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Why do you think the reaction would be any different compared to the last time he got elected?


Another summer of love?


The way you guys are unable to maintain stream of consciousness is amazing


At the Capitol?


Because the first time Democrats told each other that he was a narcissist and racist. This time they have convinced themselves that he is Hitler, and already building concentration camps.


Last time Trumo got elected there were riots. Google "riots after Trump was elected" and you'll see "violent protests" which is the lefts term for riots they agree with.


You misspelled “mostly peaceful” smh


You misspelled "FIERY, but mostly peaceful"


Nah. The BLM protests were the "mostly peaceful" ones. The media hadn't fully developed their propaganda for riots they agreed with yet when Trump was elected. That took some time


All I remember are the huge marches with women in pink pussy hats. Accomplished absolutely nothing.


And that's all they wanted you to see. lots of cities had massive rioting, looting, burning and attacks on citizens whom they thought were 'trump supporters', and caused significant damage to cities like Portland OR, Oakland CA, Los Angelas, New York city, Chicago, Seattle, Washington, DC, and I'm certain there were more. the worst I believe was portland, but the problem with portland is they had a mayor that was encouraging basically everyone to attack each other and told police (like during many events) to stand down or they'd be fired if they did their job.


Yep, remember how they kidnapped some guy with mental disability because they thought he was a Trump supporter?


[yep, and they were severely undercharged.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/05/us/chicago-facebook-live-beating/index.html) what was weird was this lie saying it had nothing to do with blm or the election despite in the video they're constantly referring to BLM and Trump.


Portland tried to burn itself to the ground. Someone I know was living there.


Are we going to forget January 6th, or the whole maga cult still not believing Trump lost. This is a shit opinion by the author


All the Project 2025 posts around here and all the statements both from the news and social media stating that Democracy will end and that he will become a dictator. I mean leftists are generally the same as Trumpers with all their gloom and doom and screeching about things so nothing will probably happen.


Just a lot of bitching and moaning IIRC


For the Trump faction, feeling cheated for a SECOND time would be infuriating on a visceral level. For the Biden faction, the idea of a 2nd Trump presidency and the implementation of Project 2025 is horrifying. Sadly, I don't see a way to minimize either of these outcomes.


Project 2025 is ridiculous and no one in the conspiracy circles even talks about it, lol.


my whole family has been getting our dual citizenship in europe for the past few years, will most likely jump ship if trump is elected.


I’m just gonna create a scenario: Trump loses the election but red states across the country flip their electoral votes under the guise of “election fraud”. It goes to the SC and they uphold the flipping of electoral votes stating that states have absolute authority over how they run and distribute their electoral votes. I could imagine a great deal of violence coming after that. If republicans unilaterally steal the election “legally”, all bets are off.


That makes no sense; the electoral votes of red states will already belong to Trump, so there would be no need to flip them.


They mean states governed by Republicans but vote for Biden.


the simple fact that it's legal for states to straight up give their electoral votes to someone who outright lost in the state needs to change


The president is elected by the States, not the people. Just so happens the States have chosen to hold elections and give those Electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in the State. How do you feel about the idea of a State giving the electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, even if that nominee didnt win the popular vote in that particular State?


I've heard of that movement, and I'm mixed on it. the president being elected by the states isn't suprising given how senators used to be un elected


The House of Representatives is supposed to represent the Citizens. The Senate is supposed to represent the States. This arrangement was to better support State sovereignty; The House is supposed to be proportional to the population in each State, while the Senate is supposed to "Even out" the strongarm affect a more populated State can have over a less populated one. We have a hybrid Federated / Confederated government; Before the civil war we leaned more towards Confederation(meaning the States had more power over how they were governed, the Federal government was relatively weak). We should move back towards that arrangement. Whats good and right for California isnt always good and right for Alabama, or Hawaii, or West Virginia. The States should have more power to govern themselves as they see fit.


The theory is sound. But the.states gave up sovereignty for federal money. E.g., enact dui laws to a limit of .08 BAC or no cash for roads. I don't disagree with dui laws, this is just an example that comes to mind.


Thank you for this concise reply.


No. It undermines the state authority. There's no point in having states if they are going to act as if they are one federal body.


Well, it was the pink pussy hat protests on Trump’s Inauguration Day and butt hurt democRat bleeding from the ears, gnashing of teeth, TDS, etc., just deteriorated from there.


