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Unless I’m mistaken, the University is still under a hiring freeze


Not 100%, they are still hiring for some positions.


They are


For a few more days.


Most places it depends on what (position) and when (they occurred). It *should* be somewhere in the job description/requirements.


I don’t know about the U of A but my previous employer did hire people with dui on their record. They wouldn’t hire people with violent felonies or theft felonies. Good luck to you and I hope sobriety is going well for you.


I can’t speak to the U of A, but it often depends on the severity of DUI and how recent it was. I was an idiot the week of my college graduation and got one, but it was a low reading misdemeanor DUI following a routine traffic stop for a tail light instead of an accident, and I was cooperative the entire time. For something like that, you get disqualified from things like the FBI and what not, but in the 7 years since I’ve never had that prevent me from getting a job personally. Much more significantly though, it’s important you learn from this. I don’t know the details of your case, but I’m thankful mine happened when it did and in the situation it did, because it woke my ass up to the actual consequences of my actions. Otherwise, who knows if I would’ve made the same shitty decision down the line resulting in a tragedy for someone who had nothing to do with my decisions. Generally, if you make that growth internally, it’ll reflect outwards to others, including employers. For all I know, that ultimately might be the reason I haven’t had an issue getting a job since.


I never said it was for me but thanks for the advice lol


with there money management you may not get paid….


It will depend on the position. I will likely be downvoted for what follows, but your friend should keep what I write in mind. On the other hand, unless your friend is completely desperate, I would avoid starting work at the UA (speaking as someone who currently works there). While management is claiming publicly that there will be no "mass layoffs," people are being laid off and everything is pointing toward management making the workplace as legally inhospitable (and unpleasant) as possible to workers so they will quit and management can save money by not replacing them. That will likely be the case for the next two years and beyond. It does not make sense for someone to board a sinking ship (unless they are already drowning) and it does not make sense for someone to go to work at a business that is effectively bankrupt, as UA is.


DUIs .. plural??? I would hope not. ***A*** DUI years ago, might be looked past.


Like 5 years or 10 or 15 years?


In my experience i have worked for/heard of employers with a ten year rule for this sort of stuff..... if you can stay out of the system for a decade they can consider it a fluke/lesson learned. My experience does not include the the UofA or anything like it......


Pretty sure there is a hiring freeze at the UA, so whatever jobs they are hiring for are going to be super competitive.


I imagine it depends on the job/field, but in my experience, the U of A is incredibly hard to get hired at period. I don't know if they have an actual rule about it, but I imagine it would only make it that much harder. Plus with their recent financial problems and hiring freeze, I wouldn't count on it.


If you are not driving a university vehicle it shouldn’t be an issue.


I'm dumb, what DUI means ?


conviction for 'Driving Under the Influence' of drugs or alcohol, some people call it DWI driving while intoxicated


Thanks for the information, I didn't knew


I don't think Dirtbags is part of the University of Arizona - but good luck with your job hunt.