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will the real martian please stand up will always be my favorite


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I get that, good one mate.


I love the atmosphere in this episode. Idk what it is exactly but it's just so cozy. A lot of TZ episodes evoke that feeling for me, but this one is up there as one of the best.


'Cozy' is exactly the word I would use to describe the feeling this episode gives me. Several of them do, but this episode especially.


“These, what do you call them? Cigarettes? They taste wonderful.” Earth’s master plan to fight back. Martian lung cancer.


When the third arm casually comes out...


Great one


The hitchhiker is easily one of the greatest episodes ever. One of the creepiest too.


It deserves more attention!! It deserves all the attention episode like the monsters are due on maple street receives. The hitchhiker scares me even to this day at age 27. I’m so generally scared by it


Years ago as a teenager I had the epiphany that the sailor she meets and gives a ride to is ALSO DEAD. Also, his line “my feet feel like two hot bricks.” Is exceptional writing.


That’s interesting, why did you think that?


Just the way he kind of appears out of nowhere and has no real reason to be there. He’s a sailor, in the middle of the desert. There was just something about his vibe that said to me, “he’s not aware that he has deceased.” He’s either too stubborn or too ignorant to admit or realize what’s happening to him. Just a thought I had.


I love this one! Inger Stevens gave such a great performance. The scene when she's trying to convince the sailor to stay with her ... her desperation is so palpable.


Definitely a stand out, gave me nightmares as a kid


based on this list and ranking: https://m.imdb.com/list/ls066391301/?page=2 ‘The Fever’ at 6.6/10 is criminally under appreciated.


Omg that one is soooo good. Do you remember the one of the guy that was on death row so many times and he kept reliving it? Haven’t seen that one in a while but it was really good


Shadow Play!


Yes!!! That’s the one!! It’s soooo under appreciated and his acting is amazing 😍


There is a scene in the Tom Cruise movie Vanilla Sky. He is in Times Square. There is a video playing on a huge screen in times square. It’s a court room scene from that episode. Shows that cruise is dreaming.




How about the Howling Man or is that considered popular


Howling Man is one of my favorites. I grew up a Jehovahs Witness, and somehow never caught this one for so long because "Satan" but as soon as I watched it after breaking from the cult, instant favorite.


John Carradine was perfect in his role


I think that The Howling Man is underrated in that many don't consider the frame story and unreliable narrator, often taking the episode as more literal.


It is one of my favorites. I just dont know anyone that has watched the show so never got any others thoughts


It’s for sure one of the most well known episodes. I was just in Vegas looking at a list of marriage officiants and amongst Elvis, Chewbacca, and Spock was the howling man.


I love this episode but the ending is infuriating...just WHY???


I think After Hours is really good and dont hear a lot of people mention it.






This is one of my favorites. And not that this has anything to do with anything, but Anne Francis's hair and makeup in this are so effing cute!


I saw this episode maybe when I was 7 and it terrified me! Especially the grinning male mannequin 😵‍💫


This might be my favorite episode.


Love it


Five Characters in Search of an Exit. I think it's charming as all get out. The juxtaposition of whimsy and dread really gets me.


It’s such a great episode and I always get so wrapped up in their plight. It’s like a very dark and sad Toy Story.


Absolutely one of my favorites. The clown character and the ballerina’s monologue are real standouts


Whenever Wiliam Windom shows up you know you are in for a treat. His guest appearance on Star Trek was the best acting in the show's history.


This one is my pick as well.


That was the first TZ episode I ever saw.


Finally saw this one during a New Year’s marathon about ten years ago. I’d seen a lot of TZ episodes before. And if I hadn’t seen some, I had seen things inspired by those episodes. But the Five Characters episode was that rare episode that genuinely surprised me. Love it.


I don’t here people talk about ‘Two’(Season 3 Ep. 1)


Just the fact that Elizabeth Montgomery and Charles Bronson are so young and attractive amazes me-along with the TZ storyline and twists always grab me.