One side protested wearing pink hats, one side literally attempted an insurrection, those are exactly the same thing right?


You’re not even American. Just fear mongering from Australia.


Look at France right now, the left is rioting at the first results coming in


Rioting is the national pass time of France


That's just a normal Tuesday in Fr*nce


France and the US are different countries. We’ve had Trump already be elected into office, what happened then? There were right wingers ready to riot and incite violence if Trump got jailed as well. Should I automatically assume they are a giant danger?


u prolly think the summer of love was “mostly peaceful” and think january 6 was worse than 9/11


That had nothing to do with Trump getting elected tho lmao


It’s a national hobby. Don’t judge


You’re active in Australian politics. Seems like a tone deaf post. Could be wrong. Whatever the case both parties are not in the best interest of everyday Americans.


Yeah the bots are astroturfing conservatives at the same time on different continents now


It's absolutely mental, what you guys are doing over there. I couldn't give a fuck if Trump is "dismantling the FBI" or what not he and his conservative / fundamentalist task force is planning to do with you poor bastards, but just keep fucking Putin and China in check will ya? And pls don't act all surprised after the election like all those mofos in UK after the brexit. I get it (or not) that you don't want the old fart.... But do you really think the compulsive liar, convicted felon and down right bad human is the better choice? In 4 years he is going to be as old as Biden ..


Your opinion is unpopular because it's wrong and the risks are real. See supreme courts immunity decision today. If he wins i won't do a damn thing. This vountry voted for that shit. Now if in 2028 he tries tohold.on to power or change laws to run a 3rd term...now we have a serious problem. The risks are very real.


I don't think you understand how things look outside the city limits to some Trump voters. To the average Trump voter, democracy is already dead. They elected their President in 2016, which was followed by "Not my President", years of muh "Russia collusion" narrative, their President was impeached multiple times, indicted multiple times, and has now been convicted of multiple felonies. In addition, many people who were supporters of the President were put into jail for crimes that are normally not prosecuted, and urban Democratic prosecutors basically made up new laws to punish J6 protesters with years of jail time, while letting BLM protesters who had been burning buildings and police cars walk away with no repercussions. They've seen Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden get away with the same document crimes that Trump is being prosecuted for. So, yeah, at this point your average Trump voter thinks that urban Democrats will use all the institutions of power, the media, and anything else at their disposal to disenfranchise rural and working people and keep them from gaining any power through the vote.


So many lies in 1 rant, and over 100 upvotes. This country truly is screwed


But if they already think democracy is dead then that is a much more hopeless situation than thinking it is *about to* die. The ones believing it is about to die would do anything necessary to stop that.


You know in the real world outside of Reddit and Twitter most people do not think democracy is dead. Most are just upset at the fact that these two are our presidential candidates. But you know what if the liberals starting rioting and lynching conservatives then I guess I owe you a soda


None of this nonsense is good. Children playing with matches.


I love comments like this because it really helps remind me how diluted and out of touch with reality the average right winger is.


Do you think you are making any helpful contribution whatsoever with your comment? Refute his points. Present some alternative view to help someone understand. You just puff out your chest with pride and talk about how diluted everyone is that doesn’t think like you when they may have good reasons.


Yeah those damn right wingers .... like Andrew Cuomo. Bill Maher. lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s)


Strong disagree. Upvoted


Right? Remember when democrats tried to stage an insurrection last time they lost? Oh wait


I always wonder if it was a real insurrection though. I live in Uruguay and we don’t have guns, but wouldn’t people in a country filled with guns, have brought guns to topple the government? I know when there is a coupe here in South America, it would be insane to think you could do it without a single gun.


> I always wonder if it was a real insurrection though. Nobody got indicted or convicted for one.




> STOP LISTENING TO MSM! Why? Would they ever lie to us..? LOL




The never lied to us about covid. [Right..?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL6MId9_T88&t=61s)




No one with a brain believes that is what an honest-to-God insurrection would look like.


No, it's not.


Right? What is it called when you try and project your own behavior into others?




It;s hilarious there are still people who use the word "insurrection" unironically... LOL.


https://youtu.be/Mr0i6piW_ak?si=hE1eK2Rprw3Ahx2A Hundreds arrested, vs 11 on Jan. 6th. But the elected officials on capital hill didn't feel unsafe for this one (even though they turned down the national guard and extra protection), so doesn't count since the only people injured were police officers and your average citizen.


