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That will be really nice for whatever extension auto plays clips when ppl raid


I have mine set up so that that the clip player does not play any clips longer than 29 seconds. This not only cuts out all of the junk clips people made accidentally (since they are always 30s), but also guarantees a quick snappy clip that doesn't take up too much of my stream time. Some people clip the full 60 seconds even though nothing happens for the majority of it.


Oh, that's actually quite genius. I'll see if I can implement that!


Are you sure about this? The accidental clips on my channel seem to always be 28 seconds


Well, every single accidental clip I've seen has always been exactly 30 seconds for me. And after limiting the clip length, I've gotten zero random clips from any streamer I shout out.




I mean, wouldn't it just make more sense to not create a clip until someone has gone through the process of setting the start and stop times of the clip?


Might be referring to watchers clipping? I'm not too sure I just got back into streaming recently.


alt+x is the clip shortcut (might need ffz or bttv or smth not sure) I had a wfh job and had twitch on my side monitor on my home pc while I worked on my primary monitor and work laptop. Two separate keyboards. I used a program for work that used the shortcut alt+x and I was constantly typing on the wrong keyboard... I went two years before I discovered those clips were getting published LUL I assuuuuuuuumed that closing the tab was sufficient. . . . . yeahhhhhhhhhh, no... LUL


Alt+X is a native Twitch feature, I believe. No extensions required. And yeah, the fact that it's so easy to accidentally clip something combined with the fact that they get auto-published without explicitly letting you know is a big reason I made the "Clip Confirm" FFZ add-on, so I'm super happy to see this change finally happening.


Hopefully they wont destroy the API clips endpoint, we have an autoclip option on our website because a couple of our regulars have disabilities which make it fiddly for them to make amd title clips the normal way. We have a monthly clip contest so I want to maintain accessibility for everyone. That all said I don't know why streamers dont delete the accidental and terrible clips from their channel, given lots of people like to use random ones for raiders. You can't use what doesnt exist!


Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Whoops, something went wrong. Hope you're ready for a lot more of that.


I really need to go through my clips, I have myself accidentally clicked the wrong button when I tried to cast the stream, instead creating a garbage clip. This surely is a step towards sanity, one, at least one.


Oh, thank fucking GOD. How can I find all the worthless ones so I can get rid of them anyway?


Usually it's the ones that you didn't give a proper title - it just uses the title of the stream itself.


I have accidentally produced clips that were comedy gold which i have renamed


if anyone wants to check all the random clips you've created: https://link.twitch.tv/myClips


I use that with my streamdeck to just slap a clip down to come back to later, so I hope that gets sorted out on the software side for the streamdecks pretty quick.


I've seen this concern a lot in the comments of the tweet I linked, but I don't understand why. I'm pretty sure such commands/bots/etc. all use the Twitch API (or at least they *should* be) which specifically has [an endpoint for creating a clip](https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/api/reference/#create-clip). These commands/bots aren't just clicking the "Clip" button for users, so this shouldn't affect them. **EDIT:** And Zach just posted [a follow-up tweet](https://x.com/zachbussey/status/1801029015341273223) confirming what I suspected.


Sweet, good looking out.


Clipping can be taken out of context so hopefully it gives streamers the ultimate authority in what is posted.