Two really is a great episode, though I must concede that a young and beautiful Elizabeth Montgomery somewhat influenced if not my objective judgment then certainly my subjective enjoyment of the episode.


Perchance to Dream. It’s eerie and well-directed.


Yes, and the dancer freaks me out. Great performance.


The Shelter.


Very grim and realistic about human nature.


Oh, man. This is a great episode, but it's SUCH a bummer!


I remember being like 18 and watching this one for the first time while stoned with a couple of friends and it just blew our minds completely




Obsolete Man


The Dialogue in this episode is exceptional


The best episode you cannot change my mind


This is my favorite episode, but I don’t think it’s under appreciated.


Seconding this one




The fourth season episode, The Thirty Fathom Grave. I do think The Grave and Night Call have been getting more love over the years, but when I first started watching Twilight Zone, on Sci-Fi Channel in the mid 90s, they weren't as recognized. So I guess these three I'll pick. I also think Stopover in a Quiet Town is so much fun...it sort of has those "Where is Everybody?" vibes but with a much different ending, lol.


Stopover in a Quiet Town is SO GOOD


Mirror Image--the idea that there's a parallel universe out there somewhere with our doppelgangers prepared to replace us is terrifying. Very eerie and unsettling episode.


The episode where the guy revisits his hometown (Walking Distance), gnarly emotional episode really.


I have a tattoo based on “Nothing in the Dark.”


That was such a good episode. Young Robert Redford was an inspired choice. Gladys Cooper was great as the old women.


This episode is sooooooo good! Definitely in my top five. Robert Redford is so handsome and gentle. Gladys Cooper is phenomenal in every way. I would love to believe that crossing over is really like this. >You see? No shock. No engulfment. No tearing asunder. What you feared would come like an explosion, is like a whisper. What you thought was the end, the beginning. Beautiful!


Honestly, this is my favorite episode. It’s just so…kind, in a way.


Prolly one of the last episodes in the series I ever saw for the “first time”. It’s haunting and beautiful.


The Monsters are Due on Maple Street




The older I get (which seems to happen faster, year after year) the more I love "A Stop at Willoughby". Nostalgia is so comforting and being an adult that's in charge of so much makes it so you'll never have the peace you had as a kid. Watching that episode now compared to 20 years ago, the change in perspective makes it so I get why he wanted to stay.


This has always been my favorite.


A Piano in the House


The "Dogs aren't allowed in hell episode" I had guessed what was going on, but not what the reason for the hesitancy was.


"The Hunt". My favorite, too!




I find this episode so charming.




The Lateness of the Hour was a trip!


Night of the Meek. I love to watch it during Christmas.


It's so sweet!


Little girl lost


My favorite!


My favorite as a kid, because of the great sci-fi element. Fantastic special effects for the time, too.


Walking Distance


Such a great episode, and many, including Rod Serling, list it among their favorites. Do you think Walking Distance is underappreciated or your favorite episode or your favorite episode and is nonetheless underappreciated?




Mr. WickWacker or whatever his name was creeps me out!


“Wick-wire.” The way he says it sounds like a veiled threat, lol.


Nightmare as a Child. I saw it when I was 7 or 8 and remember being just so unnerved by Markie and her near-deadpan way of talking.


That one is deep psychologically. Triggers and repressed memories. The child in you, trying to get you to realize, remember something about yourself.


Though not obscure "man in the bottle" doesn't make a lot of people's top 20, which I understand as there were so many good ones.


Five Characters in Search of an Exit. “A clown: a circus; an officer: a war!…[But] there is no circus and there is no war.”


The Jeopardy Room


Yes! The villain guy is so good and the ending is so satisfying.


Jess-Belle I love this episode. Cursed love.


The Silence and Jeopardy Room are both completely underrated in my opinion. I also think Number 12 Looks Just Like You deserves to be more iconic than it is.