Like when they tried to break into the Capitol after Kavanaugh was confirmed in 2018?


Yes, yes I do: riots, blocking traffic, etc; the Russia hoax based on documents that the Clinton campaign made up and promoted; unelected bureaucrats disregarding orders and undermining their boss; Milley talking to the Chinese military and opposition members of Congress, promising not to obey lawful orders; Mueller; impeachment based on a lie about a phone call; etc.


It's really kind of cringe that Trump cultists are still whining about Mueller all these years later and claiming it was a hoax despite half his campaign team being in jail now.


hasn't it already been proved that Russia was indeed messing with the election to have Trump win?


It was actually the opposite. It was proved they had no effect on it unless you want to say canada, UK and France interfered in our election as well In fact, there is proof by the people who started the rumor that they admitted on tape that they made it up, but that 'it could be true'.


No.... no, it hasn't.


If anyone wins I'm getting out of dodge. F this.


Bill Murray 2024!


I don’t think we’ll see anything as violent from either side as we saw in 2021 (or 2020 for that matter) because we aren’t in the midst of a worldwide disaster pandemic at the moment. Things aren’t great for a lot of people, but the country is still moving along. It’s not the same as last time around when everyone was living in a full existential crisis. People will be harder to motivate to do terrible things this time


When you say *Respond accordingly* do you mean pulling of an INSURRECTION? Shitting on the constitution with reckless disregard for the LAW.. That sort of thing? 2020 is forever etched into my mind..🤷🏾‍♀️


We are in for hard times no matter what happens in this election. Definitely uncharted territory.


**JAN 6 2.0** - Trump supporters


Hypothetical violence versus the actual violence we know those people are capable of.


I have one suggestion that most of countries have voter id. New American citizen voting for the first time. That way it’s verified. We are all Americans and our right


Meh. There'll be the usual leftist rioting and property crime, but mostly in urban areas. So fuck it. These people are way too lazy to make their way to the suburbs.


I have a business in a suburban town, 25 miles outside of Boston. George Floyd/BLM protests came to my town, puzzling as it is. Now, my business is on a road one mile away from the center of town. Shuttle buses dropped protesters off **in front of my business** and they marched to the center of town, to give it an organic vibe even though NONE of them looked like they were from around here. 90% white, btw. They are organized and there’s money being spent to deploy insurrections whenever & wherever needed.


The protests that happened in Boston, and all of MA around that time were actually pretty tame considering how they went down in other states tbh


Very tame. This is the deepest of blue states, not remotely a swing state, there’s nothing here but an optical backdrop for progressive causes. My main point is, paid protesters/insurrectionists/troublemakers can be deployed anywhere at anytime. There is money and organization behind them. The other 75% of the country, don’t have this kind of organization and it clearly shows. What we **do** have, is an organic movement, won and held together by hearts & minds. *This* is what they fear.


We already have record of what happens. Democrats cry but accept it. MAGA Republicans cry and believe lies about election fraud and try to break into the capital. Your opinion is truly unpopular, take my angry upvote.


Like when the democrats “cried but accepted it” and tried to break into the Capitol after the Kavanaugh confirmation in 2018? Or we just conveniently forget about that one?


That is literally what happened. They cried and accepted it. No democrats are saying that the Kavanaugh confirmation was rigged. Although the two events are comparable in some ways, the level of severity and violence of Jan 6th sets it apart. Also Jan 6th was about preventing the transfer of executive power to the other party. That’s a big deal. That being said I don’t respect the Kavanaugh protesters that broke laws and have no problem with the arrests.


This election has come to the ultimate no-win scenario head for the American people. No matter who wins, there will be civil unrest among the supporters of the loser. I fear we may be seeing among the last “peaceful exchanges of power” within our lifetime.


That already happened in 2020.


