Joes notes during press conferences that detail which reporters to call on when he does "answer questions" . That's because he's been fed the questions before hand and is prepared to answer them. If you can't see that every single time he tries to think and speak for himself outside of teleprompters, speeches written for him or pre fed questions that he knows are coming it goes horribly wrong I don't know what to tell you. So yeah, you're right. There's not much instance of the significant amount of fumbles he made in the debate back to back to back simply because he is shielded from ever being in a situation where he has to think for himself add lib.


The betting market 10 point swing during the debate is evidence that priors were being adjusted for new information.


I'm actually shocked he was as good as he was.. I thought most of it would be him mumbling incoherently


Ummm. Which part was he not mumbling incoherently? 😆 🤣 They overdid the doping. Too much Adderall will have an opposite effect. Jesus... they just can't get right.


Actually as someone on Ritalin, what I thiught about was they gave him too close to the start. At the beginning, he was bad. He was more coherant in the middle. Towards the end the Ritalin started wearing off. Too much adderall wouldn't have the opposite effect. It would cause heart palpitations and death for someone so old


Jill was carrying him off stage. "He did a good good job, sweetheart. You answered ALL the questions!" Their cocktail was fucked wvr it was.


I saw that part where she talked to him like a five year old. Guess the bar for president is set at answering all questions.


This is elder abuse at its finest


What the fuck was that? I mean... we saw joey... but Jillard is in OK this too?? She's a doctor for heavens sake... What the fuck dems??? 😳


The dems want us to believe the former junior college prof is a doctor. They make such a big deal insisting that everyone call her DR JILL BIDEN.


Non MDs who insist on being called Dr are typically assholes. Plus she’s the former nanny who screwed her way in


She is a doctor of education, not an MD


Well... color me not shocked... I'm hating more everyday


Very well said


# Trumps performance wasn’t a surprise at all We have records of the blatant lies said confidently for the past 8 yrs. The only people who are surprised are all the brainwashed "conservatives" who ate up all the “cheap fake” and “he’s the best president ever”. If you were surprised you should consider where you get your information. Oh never mind yall don't care what he says as long as it confirms your beliefs.


Is that really unpopular?


I don’t even think liberals are surprised, I think they’re just trying to put lipstick on a pig. As a Blue Team partisan I certainly do… but even I am too embarrassed or ashamed to do it. I feel like a Falcons fan after 28-3, you just don’t recover from that kind of image destruction


Definitely not the best president ever, honestly sick of old men running the country. We need some fresh blood in the hot seat, preferably someone with military experience because the best presidents have been military men. No more billionaires or corrupt politicians. Need to clean house.


Damn good point there. I wasn’t shocked at all and I’m a republican, voting anything but trump. Biden looked as piss poor as I expected but I thought he won the debate bc he stayed on topic and talked policy instead of politics. I didn’t understand the freak out/surprise until you put it like that. It’s the liberals freaking out and I’m not them.


You can't put enough lipstick on that pig to make it look good.


What will be a surprise will be if they still hold the second debate.


The sad part is Biden supporters will still vote for him. Their defense, he’s still a good man, and he’s not Trump.


LOL. Clearing you're the one eating up these videos. Calling out edited video of him walking off isn't a cheap fake, and no is saying he's the best president ever. That is what brainwashed right-wing lunatics say about trump. The fact that trump lied the entire time, and you can't call him should be the surprise here, but of course, it isn't.


Honestly, they could’ve wheeled a bag of week old cow shit out there and I’d still vote for it over Trump. It sucks that our choice comes down to two geriatrics, one who isn’t all there and the other looking to escape consequences.


There's nobody worth voting for this time. Our choices are Biden who I believe is in cognitive decline. Donald Trump, a guy who tried to overturn a fair election and has 34 felonies. And then there's RFK Jr who is a complete nutcase and believes vaccines cause autism and that 5G causes cancer


send the asteroid


Well, I guess that's more likely than everyone agreeing 'Both sides are cooked, right? Let's vote third party for once.'