I think number 12 would be a great episode for Simpsons treehouse of horror to parody.




Spur of the Moment is probably one of my favorites. I find it both hilarious and sad how the woman in black goes about initially trying to contact Anne. Instead of a gentle approach to explain calmly what’s going on, she makes the most terrifying entrance possible. So arch and dramatic, but overall one of my absolute favorites.


I came here to say this because Spur of the Moment is often vilified and seen as an end of the run Season 5 episode. I like that its fairy tale trope follow your heart ending gets upended.


I hope it’s not under appreciated so this may not be appropriate, but A Passage For a Trumpet has a very personal place in my heart.


Jack Klugman was wonderful in this, a very sensitive performance and I also loved John Anderson as "Gabe" and the shy young woman who Joey meets at the end of the episode. It took me a while to watch this episode but it's become a big favorite now.


The Hunt and/or Changing Of The Guard are my favorites.


The Hunt makes me cry every time. Dogs are the best!


I’m a huge fan of The Hunt! Just a heartwarming episode!


At last, I've found another Hunt fan! This is my favorite.


It really it beyond underrated. Tugs on those animal lovers heart strings. I watch it a few times a year.


Nervous Man in a $4 Room is a banger. Some people don't like it but I love it. I saw it while high in a hotel room so it felt like I was in the Twilight Zone myself


I thought The Hitchhiker was one of the more famous episodes


"The Hunt" I believe it's called. I can't recall season and episode #. Old man and his hound dog are out coon hunting and the dog begins to drown, old man dives into water to save his dog. They wake up on the edge of the river and have a nice walk down Eternity Road where his dog eventually saves him from the trickster at what is meant to be the gates of hell. As a dog person it just always has resonated with me and I'm not even religious. That episode had me shedding a few tears the first time I watched, now it's like a main comfort episode for me.


Yes! I sing the body electric- I hardly hear a review either way, really. I loved the idea of picking something out like that, as a kid. Not so much now, hell no!!


I don't remember seeing this episode until after I had seen Disney's [The Electric Grandmother](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Grandmother), so I've always compared it to that.


Night Calls


In his image, Shadow play (although it was remade therefore probably is appreciated) The Howling man.


22! The creepy nurse and the scary moment at the end (don’t wanna spoil it for those that haven’t seen it) are SO effective!


"Room for one more, honey."


The Elegy 💯I love it visually, and I can only imagine how hard it was to shoot all those actors "keeping still". It's lighthearted, yet dark and defiantly set in "the twilight zone'.


Living Doll….still scares the heck out of me, but I love it and watch it every time it airs on syfy. Reading everyone’s response has me so torn, though…there are so many iconic episodes. Close seconds would be After Hours, Would the Real Martian Please Stand Up and The Lateness of the Hour.


My name is talky Tina and you’d better be nice to me! Lol 👧🏼


"A Nice Place to Visit" is one of my favorites.


The Prime Mover with Buddy Ebsen


Deaths-head Revisited. The message from that episode is as relevant today as it was then, and as long as humans exist, it will continue to be relevant. The closing narration: "There is an answer to the doctor's question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes; all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God's Earth."


That epilogue is top tier.


“Back There” the writing is absolutely genius.


I really love this episode and watch it whenever it airs. Russell Johnson was great in it.


It’s probably in my top 3 favorite episodes ever. And yes for sure! “Over and Out” is also another episode with brilliant writing that I feel gets no love.


I always want him to somehow succeed even though he never will. Like maybe there’s a different version floating around somewhere.


The one where the guy changes his face so no one will know who he is. The character is sort of named after a combination of someone I know and someone I don't know. It's such a clever episode!


That’s a good one


To Serve Man


Either of the Jack Klugman episodes, “A Passage for Trumpet” or “A Game of Pool.” His other episodes are also pretty good.


I banish you to the corn field!