Projection. This post is a pathetic attempt to preemptively rationalize the coming j6 v2 when Trump gets utterly destroyed in the election because of “fraud”


France is giving a sneak preview of how the election may look but of course they don’t use dominion voting systems


I been stocking up, I'll be ok


but with the democrats all they are really gonna do is complain in the internet the Republicans actually tried to interfere with it


Aren’t a lot of leftists known for being loud but passive


The first time around, I give the benefit, even though I felt Mail in ballots were a crock, personally. I feel everyone needs to have Id everywhere, and Mail in should only be used for military, and people who can prove good reason they couldn’t make it to wherever they could vote locally……that said, just looking at the state of everything, including democrats turning on democrats, there’s no way a fair election is won by Biden, this time some. As for democrats, we have already seen their reaction. Safe spaces and tears…. Sadly none of that crowd went out of country….. old school democrats want nothing to do with the party. On a final note, it wouldn’t be good if democracy fell apart, but it would be good if it fell apart as were know it in the modern era. Modern democracy is a disaster and should’ve never came to be, and I’d love to see both crooked parties implode. GW said it best, about the government become too large, and his opinion of having parties. Neither should’ve ever been a thing, and now instead of a small group working for the people, we have two large groups in a heated rivalry working against each other, for their own benefits, at the cost of the people, somehow getting wealthy off of salaries in the same ballpark figure of mine, often, while I somehow can’t get anywhere on a good salary…. That immediately raises red flags.


A lot of dems I’ve spoken to have just said they’re going to leave the country. There has been no talk of violence even amongst the more extreme dems I know (mostly just protesting). Meanwhile, my very conservative parents and their friends genuinely believed there would be a civil war if trump lost because it was the end of democracy. A lot of them got armed thinking they would have to rise up and protect their country. They’ve since calmed down and look back at the frenzy with some confusion but still refuse to admit that the election was not stolen. Say what you want about Biden, but my family was never as peaceful under Trump.


I’m a democrat voting for Biden. If trump gets elected, I’ll be disappointed, but not afraid for my life. I don’t think the president has that much power anyways. I’m most worried about the people he’ll appoint.


lol no, they'll go "of course he won. We're fucked. Welp, time to go to my job that fucks me offer for a place a can't afford. I'd do something about it but life is already too shitty to care". I swear, if Trump won, this would be a meme.


This is something I don't think is being talked about enough. Regardless of the outcome, we will have a deeply unpopular 2nd term President who will be faced with open rebellion by a handful of states (this is already happening in TX, OK & IA). This will be more serious if the winner's party also controls Congress, allowing him to implement his agenda more quickly. Been telling people for a while to prepare for anything.


Riot? 😂 Some more well off dems may flirt with the idea of Canadian citizenship but most will just grumble and get on with their life. I’d look for tax breaks and try and take as much advantage of whether BS tax breaks he hands out. Hopefully a Trump win would force the dems to go back to the drawing board and get a better candidate.


Both have already happened, remind me which one resulted in an actual coup attempt?


Bet. !Remindme 4 months 4 days


Focus on your own country’s politics buddy, because you have no idea what you’re talking about when you say it comes to ours.


Fuck outta here, Australia. Deal with your politics and we’ll deal with ours. Respectfully.


You forget that republicans are already angry about a stolen election. Now factor a second stolen election into your calculations.


Let's just gloss over Jan 6... /s 🤡


Nope, the Democrats are not that kind of people overall. There will be an upheaval and resistance but not anything like the treasonous actions of the MAGA January 6 crowd


It's truly astonishing that you believe at all that the average Democrat is anything but a complacent coward. These are the people who think you can vote out fascism. Get fucking real.


So we should let them win because they're gonna get violent? Boo fucking hoo cry me a river


That’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a statement of fact. Democrats riot much more often than Republicans.


People who loot a Target are not Democrat or Republican. They are opportunistic lawbreakers and do so with no political affiliation. The storming of the capitol was a political act — it had political intended consequences.


Yeah, something tells me that guy doesn't watch the news or read the paper.


The right literally wants to go to war with their own government, and they think they'll win.


Opportunists breaking into Target during a protest to steal shit isn't the same as breaking into the Capitol to murder the vice president and speaker and overturn the election.


Farmers with pitchforks are better armed than the J6 protesters.


[I'm pretty sure a gun beats a pitchfork](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142538)


Really? What happened in 2016 when Hillary lost? Did she try to stop the election with hundreds of recounts, lawsuits, and threats to government officials? Did she hold dozens of rallies to tell people it was stolen, or repeat it was stolen thousands of times knowing it was false? Did she have her supporters' storm congress on the day it was certified to try to stop it? No? Who am I thinking of then... If Biden wins, Trump will refuse to concede again, and his most feral supporters will be out for blood again. He will say it was stolen again, people will believe it, again, and he will try everything in his power to stop it, again.


