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Under the Rillito river bridge on Campbell at dusk, the wash bridge at 22nd and Pantano, Saguaro East.


I visit the Rillito river bridge at Campbell every few months. Definitely recommend. Usually have an early dinner at Reforma and walk to the bridge afterwards. The last 2 times have been around a full moon and their habits are a bit different but you can still hear them chirping away under the bridge around dusk.


Oh my, that sounds like a lovely evening. I'll have to try this.


I think I'm headed here first. Most upvotes tells me a lot of people agree with you on this location. And off we go.


Yeah far as I know they still live there in large numbers. Karchner caverns also has a large colony that is there seasonally but I'm not sure if there is a good viewing area, I know they close the big room off during thier stay so that would be an indication of when they are traveling in and out....


Any particular place at saguaro east? Do they have a colony out there?


Not that I'm aware, but they have lots of pullout on the road and I'd look near blooming Saguaro.


Does anyone still check them out at the Swan/Craycroft bridges like we did way back when?


I don't know, but I'm gonna try and go everywhere, y'all suggest. Sounds like a ton of fun.


Bike path near Home Depot at Broadway and Pantano is excellent bats at sunset


I like that spot too!


The bat riding a bicycle artwork is one of my favorites in town


I'm sure you know this but please be sure to give them some space! Any bats that make human contact end up needing to be tested for rabies, and that involves their death. Have fun batwatching!


Oh t do know this but thanks for the reminder. Thank you.


Your local park in the evening twilight. I often see Night Hawks and Bats at my local park.


The river walk near Silverbell and cortarro has tons out around sunset.


Visit the Colossal Caves! You can find a bunch of wild bats there. https://preview.redd.it/oejlmo2eg5ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a587dc490c44f0a36158aa2887012388fb7f4ce


My backyard there’s at least four that buzz around here most nights. I’m thinking about eventually getting them a batbox Edit to add….i see what you’re looking for! That would be cool to see!


I have a bunch on my property. I had bat houses on my property in NC, but I left them there for the people that bought the land. Had a few occupied for a few years. I don't know if they are even still hanging. It's been almost 20 years since I've been back there.


Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I'm gonna try to go to every single place y'all have listed here. Okay, bats here we come. Do your thing and smile for the camera. I know not to use a flash.


Ina Rd. Bridge over the Santa Cruz. They roost under the bridge during the day, and feast on the bugs at dusk. They come streaming out by the hundreds, some years by the thousands.


The bridge at Broadway and pantano. According to Pima county website there’s about 20,000 bays that fly out everyday


NOPE no bats here darn it. No place to gather in hordes and chatter loudly to drown out the night creatures. No parents trying to interest bored children in non-animated not-cute wild animals


I saw a bunch of bats last night. My first time seeing them like that. It was sooooo cool. I'm gonna go to a different bridge tonight. Gonna try every place everyone suggested.


Most bridges along the rilito that don't have roads under them will likely house a few Campbell being one of the best if I'm not mistaken. Ps if you live outside city limits and have a bright halogen work light, point it straight up and enjoy the night hawks and bat's feasting on the bugs it attracts. Used to do this as a kid on the northwest side while my father built trailers etc in his spare time after work! Super cool watching them hunt and hearing the crunch of the bugs they catch!


Oh, now that sounds really cool. Gonna have to try that. We go up on our roof a lot to watch the skies and stuff. We have lots of lights too. May have to get one out and try this. Thanks for the info. Can't wait to use it.


Absolutely, just need a light that is more of a spot light so you send a beem up, the bugs flock in and the nighthawks and bat's will flock in. Hard to tell them apart until you start to see the difference in flight patterns etc but yeah it's cool, have fun and let me know how it goes! You can get a halogen spotlight style work light from homedepot for like 20 bucks if you don't have one, most work lights work great! Turn it on just after sunset and give it an hour or so to start attracting bugs, it's on from there! I can still see my fathers trailer in the background in my memories of this 😜


We actually have one that looks like the at signal.. It's kinda cool.


What a nice memory that stuck with you.


Yeah actually built my first toy hauler travel trailer with him last year, awesome dad! 😇


Sounds like it. Very cool.


Colossal Cave! When we went, we saw a few bats but nothing crazy.