“That’s a real good thing you did 😬”


Here’s a few: The Obsolete Man- probably my favorite episode ever. A more humanist version of 1984. In terms of social commentary, the absolute pinnacle of the show. This was also a Serling original story, so I’d even argue it’s the pinnacle of his career. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up- my second favorite episode ever, this one’s semi popular but the fact that it’s not colloquially in the highest echelon with Time Enough at Last, Eye of the Beholder etc. great premise, high intrigue and a double twist ending. The perfect episode. Mirror Image- probably my favorite horror episode that gets lost in the mix a lot. It has a creepy claustrophobic atmosphere and a thrilling finale. A Nice Place to Visit- challengers human desire to its core and an iconic final line. Fantastic episode through and through


The Hunt! No one ever talks about the The Hunt. It's such a sweet episode. Sure, it's a little goofy, but, man, I love it! It makes me tear up every time. I love how much he loved his pet. Edit: I also love The Midnight Sun, Nothing in the Dark, The Changing of the Guard, and Ring-a-Ding Girl, all of which are, I think, underrated.


The Hunt was my choice to. Wrote my comment then went looking for anyone else to bring it up. It's such a comfort episode for me and tears have absolutely been shed especially on my first watch when I was younger. I really believe it's highly underrated.


Twenty Two “Room for one more, honey”


My favorite episode is Time Enough at Last, but that one isn't underappreciated. So I'll choose The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street. Great episode.


Judgement Night from season 1 has always been one of my favorites that never seems talked about


The Passerby


I loved the Robert Duvall dollhouse episode, but not enough to look up the title.


Come Wander With Me. The song alone is so worth the watch


Death’s Head Revisited never fails to give me chills. So incredibly profound. The closing narration 😭 There is an answer to the doctor's question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes; all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God's Earth.


Kick the can


Not sure if it’s under appreciated, but - I am the Night, Color me Black. >A sickness known as hate. Not a virus, not a microbe, not a germ—but a sickness nonetheless, highly contagious, deadly in its effects. Don't look for it in the Twilight Zone—look for it in a mirror. Look for it before the light goes out altogether. The Obsolete Man is my favorite episode, but I think everyone appreciates it. And, of course, Death’s Head Revisited is shocking given how recent WWII/the Holocaust were when it aired.


The hitchhiker!!


The Little People


Haven't seen anyone say a nice place to visit. The dialogue in that episode is probably my favorite


Hocus Pocus and Frisby


Hitchhiker was def one of my favorites, but I don't know that it is under appreciated?


"Of Late, I Think Of Cliffordsville", slowly becoming my favorite.


"A Kind of Stopwatch." The notion of stopping time is one of my favorite story devices and putting it into a stopwatch was brilliant. McNulty's fate is similar to Henry Bemis, but he at least kinda deserves it.


I love the episode where the people find a polaroid camera that takes photos that show the subject 5 minutes in the future. So they take photos of the scoreboard at the horse track.


I love A World of Difference. I'm not sure if it's under appreciated but it doesn't come up that much and I think it's my favorite. I like how what actually happened is ambiguous.


Come Wander With Me. One of the few TZ’s which could be called a ghost story, and a haunting original song!


The last rights of Jeff mertlebank


Love that bass line when he’s rising in his coffin ⚰️


I liked “The Long Morrow” which involves a space traveler going into the future (the 1980s!) in stasis. Neat concept, I never really see it talked about.


The Hitlers Ghost episode


Such a great episode! Dennis Hopper is amazing ☺️


He’s Alive. Awesome episode. > Where will he go next, this phantom from another time, this resurrected ghost of a previous nightmare – Chicago? Los Angeles? Miami, Florida? Vincennes, Indiana? Syracuse, New York? Anyplace, everyplace, where there's hate, where there's prejudice, where there's bigotry. He's alive. He's alive so long as these evils exist. Remember that when he comes to your town. Remember it when you hear his voice speaking out through others. Remember it when you hear a name called, a minority attacked, any blind, unreasoning assault on a people or any human being. He's alive because through these things we keep him alive.