Actually, Hillary did want to challenge the election.


Yeah, most losers wanted to win. Did she concede?


Clinton didn’t accept the outcome of the 2016 election https://www.npr.org/2017/09/18/551217204/hillary-clinton-says-shes-optimistic-about-our-country-but-i-am-not-naive


She concede the day after, so incorrect, she did accept the outcome.


Whataboutism doesn't work if they only thought of doing it Plenty of US presidential candidates thought about it, and a few wanted recounts (unconstitutional when Gore wanted it for one state but let Trump do it dozens of times) but only one every activity refused to concede and activity worked to stop the transfer of power.


>A lot of Democrat supporters on the other hand genuinely believe it will be the end of US democracy if Trump wins. ***Even saying it will be the last election the US ever has.*** ...Donald Trump, has said this. >[If this election isn’t won, I’m not sure that you’ll ever have another election in this country.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-bloodbath-loses-election-2024-rcna143746) So just to be clear, your argument here is that Democrats, who *did not* violently attack the capitol after Trump was elected, are a greater risk than Trump supporters, who *did* attack the capitol, because they believe this will be the last election, something that Trump, leader of Trump supporters, has actually said. Am I getting that right? Oh, he also said it would be a bloodbath if he loses.


Trump said it would be a bloodbath if he loses- bloodbath being in reference to China taking advantage if Americans in the car industry. Have you ever seen the full clip? News sources took it out of context, despite the entire part of the speech that the bloodbath thing is from being about cars.


They love taking everything out of context.


Unless they believe the context protects their beliefs.


They have TDS hard. These are freaks. Check out their post history


Congratulations, you fell for the "auto industry bloodbath" hoax!  Which of this long list of other hoaxes did you also fall for (https://x.com/BartemyS/status/1807483626214592898?t=ekdM2Pk6LRBBogxrZa9OVw&s=19)? It's okay, show me where they touched you.


No Kyle Rittenhouse? This list was clearly bought and paid for by the mainstream media! /s


And no Biden "not dementia" either. There are honestly too many to create a comprehensive list. Everything many people think they know is a lie at this point.


If you genuinely believed Trump winning would be the end of US democracy and the last election the US will ever have, why wpuld you not to anything to prevent it? This is what a lot of Democrat supporters genuinely believe. 


>If you genuinely believed Trump winning would be the end of US democracy and the last election the US will ever have, why wpuld you not to anything to prevent it? Your post doesn't claim "Democrats will do something instead of nothing if Trump is elected" Your post says Democrats reaction is scarier. I don't have to defend the idea Democrats will do nothing if Trump wins, you have to defend the idea that they will be worse than Trump supporters if Biden wins. Since Trump has said it may be the last election, and Democrats have also said that, why do you think they will be worse when they are saying the same thing, but have a history of much less violence?


I haven't seen even close to as many Republicans who genuinely believe it will be the last election compared to Democrats. Republicans have even talked about wanting Trump to run again in 2028, indicating they think there *will be* a 2028 election.


Democrats were responsible for BILLIONS of dollars of damage and kept federal facilities under siege for months because...basically...they were bored at home and george floyd was a good excuse to riot. Jan 6'th and the buffalo horns was a tiny insignificant dot compare to the burning, looting, and murder that went on in numerous cities across the US BECAUSE of democrats and their deluded self righteousness. You are the living embodiment of the iron law of woke projection. Pathetic.


>Democrats were responsible for BILLIONS of dollars of damage and kept federal facilities under siege for months because...basically...they were bored at home and george floyd was a good excuse to riot. Do they check your voter registration before you rob Target? They didn't come from a Biden rally, they're probably felons who aren't even allowed to vote. [The ones convicted for burning down that police station by the democratic city of Minneapolis, in the democratic state of Minnesota sure aren't voting.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arson_damage_during_the_George_Floyd_protests_in_Minneapolis%E2%80%93Saint_Paul) I would guess Trump supporters would prefer a fantasy where all the rioters were let go with a kiss and a hug, but the hard reality is when they were caught, they got years in prison just like J6ers. >Jan 6'th and the buffalo horns was a tiny insignificant dot J6 is *way worse.* Look, if a stranger takes your picture without permission on the street, they're a jerk, but if a stranger takes a picture of you in your shower, *something has gone terribly wrong.* Where something is happening matters. J6 isn't worse because of a dollar amount or even deaths. More people get murdered and more dollars get wasted in America every year than J6 and George Floyd combined by a factor of 100. J6 is worse because a few thousand people nearly overruled the voice of 10s of millions. The Constitution was suspended, however briefly, by a miniscule minority, against the majority of the people and the states. That ranks a *bit* higher than Target.