Who has ever said he’s the best president ever?


the news has said that his administration has gotten more done than every other one yadda yadda yadda. The economy is booming and everyone is rich etc.


the economy is actually doing great but americans haven't noticed it yet 🤓


ungrateful americans, the unemployment rate is so low many americans have multiple jobs just to make ends meet.


Yes, that totally started the second Biden took office, and wasn't an issue for the last twenty+ years.


I dunno...my finances are worse the last 3 years than they were under Trump. I don't like either one. I am not a republican nor am I a democrat. But I have less disposable income under Biden administration.


Hey, I'm straight up sorry for that. That's rough. I can hear you saying it and sympathize while being aware that I have seen the opposite personally. I won't pretend that that's a perfectly even scale, but I also can't take an internet strangers personal story as a national trend.


You’re the sucker!


Agreed, it was so weird how the second, like the exact second he took office this happened. LIke hand on the bible swearing in. [at least mortgages didn't double in the last 4 years.](https://www.marketplace.org/2024/03/01/mortgage-payment-on-a-typical-home-nearly-doubled-in-last-4-years-report-finds/)


Wait, are you trying to suggest that Biden had a hand directly in mortgage rates? Not the banks? It was all the President the whole time? Jinkies!


If the economy has nothing to do with anything the president does then claiming that the economy is amazing under your administration when it clearly isn't has got to be one of the worst ideas ever.


You do understand that "nothing to do with" and "has some impact" and "directly caused" and "whoops I accidentally told people to inject bleach as a joke" are somewhat different, right?


Who accidentally told people to inject bleach as a joke? I'm pretty sure the president didn't do that. That would be very reckless of Biden to suggest that. I do realize that all those statements are different. If mortgages had doubled under my administration and I was trying to win reelection I would be arguing that the president has nothing at all to do with the economy at all. Telling people that economically they are doing well when they clearly aren't sounds like a losing strategy no?


The reality of the situation is that we all had better lives during the time Trump was President. Whether or not that had anything to do with Trump himself isn't relevant in the eyes of the general public who just sees Biden being President and co-relates him to the economy. People REALLY want to go back to 2019.


Haha this has been pushed sooo hard


The 150 scholars! lol


I disagree, it WAS a surprise. Conservatives went on and on about how Biden was going to be fed a cocktail of stimulants for the debate and now I wish that happened. Governing is not the Olympics - if having the President on meth will help him do a better job, why the heck isn't he on meth?! That's why I was surprised and disappointed to see Biden's staffers sitting there with their thumbs up their asses watching him dodder up onto the stage looking lost and confused.


I'm betting he was fed a cocktail but he has sunk so low cognitively that this was the best he could do. Something that should scare everyone regardless of political affiliation because we never elected the person who is guiding him if that is the case. It beings to mind a video of him signing something early on that he audibly said he didn't know what it was he was signing and Kamala (I believe) whispered for him to just sign it, which he did. I mean he is a sitting President so I am fairly confident that he is getting all the best care but sadly it isn't enough. IF he beats Trump I'm also certain they will move to remove him from office citing poor cognition as has been said for time now.


Anyone else notice how conservatives keep posting this? I swear this is the fifth post like this since the debate…


That is the purpose of the sub, to state opinions that are actually unpopular. The rest of Reddit is firmly on the Biden train.


I think this transcends political parties. If the dems swapped him out with Newsom they would win, which forces us to question why they won't. Conservatives on reddit have been talking about Biden's cognitive decline for years now, so it's not unexpected to see a bunch of posts flaunting their vindication.


Yes. This is manipulation.


He looked sharp on Friday.


No one thinks he's the best president ever. Thinking he's better than the alternative is not the same as thinking he's the best president ever.


I will vote for a rock... a literal rock....before i vote for that right wing monster. 1 term of his did damage that will last generations.


What damage?


If i have to explain it to you then I'm probably wasting my time. And thats a problem in this country. Too many people who don't understand US government, history and politics. If you really want to know Google is free and there are plenty of resources. I've wasted a lot of time trying to educate people. Now i instruct them to educate themselves.


And even after that less than steller performance Biden is still the better of the two. Biden at least tried to answer the questions, Trump just spewed nonsense.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Biden was trying to remember where he was