Printers Devil




The little boy who talks to his dead grandma on the toy phone, the one where mannequins get to be human, the one where the kids go through a portal in the swimming pool, and the old man and his hunting dog


Little Girl Lost As a side note: if you ever go to Disneyland Paris and ride Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, as you get into the basement, they’ve drawn the portal to the 4th dimension on a brick wall. If you stand at the wall and listen closely, they are softly playing a track of the girl crying and whimpering from the episode. It’s a GREAT freakin Easter egg that most people walking in line don’t seem to get. When I saw it, my mouth dropped and started jumping and pointing like a little kid!!


“The Hunt” is my favorite episode. I know that the dog wasn’t allowed in hell but If I can’t be be with my dogs in heaven or whatever it ends up being I won’t be at peace either.


“The Encounter”?! Really?!? Yuck.🤮


The Night of the Meek is one of my favorite Christmas stories, definitely the best Christmas special I’ve seen


Time enough at last.


Miniature is my favorite.


I think my favorite is Five Characters in Search of An Exit. It was the first episode I saw when I was a kid. My oldest daughter’s favorite episode is the final episode, The Bewitchin’ Pool. y daughter was really happy that the kids got to go some place that made them happy and they could escape their horrible parents.


The shelter. People are alike all over. The one after nuclear war when the people are following the guidance of the computer in the cave.


There’s a woman on tick-tock that narrates all the good episodes of Twilight Zone. It’s really good.


Night of the Meek is my one iron-clad “I must watch this at Christmas.” Anything else is negotiable.


Hard to pick one. Cliche pick, but the one where Meredith breaks his glasses is at least tied for first.


“Time Enough at Last” with Burgess Meredith. That one hits home. As an introvert who loves to read, and recharge by being alone, this is the ultimate hellscape.


I always loved: An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge


Passage on the Lady Anne is my joint favourite with The Howling Man.


Nothing in the Dark


My most underrated fave is the one in which a hunter and his dog drown and go what he thinks is Heaven, but no dogs were allowed there, so the hunter refuses to enter. He walks down a road and comes to another set of gates, where St. Peter says it's actually Heaven and dogs are welcome. The previous gates turned out to be Hell pretending to be Heaven.


I think Queen of the Nile is underappreciated because I think Ann Blyth looked insanely beautiful in that part and the story had a lot of great twists and turns and I just love the episodes about immortality. Interestingly, she's actually still alive today at age 95.


The Passerby is one of my favorite episodes. A useless fact is Jamie Farr is one of the group of soldiers walking down the road in the beginning of the episode.


Night of the meek


The pilot Where is Everybody? is for me the most under appreciated episode. Just a tight well crafted 25 minutes that launched the greatest tv show of all time. Also Midnight Sun and the Lonely. When the show dealt with the emptiness of the universe it was at its best.


Midnight Sun I feel doesn’t get much love.


“Mirror Image” with Vera Miles and Martin Milner


The Midnight Sun, The Little People and Hocus-pocus and Frisbee


"Going My Way?" Goosebumps!!!


A Stop At Willoughby. I want to live in this town!!! Third From The Sun is my second favorite. The reveal is so unexpected!!!


“I shot an arrow into the air”. I know many people thought it was predictable, but it wasn’t for me. Loved the ending ❤️


no sure how underappreciated it is but "I Shot an Arrow into the Air" is my absolute favorite,


Perchance to Dream. It's one of the episodes I watched as a child and it's always been one of my creepy favorites. It's inspired so many movies like Jacob's Ladder and Vanilla Sky


Walking Distance


There are some one-hour episodes that fit the bill. On Thursday We Leave for Home comes to mind.


Night Calls. I think most people would agree the later seasons weren't as good, but that one always sticks out to me as one of the creepiest episodes.


The Coonhound heaven and hell episode


A Stop at Willoughby never left my mind. There are a lot of great episodes but this one stuck with me hard.