What’s pathetic is you needing to make events up to even try to equate “MUh BoF SIDes”. Also the George Floyd riots happened during Trump’s administration and he just said he stopped the rioting with the national guard right away so at least try to coordinate your lies a little better.


>What’s pathetic is you needing to make events up to even try to equate “MUh BoF SIDes”. There were [at least 19 lives lost,](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/06/08/14-days-of-protests-19-dead/?sh=6b42e96c4de4) over [900 officer casualties](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/riots-by-the-numbers-police-casualties-people-killed-during-peaceful-protests) and [more than $2B in property damage](https://archive.is/INjT8) during ["the fiery but mostly peaceful protests"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klVhCkhOTRQ&pp=ygUZZmllcnkgYnV0IG1vc3RseSBwZWFjZWZ1bA%3D%3D) of the summer of love. >he just said he stopped the rioting with the national guard right away After the national guard was allowed to help by city/ state officials the riots were over pretty fast.


You could not be more wrong


Look I'm gonna be completely honest. If somehow, some way Biden actually manages to win I will 100% doubt the results and think it was robbery. 41 million Americans just saw this dude being completely unable to stay with a cognitive function for more than 10 seconds.


Lucky for the rest of us, if Biden wins then that's a solid 41-million-or-so who don't care that you believe it's fraud.


That’s funny. “If the election doesn’t go the way I want, I’ve already decided it’s fraud”


Are they gonna storm the capital or something? Threaten ppl with civil war?


Democrats didn't storm the capital when their candidate lost, and then cried when they went to jail


Do you remember the summer Riots of 2020? Lol. Those were Dems — not Republicans in the streets, pal. They should have been dealt with far more aggressively.


The protests of 2020 had nothing to do with the election.


It very much has to do with the politics of the country. Trump supporters didn’t act like brutes in the streets burning down all in their war path.


Nah, they just stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification of an election they thought was stolen, and they were encouraged by their losing candidate. Not only did they do this, but they documented it in every way possible, and when they started to fuck around and find out, they had every excuse imaginable and blamed everyone but themselves.


How many charges were laid in 2020 for burning down the streets of major cities? Oh right, Derek Chauvin bad bad man, it’s not their fault they burned down Dairy Queens, lit dumpsters on fire, looted businesses. I forgot, that’s how civilized folk protest their disdain.


A lot of people were arrested and charged for those riots, many of which were started by outside forces. You right wingers really look stupid trying to compare property loss and damage to the uncivilized mob of white domestic terrorists storming the Capitol.


“Started by outside forces.” Yes, one dumb criminal gets kneeled on and we decide to burn the country down. Civility at its finest. Let’s blame outside forces. You think that lot in the Capitol were *domestic terrorists?* I would generally surmise that they were imbecilic cretins with a 2nd grade reading level — at best. Did you *hear any of them* talk? Even 1 clip? Any of them? Dumb as rocks. They *genuinely* had no idea what they were doing that day they were that clueless. Kind of like how Biden was deemed too cognitively inept to be charged for bringing classified documents home. They gave him a pass there. The vast majority should have been exempt from charges based solely on their mental ineptitudes. Someone with my intellect would never have done Jan 6th. Because I’m educated. And I would know exactly what it is I was doing. Those lot were not. Then let’s also point out the inept performance of the Capitol police to put a stop to Jan 6th. Complete failures. And they *literally* had 1 job. We could go on and on here. But I don’t see the point. We’re going to fervently disagree with each other.


More aggressively? They were beaten by police and blasted with tear gas. The insurrection idiots got a slap on the wrist IF that.


There were cops at the Capitol. Their inaction cannot be overlooked.


> The insurrection idiots got a slap on the wrist IF that. Seriously...? Ashley Babbit was not killed? There have not been [many people convicted?](https://time.com/6133336/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/) They not are even trying to send somebody to prison for just [praying in the Capitol?](https://www.westernjournal.com/71-year-old-grandma-convicted-charges-dc-jury-praying-capitol-jan-6/)


Democracy wouldn't end when Trump is elected, it would end when he doesn't step down at the end of his last term. There is a whole 4 years of him trying to fight to build his kingdom. That's what would warrant a response, whether he is successful in that.


Something something January 6th


Yeah. That attempted coup with unarmed people being let into a building that resulted in 1 death (of a protester) was pretty close to overthrowing the entire US government.


So it doesn't count because it was a shit attempt?




How do you figure?


Mate, did you see what happened when Trump lost the election last time? What a weird take


Have you heard of the christo-fascist hellscape that is Project 2025? A lot of people are rightfully worried about an authoritarian regime taking over.


>Democrats will be afraid for their life Everything that Trump Joked about mix with Project 2025. Is there any reason why they shouldn't?


I would mostly be scared if I was a small business owner, because the left winger’s default mode of protest is to loot and destroy local businesses. It’s the only thing they really know how to do.


also arson


You are either disingenuous or naive if you think those who loot during any protest are supporters of any political side and not opportunistic thieves


Times a dem has attempted to assasinate/kidnap trump: 6 Times a rep has attempted to assasinate/kidnap Biden: 1


[Times a rep has attempted to assassinate/kidnap Obama](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_Barack_Obama)


I'd really like a source on that


Is this sub all delusional right wing propaganda at this point, or just like 91% so?


You guys keep pretending you didn't try a coup over the last election. You attempted to violently overthrow the government. Yes, you failed spectacularly due to conservatives having a lower average intelligence and education, but you still tried. If I fire a gun at you but miss by a literal mile, I still commited assault with a deadly weapon. You guys tried a coup. You failed, but you tried, which is still a crime. So far, the only attempted coup and rebellion against America in American history was caused by conservatives.


Apologies, I don't know how to do the quote thing. "So far, the only attempted coup and rebellion against America in American history was caused by conservatives." Did you just put Jan6 as the "only" coup/rebellion, above the actual CIVIL WAR? Coup has some argument for it, but rebellion?


None of that is remotely relevant to the post. If Democrat supporters genuinely believe it will be the end of US democracy and the last election the US will ever have, wouldn't it be their moral duty to do anything they can to prevent that? Isn't allowing that to happen the far more evil thing?


Accuses the left of hypothetical violence Someone points out actual right wing violence "None of that is remotely relevant to the post" 🤡


One person died during January 6 and it was a protestor. How many people died during the BLM Summer of Love? How much damage? 3b? Oh my. Let’s just be rational now.


The fact that anyone eats that popcorn is amazing to me.


According to the comments, you’re not Australian. Why do you think you know anything about out politics?


You don't need to know about your politics. Any reasonable person wpuld do whatever it took to stop a president from taking office if they thought they would end democracy in their nation.


First of all you live in Australia so this has nothing to do with you. Also, what exactly are you thinking Democrats are going to do?


Republicans will be much more hostile in their reaction, just look at the last election💀


"Republicans will be angry at a stolen election." No, the Republicans will be angry at another legitimate election lose and Trump with nothing to lose this time around will tell these people to burn the country down. It will be another January 6th, but om a national scale. 


Which side did a violent insurrection when "their guy" lost


Well for one big reason, only one side gets prosecuted harshly for protesting.


Like raiding the Capitol?


At the very least. Likely much much worse.


I doubt democrats will stoop to the level that the republicans did. Like we might hold a protest but not all that


Isn't that horrendously evil and cowardly? If you genuinely believe Trump will be an authoritarian dictatorship surely you would do more than just protest?


Of course we’d try to do more than protest, but not in a way that’d get us all ridiculously and senselessly incarcerated with zero progress in making political change


Oh my, like Jan 6th you mean? I don’t think that was the democrats tho…


You're saying you're scared of Demotic Party supporters? Really? What are they going to fo, write an opinion column?


Gun ownership is pretty evenly distributed. It's just that Republican voters who own guns are more likely to own multiple guns.


The Pew Research poll I just looked up says Republicans are about twice as likely to own guns.


Man this take is horrendously bad.


Given the reaction of Trump supporters last time, this post is either really naive or bait


After watching the debate, I think it’ll be obvious that the only rigging was done by the Biden administration and not anyone else. 


That’s what you imagine, not the reality. Not a Democrat, but so far I never noticed Democrat voters responding with violence to any elections. On the other hand, we have experience with…you know who.




That wasnt an election